
Strangers Quotes

There are 351 quotes

"God was somewhere, but here two strangers were all by themselves, caught in the crisis of forgiveness."
"The hopes and fears of an army of strangers I've never so much as seen before... they frighten me."
"This could be a way to really connect with a stranger that is sitting right next to you, by just leaving your fate up to the sky."
"The simple, fleeting connections we have with strangers can be really powerful for our well-being."
"Talk to strangers...doing so supplies us with a critically important social nutrient that they call Vitamin S."
"Even though talking to strangers is a bad thing, it is necessary if you ever want to meet new people because everyone is a stranger until you meet them."
"I was not your family; I was a stranger to you once, but you treated me like we had the same blood."
"It's moving to have someone who's a complete stranger knows so much about your life."
"The least amount of understanding we have in a relationship, the more likely we are to be strangers."
"Do not mistreat a stranger for you were once a stranger in a strange land."
"So no, it was a great lesson to them to trust your intuition about people and be wary of strangers."
"I feel like if there's one thing we've learned by now, it is that we should stop opening boxes from strangers." - Exercising caution
"It was such a sense of community created in that moment with complete strangers."
"It's weird to get emotional over a man you've never met."
"One of the core sayings of Yes Theory is 'a stranger is a friend you haven't met yet.'"
"Everyone's a stranger before we get to know them and we shouldn't have to worry that a man will kill us for having a joint with him."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do is be kind to a stranger."
"Perfect strangers: proving that doppelgangers aren't always related."
"Strangers can help each other through, you don't need to know every facet of someone."
"Be safe online and don't trust strangers on the internet; they can always lie about their identity."
"Sometimes you just get feelings from strange people."
"The individual conversations I have with a stranger, they take on more value to me."
"I love smiling at strangers. It makes my day. It just brings me such joy."
"Talking to strangers will increase your happiness."
"A meeting with a stranger could be important."
"It's just so sad for me to see like how much negativity is spread online across people who don't even know each other."
"Every stranger is an opportunity for a new story."
"Even a stranger can matter to them."
"Be nice to strangers, you never know where your blessing or your help would come from."
"You have to be comfortable welcoming strangers and making them feel instantly at home."
"Positive interactions with strangers help us feel connected and appreciated."
"Interacting with strangers supplies us with a critically important social nutrient."
"In the west, we treat strangers better than our loved ones."
"...the fact of the matter is, we're meeting total strangers these days, and we know nothing about them."
"Lots and lots of people, strangers, you know, readers, have been praying for it, and that's amazing."
"Ultimately, what's important to remember is that we don't know any of these people."
"Every stranger is a friend I haven't met yet."
"I don't like strangers especially the want."
"There's something so powerful about being with a group of total strangers."
"The chances that she's with a complete stranger are pretty much slim to none."
"...I never can get over the kindness of strangers when you knock on a door and you hunt their property all day long and they're right there with you find their own cool stuff."
"That’s my favorite thing, hearing from strangers."
"Thank God for the kindness of strangers."
"Strangers rushing to the aid of someone they've never met."
"Through kindness of strangers, my day, my trip, and my life turned around."
"Total strangers try to force us to babysit on a camping trip."
"That feeling when you have locked eyes with someone and you're like oh this feels familiar, you feel familiar, but in this lifetime they're utter stranger."
"Listen, when you're out and you don't know anybody, you just gotta find someone that smiles at you and now you're their best friend."
"The snake thought about his Rescuers, strangers who had come together when he needed them the most."
"I just don't want to get in a van with a bunch of strangers, I'm going home."
"Strangers will treat you like family, they will treat you like friends."
"Practice hospitality by pursuing strangers."
"Everybody, even if they're a stranger, they're your friend you just haven't met, that's right."
"Strangers Falling in Love without seeing each other. This [ __ ] is kind of impressive."
"I had been extra anxious ever since. It's been getting better though, but I still get pretty anxious about having strangers in my home."
"She's always depended on the kindness of strangers."
"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels."
"These [__] didn't know each other from Adam, from Franklin, from paint on the wall."
"The amazing thing about the boys who've come together, not known each other, is that they've been positive the whole time."
"Humanity found a new home in strangers' hearts."
"Thank God for kind strangers who stood up to that guy and saved me. Those kinds of people will never realize how important they are in the world."
"Sometimes complete strangers might save your life."
"He realized that perhaps it was because they were strangers to each other that he could love her and maybe they could become a real family."
"I never thought I’d be so thrilled to see a collection of beds, lamps, and strangers."
"She cried, she laughed, she was surprised and overwhelmed at the amount of support and reassuring words from all these strangers."
