
Incentives Quotes

There are 936 quotes

"The token system works to better align the incentives of the individuals with the overall system."
"Incentivizing law enforcement is both destructive and dangerous."
"Communities both small and large have been irreparably harmed by the idea that cops are offered perks or promotions with the expectation that they write more tickets or make more arrests."
"There should never be incentives to arrest people for specific crimes."
"You need some inequality to have innovation and create new businesses, to have the incentives that people need to continue to invent."
"If you just line up the set of incentives correctly so that people, in their purely selfish behavior, are contributing to the optimization of the global function, that's it."
"Incentives are super scalable... as long as you're not losing money."
"It's a shame that you're incentivized to upload as much as possible instead of focusing on the quality of your content."
"We felt that certain optional areas in Hell difficulty often get ignored, so we decided to increase their monster levels to add more incentives with risk versus reward gameplay."
"Every coin achievement to 60 gets a 9 out of 10, since it's good to incentivize the player to search for collectibles and secrets."
"Incentive structures we inhabit shift human action towards making rather than taking."
"We're working with donuts and beer and all sorts of incentives to get young people and people vaccinated who have been either hesitant, resistant, or just didn't want to take the step to get vaccinated."
"It is possible to create social media platforms that incentivize different things than the current."
"The incentives of an open, decentralized system are superior to every other system in the world."
"If you truly want to level up to the next level of being a thinking human being who's not a sheep, understand this: everybody has incentives."
"Show me the incentive, I will show you the outcome."
"Imagine if we change the incentives. Imagine if the incentive was to be constructive."
"Why not give most, if not all, of that funding to the parent and let them figure it out? That's the only way I think you get out of this so that the school actually has an incentive from the bottom up to cater to the needs of families as opposed to the other way around."
"The main difference is one of incentives. In the private sector, the schools and every business understand that their customers can take their money elsewhere. When it comes to the public school teachers' unions, they get your money regardless of whether they open their doors for business."
"If you understand the incentives of human nature, you can build a successful system."
"The basic principle of economics is that people respond to incentives."
"Norway has one of the lowest maternal mortality rates in the world. And how much do you have to pay for this clearly excellent care? Well, alongside public healthcare being free, new parents are actually paid to have babies."
"A society that does not prize and treasure and cherish and burnish self-control is a society that incentivizes men not to take part in it."
"Well-designed systems and good cultures might be able to mitigate some of these problems, but it's very hard to eliminate this incentive mismatch entirely."
"Incentives are everything. So why not create incentives that drive the smartest people to want to actually work [in public service]?"
"I think the idea of creating a better set of incentives and systems and severely limiting terms [in politics] is an interesting one."
"Tides of War is essentially... like an Overwatch season or a Fortnite season... a great incentive for both new and returning players."
"Screw up your incentives and you can break things pretty quickly."
"Modern society incentivizes people to be narcissists."
"Show me the incentive, I'll show you the outcome."
"You're already shopping at your favorite stores, so why not save money while doing it?"
"If you reward something, you get more of the behavior you want."
"If we get 15,000 likes on this video within the first day then I upload again tomorrow and then from there we just keep going up and up and up until I feel like y'all f*ck with me basically."
"So you didn't think that that would be incentive and that all the writers that you were trying to convince to continue to write on your platform, you don't think that them hearing that money is good enough incentive when they realize that."
"If you want them to not have abortions then incentivizing them to have the baby is a really good way to reduce abortions."
"If you keep voting Conservative then they'll, uh, liberals will have absolutely no reason to support you. You have to keep incentivizing them."
"It's 100 000 points, it's literally free money."
"If you want to unlock sleeves on Arena and also some MTG oh value, then these drops are definitely something that you want to get your hands on."
"Affordable is nice but actually being paid to live someplace can be even better."
"There is no reward... except for the social incentives."
"Corporations respond to incentive structures."
"Keep up the good work and I think we can start discussing bonuses soon."
"I'm sure there was a way to translate the memes into getting people into seats, but it probably would have taken some kind of incentive."
"They reward you, they make sure that the D5 technology is owned by its users itself."
"The earlier you get on, the more you get rewarded, right guys?"
"Games where like, like us on Facebook and get five blue gem."
