
Courtroom Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Dr. Curry, she was probably one of my favorite moments just because I really liked her testimony."
"The judge is literally telling Linette, 'You're a pathological liar. You habitually have lied in my courtroom. I know you're a liar.'"
"A courtroom is not a theater, it is not a public broadcast, and it is not a political platform; it is a court of laws and evidence and rules of procedure."
"I love a good courtroom drama. I like watching lawyers work within the established legal framework in order to make a case for a particular position, using whatever evidence is available."
"Courtroom fashion is really about risk management."
"Do you swear the testimonial you're about to give will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?"
"In the courtroom, every voice matters, every detail contributes to the larger picture, and every case is a new chapter in the ongoing quest for justice."
"The kind of rhythm to a courtroom proceeding can't be kind of overwhelmed by like pizzazz and showmanship and lies."
"The way that these factors are dealt with in a courtroom design demonstrates our values and the role of courts in our society at large."
"Courtrooms underwent a shift toward neoclassical architectural styles inspired by ancient Greek and Roman designs."
"And so we went into court and she stood up and she said, 'I murdered Pam Pitts.'"
"In court, we have to show evidence, not just believability."
"I think they probably have some very good evidence there." - Hugo Lowell
"I highly suggest that you just exit my courtroom and go pay the sanctions before I find you in contempt."
"To have Britney appear in a courtroom and speak directly about her conservatorship is going to be monumental."
"I really am humbled that so many people wanted to see what was going on inside the courtroom."
"I just feel like I wish those kids weren't there, because if our mom is crying and our mom doesn't cry like that, if he's crying based on the energy in the courtroom and what he witnessed, imagine how those babies are feeling."
"Everything you need to decide this case will be presented inside this courtroom."
"Nobody in the courtroom, maybe even including me, wants the case resolved more than Judge Hall."
"He is ignorant and unsophisticated and he is not a good person to now have in a courtroom."
"The public should be able to see what's going on... there should be cameras in the courtroom."
"It's certainly the most historic moment inside of a courtroom In Our Lifetime."
"Your Honor, I'm about to switch gears a little bit."
"Pretend to have a heart attack when he did not want to answer a question about the case."
"A judge can literally feel the confidence coming from certain people."
"The original judge would not allow that affirmative defense."
"I don't care if he was drooling and snoring in court. There ain't nobody who's a Trump person who's ever going to believe it."
"Can you give us your Assurance you're going to decide this case solely on the evidence you see in this courtroom."
"The courtroom is where lies meet their match with the truth."
"I did stand in court today and say I am 100% sure."
"The court of public opinion had hanged him before he ever stepped foot in that courtroom."
"The defense pleads not guilty, Your Excellency."
"I've listened to all your statements. Each one of them. And I'm really sorry to everyone I've heard. Thank you, thank you, sir."
"Access to justice is not just being able to file cases, it's being able to sit there in the courtroom and watch what's going on."
"My heart just broke for this girl while she was on the stand."
"Jurors are definitely not stupid... They're watching everything."
"At the conclusion the state's case in chief, you are going to see the defense move for a directed verdict."
"Facts are stubborn things, especially in a courtroom."
"The courtroom is facts over feelings. Big facts."
"She stood emotionless in the courtroom as her charges were read against her."
"The truth and miss Anthony are strangers." - Judge
"The defense attorney's job is to create doubt."
"If we didn't keep people safe in the courtroom, then yes, we failed in the courtroom."
"Are you a [ __ ] idiot witness even my patience has its limits."
"The jury could quickly see this chick's crazy."
"The evidence and the circumstances do not and cannot prove Ed Locascio guilty beyond a reasonable doubt because in truth and in fact, he is not guilty."
"You're in a courtroom, we're not in a bar, we don't tell fish stories in here."
"We only get one shot at him in court, and we wanted to make it a good one."
"If you feel that there is any reasonable doubt that the prisoner gave this poison to Philip Boy deliberately, you must bring her in not guilty of murder."
"You are in contempt, Mr. Telate. Be quiet right now."
"Please be seated. Your Honor, the litigants have been sworn in."
"Relying on information outside the courtroom is unfair because the parties would not have the opportunity to refute, explain, or correct it."
"I make findings in this courtroom based upon the available information."
