
Animal Training Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"I wasn't feeling like living, and I was like, 'Well, I'll train Minion.' He's so much fun to train."
"This lecture will teach new and old trainers a thing or two about their relationship with their dogs."
"By letting them out every day, you can really help build up their muscle and make our horses the strongest in the entire universe."
"The moment that I just grab the leash here, I don't even have to do anything; the dog already senses that if they pay attention to my energy and they see that it's calm, they feel calmer as well."
"Sometimes birds will be a little bit slower, so a big key is making sure the bird's done eating the treat before we try to work on something else."
"Videos have shown orcas performing without food, instead they are rewarded with rubs, ice, toys, and praise."
"OSHA cited SeaWorld San Diego for improper training of whale workers, which came with a fine of almost $26,000."
"There is undoubtedly a lot of danger involved in being an orca trainer."
"You cannot correct them for attacking. No, you can, and you should. And we've gotten too soft."
"If puppy is praised for a behavior, it's more likely to offer you that behavior again."
"I feel hopeful at this moment. I feel like there's nothing that we can't do with the dogs."
"Animal Watch prizes good training as paramount."
"It's obvious why I want it simpler because I want it simpler to operate, but why do I want increased capacity?"
"When the dog wins, that is the most valuable feeling because when they legitimately win, they feel strong and they enjoy that."
"We want the dog to really just like we want our children and our dogs to be the strongest and the best they can be we want to bring that out of them."
"So the timing of when you let the dog win is very important if not even the most important thing."
"Sunny pulls a little harder sunny wins a legitimate win here it goes again see so what Jeff is actually doing there you go."
"They have a reputation for their aggression but with plenty of care and socialization they can be trained quickly and well."
"She's a dog that we've bred in-house. She has this great ball Drive, she has great food drive, and she definitely has great Fray drive."
"One of the things the Neuralinks allow Pager to do is to play his favorite video game Pong."
"The Australian Shepherd was actually developed in the western United States where this versatile and intelligent breed has been valued by ranchers for decades."
"The creators of Call of Duty: Ghosts used two German Shepherds and one Belgian Malinois to create a military dog named Riley."
"One of the reasons they take so well to these roles is because of their intelligence, something that was purposefully bred into them and means they're quick learners and will make sensible decisions when needs be."
"Good moral values and good healthy habits lead to an amazing relationship with a dog."
"Teaching tricks is to really build communication with dogs."
"Training sessions like this are how we teach them that listening to me is the way for her to get those things that she wants."
"It's not going to be a straight day after day improvement on the leash train."
"Just because you're calm if something else bothers the horse and sets them off it doesn't matter how calm you are."
"Teaching her to not be afraid of pressure but to understand it and understand what it means."
"Safety is paramount, and the e-collar is the only sure-fire way."
"Lucky, the police dog, managed to navigate a tightrope while wearing blinders over his eyes."
"Dogs can bring newspaper inside and hand it over, what a good boy!"
"Remember to be patient and calm but you also need to be firm with these guys... they would do anything for you."
"You are responsible for what this animal turns out to be... you are 100% responsible."
"Some dogs won't obey until you show them the stick."
"Gentle and positive training—it is possible to work alongside these beautiful animals."
"Having coached this bear to close her door with treats over several encounters, there's something surprising about seeing a usually fearsome beast carry out commands, particularly in such a gentle manner."
"I have no doubt that Chipa is ready to pass her therapy dog test."
"I know recall off leash was a big thing, right? I'd love for her to have some freedom. She's a working dog, she needs to absolutely exercise, and that makes a huge difference in her behavior in general."
"It's not about the breed; it's about the human."
"Fear can serve as a powerful motivator for learning and can help dogs develop good habits and behaviors that keep them safe."
"Capture a behavior with the clicker, wait for the bird to go up and scratch its head, click, and give a treat."
"Lure the bird closer to the stick with a treat to overcome fear."
"Avoid overtraining; keep sessions short and leave the bird wanting more."
"The real beauty of a trick like this is that it requires you to have subtle and intricate communication with your dog." - Zack George
"There is obedient disobedience which is where a guide dogs are trained to not listen to their owner if they think it's not safe."
