
Inventory Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"A business which takes no regular inventory usually goes broke."
"It is an absolute necessity to have some sort of inventory system like this."
"Inventories hold the items to which we've collected endlessly throughout our journeys—every inventory holds a story."
"Inventory is a very important piece of accounting if your company manages inventory."
"We actually ended up with nearly a million steel bars, 360,000 Adamantite bars, and about 500,000 mithril bars."
"Let's go ahead and do scoreboard player and we'll take a look at our current resource we have 6,000 timber 7,000 treasure and 234 essence."
"I feel like we're finally getting a hold of the stock here."
"We were in full stock, even burger towels for once."
"What we are seeing at the moment is the world is running down its inventory of oil because we've got a combination of increased demand and very high prices."
"I think that overall this isn't such a bad thing for Amazon they're taking a problem which is excess inventory they're turning it into a solution which is another huge event and they're putting pressure on their competition."
"Suddenly, I had a stack of 16 meat and 10 wool."
"It's too much inventory and not enough organization."
"We don't have any long-term storage. So we're counting hundreds of ingredients every single day."
"The wonderful thing about decluttering is that kind of fresh in my mind I have an inventory of what I have."
"It is a beginner-friendly business model and what's great is that you don't have to hold any inventory yourself."
"Quick inventory: we have arms, we have legs, we have ice cream, we have ice cream cone. What's missing? How about these? No sprinkles."
"Oh, we're getting low on these now."
"I was just checking on inventory, I was making sure the cover was here."
"I don't even know if I have marshmallows left over."
"I've been trying to eat through the fridge and not have a big grocery shopping trip until I absolutely need it."
"Just how many Miras do you think we've got in here?"
"We wanted to give you a real-world perspective of what's happening on the ground with pickup truck inventories, pricing, what's popular, what's not popular, and some of the topics, some of the trends in the business."
"I had then only to begin my new job, to set sail in the subterranean holds and take stock of every soul in the place employees."
"People are buying things faster than they can actually move them around and create a display."
"Costco actually turns their inventory 12.4 times per year."
"You're never going to arrive at a perfectly organized world. It's a constant checking in with your systems and seeing how they're going and checking in with your inventory of stuff."
"I've got both plasma sites and the apprentek at despotech."
"Brand new again, you have no concept of how much new in box I see back here."
"We sold out of literally everything."
"Barcode scanners can quickly and accurately scan the barcodes on each product, which then connects to a software system that updates the inventory levels in real-time."
"We did regular inventory checks throughout the trip but often we were a few hundred dollars off what we expected."
"The main advantage is being able to display all your inventory in one centralized location."
"Unfortunately, there is no shortage of vehicles at this particular dealership."
"Do not under pack... you definitely don't want to sell out of a certain fragrance of a candle or a certain size top then that gives any future customers to software remove less of an opportunity to buy from you."
"If rates fall dramatically in 2024, does that potentially mean suddenly there's a bunch of sellers who want to sell who've been waiting because they want to move up and they can't move up and so they're locked in? So that unleashes a."
"...rates were generally low and falling... inventory Rose then."
"...inventory is so important because it measures both the supply side of the market and the demand side of the market."
"The US Navy has approximately 3,700 aircraft of all types in its inventory."
"The beauty of affiliate marketing is that you don't need to hold onto any expensive inventory of your own."
"We sell most of our stuff in stocking but the better stuff we pull out go to Danza like clothing unless it's really good."
"I really hope you enjoyed this teardown. If you liked any parts off of this engine or anything else I've torn down, you can go to importapart.com and peruse our inventory."
"There's a ton of onesies in here."
"Let's take a look at what we've got in Chloe because the store is quite full today."
"So you can kind of play with it, but really what you should be doing whenever you add a new recipe, you should be checking your 'To Buy,' you should be checking your 'In My Pantry' to get an inventory of what you do and don't have."
"My understanding is that as no inventory was ever created, there would be no way of claiming this money back through the deposit."
"I'm kind of building a section in the room over here, it's a stack of bins, and it's like the new stuff."
"You never know what you can find at these flea markets you know a lot of the sellers even the returning vendors at flea markets they get so much inventory in that they can't go through everything individually."
"...it assigns an SKU to any type of product that you're creating."
"Mystery boxes are a great way for companies to sell their overstock."