"As jurors, you are the most important people in this courtroom. You determine the facts of this case. You are the sole and exclusive judges of The Facts."
"I remember distinctly thinking of myself, finally you have a lawyer in the courtroom who knows what he's doing. It was a thing of beauty."
"There's nothing but proof in this courtroom."
"The idea that this whole thing was fake is so much more absurd than anything's happening in the courtroom."
"We are spending a great deal of time talking. You're correct because that is what we do in the court."
"I have the proof, Your Honor, if you want to see."
"In the courtroom, your heart, your character, your personality are your greatest weapons."
"This is a courtroom not a circus so we going to calm down."
"I told you, again, I want the truth. I want the whole truth, Your Honor. Well, you came here to get the whole truth, and that's what we intend to give you."
"Her voice quivered with her first sentence in this courtroom."
"I always tell people, when you're in this courtroom, it ain't no more shame in your game. Let's just deal with the truth and the facts because at the end of day, it's not for us, it's for the baby."
"Christopher D was talking trash to Johnny Cochran and y'all the very first day in the courtroom when the lights were off when the camera turned off both of them would be talking trash."
"Who is this person that the defense is fighting so hard to put on the stand and the prosecution is fighting so hard to keep off the stand?"
"Say when judge Shirley Upstead would asked him a question ma'am. I'll get to that in a little while."
"Closing courtrooms in criminal cases is really rare. It really doesn't happen often."
"The courtroom was packed. Everyone still had those butterflies."
"The courtroom erupted in a mix of emotions: relief, grief, and a sense of closure."
"The courtroom was filled with tension as the prosecution presented their case against Bartelt."
"The star witness Linda Shiro, longtime mistress of Scarpa, she said agent De Vecchio ordered mob hits as prosecutors told the jury in opening arguments."
"It looked like a slam dunk until today, a dramatic courtroom development that seemed made for the movies."
"Sometimes you just can't help but laugh at absurd moments in court. From attorneys to defendants to witnesses and even jurors, you just never know what someone is gonna do or say."
"it's just on some like don't be in denial to what's going on like you you if you literally sitting in that courtroom and you seeing how your son is acting you've never seen your son beat on somebody's door like that you know what I'm saying."
"There are no what I call Perry Mason moments. Those moments don't really exist."
"Tim's song 'Empty Bottle' being played in the courtroom for Tim to rock out to in a way that makes sense is amazing."
"His snarky quips are made funnier by how poorly suited they are for a courtroom setting."
"It's a perfect piece to demonstrate the importance of respecting Liberty in a courtroom."
"The jury retires to consider its verdict. Shortly after 7:00 p.m. they return, the foreman rises from his chair and says, 'Guilty.'"
"Your Honor, I have further proof."
"There's something to be said about someone who comes into this courtroom, looks a judge right in the face, and outright lies to them."
"I would be so proud if you were my son. Because the matter in which you analyze and articulate and care is the most impressive thing that I've seen in a long time in this courtroom."
"The whole concept of having this kind of not really up to par with how courtroom is supposed to be, how lawyers are supposed to be inside of their courtroom."
"The entire courtroom had an audible gasp."
"The dad was sitting in court the whole time with a suit on with a tie on with completely just stoic just with shiny shoes every day."
"He just got his law degree online. He never spent a day in court until today. Objection to witness what?!"
"I welcome also the courtroom staff, the security officer, and of course the members of the public seated in the public gallery."
"The best way to apply the business record exception is to picture the author of the business record on the stand."
"Let me take you on a pointless Adventure in judge Maribel's courtroom."
"The brutality of the attack was beyond comprehension, leaving those in the courtroom stunned and horrified."
"In a dramatic turn, Hunter went limp and literally had to be dragged out of the courtroom by the bailiff."
"801 D-2 is arguably the most important rule in all of evidence, at least in hearsay."
"Yesterday, I represented somebody in Liverpool Crown Court, big drugs case. One co-defendant received 19 years in prison, my guy got 40 months."
"...the court to decide what kind of evidence is admissible into the courtroom and not all evidence gets into the courtroom."
"Back in the courtroom I like that, it was good."
"The judge is going to start reading these instructions."
"It's always really nice... you just, it goes back actually, you know, the battle between the attorney and the witness, it's great to not know because then you got to figure it out on the stand, you know, that's the best part."