"The kindness and generosity of complete strangers."
"The kindness of strangers is insane."
"It can be someone close to you, like a friend, just someone who plays a small part in your life, like the neighbor boy, or a total stranger, like this girl."
"I wouldn't be having this conversation with you, Shelley, if it wasn't for the kindness of strangers in those years."
"It's such a strong connection that you can feel with a total stranger sometimes more than people you've known for years."
"Strangers make you rich, not friends."
"The kindness of strangers, honestly, has been amazing."
"Can you imagine if every single day one or two strangers randomly popped in while you're at work and said, 'Hey, you're pretty fat.'?"
"Honestly, the first time our food looks so good that strangers came up and took a photo of our food."
"I really like stories about two strangers coming together to help each other heal and form this unique connection through their journey."
"Never trust friendly strangers who offer to show you around."
"I feel like it's weird to be on with complete strangers but feel like I know you all so well."
"Strangers just like bro strangers is easy because strangers like they they definitely Never Gonna See You Again."
"Be careful wherever you go, keep an eye on your children and let them know that not all strange bad guys look like strange bad guys."
"Everyone races towards the bosom of a stranger."
"There are weird people out there, you need to be careful."
"Nothing is scarier than encountering a group of strangers alone in the Deep Woods."
"Mind your manners and respect those of strangers, especially those who might help your cause."
"Never underestimate the kindness of strangers."
"This is all about communication with a stranger that you just met 8 minutes ago. This is going to be so chaotic."
"I've always wanted to have an interaction with somebody when I'm like maybe in the dumps, and it's a stranger, and that stranger's words of advice, them being a stranger and it being so vague, it has the power to mean so much more."
"Strangers, true strangers, ordinary men show up and give good advice. Most humans are well intentioned."
"That'd be a very surreal experience, two complete strangers knowing so much about you."
"The problem is when you care about somebody who you don't even know."
"We hardly know each other; we're perfect strangers still."
"It's the camaraderie among strangers."
"Strangers made it possible, and there's something so meaningful about that."
"You pour your heart out to strangers."
"It's a beautiful little exchange between two strangers that may or may not lead to romance."
"It's so crazy how when you're in a relationship or when you get in a relationship with someone, you were once strangers."
"Sometimes it's easier to talk to a stranger than it is to a friend."
"I just invited a bunch of random people that didn't know each other to my place for dinner and they all got along super well."
"It's hard to explain how total strangers who know nothing about each other can just click and bond in a matter of moments, within one hug."
"We used to look at our neighbors as some level of family, and now we look at each other like we're strangers on the street."
"You've never met these people before in your life, but yet you become instantly close."
"I love, love, love, love listening to strangers."
"How can we become friends if we remain strangers?"
"You're the most memorable stranger I've ever met."
"It can be really energizing because you also, like, I find when you talk to a stranger sometimes you can be the person you want to be."
"These are not wicked folk; if they have a fault, it is distrust of strangers,"
"Remember, a stranger can mean danger."
"...it's the intimacy of strangers."
"I have never felt so loved from complete strangers."
"We can never really be strangers, even if we never laid eyes on each other before."
"I've never felt so connected with strangers in my entire life."
"I know you don't know me and I don't know you either, so we even."
"It's amazing how quickly I can develop an emotional connection to a complete stranger."
"It was strange; they hardly knew each other or anything about the other, yet they both felt comfortable around each other."
"Practice hospitality... be hospitable, be a lover of strangers, with brotherly affection for the unknown guests."
"We don't even hardly know you, but we love you."
"Oh, and don’t trust strangers. Come on, we learned that in kindergarten."
"...because of the choices and sacrifices made by complete strangers."
"They will by no means follow a stranger but will flee from him because they do not know the voice of strangers."
"I just love talking to strangers."
"They may start out as strangers, but then they become your friends."
"Every day you cross paths with countless strangers... we glance at them without much thought and move on with our lives."
"Please note there are strangers out there like me who care about you."
"If you meet a stranger in the woods, you should go home for tea."
"Life doesn't always have a happy ending, especially when you take candy from and talk to strangers."
"We could have been like strangers, turning as we passed along the street."
"It's a beautiful thing to see when random strangers take the time out of their own busy lives to aid the help of others in distress."
"We're making friends with strangers."
"It's not every day like a cute stranger comes up to you and talks to them all, so it's okay, we can both take a deep breath."
"It struck me that we were no longer a group of strangers that had only just met, we couldn't be further from strangers in that moment."
"There's an old saying that strangers are friends we haven't met."
