
Survivor Support Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"A domestic violence survivor got justice. That is a good day."
"This case has absolutely done that. It's harrowing beyond belief."
"A survivor who is willing and able to tell their story can take as many days, weeks, years, decades, as they need."
"Cecilia's plea of 'You have to listen to me,' is an echo of many real-life abuse survivors."
"The American Society of Clinical Oncology said we need education and awareness, clinical guidance, research promotion, and weight management too, in cancer survivors."
"The most important thing when it comes to survivor advocacy or just supporting a survivor is empowering them."
"It's not necessarily about us believing them, it's about us empowering them."
"Germany pays a monthly pension to survivors of the Holocaust."
"I don't want survivors to see this because then survivors out there... feel like if they come forward, no one's going to believe them, no one's going to advocate for them."
"This is an institutional issue. This is why survivors need to unite."
"That is a daily insult to anyone that’s a survivor of sexual violence."
"Radical acceptance really sets a lot of survivors free."
"I think instead of blaming this young girl or questioning her story at this point, people should first of all be thankful that she survived."
"What happened to you, what you survived, is not your fault, period end of story."
"Survivors deserve more than being used as a political football by disinterested parties."
"We honor every survivor in this country. We love you. We hear you. And we honor you."
"Respect the survivors, bring justice to the lost."
"Survivors need to know that it's okay to speak out, that is not taboo, that they shouldn't fear for their lives. That's not how it should be, it should never be that way, guys. Never."
"If you know somebody or whatever, or if you are somebody that is a survivor and you feel like you're alone, you're not. You got to talk to somebody, you got to tell somebody."
"Men can be survivors of domestic violence and interpersonal violence too." - Tony Enos
"The criminal justice system, law enforcement, prosecutors, they are there to protect survivors. Protective orders are meant to protect you, not to hurt you."
"With this verdict, it is my sincere hope that it will also begin the healing process for these brave survivors."
"When survivors come forward to disclose, there's a long-standing history of people not believing them."
"Your voices will be heard, your voices will be believed, your voices will not go in vain."
"It's the Sexual Assault Survivor Bill of Rights. A Bill of Rights that enshrines a couple of very basic things. Now the first one is to not have your rape kit be destroyed before the statute of limitations."
"I have been a passionate advocate and campaigner for all survivors of domestic abuse."
"Survivors of domestic abuse are and will always be Refuge's priority."
"There isn't any experience to coming forward, being believed, finding other trauma victims... and suddenly we're together."
"Thank you for doing this work, and the survivors have reached out to me and said, 'You know what, thank you, someone finally sees us. We are not invisible.'"
"Ultimately, the cost of wrongly disbelieving a survivor far outweighs the cost of calling someone a rapist."
"Are we to believe victims until they contradict themselves or a recording comes out suggesting they're not? Has this trial caused damage to other survivors?"
"This is gonna be a banger, it's gonna be wild, it's gonna be extremely wild."
"This is so horrific for casting also an example to people who are survivors."
"Her words became a manifesto for assault survivors all over the world."
"Whenever survivors are dividing and bringing each other down, it's the worst."
"I've had the pleasure of seeing countless numbers of toxic relationship and abuse survivors empower themselves."
"It is enough for the survivor to agree to false accusation of another person."
"Experiences of rape and sexual violence and abuse are much more common than most people realize. Material that normalizes, trivializes, or attempts to get laughs out of sexual violence can be humiliating and upsetting for survivors."
"Survivors are being listened to we are finally being listened to."
"A vote to confirm Judge Kavanaugh is a vote that tells survivors their experiences can be disregarded if they inconvenience their powerful abusers. America is watching. We will remember."
"We have to continue to encourage survivors to go to authoritative sources for their information."
"When domestic violence survivors face coming forward to the police about these kinds of incidents, they often have to contend with the prospect of being gaslit about their claims."
"People need to believe evidence, not stories. Challenging stories is the only way that real survivors can be honored."
"We can now develop methods and experiences that utilize the brain's own natural neuroplasticity to help survivors feel Fully Alive in the present."
"Anytime you break your silence as a rape survivor or a victim of domestic violence, there's a great power that comes with sharing."
"The impact of R Kelly's downfall emphasized the strength of survivors' voices, showing the significance of believing and supporting those who speak out against abuse."
"The voices and experiences of victims and survivors are not just Central to our work they are its heartbeat."
"I don't believe any man's misogyny should take precedent over survivors' humanity."
"This is why it is so important that we have services, services for survivors to help them help them escape."
"My advice or encouragement to other survivors is that first of all, I want to say you're not alone."
"Survivors on the bottom, they have to face the enablers, they then have to face the alleged predators, and then the media, and then the lawyers, and then the institutions. But people forget how much power these enablers have."
"I just want survivors to know that it is not your fault and you're believed."
"My name is Russell Manser, I am the founder of a company called The Voice of a Survivor."
"Our goal isn't to sidestep justice; it's to create a space where survivors can begin their journey."
"Survivors need more allies, we need less enablers."
"Power to survivors who tell their story."
"A true hero, a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, advocate for other survivors."
"What I'm trying to do here is to be fearless and to encourage fearlessness in survivors out there."
"It felt amazing actually, to be able to have that public condemnation of this abuse."