"You just have to kind of weigh all of those things in your head when you're trying to Source inventory."
"It's kind of freeing to know exactly what I have and what I can use."
"...I'm going to go through every single one of my polishes, I'm going to count them because I actually have no idea how many I have."
"I've lost count by the way I think it's two pinks and two blues at the end of the day."
"The housing market in 2024 sees improved affordability for buyers and more inventory coming online."
"Once all this excess inventory gets online, the hash rate goes up."
"Take a look at their website, they have a ton of inventory right now ready to go."
"Fluids, fluids, we've got two items left."
"Most of these parts I already have and either didn't realize it or it was in another rig."
"Most distributors will carry a wide variety of products from a number of different manufacturers. And as a result, if you can land a big distributor, you can almost always gain access to a large catalog of items to carry in your shop."
"It turns out that the SKU system is one of the most important things that you'll integrate into your shopping environment."
"Guys promise me your inventory the goods."
"There's that feeling of plentiful...because you have the other thing in stock."
"The inventory now they have like they used to be like hey this is what we have this is what we sell but then if they were out of it it wasn't updated now like the inventory is updated constantly so there's like a better okay."
"Best organizing tips when starting out... Definitely get a SKU inventory system going right from the beginning... You need to be organized right from the beginning."
"I have five of these. Total, so that means we're gonna have a profit of a hundred bucks."
"As you can see, everything is now lovely and skewed, so when I sell stuff, I know exactly where it is."
"Just taking inventory of what I have to eat tonight, kimchi, eggs, green peppers, and apparently half a watermelon, doable."
"There's nothing illegal, just like death file picker. He's like proclaiming, 'I got issues, death pile picker.' It's where I buy stuff and let it sit."
"If something's sold out, it'll be back in stock before too long."
"So I was happy to get these items moved out onto a new home so that I can reinvest in some faster moving inventory."
"Having an accurate inventory of your software and APIs isn't just good for security, it's critical to your overall application governance."
"I'd be shocked if we sell out, we have so much stuff."
"My biggest advice is the inventory. Figure out how to get the inventory. Don't get into this if you can't get the inventory."
"Oh, here's some more mirrors. We unboxed these yesterday, so we have sold a few of them already, but we're gonna go ahead and add six more, yep. We're gonna add these to our inventory."
"Dropshipping is that business model where you can fulfill orders without holding any stock."
"Inventorying what you have is important because if you don't know what you have it does you no good at all."
"It absolutely keeps us for several days at a time fully stocked up."
"This your shop? Yes my shop. Okay what do you have in your shop?"
"The continuing shortages of housing inventory are driving the price gains."
"Got the 117 and still everything in stock to the coastal package."
"Some of the customer returns, yeah, we have to check and make sure things are good to go. But, you know, some of this stuff is just shelf pulls."
"Brand new over clean items that are ready to be sold. So, and that's what we like."
"Sam ensured that each product was stocked consistently."
"Inventories, they're a key part of most item-based games and in almost every single genre."
"We now have a drag and drop inventory where we can pick up, split, stack, and drop items."
"At Wolven, we aim to have the best of the best inventory. We really try to bring it all."
"If Goodwill is putting big money into a store, there's probably going to be good inventory, was I wrong?"
"This doesn't just work for inventory systems. If you want to organize your attic or your garage or if you're moving and you want to put all your dishes in one box, you slap on a sticker, you scan it with your phone with the app, and then you log what's inside that box."
"Beautiful about the livestock business: You sell some off, the inventory is automatically replaced."
"We had it in ivory, but I think we maybe have a couple left, but we don't have many left, but we have. This just came in stock, so this one just dropped, and it's more like the mocha, mocha e-greenish kind of almost like a deep, deep, deep sage or a mocha color."
"I would definitely recommend taking a look at one if your dealership has one in inventory and available."
"The secret benefit of reducing your lead times is that you have to put less of your hard earned cash into inventory."
"Take stock of the items that you already have in your house and don't buy anything even in food that you don't absolutely have to have for this period of time."
"We're constantly adding and removing inventory, weekly we pull about 2500 Parts on orders for shipping."
"The more lots and the more parts you have in your store the faster you're going to get sales and the faster you're going to get sales the more money you're going to make."
"We are always looking to build inventory."
"They were the freshest guns sitting stored in inventory."