"I was gripped. The jurors hitting the van is something I've never heard of anything like that."
"When the guilty verdict was delivered, the courtroom burst into cheers."
"Be a better man. Mr. Houston, this matter is adjourned."
"ladies and gentlemen of the jury i did not object to the district attorney's opening remarks simply because i was certain that you were cringing as i was at the blatant attempt to appeal to prejudice"
"And that's the magical, wonderful part of this, is because today, if you are willing, you can see your beautiful baby girl, Jalecia, in my chambers today."
"After his nearly two-minute long confession, he stands up and bows to the court and then appears to break character and begs for forgiveness."
"I would always say, 'No, no, when you're in a courthouse, the criminal court is not the most dangerous place in that building. The most dangerous place is the family courtroom.'"
"In this courtroom, the truth prevails."
"Your Honor, there were several significant physiological indicators to this question, which indicated to me deception."
"You obviously have an anger problem because you can't even shut up while another witness is testifying."
"This courtroom has such great character and grit."
"Basic hearsay is this: if you're quoting someone who's outside the courtroom, that's hearsay."
"Everyone in Hollywood knew and everyone in this courtroom now knows exactly what Ms. Heard intended those words to mean."
"Why wouldn't they want Jammered Johnny Depp and Amber Heard in the courtroom to hear the verdict?"
"The defense barrister, that's very full experiences."
"A lot of people off they're doing their internships realize you're not really in a courtroom all that often. And you spend a lot of time sitting behind your desk doing paperwork and research."
"It is a courtroom scene, but it is unlike any earthly courtroom scene."
"Black always works in court, it gives you that somber look, it makes you feel like you deserve empathy."
"She was pleasant as she did it. The judge was pleasant. Everything was pleasant. It was beautiful."
"Oh no, I ain't never been disrespectful to you, other than I just called you the wrong name with the wrong title in open court. Aside from that, we're cool."
"Can I ask you when the direct would be issued, mute him and kick him out of my courtroom. I'm done with him, thank you, booted him."
"There's a lot of distracted defendants this morning."
"I don't think I have any other questions, Your Honor. All right, any redirect, Miss Crane? No, Your Honor."
"The courtroom fell silent as Judge Albrech delivered her verdict."
"The emotional impact of young Dolph's murder was evident as his family members sat in the courtroom, their grief etched on their faces."
"My courtroom is not going to be a place for this behavior. I'm holding them all in contempt."
"All right, Court to be in recess."
"One of my memories of the trial was seeing Sunny blowing kisses into the public gallery, where Gita's immediate family were. He was taunting them."
"The powers that be brought that in because the women in the courtroom didn't know that it was hot."
"It was a verdict that was cheered by the men's many supporters in the courtroom."
"The defendant told his mother he loved her, she started crying, and then you could see that he was taken from the courtroom."
"In a word there, the defendant expressed... she almost seemed that she wanted to make eye contact with Chief Mat to make sure he looked her in the eye when he was saying those things that she clearly didn't agree with the ruling on this."
"Courtrooms are not just about the descriptions of violent crimes; sometimes they are the scenes of violent crimes themselves."
"I always say in this courtroom, and I mean it, it is never too late for a brand-new start."
"You came to court to testify about what you heard, what you saw, and what you know."
"Mr. Drumgold... you... are the father."
"This court room is focused on Zylin and how we can improve his life by ensuring that he knows who his father is."
"Are you representing yourself? Of course I'm not representing myself, your honor. I'm not a fool."
"Evidence is what the witnesses say on the stand."
"The pacing is wonderful, the small town claustrophobia where everyone knows each other is wonderful, and I think this is one of the first thrillers I've read in a world that has like courtroom proceedings. I don't think I've ever read anything like that."
"Factual speaking, this is not leaking. Factual speaking, this is not leaking. I like that. You are the trier of fact, I simply present the evidence."
"...tension inside the courtroom... was just absolutely palpable."
"That's a little humor in the courtroom, okay, all kidding aside."
"In the courtroom, it's evidence-based, fact-based, witness-based."
"The back and forth at argument tells you how unbelievably talented these lawyers are."
"Having support in the courtroom whether it's friends, whether it's family... makes a difference."