"The Dutch Empire: encouraged migration by giving free land."
"If this video can get over 7,000 likes I will let you guys pick out the next mystery box on eBay."
"It's amazing when you offer food what people are willing to do."
"If you leave a like right now, I'm gonna be hooking you guys up with some rare skins."
"When you're nice to the players, they have more incentive to spend on your game."
"Let's do this. Everyone right now, drop a like for some free skins."
"If we could hit 50 likes playing this game, guys, we'll start some giveaways right after this."
"Prediction markets incentivize those with expertise about a given topic to come forward and trade, and actively disincentivize people who don’t know much about the subject from trading."
"What Ben Carson is talking about is that the welfare system incentivizes bad behavior and since they're more black people disproportionately in poverty they are more likely to be affected by those bad incentives."
"It's a really great time to do this, not only to get below the inflation reduction act EV credit thresholds but also to just drive awareness that that's even a thing, right?"
"Deposit 100, they'll match it. If you deposit 50, They're Gonna Give You 50."
"You know what, if someone takes you up on this, I'll guarantee one first class upgrade."
"If you show me the incentive, I will show you the outcome."
"The incentive of purchasing this Donald Trump collectible is not for the art it's because if you purchase you may have have a chance to get on a zoom call with him or have dinner with him or go golfing with him even."
"If this slide gets a thousand likes we'll put a wax strip off him straight away, that's a guarantee."
"These L1s are also actively incentivizing usage and development on their platforms."
"Finally, we have in our possession a way to reward studios."
"Give me incentive to do them. Not just to get random stuff, but if they designed a whole nother armor set that you got from that kind of stuff I think that'd be pretty do."
"People are going to be incentivized, starting incentivized all sorts of tasks and things that weren't even games before are going to start turning into games."
"Capitalism is basically as a decentralized incentive system incentivizing All Humans should both do novelty search figure out new ways of making money and exploitation take the existing ways and do the most of them that you can."
"There needs to be just as much of an incentive financially for someone to make kid-oriented content as any other type of content."
"I think the government did have an incentive to lie."
"Apple recently partnered with Singapore to reward healthy behaviors."
"If I don't give out two hundred thousand robux today, I want everybody to unsub, my donuts, some yeah."
"The simplest way of putting it: what you tax decreases, what you subsidize increases."
"It requires policy. It requires market incentives."
"Hopefully the incentive program is going to be a first few steps towards regaining that trust with our community."
"You gotta give away free stuff, you know? That's how email marketing really works."
"Get 12 free stocks valued up to $36,000 with Weebull!"
"Men operate on incentives, just like everyone else."
"Twitch doesn't really have an incentive to make you discoverable to new viewers. Why would they?"
"One of the best ways to be on the forefront in energy is to incentivize clean energy."
"Every game played in the weekend League contributes to unlocking rewards in both the weekend league and division rivals."
"If this stream hits 2,000 likes, I'll show an early access model."
"El Presidente announces a new snitch for cash program. Report something suspicious today and you could win fabulous cash prizes."
"If I hit 10,000 likes, then I'll buy this guy's cameo."
"Literally just by getting to level 99 this season you earned 300 free v bucks, which is pretty much a third of the way to getting yourself that season 4 battle pass."
"Always give people a reason to subscribe to your channel."
"Show me the incentive, I will show you the outcome." - Charlie Munger
"They're called nutria and they're so bad that the state is actually paying people $6 a tail just to kill them."
"Their incentives are not to be accurate because they won't get the contract again."
"Executives are paid too much... Are you creating programs that incentivize your executives?"
"Sometimes hitting them in the pockets makes positive changes."
"I think what we have to do is just shift the incentives."
"Encourages repeated playthroughs too because when you beat the game you get double experience in double AP for your materia."
"I don't actually don't see an incentive for uh Jewish people to want to have get legal immigration I don't I don't think there is such an incentive."
"Show me your incentive and I'll show you the outcome."
"More people are waking up to this. It's more just about creating incentive structures and architecture within the media system."
"Systems don't work that way; you have to get the incentives right."
"This would be a game-changer for the level of incentives necessary to help get these homeless people off the street."
"It's hard to fix human systems without fixing human incentives."
