
Personal Action Quotes

There are 247 quotes

"Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions."
"Sometimes the bravest and most important thing you can do is just show up."
"We have the power to make changes, small and big, both in policy and our own lives, that will ultimately help us depart from this trajectory."
"The entire messaging is always focused on the systemic stuff rather than the personal actionable stuff."
"All it takes is one person, and that's why I made the video."
"By taking action in your own life, you open the door to a better future for all of us."
"You got to look yourself in the mirror and say, I see you, I see that you're not happy, and I'm going to do something about it."
"Writing a long letter of gratitude to someone in your life that has profoundly impacted you and then hand delivering it to them, the elevation in your happiness from doing that activity can actually exist up to a month later."
"We all have to take responsibility for this, and it starts with us as individuals."
"Every individual has a responsibility to set the world right in the manner that they are able to."
"What makes an action yours is not just the fact that you were the body that made the action happen, but that you actually made the decision that made the action happen."
"You can't control everything...the only thing that I have control over is what I do and how I do things."
"Guilt isn't beneficial unless you do something about it."
"You went and did something very few people have the courage to do."
"Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something."
"That's the best way to do it... If you have to do something, do that shit by yourself."
"But you do have to be willing to step up and start taking those kinds of reasonable actions."
"I found out who the Kiwi Farms user was who doxed my mother and sent him a photo with his mother and addressed him by his name, and he deleted his account."
"Freedom is primarily a thing that you do, and not some sort of metaphysical state that you are."
"We have to make a change, even if it's a little change."
"There's nothing like taking matters into your own hands."
"There is something as an individual that you can absolutely do."
"One of the most amazing things that I saw him do was during one of the January 6th hearings..."
"It's going to help you to make the best possible decision because it's all about you acting on it."
"Distance, utilize it, be creative. Don't get in Mike Perry's range and you're gonna probably win that fight."
"That is Cody, get involved in the community."
"I'm a good person, I'm gonna do what I can to resolve that situation."
"You know, the only way you can prove people wrong is you to go out do things by yourself."
"Put on your mask and then COVID stops with you."
"I think coming into the makeup industry is a really tough decision to do these days and she has just absolutely killed it."
"Now he shut down everything from the top window."
"What if... and then I'm gonna go do these things."
"It's a revolutionary act, I think, to be aware, and to take action, to swim upstream, against the current of society."
"Do it for Jesus if you don't do it for yourself, at least do it for Jesus."
"Miranda, you didn't have to do all that. She didn't have to do all that, but that's Miranda."
"You knee-jerk reaction should be go do it right. You don't want to ever regret not doing something."
"If more of us did as you have been doing, the world would be a different place."
"Relief ain't so bad till you can get to the point to take the actions that eventually give you the freedom."
"It took a lot of guts to stick your chin out, Aaron, and do this."
"What Will did wasn't right but I can respect that he defended his wife."
"Sounds like Ryan is ready for me. I should head outside."
"There are no good and evil people there are just people who do good and evil things and the best you can do for yourself is try and do a good thing maybe for someone around you."
"When it comes to what's gonna make a difference in your life, it's gonna be what you do."
"You put on the dolly, that's the thing you put on and say I'm not, I'm not, I'm just worry, I have to go do something cool that's gonna at least do something cool."
"Leo season brings forth the proper energies for you to take a risk if you need to take a risk, for you to jump in, for you to make your move."
"The most powerful personal action I could take for our planet."
"Every time I see an archaeologist, I'm just going to kick them right in the balls."
"For those of you who choose to take action, you will be successful."
"Your person took things into their own hands."
"Let me right my wrongs by giving away this real game."
"If it's a right, it's yours. You get to just do it. You don't have to tell everyone why you're doing it."
"You're ready to take action towards your goals."
"Jesus's whole point is to put the ball in your court."
"Failures are what keep people from trying. If you see someone and think about this, if someone is thinking about trying and all they see is 'wow, this got pulled, this wasn't worth it, this is bad', they're not going to try themselves."
"Action cures all. All that anxiety, all that worry, it will go away if you start taking action now."
"Vote with your dollar, vote with your actions."
"You just redeemed your code to yourself. You just redeemed it for yourself."
"You gotta punch one dude in the face, bullying stops."
"What I did was definitely a risk, but it wasn't unlawful."
"You don't have to do very much except not listen to nonsense."
"It's powerful stuff because I know that some people are gonna take action on this, it's going to change their life."
"Keller's frustration with the law system compels him to take matters into his own hands."
"You couldn't arrest him, so I'm gonna fight you."
"That's what you can do today, and that is the most powerful thing."
"Stop worrying about what somebody else ain't doing. You get your ass up and do it."
