
Ascension Quotes

There are 866 quotes

"A massive transition that is going to be so beneficial, causing a whole new beginning, a spiritual awakening, and an ascension of who you are."
"You're ascending, be compassionate with yourself."
"You're ascending and learning at a rate of knots."
"In his infinite wisdom and knowledge, he foresaw that the only path forward for humanity rested upon him ascending to the same level as the primordial four."
"The minute I talk about Ascension, people say I'm spraying opium everywhere."
"Humanity is currently ascending, thanks to magic, perhaps all the way to godhood."
"The first Sumerian stories involving the Anunnaki are actually ascension texts."
"The innate spiritual abilities that we all have to attain our rainbow light body, to attain our resurrection body, our glory body, and to ascend into the celestial realms and join all the other ascended beings."
"This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."
"The skill of connect is simply that you are going to now really start understanding that when it comes to this process of ascension into the fifth dimension, the body is already there and can teach the mind so much."
"We are absolutely making it through this time period. Humanity is ascending to a higher level."
"Your connection is a higher dimensional experience, a path of ascension to come out of this plane of duality."
"The conclusion leads us to believe that God simply took all three up to the heavens."
"The eclipse season ahead is going to be an extremely powerful time for soul-level healing, ascension leaps in consciousness, and life-changes that will permanently alter your path ahead."
"These star people, these souls from the spirit world, they're all coming in to help with the awakening of humanity and the ascension of humanity."
"That is the only way out of this third density realm... to activate the heart and get into the heart."
"I'm here to help you guys ascend, raise your vibrational frequencies, and return back home to our natural states of life and love."
"This connection is going to ascend, rise up, like a heavenly connection."
"You're shifting out of this just Earthly 3D Matrix and you're going to a higher Dimension because you're connecting more with your higher self."
"In this chaos, remnants of my order like me found an opportunity to climb the ladder, replace those who failed to survive."
"You've gone through a very big ascension or are in the middle of a very big ascension."
"Keep going, keep breaking ancestral curses, keep healing, keep ascending."
"Remember, Jesus died for you, Jesus rose again, Jesus ascended to heaven."
"People are moving into higher timelines physically; the paradigms will be shifting."
"Those upon whom the spirit of life will descend... will be worthy of greatness."
"Someone will come in and meet you on that new ascended level."
"Revival of energy, ascension, uplifting each other, healing of inner child."
"That’s the story of a human-monkey who has ascended in more ways than one."
"The priority is to meet Allah. It is appropriate that as he's going up, he's going up directly to meet Allah."
"This is the year, I believe, that humanity has the opportunity to start to ascend, to go to a higher vibration."
"Christ's ascension is our own ascension, our body has the hope of one day being where its glorious head has preceded it."
"Jesus to Mary: Don't hold onto me, I must ascend, I'll be closer to you than ever before."
"I knew it was ascension, but I'm just under watching her."
"Ascension is not a game, it's deep soul level work."
"Ascension takes that feeling of a communal fear to a massive scale."
"Aurora ascended to become an elder dragon and rose into the heavens, chasing away the shadows of a war-torn world."
"That's a rapture right there... ascended up to heaven in a cloud."
"Something good is happening right on the nick of time. Perfect timing, ascension, serendipity."
"Your connection isn't just about loving each other; it's about spiritual ascension."
"We're here to shift the collective from 3D to 5D. That's why we're here. And the way we do it is very unique, we each have our own way of doing it."
"Cry out to the father, it's time to ascend, it's time to level up."
"He will come in the same way as you just watched him go into heaven."
"A time for optimism, ascending into a humanitarian space."
"There's an Ascension happening for some of you, and I really feel that you're going to experience a lot of growth and expansion in your life."
"Ascension is your right and your responsibility, a pivotal step in your Evolution as a star seed."
"The universe is always clearing the path for you to ascend."
"Humanity has had the opportunity to step into our ascension process in a more whole and complete way."
"The Vimana flashed away into heaven beyond the stars like a thought leaving a golden Trail in the sky."