"We're updating whether we're displaying in stock and out of stock based on the variant's quantity."
"There's a hairdryer, a couple of glasses."
"But at the end of the day, having a good 308 rifle is crucial to your inventory."
"There's only a handful of la cama, so no, really."
"Well-managed inventory enhances supply chain resilience, allowing prompt response to disruptions."
"ABC analysis categorizes inventory based on value, helping focus efforts on high-priority items."
"RFID is a game-changing technology that uses radio frequency signals to track and identify objects in the context of inventory management."
"Barcodes allow for a quick and easy way to capture data, reduce manual errors, and enhance the speed of inventory management processes."
"Efficient Inventory management directly impacts customer satisfaction, the Financial Health of our business, and the overall resilience of the supply chain."
"Organizations that prioritize Inventory management gain a Competitive Edge by optimizing the operational efficiency and meeting customer demands effectively."
"You now don't need to hold any inventory yourself because you can see their addresses to order to their specific location and person."
"Also, there's some stuff out of stock but we are going to be restocking."
"We definitely have one pregnant goat."
"They're really stocked with such good sets"
"Inventory value on the balance sheet tends to be lower under LIFO (Last In First Out) than under FIFO (First In First Out), therefore Cost of Goods Sold tends to be higher under LIFO than under FIFO, and profit tends to be lower under LIFO than under FIFO."
"However, IFRS allows the earlier write-down to be reversed if the market value later increases. GAAP will not allow such a reversal of inventory valuation."
"I don't have a lot of factory experience, but it doesn't take somebody who's worked in a factory to realize that just-in-time inventory just doesn't make sense because it counts on everything being perfect."
"We've got a good variety and plenty of each product that we carry."
"An inventory becomes a relief because the pain of doing it is less than the pain of not doing it."
"I pulled out every product I owned, a full inventory would take too long."
"Another thing they offer is Inventory management which is super important to me because it helps to keep all of my inventory super organized."
"last thing you are going to be trading today is your whole inventory."
"This is a time for you to take inventory and sort through to understand God's higher purpose for you."
"Show how many units remain in stock on those product pages."
"...you're going to lose out on a lot of money if you don't get your initial order of inventory right..."
"I have 6,358 bags left of my original 12,000."
"Gabe has the most inventory that I've seen."
"Change begins with taking inventory on what has your attention."
"Your sell through is determined at the time that you pick up the items at the time that you buy your items. That's when the sell through is determined."
"We also have again a lot of the tuna."
"You should always do an inventory count of the food that you already have before you go out and do a food shop."
"You have much lower cost of goods which means lower risk and faster return, and you are also able to find inventory easier."
"You've got to move a lot of inventory just to break even."
"Overpaying for inventory or not spending enough: Make sure you're getting your inventory at a reasonable cost where you know after taxes, fees, and shipping costs, you'll still make a profit."
"Buying bulk lots on eBay is where 99% of people get their inventory for video games."
"I think I'm going to see if I can figure out a way to somehow Mark these so that I know which one is which um this one's really heavy really heavy but it's the mushroom wax seal for 448 and it includes the beautiful handle."
"When your inventory arrives, you want to have a plan in place that helps you get your first initial sales and reviews."
"But even though it's all kind of a hodgepodge, I did kind of try to put all of my inventory boxes in some sort of similar space so that things are easy to find."
"Let's say you got your inventory and you're ready to price. You don't want to be pricing too low and you don't want to be pricing too high."
"We just sold out of the head in the clouds T-shirt in medium, which is cool. That's great."
"Inventory is crap, it's still so low."
"It's just dead out there in terms of inventory."
"Impressive inventory... I would definitely suggest checking these guys out."
"Simplify inventory adjustments with specialized templates."
"Inventory is still super tight in the suburbs."
"I use Monday.com for task management, projects, and administrative tasks."
"Have you found that you go into a store you might ask for a particular thing over and over that the gun store doesn't stock?"
"You know when you own a yarn shop people come in and they want something specific and you can't always find exactly what they want."
"I've got everything, at least I wouldn't say everything. This is not an exhaustive list of different Tech pouches."
"No more hiding away in bins or bags... I know what I have."
"Remember, with growth of your closet size comes four pitfalls: filling your closet with subpar inventory, forgetting about inventory replenishment, forgetting about diminishing returns, and underestimating the capital requirements for growth."