"I've had a dress code in this courtroom for many, many years."
"No further questions, Your Honor, thank you."
"The courtroom has become a battleground where the fight for the nation's future is as much about legal outcomes as it is about cultural values and political power."
"Everyone who is present in this courtroom makes sure that they remain silent during the course of this trial."
"In a courtroom, things seem obvious to us because we're here so often, but they're not always so obvious to others."
"The witness stand is not for speculation; it's for facts, it's for evidence."
"All rise, this court is now in session. The Honorable Judge Greg Mathis presiding."
"Theories are great, but they don't win court cases. You know what wins court cases? Evidence."
"Everyone thought that this would be her first loss, but she managed to fish out some new evidence by herself and bring it to court."
"Just because a lawyer says something in court also does not mean it's true."
"If I pulled something like that in a courtroom where I practice, I would expect the judge to just be like, 'Okay, we're gonna have some words.'"
"Can this evidence cross all of the relevant hurdles to get into court?"
"I rest my case, Your Honor. The prosecution rests."
"The courtroom was filled with tension and anticipation as everyone awaited the verdict."
"This was a defense team who put the prosecutors on their back foot."
"Gary broke his courtroom silence and expressed heartfelt sympathy for the Mixer family."
"The courtroom was filled with anticipation as the verdict was announced."
"Everybody was smiling, the judge had a little smile on his face."
"This case is about more than just catchy buzz words; it's about evidence."
"Let's use respectful language in the courtroom."
"I remind everyone in a courtroom that there's to be no reaction to the testimony."
"Character trait of peacefulness of the victim offered by the prosecution in a homicide case to rebut evidence that the defendant was the first aggressor."
"The character trait of peacefulness of the victim offered by the state in a homicide case to rebut evidence that the defendant was the first aggressor."
"In the courtroom, they say to you to declare that you're going to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth."
"You are the bravest person I have ever had in my courtroom."
"I'm always thinking on my feet; I'm always in front of judges; I can do this."
"They make sure to look at him directly in his eyes every time they walk into the courtroom."
"The ability to remain calm under pressure, notably when interpreting shocking testimony in court, is essential."
"I bawled uncontrollably in the courtroom; I couldn't catch my breath, and at that point, I didn't want to catch my breath."
"Depp's team just really brought it inside that courtroom."
"This is the people's courtroom; let the people come inside."
"The jury's resounding recommendation of an astonishing 263-year prison sentence rippled through the courtroom."
"The walls of evidence closed in around him, overwhelming the courtroom with undeniable proof of his guilt."
"The courtroom became a stage for justice as the prosecution and defense presented their cases."
"Yes, Your Honor, is the defense ready to proceed this morning?"
"Cross-examination is where it's at; that's where you get to quickly shine or suck badly, all in real time."
"Do not wear anything that references drugs or crime to court."
"A lot of cases you don't need a Smoking Gun if the case is well presented and the witnesses do their job and the evidence is there."
"Every single case that comes before you in the courtroom is the clash of two different versions of the truth."
"Considering the lack of evidence, I move that the charges against my client be dismissed."
"It was the best moment of cross they've had."
"All parties please raise your right hand. The People's Court is now in session."
"You really do feel like you're getting some of your power back because you're in a courtroom -- he can't argue. You just get to say how it affected you."
"A courtroom should be a place of honesty," the judge reminded the jury.
"What really matters is going to happen in that courtroom."
"The courtroom became a battleground where the truth would be sought and justice would be pursued."
"I'm out of order? You're out of order! This whole courtroom is out of order!"
"This is the courtroom of Judge Frank Caprio. Where people and cases are met with compassion."
"If you go to court, you gotta prepare. You've gotta know what the case is about, and you've gotta be prepared to answer the judge's questions."
"Dr. Loftus' lifetime of research has focused on human memory, eyewitness testimony, and also on courtroom procedure."
"I will not have handcuffs used in this court."
"In this courtroom, he is not a number."
"What is happening in that courtroom on the witness stand is clearly unscripted."
"They'll see me in the witness box, and their little heart will melt, you'll see."
"The heart and soul of what we're doing today is the witnesses, the exhibits, and the procedure needed with respect to the witnesses."
"This is as good as it gets, you know, in terms of a courtroom drama playing out."