"Activate more of your mission and ascend your vibration in a powerful way."
"Welcome to your ascension, ladies and gentlemen."
"You've proven your worth once again, you have ascended."
"What you're going through is not Madness; it's a profound transformation known as Ascension."
"You are meant to ascend to a higher level than ever before in any other lifetime that you had."
"The strongest warrior in the universe will soon rise up."
"Ascension is happening now and we chose to come here for this time of ascension."
"The once helpless and hapless prince, is he now ready to claim his crown?"
"You made a one and three cut to be here and you made it because you have something to offer the ascension process."
"The solar system is a school, and we are on an Ascension path now which means that we rise in our form."
"Victory is assured. Many of you will be riding a chariot of Ascension and getting even closer to your goals by doing so."
"If you want accelerated ascension, you cannot be eating animal flesh whatsoever. Stargate ascension needs light."
"Allow lightness of being to take us upwards through the darkness into this bright new beginning."
"When you do connect with your ascended masters... they will give you the energy that you need... the wisdom that you need... the confidence that you need."
"You're truly ascending, you're moving in the light."
"Nobody in their right mind would have put their money on Baldwin IV ascending to the throne."
"Can you feel this? This is the shift, this is Humanity ascending to a new level, this is powerful."
"Ascension, reaching high, definitely on top of things in 2024."
"To be an exalted human on the earth, you wear the robes of Christ."
"You're gonna grow a lot, you're going to ascend a lot."
"We have the chance to ascend into that higher mind space."
"When this world starts to become soulless, it's because your spirit is like, 'Yo, we've been volunteering, and it's time for us to ascend.'"
"Everyone in this ascension, every single soul has to make a soul level choice to ascend or not, so free will is at play."
"China is ascending to the top whether we like it or not."
"Clearing out all these old stuck negative energies that we no longer need, we can Ascend."
"We change, we change our outfit because we are about to ascend to a greater place of power."
"This is ascension and forward movement in your life."
"You're experiencing a spiritual ascension, welcome to a new dimension."
"Happiness is an internal thing, just like the Ascension, right? You can't buy happiness, I guarantee you that."
"This is an Ascension, it's not a descent, it's a rising."
"Somebody's leveling up to royalty, somebody's being crowned, somebody's about to get the throne."
"This is the time of rising; it's time of rising in the season."
"You're ascending to a higher level and you're becoming even more powerful."
"It's a breakdown before the breakthrough. A major shift is in progress, dissolving barriers and ascending."
"If, however, the thought be of a spiritual nature, if it be tinged with love and aspiration or deep unselfish feeling, it will rise upwards from the mental plane and will borrow much of the splendour and glory of the buddhic level."
"Manifesting to our eyes the first faint flutter of one at least of the twin wings of devotion and wisdom, by the use of which the soul flies upward to God from whom it came."
"Since then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God."
"Heaven opens and Jesus ascended into heaven seated at the right hand of the Father."
"Ascension, flames merge with life light, ignite keys and codes."
"Every person on this earth will connect and will ascend maybe in a different way than the person right next to you."
"Jesus has returned to heaven and so I don't think of him as a human with human limitations."
"He saw a ladder from Earth into heaven."
"We too might rise to live on a new plane altogether."
"And the Lord conceived love for him and received him that he should behold the uppermost dwellings."
"Something about rising, about being up, this is Ascension here."
"The church that's about to arise will be more at home in the Heavenly realm than the Earthly."
"The story of how Victor Von Doom ascended to the God Emperor of Battleworld."
"Ascension: Your spirits are joined on a higher level."
"After being completely consumed by Flames, Hercules' Spirit ascended to heaven."
"You guys are supposed to come into Ascension together, do great things, raise the vibrations."
"God is actually teaching us how to ascend into the heavens, how to engage his desires and to shape reality, and to govern from above."
"You're going to ascend. We go up very, very high each time we go through these situations."
"The overwhelming majority of people are going to rise in their Consciousness and they're going to float up into 5D."
"You are ascending; it is all happening for you and your highest good."