"What can I do to make my marriage better today?"
"Destiny is a matter of what one does with the opportunities at hand."
"A private person may arrest if the offense is committed in his presence."
"It's never too late, friends. Show up, be there for yourself, act on and put into motion what you've learned this year in 2021."
"There's definitely something to say about following your heart and taking action like that, but even then, it's still definitely important to make an informed decision."
"He actually called slavery evil in a letter that he he freed black slaves on his own plantation"
"I'm just gonna deck him in the face because I don't know what else to do."
"Put yourself out there to do something for you."
"He just picked her up of course he's a hero."
"It's about that idea of being so amazing, that level of success being so desirable, that you will take action and do something about it."
"It's better if you want to support a charity to just donate to the charity yourself."
"He wrote on Twitter, 'Rich people should help others with their money. Me? Okay, I'll use my money to help people.'"
"Be only responsible for yourself and what you can do in this world."
"Many of us don't have to, but what you're doing is brave, it really is."
"Trust your gut this month when it comes to health and really overarching good stuff, but you are being called also to do something. So, whatever it is that you feel you need to do, pay attention to that, make it happen."
"This show is less about the big picture and more about what you personally can do about it."
"You have to get out there and do stuff we're a bit apathetic this side of the pond people have been gaslighted into thinking well I just accept it oh it's terrible and moan and moan no no need to moan go and do something."
"You know, you fight evil with compassion and kindness. I actually did it."
"I was the one that if I saw people being bullied, I actually would stand up and do something."
"The core and the heart of this entire franchise are those quiet character moments."
"I couldn't stand by and be still while you were being insulted."
"I called the police like any other person would."
"It's time for me to take action if I want something to happen."
"The fact that he didn't hesitate... I think a good thing."
"We're trying to help people. We want people to be able to see what's going on and then sort of make a decision based on what an average person is just going to take the gun out and go do."
"All I want you to do is believe and step out in 51 percent faith."
"God is pushing the door open for you but you gotta walk through it."
"Why do you deny yourself the ability to act on your issues right now?"
"I couldn't sit there any longer and accept that."
"The only thing you need to know is that you have to take the first step."
"He did what he thought was the right thing, not that there was anyone to witness it."
"If any part of this conversation resonated with you, ask yourself what are you doing about it."
"It's definitely possible; you just have to take the first step and start."
"Embrace the things that are out there in your local area."
"I'm gonna save the cat, and I'm gonna bring the cat home."
"I might ride for the kid for curiosity's sake."
"Withdraw from this evil organization as soon as possible."
"If my demands aren't met, I will take my matters into my own hands."
"This is so powerful, I highly recommend you do it."
"Bet on yourself. The only thing you can truly control in this life is your action."
"You said you weren't in the holiday spirit, so I decided."
"People are talking about you when you're doing awesome they're not talking about you when you're not doing awesome so why don't you just go do the awesome and then they'll talk about you you know."
"I tackled him like a football tackle... I could see the guy didn't have a weapon... so I figure I could tackle him."
"You might not be able to save everybody mm-hmm but you saved one and i saved one he saved one and she well look we could do it better."
"I was finally tired of looking at the car with mismatched panels."
"The question now is, are you going to act on it? Because nothing happens for this woman until she moves."
"God's already done his part, now it's up to you to release it."
"I decree and declare with you all things are possible. I shall not procrastinate. I act now."
"Get your energy in now, go do whatever it is that you're called to do."
"Give it a try for yourself, it is time to get your online life locked down."
"Congratulations if you have taken action on this cryptocurrency."
"It's going to get rough economically...but what are you going to do?"
"Success and your happiness is a direct result of taking action to get what you want and then letting go of any attachments you have to the way you think things should turn out."
"When you start to take action in that direction, the universe will begin to conspire to bless you."
"Start the spark close to home. It starts close to home with you and a pal or you by yourself."
"Divine empowerment often awaits human initiative."
"A sense of empowerment this week because of these different conversations, but also a sense of if you want things to get better, you've got to do something."
"They not only show what we do and who we are, how we do it."
"Life is for you; you gotta find a story that's gonna empower you to act."
"You can either run, freeze, or press in and fight."
"Whatever makes their life better, exactly do that."
"Why would I help build out a system that directly discriminates against people like me? No, I'll go do my own [ __ ]."
"The more that you can connect to who you really are, authentic action that you actually believe in."
"If you wanna help with the climate problem, reduce your consumption."
"And while that's not purpose of this video, I will share some recommendations that I found through my studying and my learning, of what makes the biggest impact on the climate."
"If you can spare one person that much agony, you have to go back."