"Strangers reveal their secrets in a confession booth."
"We want to talk to strangers, the whole point of the show is to talk to new people."
"We get by with the kindness of strangers."
"The hardest thing about being in a relationship is how you start out as strangers and then suddenly you are strangers again."
"There are people who do incredibly kind things for strangers."
"A friend is a stranger first before you meet him."
"I like walking by a stranger, having like a really brief non-interaction with them, just exchanging some kind of vague nicety."
"We had never met before that day."
"Do something nice for a stranger, a random act of kindness."
"You are my best friends and then you said we were strangers, but why can't strangers be your best friends?"
"Talking to strangers who know nothing might help calm your feelings a bit."
"Please be careful on the internet, do not talk to strangers."
"Please understand, I too need to be careful when I'm meeting a stranger, don't I?"
"There is something about a tangle of strangers pressed together for days with nothing in common but the need to go from one place to another and never see each other again."
"I'm so thankful that even though I turned up as a total stranger, I was often greeted like an old friend."
"My mother always told me to be kind to strangers. Strangers will be kind to you."
"I love giving compliments to strangers all the time."
"The kindness of strangers just jumped out."
"That's incredibly generous to a complete stranger."
"Sometimes strangers care and they can support you more than friends."
"Don't open your doors to strangers, folks, no matter what time of day it is."
"Don't send anything to strangers, people may seem friendly and warm online, but in the end, the only thing you know about them is what they've been typing to you."
"This man owes his life to ten anonymous strangers, ordinary heroes who just happened to be in the right place at the right time."
"Everybody's a stranger when you first meet them."
"Strangers love acting like they know you better than you do."
"It's the first time I'm experiencing so much of, um, I don't know how you can say that, but like kindness from strangers."
"Have you ever met a stranger and just clicked with them?"
"Complete strangers saved me ten feet from the shore."
"There are no strangers here, just friends you haven't met yet."
"The arrival of the four strangers represents various aspects of humanity."
"Some strangers that became friends."
"If a stranger comes to your house, ask them to please come back when your parents are home."
"I have never been so happy to see complete strangers."
"Being extra nice to strangers when you need help will get you really far, often times further than you expect."
"It's about building community and exposing the kindness of strangers."
"I am sincerely grateful to you for taking me in even though we don't know one another."
"Strangers will support you quicker than your family."
"Don't open the door to a stranger, but the strangers open the door to you."
"He did touch people's lives, the lives of strangers, in an entirely unanticipated way."
"Don't open the door to a stranger. Let the strangers open a door to you."
"It's like people you've never met, people you don't know just genuinely being so kind."
"You meet some random strangers, but first they become strangers, then they become family members."
"You see kids, you shouldn't talk to strangers as it can only result in bad things."
"I've never had a negative impact or a negative encounter from a stranger."
"We are all strangers; you don't know at what point today could be my last day speaking to you, and tomorrow I could be no more."
"I am just totally overwhelmed with the kindness of strangers."
"So I think that the people you see throughout your daily life aren't strangers, they're potential friends."
"Strangers care, and if strangers care about me and my family, I decided what I was going to do was I was going to care about strangers."
"We want to talk to true stranger weirdos."
"Nicest thing a stranger ever did for me, bringing this picture back," he whispered real soft.
"The kindness and friendliness of random strangers is amazing."
"One of the things we do best at Yes Theory is creating experiences for strangers that they'd most likely never get offered otherwise."
"Two complete strangers never having met each other had the exact same dream that they would meet each other, and they did."
"We're just two strangers pretending to know each other."
"Find one person that you don't know today and be ultra kind to them."
"When you feel some connection with other people, even strangers, it seems to be transformational."
"She was the kind of person who would stop a stranger to ask them what was wrong if she saw them crying."
"You're going to get most of your support from strangers."
"I was not making friends with any random person on the road."
"The trust we put in strangers doesn't make them angels."
"A stranger is really just a friend you haven't met."
"Generally, when I accepted rides from strangers while hitchhiking, I liked to try and engage them in chat, sort of as a way to pay them for the ride by providing good conversation."
"Never let your guard down and never get too comfortable, especially when you don't know someone that well."
"I've been getting more love and support from strangers than I ever had in my life, and I'm so grateful."
"People care more than you'll ever know, and the biggest strangers can become your best friends."
"Sometimes strangers will help you more than your family."
"I am spending the next 5 days on this sailboat with complete strangers."
"Sometimes I get more love from complete strangers than the people that you want it from."
"It's hard to be upset with people that you don't know, you'll never hang out with, you'll never meet."
"A stranger is a friend you have never met."