"As twin flames, we are here to ascend and help others do the same."
"It's about transcendence. It's about rising up, it's about ascension."
"You are ascending spiritually, ascending in how you feel."
"This is your crucifixion; let it become your resurrection and ascension."
"No man have ascended up into heaven at any time but he that came down, that's right."
"Somebody has ascended somebody has ascendant this is beautiful this is beautiful"
"You would have ascended a lot...there is no rush."
"We're in 2024 by design for us to elevate, for us to ascend, for us to come to a higher level of beingness."
"We get 111 and go, 'I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be' and be challenged to ascend."
"All right, now that things are like this, Haniel must become the empress."
"Then with a great rush of vulture-like wings, he soared into the stars, dwindling, dwindling among the play of the flaming fires and the lights of the haunted skies."
"You are very close to Ascension if not already ascending."
"He's able to actually ascend to Super Saiyan God this time."
"Ascending masters are watching over and guiding you."
"Paul says you want to know the power of God? I will give you the ultimate demonstration of the power of God, and it's when He raised Jesus Christ from the dead and ascended Him to heaven."
"You're ascending, your intuition is getting stronger."
"You've already ascended past this point, and you have the free will to go back if you want to, but I just feel like there's more in the future for you."
"The ascension is actually just as important as the resurrection. Why? Because unless I ascend, the Spirit will not come."
"Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven."
"At the time of Ascension, two white-robed men suddenly stood among them and said, 'Why are you standing here staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will return from heaven in the same way you saw him go.'"
"So then the Lord Jesus after he had spoken to them was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God."
"You are rising in 2024. Let yourself ascend to new heights."
"If a mortal wishes to ascend, they must first pass a test of the will of the earth."
"Your ascension is assured, Scorpio. You've got everything that you need already."
"In a simple way, Ascension means that your physical avatar or your body... begins to ascend."
"Decrease fear. The calmer you are, the faster you get through the Ascension symptoms."
"Coconut water is extraordinary during Ascension symptoms... it balances your electrolytes."
"Christ did not enter a sanctuary made with human hands, but he entered heaven itself, now to appear for us in God's presence."
"The splendors of the guarded city only continued as one ascended."
"Celebrate the journey because you have ascended."
"There's an Ascension here in 2024 for you in the love department."
"Ascension is not transcendence, it's completion. It's coming into wholeness."
"You're ascending, the rising star. That's what this is, you're a rising star."
"Dragon is a service to those in need, his acts are benevolent and not self-serving. Dragon assists humans on their Journey towards Ascension."
"...if one wants to truly ascend they must raise their level to the highest to the point that one has the strength to end a so-called God."
"In the light of the death of Christ, the resurrection of Christ, the exaltation of Christ to the right hand of the Father in the ascension..."
"When you're truly baptized in your heart, you will ascend into Heaven too."
"Queen Marika ascended to godhood and reigned over the lands between."
"It is time to ascend. You must claim your energetic independence, cut the cord to lower vibrations."
"To embrace this power, to join the ranks of the ascended, you must be willing to let go of your physical forms."
"Your vibration is being ascended right now, and you're being able to see patterns and synchronicities."
"Ascension is the conscious participation in our own Evolution."
"You cannot separate the concept of embodiment from the first wave of Ascension; they are one in the same."
"The more that you can clean out, the more your light quotient goes up. You're technically ascending."
"The top six Ascension symptoms that are occurring right now in these new energies."
"A story of Ascension with his amassed riches this man paved a path to the Zenith of the mafia hierarchy."
"The more you're ascending, the more demons, but then also the more protection you're going to have."
"Moving up into heaven is moving from the quantity into the quality."
"Should a mortal reach the peak despite the brutal climate and the deadly wildlife, either they die from exhaustion or the celestial Gods deem them worthy and they become an ascended aspect."
"He who descended is also the one who ascended far above all heavens."
"There is a light that is lit right now today. Your light has come on, and you are having some sort of spiritual Ascension today."