"There are things that you can do to make a difference today for tomorrow."
"Now is the time to act; you have everything within you to succeed."
"Trust the feeling and vibration creates in your body and act accordingly."
"It really is just a choice, and when you make the choice, you are then taking action."
"If I care, then I'm gonna take steps to address that issue, that's math, toxic, no I'm keeping it real real though, if I care, I'm gonna take the necessary steps to address that concern and try to fix this problem."
"Do something and do it. Don't forget to be spiteful or Vendetta."
"If you have a thought to do something kind for someone, just do it."
"You're not afraid to act and that's what people love about you."
"It feels so great to take care of our planet."
"If you determined to love your husband or loved your wife, God will give you a heart and eyes for them."
"The future is yours. It's in your hands. It's based on what you do today."
"The everyday man who decides to step up and do the heroic acts."
"Do what you think you need to do for your friends, your family."
"Don't make the mistake of thinking that just ranting on social media or in your lyrics counts as doing something."
"It's time to take action on some of these intuitive hits that you've been getting, don't just let these things be thoughts let them be moves that you're making."
"You have the skill, the confidence, and you're taking action. You're not procrastinating, this is focusing your dreams rather and you're turning those visions into reality using inspired action."
"You're actually going to take action and rise up."
"Claire decides to take the matter into her hand as she goes to tackle the monster."
"We can no longer continue to complain about what the heads of states are doing or not doing. The question is, what are you doing?"
"I couldn't sleep and I was like if I have to go to the White House and knock on the door I'm going to do it."
"99% of people don't do anything about the free information."
"It's time for a change and who makes the change? You do."
"Learn to trust ourselves again and go for it."
"The core ingredient of your relationship is making sure they are needed and they are appreciated."
"Now I can't do much about infrastructure, but I've now eliminated all of my direct consumption of fossil fuels and it feels good."
"You have to realize that you are the ones that are going to have to do it."
"There are tons of tiny changes that you can make."
"Don't expect a different result unless you're changing things up."
"Growing my own food, rewarding and better for the planet."
"You can't wait around for somebody to do something for you, you have to do it for yourself."
"Forgiveness is not necessarily something you feel. It is something you do. It is an act of your will."
"When you start to believe, you start to see; when you start to see, you start to do."
"It's all about perception. What you believe, that is what you're going to do."
"You're the ones who's inspiring, who's taking action in your own life right."
"We do have power. We do have access to this."
"Tonight is your night. If God has given you a word, you need to walk that word out."
"Your intuitions on fire... there's some kind of action you're going to take."
"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."
"There's some things that you can do for yourself that can seriously move the needle on your health."
"So, somebody here is deciding to completely take action because they're tired of being in this place of fear and anxiety. They're tired of being in this energy of being closed off, stagnation."
"Well, you know what they say, if you want something done, you've got to do it yourself."
"I'm about to finish this video and go buy some XRP."
"Get out of the boat, some of you need to get out of the boat."
"That's how you are the change you want to see in the world."
"I followed my heart, I called out the jerks."
"I hope all of you have a great day. I'm gonna go out right now and do something nice for somebody."
"For me, it was really largely about the environment... as a protest against modern farming."
"I'm just gonna write a strongly worded letter... because apparently I'm a 40-year-old named Karen."
"You can calculate your carbon footprint and then they give you a price tag to offset that carbon footprint as much as possible by funding projects that plant trees and protect the rainforest."
"Do the thing that you want to do and it's better for our economy."
"If you want to experience abundance, be abundant and do as abundance does."
"You can sit there and just start complaining, but you're gonna move back, or you can do something about it."
"All you gotta do is take this one action, and it's a self-loving kind of action. That's all you gotta do."
"We all have our things I do a lot of good things for the environment."
"I would also like to go to Tucker Carlson's house and just throw everything on the floor every time he leaves."
"Leaving behind false comforts, false sense of pride and security that no longer work for you. Time to take action."
"If there is something I can ask you to do, it's to adopt a kitty in your area today."
"It's not about what people say, it's about what you do."
"That's not right, and someone needs to stand up against that. I'm the one who's doing it."
"Do what it is that you need to do for yourself."
"I took that responsibility into my own hands and got her little kitten, his name is Millie Safari. Happy birthday, Sarah!"
"Everybody knows they're worth the amount of people there's millions of people running around saying I know my worth and never do anything."
"If you don't try, you're never going to do anything."
"I just know that I did something that God pushed me to do."
"Don't allow discomfort to become normal. Change it."
"You do know what's good for you, you're just afraid to actually do it."
"If we all act out of love and kindness, then we can make that a reality."
"This could be the single most important thing that you do."
"I realized at some point... I can just do it."