"The takeaway message with the gear is you order stock sizes."
"No inventory, direct customer pull, it's just triggered by the customer taking the item out of the inventory of one at the end."
"To take inventory and to know what you have is very, very important, especially if you're going to be shopping, because you don't want to be shopping for things that you already own or things that you own and don't wear for a reason."
"Start small, order small quantities of them before you commit to a large quantity."
"... looks like the actual store itself is down to 459,340 items and 8,314 lots."
"FN SKUs are generated by Amazon and used to identify items and products entering Amazon's FBA Warehouse."
"You want to know what you have, but you want to know what you're missing because you want to bring that in."
"I hope you enjoyed this rice Odyssey, and if you don't have rice in your inventory, you probably should add it."
"Whoever controls the inventory is the one who's crushing it in the marketplace."
"Imagine you own a store and have an inventory of loads of different items. You can build a chatbot that will essentially look through all of your inventory, tell you exactly how many items you have, and even search for similar items."
"If you don't do that, you'll find yourself buying things that you have already. But when you're utilizing things that you use every day, you see what you have, you can take a mental inventory of it. So that's working for me."
"Each slot is going to keep track of the item it has."
"The goal of [Just in Time] is to reduce the carrying cost of the inventory, less inventory on hand means you pay less on storage and insurance but it also requires less cash in the short term."
"What a difference that feeling of control the feeling of i know what i have i know what i need to use up if i go to the store i know what i need."
"If you want more income, you have to have more inventory."
"We have an inventory shortage... I don't see inventory drastically coming on the market the same way it did 07, 08, 09. I don't see that shift happening."
"Continue to take personal inventory and when wrong, promptly admit it."
"Keeping an inventory will keep you in check so you're not missing ingredients or gear when you need them."
"Anytime we get like a big bulk inventory day, it always really motivates both of us to get listed."
"Those prayers are inventoried and what the Lord said to me was he said I hear every one of those prayers and I have them bottled up."
"We've wanted to get just significant inventory that people would be really excited about."
"You're the lifeline for yourself and your immediate family, and you need to take an absolute inventory of your pantry, your resources."
"The higher the inventory turnover, the better, as it shows you are more efficient with your inventory."
"We are constantly getting new models almost every day, we have up to 150 units on our lot at any time and we've been in business for 50 years."
"The definition of monger is someone who purchases and maintains an inventory of goods to be sold."
"Knowing what you have on hand is the first step to saving money on food."
"This is the inventory flow equation for a merchandiser."
"It's always good to come take an assessment of what we have."
"When it comes time to create, you can use an inventory system to find exactly what you need."
"We've got all of our parts in stock now to finish this aircraft off."
"Take stock of what it is that you have."
"I'm ready for some fresh good inventory."
"It tells me how many are available or even if they are available to rent out, which is pretty important."
"We love times like this, right, because inventory is glorious and plentiful, and discounts are big."
"I've been doing inventory on secret layers."
"The item inventory management system is the best in any traditional Zelda game."
"Inventory financing is especially useful for businesses that must pay their suppliers in a shorter period of time than it takes them to sell their inventory to customers."
"The world has near to no base metal inventory levels to meet increasing supply demand ahead."
"Having proper good inventory management is so important to make sure that you are making money in your coffee shop."
"The growth in business inventories is hitting record highs each month."
"The inventory excess on average is 27% and shows that these companies are sitting on way too many goods right now."
"There's something about their inventory that you don't see anywhere else in the world."
"It's important to inventory items right away, and that's a habit I want to create for myself."
"I have basically very recently expanded my office to where I can hold twice the amount of inventory."
"Pursue ultimate simplicity in storage so you can tell at a glance how much you have."
"Time management and inventory management is definitely a big one."
"You can really take an inventory of what you have that you actually wear and where the gaps are in your closet."
"What makes this business model so lucrative and amazing is that you don't need to buy any stock or any inventory."
"The Copper Scroll is quite literally an inventory of Temple treasures."
"You want to hear the number? How many is here? It's 130 units here."
"The rental inventory is skyrocketing compared to the inventory of homes for sale."
"You see your 20 and then you can truly assess, take an inventory, and know what do I need, what gaps do I need to fill in my wardrobe."