"The crucifixion, resurrection, and Ascension are key events in Christianity."
"Spirit is calling you to ascend, to grow and develop spiritually. Pushing towards spiritual Ascension."
"I do know that the story that we read out of Matthew is true that Jesus indeed is risen from the dead has ascended into heaven and is coming again to receive us unto himself."
"Lorgar’s ascension to a Daemon Prince of Chaos Undivided within the Immaterium."
"Jesus Christ set down on the right hand of the Father."
"It is done. You have let go of that which made you mortal. Your ties to this world are severed. You are ready. Be a god."
"My people's ascension as the rulers of the stars, one must acknowledge our struggle in facing the primordial intelligent beings spawned from the foundational energies of the galaxy."
"Some claimed that he had ascended bodily into heaven."
"The Ascension signaled our Lord's sending of the Holy Spirit."
"It marked the beginning of our Lord's preparation for our heavenly home."
"The Ascension guarantees the Lord's return."
"The Ascension is the ultimate event in the life of Christ because glory is the ultimate goal in the life of Christ."
"Ascension is not about absence or distance but about rule and sovereignty."
"Jorno ascends to the full gang star status as leader of Passione."
"...overwhelming peace come over me like I'd never had before. Things went black, then I was ascending above and saw the city below next to me."
"I want you to picture with me for a moment that marvelous scene on the Mount of translation when Jesus is taken up into the heavens."
"I feel like we are reaching the peak of Peak, we are reaching Peak Peak, and I don't mean that in just like the glazy way or whatever. I also mean that in the sense that like we are literally ascending to the narrative peak of this arc."
"It's not Jesus going away as I heard several times over this ascension tide. It's not we are in Jesus and we tumble in together into the center of the Trinity."
"But the Ascension life is entirely different. The Ascension Life, there's not a toil there."
"Say it now! Say I'm ascended, I'm co-seated right now with Jesus in the Heavenly realms."
"Ascension helps bring you into a place of Soul prosperity."
"During ascension, we’re basically incorporating a higher SPECTRUM of consciousness into our everyday Earthly awareness."
"When we talk about the ascension of planet Earth, we often are talking about the return of the divine feminine."
"Should a mortal reach the peak despite the brutal climate, they become an ascended aspect."
"Do not cling to me. I have not yet ascended to the Father."
"He raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies."
"We are reaching a new phase of life and everybody is ascending to a higher dimension."
"A larger storm was brewing as Ricky's star ascended with the musical revolution he found himself thrust into the glamorous world of fame."
"When Jesus ascended, everything he was and everything he did is detonated into the whole world."
"We're all vibrationally getting higher and it's going to protect us when the Earth changes are happening."
"Climbing a mountain in the realm of the spirit symbolizes going higher with God, even if it means being alone sometimes."
"You have ascended on high, you've led captivity captive, you've received gifts among men, even from the rebellious, that the Lord God might dwell there."
"Jesus ascended on high, led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men."
"Jesus ascended on high, giving and receiving gifts."
"And then he ascended into heaven and for the first time ever I realized that that was a bodily ascension."
"Nothing can deceive you, Leo. Spirit's helping you with a bright future as well. Let yourself Ascend to these new heights."
"David saw Christ ascending physically into heaven."
"We're going to pray now the second mystery of Glory is the Ascension of Jesus into heaven, that's the fruit of the mystery of the Ascension, is to pray for hope."
"Jesus Christ won the victory and he ascended to his throne of glory."
"The Christ leads the soul up again to its primordial home ... that is the bliss and the blessing in the actual experience of Christ in the human soul."
"Your spirit will eventually ascend into that realm."
"The way up is down, the way into the glory is the cross."
"The Vedic worlds are the higher heavens and the highest heaven."
"You're ascending, you're being called back to this ancient power. You could be from India."
"Christ has died for you, and you can climb the ladder up to the heavenly realms."
"First you must arise. If you don't arise, then the glory of the Lord cannot rise and shine upon you."
"Enoch's Ascension sheds more light on ancient divine and heavenly mysteries."