
Closeness To God Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Will you go to hell if you don't fast? No, you will not go to hell if you don't fast. This is not an issue of salvation...Fasting brings me closer to God, brings His presence closer."
"The closer you find yourself to God, the closer you find yourself to the truth."
"The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth."
"Anything that draws you nearer to Him is a true blessing."
"When you repent, you're not getting further from the Lord; you're getting closer to him."
"Resist the devil and he will flee from you; draw near to God and He will draw near to you."
"The more loving that I am, the more I feel closer to God. That's what God is."
"Performing an act of love gets you closer to God than almost anything else."
"Love is what pulls us towards God. God wants you to be as close, not afraid."
"When suffering, we may be nearer to God than we've ever been."
"Best thing is you just got someone that's been there for like your whole life so they kind of know like what you're about."
"The times that I have drawn closer to God have always been when I was on my knees."
"When we see that we're being attacked diabolically, it's actually an indicator that God is drawing us closer to Him."
"Being close to Him is the best thing for us."
"We love best when we stay close to how he would have us love and when we learn to love the way God loves."
"I feel almost closer to God than like I've ever felt before."
"The closer you get to God, the more joy you'll have."
"...the persecution actually brought the Church of Smyrna closer to God."
"It's all about Him bringing us closer to God the Father."
"The closer we get to the Lord, the less we fear death."
"We need to be close to the Lord Jesus and when the Lord starts working in us the impossible becomes possible."
"You're as close to God as you choose to be."
"J is closer to you than your slippers. It's not impossible to attain."
"The angels of heaven will accompany the person who is close to God. When you come closer to God, His angels will surround you."
"The ones who walk with a limp are close to God."
"The Prophet said, 'The nearest of all creatures to God are those with the best character.'"
"Our suffering allows us to experience The Nearness of God in an amplified manner."
"God is closer to the abnormal than he is to the normal."
"You don't know how close I was, but I messed around and went to worship."
"This is a book and a voter's Hashem. This is how they come close to God."
"Your reward is God, what you are preaching for is to be close to him."
"The Prophet said, 'None of you can ever be closer to his Lord than when he is in sujood.'"
"Don't let the disappointments of life pull you away from God, let them draw you near to God."
"Living in the desert and traveling through desert brings one closer to God."
"Sincerity is desiring only to get close to Allah."
"Stick close to the word of God. Stick close to God in these times."
"Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you."
"It's about growing closer to God, which for Muslims is very important, and it strengthens a Muslim's faith."
"Fasting is something that you can do to get closer to God and it helps with temptations."
"In death and in eternity, this is the perpetual privilege of every believer in Christ: he may still draw nigh unto God."
"The more we walk, the closer we get to God."
"When you sincerely put all of that together... it just brings you closer to Him."
"If you don't feel as close to God as you used to, who moved?"
"For whatever it takes to draw closer to you, Lord, that's what I'll be willing to do."
"When suffering, we may in fact be nearer to God than we’ve ever been in our entire lives."
"God's power comes from Him, so in order to have His power, we must get closer to Him."
"On a spiritual level, I learned how to get close to God and I learned how to be a better person overall."
"Every struggle I am going through and putting it for Him, He brings me closer."
"Man is closest to his Lord when in prostration."
"The closer you get to God the Father, the more you become distant from your own works and your own sins and your own shame."
"The more that you do thicker of Allah, the closer you will be to Allah."
"It is when your feeling of reverence is most intense that you are closest to God, and when you are closest to God, your life is richest."
"When the world hates you, that's usually an indicator that you're close with God."
"Enjoy this journey, it's an enjoyable journey getting close to Allah."
"The purpose is to draw near to God."
"Walk so close with God that God takes you home like Enoch because you want to be as close to him like that."
"For every moment that Allah gives us and every opportunity and chance that Allah gives us to get close to Him, know that this is one of the greatest favors of Allah upon you."
"The more you study the word of God, the closer you get to Him."
"If you want to be close to God, go find someone who's suffering."
"Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you; resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
"Fasting is another way to draw closer to God, a very powerful one at that."