"Mice have the potential to be more accurate than drug or bomb sniffing dogs for sniffing things out."
"The reward for the dog was a meal that kept him focused and attentive."
"Playing is the best way to gain a dog's focus attention and respect."
"Blue has tamed down incredibly well and he's become one of my best and friendliest animals."
"They're gonna have, you know, of course, the ability to train your moose for certain attributes, but there's so many different things it's always changing."
"We've got a mission teaching those dragons to help, was a great idea."
"I didn't make the horse stand still, I made it the easiest option for him to stand still and then eventually he thought it was his idea."
"I'm first gonna warm him up and get the behavior that I want which is him running to me so I'm just gonna back up and as he comes towards me I'm going to feed."
"It's amazing how she can bring a wild donkey in and get them tamed, get them friendly, and makes it much more adoptable."
"There are some things in dog training you can't teach, like being completely connected with an animal."
"You really can develop a horse to be both athletic and happy."
"She's a young mare that I and my mom trained. We've had her since the day after she was born. She's been in our family."
"If we don't spend some time training that newborn foal, we are wasting the most receptive period of that animal's life."
"But the most important thing about animal training is to love your trainee and never hurt it, otherwise no treat will work."
"So, one or two horses are very well trained for, you know, they're trained for anybody."
"Communicating with your dog starts when you hook them up to the bike."
"When you train a behavior, I don't care if it's a sit, I don't care if it's something like high level search and rescue, I don't care if it's an agility behavior, whatever that behavior is you are never just training the behavior."
"This five C model, it's the five Cs to growing a new capability. It's something that you can use for any animal."
"Going home won't get her in a tending spot."
"If the dogs are fit for purpose, they can achieve anything."
"Animals, let's say our dogs, have generally three general areas of reinforcement: food, activities, toys."
"There is nothing wrong in doing the same thing with dogs as long as we do it fairly and consistently."
"Performance depends on the dog's perception of intrinsic reward."
"Do you want more treats? Let's do some!"
"When they're worked with, they can be very tolerant and they can make a great animal to interact with."
"It's really amazing what a horse will offer you when you just give them the space and you do less first."
"All of that's going to help her, if she can feel more secure around the handler then definitely things could get a lot better."
"If you get them as a trained puppy that's already in that type of environment and you bring them to this environment, then they can grow up with my baby goats."
"They're like dogs, it's honestly kind of weird, but if you want your chickens to be tame, soaked feed treats are a good way to get them to love you early on."
"She needs to see me as a source of confidence, not a threat."
"It's really important to track the motivation levels based on what you're actually asking of the bird."
"For breakthrough moments, overcoming fear, having those big deal moments where maybe normally your bird bites you or screams, and that one moment where he doesn't do that, that's where the jackpots come in."
"First, we taught the mare to find true relaxation."
"Thank you to my puppy raisers and all the puppy raisers out there."
"Brilliant dogs, well-trained, and the display here always is absolutely fascinating."
"I failed to see how a trainer popping up out of the water on the rostrum or on the back of an orca tells you anything educational or anything in terms of conservation about these animals."
"I trained my mule to kangaroo walk and jump, talk turkey, and dance the funky chicken."
"Yes ma'am, that's it, she knows, she's a good girl, she's so pretty."
"They want to please you and they want to just learn new things."
"It is so rewarding to teach the whales behaviors that we can relate to learning more about them."
"Dogs are trainable, that must be a great dane they taught this son of a gun how to drive."
"You've got to get a bond with you and the dog because if you don't, the dog will work for you, but he won't work for you half as well as if he really likes you."
"Shinobi had a profound understanding of the animal kingdom, mastering things like training animals like guard dogs or messenger birds."
"The clicker is like taking a picture of behavior we like, so we need to teach the puppy that the clicker means that food is coming."
"Socialization is all about creating positive experiences, not just neutral ones."
"Teach the dog manners, teach the dog structure."
"Know what he loves, predict what he wants, create an environment of success."
"That's how you get a dog who enjoys the sport."
"Being able to read the dogs is really important, being able to bravely handle the dogs and confidently handle the dogs is an essential component to success."
