
Dependence On God Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"We don't know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."
"The spiritual experience of Martin Luther challenges us to remember that apart from God we can do nothing."
"To be completely dependent upon God and to desire to do His will and glorify Him are the basic principles of godly living."
"For this main purpose of going to God and say I need you, He loves to be needed. God, I need you."
"You can take everything that's going on crazy in your life all for the purpose of going to God and making the declaration of your dependence on Him."
"Without you, Lord, I can do nothing, so I depend on you."
"Let's stop believing that we can do without God, thinking it is enough to follow any creed we like in order to be saved."
"No matter how much you press into God, there are certain things you will never find on your own."
"We need God every day; the season should be 24/7, even if we make mistakes."
"God doesn't break you by bringing suffering to you. God breaks you by showing you that without him, you are nothing."
"My giving is a response to God's ability to take care of me. It is my declaration of dependence on Him."
"In these last days, it's not about how strong you are but about how dependent you are on God's grace to sustain you."
"You will not make it without God, acknowledge Him, trust Him, and wait on Him."
"We need Jesus more than we need the next breath of fresh air."
"Fasting teaches dependence upon God's presence and power."
"We worship none but Allah and we ask from none but Allah."
"I depend on the Lord and we need to get back to that place."
"God wants to bless us with the good things of life, but we should never let those things be the symbol that we have no need for Him anymore."
"Remember that we always need God, never become self-sufficient."
"Lord, remove everything I am leaning on that's not you, help me to see that you are enough."
"The father leaves the house and runs towards him to embrace him and welcome him back."
"Being born again means declaring ourselves bankrupt unless God changes us."
"No one can get anything unless it comes from God. He must increase, I must decrease."
"We come to you, Lord, because we have nowhere else to go."
"When we are poor in spirit, we recognize that without God we are nothing."
"God, today I need you. Your power, your presence, your spirit, your strength, your truth to help me do what you called me to do."
"Prayer is an acknowledgment of dependence on God. The church must be engaged on its knees."
"I need thee, oh I need thee, every hour I need thee."
"This then, is how you should pray, declare your dependence on God for your provision lest you forget."
"They have grown ahead of you because they got more humility and they got more dependence upon God."
"Your deepest need becomes a gift when it drives you to depend on God."
"So deep in my heart I say to myself, the Lord is all I need."
"I pray because I need God, and I know it."
"Lord, I need you, oh I need you, every hour I need you, you're my one defense, my righteousness, oh God, how I need you."
"Total dependence upon God means I'm totally dependent on God, not partially dependent on God and more dependent on myself."
"We are nothing without Him; I am what I am because of Grace."
"The Christian life isn't difficult, it's impossible unless God lives His life through us."
"You awaken me from death; God, I need you, no more walking by the flesh."
"You are my source, a life source; all things come from You."
"Depend totally on God, His power, and the work of the Holy Spirit."
"Man lives not by bread alone, but by every word that comes out of God's mouth."
"We have no hope apart from Jesus, and we have no strength apart from him, we have no joy apart from him."
"Living by vertical dependence, Faith, Delight in forgiveness, justification, Promises of future Grace."
"Prayer in itself is not the thing; it's about humbling yourself and recognizing your dependence upon God."
"Hope is found in a total dependence on God and God's grace."
"We can do nothing without Him, and when we learn that, then we are able to move freely and have the peace that we deserve."
"We are utterly dependent on God for whether we live or die or believe or don't believe."