"If you want to completely free stock now worth all the way up to a thousand dollars use the link down below in the description and sign up for public"
"The Netflix Castlevania series was a resounding success."
"Florida is hiring the best of the best and offering bonuses for good police officers who want to come down here and do good work."
"The technology of digital currency creates counter incentives for harmful monetary policies."
"If somebody offered me more money to stay home than to work I would stay home, wouldn't you?"
"If you're not using Rakatan, you're just leaving free money on the table."
"Hyperscape, a game so bad that they had to start paying players to play the [ __ ] game in the first place."
"They have to impress me, I get to take away up to 20 seconds off their times."
"Hey, these politicians would probably do anything to gain control over the Senate and a stimulus check wouldn't be too far off, would it?"
"The problem with voting like that is we don't have an incentive to do anything for us. There's no incentive to do anything because they know they got you."
"Battery recycling means less mining, potentially less cost, and less waste. Hey, governments, you want to speed this up? Let's pass recycling incentives."
"If we hit 1250 likes in the stream we'll give away 20 free memberships."
"Free rooks, everybody! You know, free rooks right now. Like and subscribe."
"Incentives-wise, the Russians have by far the most gain."
"There is nothing in this sport that is more kind, generous, and incentive-based."
"They will pay for a car for you. So, if you get enough sales with this program, you will get $2,500 a month towards a car."
"There's a reason why they offer subscribers the ability to sprint at level one."
"Incentives that can be done to incent the new generation to make it easier for woman to have children and to support the children I think would be very wise."
"Incentives matter. You show me the incentive, I will show you the outcome."
"I wish it didn't make that an option but the best incentive is that your friend could just punch you in the arm or something if you want to do a move in chess when you shouldn't have."
"Remember when I told you to sign up with my promo code microphone to get a 100 deposit match and then said this and if Kenneth gainwell gets more than 21.5 rush yards you could 3x your money."
"No one can leave the pool, last elite gets a hundred dollars."
"Find little ways to treat yourself and that will also motivate you to continue what you're doing."
"If you just join, you get a free item, it's really cool."
"The larger point is that he has all these incentives to keep performing badly."
"It's nice to get some real loot, like loot actually being an incentive in a looter shooter!"
"We'll do another giveaway at 900 likes, so smash the like button!"
"Every time you book, you want to book five so you can fly free, right?"
"Many businesses are saying that right now they're they're trying to entice people by giving them money by giving them free meals and even paying for trips."
"Why are you removing the incentive for an institutional or retail investor to care about sound financial principles?"
"The tax system can help you incentivize that." - Mariana Mazzucato
"The best incentive is no incentive, a distributed system with no incentive breeds natural alignment among stakeholders to maintain forward progress."
"Every single Friday night that I do a live stream, we're going to give something away."
"There's nothing shameful about the carrot on a stick."
"If you're paying me five billion dollars to do it, those terms become a lot more favorable."
"Check them out it may be a great opportunity for some customers and come in around the same price as a Chevy bolt as federal tax incentives drop from many EVS one state in particular has just doubled down on their own incentives."
"If you want to change things change the incentives and then they'll behave the way you want."
"Why not be part of it and earn while you're playing?"
"It's about incentives. When you tell people that you can come into the United States, they're going to believe you."
"With those stocks potentially worth all the way up to $1,600, so if you want the free stocks, use the link down below."
"If I don't find diamonds... I'm gonna give away a free hoodie..."
"Cities all over the world will pay you to move there and live there."
"I'm gonna be gifting skins to you guys that drop a like and subscribe."
"Health Advocate: $1,000 sign-on bonus, inspiring healthy behaviors through communication."
"Customer service representative sales: $3,000 sign-on bonus, addressing customer concerns."
"Our Common Sense plan will incentivize cities to speed up and lower the cost of building."
"What's my Common Sense plan? Well I'm going to give municipalities bonuses if they build more and penalties if they build less that's common sense."
"Paying people to get vaccinated... seems like it'd be the most effective."
"Businesses will often give you free money or free stuff just for signing up and trying them out."
"Incentivizing swapping... now I'm getting excited because that's a boost to the strategy of the game."
"Anybody who plays in the first month is going to get the 2017 Ford GT for free."