"Reward the horses... with a body sign or release of the reins or a good pat on the neck or the butt to tell the horse that it done what it did really well."
"I'd be lost without oh Molly, she's come from a long line of cane dogs and she's learned a lot of tricks."
"And you've always got to find a dog that has got the mental hardness and the drive, is the key things I reckon."
"Gonzo is a tree-climbing anteater, and here at Point Defiant Zoo and Aquarium, we're training him to be part of our Wild Wonders outdoor theater show that's brand new this summer."
"The click marks the exact moment of the behavior you want to see repeated."
"Hi everybody, this is Jamie Lee from BirdTricks, and that was Beau, a baby blue and gold macaw that I'm currently working with for a client."
"Target training is really powerful for birds who may be scared of human interaction."
"We want them to be friendly because they're going to be huge."
"I can make it sort of look easy, and the only reason I say that is because my animals are used to me."
"It takes a dog about three months at least to be trained to be a sniffer dog; it takes a bee ten minutes."
"The American Veterinary Society for Animal Behavior recommends that only reward-based training methods be used for dog training."
"What causes these animals to come back and to be able to work with us is strictly they get something of value out of the relationship."
"Whoa, good dog, that's a great response right there."
"Training Frankie was one of the most frustrating yet rewarding experiences I've had with horses."
"The goal for them is to get them trained so that they can also get a home."
"Liberty training is basically being able to work with your horse and communicate with them via body language and just through a connection in a relationship without having to use any ropes or anything like that."
"The first step to starting Liberty training with your horse is to just make sure you and your horse have a good connection and that there's a trusting relationship between the two of you."
"Ideally, I want the horse to want to stay with me. I think that's the whole purpose for Liberty training."
"She's just improving that dog's confidence, the dog's happier now."
"Create an environment where the dog can be successful."
"Don't expect perfection from the horse, expect a horse to try."
"Dogs that love to work are fun to work with."
"Good job, Fame. I'm so proud of you. Yeah, that was impressive. You're very brave."
"The training that Chris does is next level when it comes to crocodilians."
"Don't you love it when you get like two things done at once? You're getting a fence put up plus the colts are getting a lesson."
"She's strong-willed in her job, and we've got to teach her to work with us too."
"Training horses is really simple, but every horse is different."
"This is the first time I've seen such a young person tame ferocious animals."
"When dogs come in for training, we assume nothing."
"You're seeing the transition from a dog that had no idea of what was going on to a dog whose herding instinct suddenly came up from somewhere deep down inside."
"My horses stand pretty well because I give them cookies every once in a while when they're standing."
"He also likes to dance for me, that's all part of bonding and training with your bird."
"I want you to think of training as a new language that you're speaking with the animal."
"Good impulse control on that dog."
"My favorite steer maker is cueing... it's actually a combination of two behaviors."
"The core of the idea here is that there are many similarities between training all kinds of animals."
"It's going to take time for your horse to make the mental shift to where they figure out they don't have to be scared of everything because my human's not scared of it."
"He was delighted to have the best tamer in the world."
"Anytime I'm teaching my dogs a new behavior, I use positive reinforcement."
"She was unhandled in September, I mean literally never been touched, and now she's just a big sweet girl."
"Their desire to please and AI intelligence makes them excel at hunting, obedience, agility, search-and-rescue, and working."
"The early trainings can be a lot easier for the second Doberman in the house... they're very good at regulating each other."
"The clicker training is working great."
"Clicker training is one of the best gifts that we have when it comes to our work with cats."
"If they show you that it's a scary object and they're uncomfortable with it, and you back it up when you see those steps back, it changes the mindset a little bit and helps them realize, 'Okay, I was scared, but nothing bad happened, so maybe it's not so scary after all.'"
"Scientists have trained a goldfish to drive a car."
"Rocco spent his entire prison term teaching his pet mouse to play poker."
"All breeds of dogs can be made to be vicious if that's how they're trained to be, but they can also be trained to be friendly, affectionate, well-disposed, and congenial."
"Positive reinforcement training can work on animals as small as a cockroach to as big as a blue whale."
"That's one way you can tame your animal."
"If you take the time, the energy, and the consistency, you can train an animal to do anything."