"We've done absolutely the worst thing we could do to stabilize the economy: we have incentivized people not to go back to work."
"I'll be giving away $10 gift cards for you guys, just by dropping a comment."
"Crypto is really ultimately all about incentives... in math we trust."
"Subscriber goals by the end of the year I obviously don't expect to get anywhere past 250,000 but as you can see here there's some pretty pretty tasty ones so"
"So if you want to help out all you need to do is subscribe and as a further incentive I'm doing a three hundred dollar giveaway in total"
"Watch the goddamn show so Miss Pat can get a G-Wagon."
"They'll give you the semblance of a piece of cheese for every time that you do a little trick... until you find a way around the cheese game."
"It's all about sustainability without penalty."
"Some fellas are eligible for, um, cash incentives."
"The perverse incentive surrounding the profitability of vaccinating everybody is worrying."
"If you watch this whole video without skipping you're going to get yourself any perm fruit that you want."
"With a price tag under $30,000 if you qualify for the maximum tax incentives, it really is pretty easy to understand why the Chevy bolt is currently the best-selling car in America with a plug."
"Russian authorities are offering volunteers huge sums of money, plots of land, and even premium places for their children in Russian schools."
"Thank you all for watching the video as always remember to like the video because one liked video is actually one Honus Wagner baseball card."
"The game actually rewards you with some of the premium cash shop stuff for achieving various milestones in the game as well."
"Finding the right incentives for hydropower and pumped storage development, and ensuring that it's done in a sustainable manner, is going to be critical to weaning the world off of fossil fuels."
"We need to re-incentivize a system to make it different."
"We need to realign the incentives of our health care system towards our own well-being."
"There's a real incentive there... to try to keep the city safe."
"Try adding incentives to your offer to make it more compelling."
"People love it when they hear that they're going to get paid up front."
"Tik Tok now has a creativity program with a strong financial incentive for creators."
"Feel free, feel free. Trivia for 1k likes, oh yes!"
"Double patriot points instead of 5% on each order towards your next order you get 10% right there on your profile..."
"Nectar: a bonus incentive for ants to protect plants."
"We really wanted to build something that helped incentivize playing of the raids."
"For completing this raid's meta achievement, they were rewarded with the Armored Skyscreamer."
"Magical scientist actually gives you a reason to do so."
"So does this mean that if I left and came back, I'd get these other things that are on here?"
"Heaps of really cool content, there's competitions, we've been giving away a stack of prizes, so if you're not part of the Facebook page, do yourself a favor."
"Give us rewards for winning a certain amount of consecutive games."
"If we're gonna try to give horses a better life that are already unfortunately in captivity especially animals that are living in rescue shelters or had prior abuse situations we need to give people an incentive to adopt them."
"If you want to encourage players to exhibit a certain Behavior, give them a carrot to chase."
"That would be just 7,500 after the incentive, yeah I mean you can't tell me this wouldn't excite a lot of car buyers."
"200 miles is livable I will tell you that and at 11,000 I mean after incentives that would be insane."
"These bonuses last 60 days from the creation of your account, so make the most of them."
"Make sure to use my referral code Shapiro to sign up, claim your data, and get paid for it."
"I offer a very generous discount for first-time customers."
"If you find something you like, you just keep it. Best of all, you get 20% off every order."
"If they win at racing events... they get to take home the prize money."
"Media has an incentive to overplay the virus."
"With the right incentives and right talent, technology can move pretty damn fast."
"Rare exotics, a fully fleshed out campaign, 2 new locations, a full new leveling system, incentive in every single activity."
"Forget about what I've been told, but based on the incentives and the things happening around me, what's likely to happen next?"
"When you have such terrible sick pay provision, you are actively disincentivizing people from staying at home when they're sick."
"If Mom wins the $500,000, we are going to Disney World."
"You don't owe us anything until you actually create success."
"The odds are very, very low that you're gonna get the final prize but the final prizes are much more enticing now than they have been for the past year."
"If I do it, you really have to give me a smooch."
"Smash that like button, you know what? Everybody who smashes that like button right now, no meme, no scam, no lie, we'll get a fresh strawberry cake delivered to your house."
"They have no disincentive to think long-term."
"I will not open this pack before 750 likes. Keep slapping the hell out of the like button!"