
Country Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"We still live in a country where justice can prevail."
"He's the only guy that can save this country."
"We're not just fighting for our country; we're fighting for our children's future."
"We have a beautiful, amazing world, a beautiful, amazing country."
"This is the time to invest in the future of our country."
"South Korea is an incredible country with a vibrant culture."
"The country's not completely and totally lost yet, and that's good news."
"What's at stake is about the future of our country."
"It's very sad to see... our country, it's not just their city; this is happening to all of us."
"I want a country that treats all of its people with dignity and decency."
"Let's just remove this hate that's going on in our country."
"It feels like a watershed moment in the country."
"Bangladesh might just be the most resilient country on the planet."
"We are finally standing up for our great country."
"The next few months are going to be absolutely critical for Argentina."
"Thailand is my favorite country in the world."
"Exciting for a country usually means something like wow that was a very good video 10 out of 10."
"Jamaica: considered by many to be one of the most beautiful countries on earth."
"You heal the country by actually seeking justice."
"Are you hopeful about the future of the country? In all honesty, I am."
"This is not something to break up the United States over."
"A healthy love for our faith, our family, and our country is essential for preserving our freedoms and values."
"As a Scott it fills me with so much pride to see my country showcased."
"Elizabeth could not marry him as she, unlike her father, chose her country and subjects over her own desires."
"I am absolutely committed and energized to deliver for this country."
"It has some of the highest happiness levels of any country on the planet."
"Our country was founded on the idea of democracy."
"US and A greatest country in the world."
"It really is one of the most beautiful countries."
"It's important that the country is prepared for that and can seize all the benefits of it."
"It's a small country, you know, it's really rural."
"Saint Andrew is the patron saint of which country?"
"The peace process that took place five years ago has been fairly successful in generating peace in several parts of the country."
"Big country, big country. That's how vast it was, we were just a speck in the middle of it."
"The love of country is also beautiful."
"People love their country; they are patriotic. There are flags flying."
"The greatest country in the world is America."
"It may be a tiny country, but with zero percent income tax rates, a world-class harbor, and its very own Grand Prix."
"Country is still a good place where you can tell those stories the best."
"I would definitely do like a country ballad."
"God bless each and every one of y'all and God bless the United States of America, the greatest country in the history of the world."
"We should never tear down our country; if you see a flaw, you work on it to heal it."
"We need leaders who are going to put country before party, country before personal interests."
"It's a great country, Caroline," Pa said.
"We have to become a more empowered country by including everybody."
"We have over 30 million believers in our country now."
"Politics is different, politics is not about money. Politics is about changing the country for the better."
"What's more important than my ego? America. What's more important than mudslinging? Our country."
"This is the best country in the world, you could be whatever you want to be."
"Patriotism is not about loyalty to government. Patriotism, in fact, is not about loyalty to anything. Patriotism is a constant effort to do good for the people of your country."
"Norway is the happiest country in the world."
"Norway is very responsible with its wealth and money and he admires Norway for trying to push renewable energy."
"Made up of more than 70% forest, this is the first carbon negative country in the world."
"If you don't, your right to be upheld in this country dies."
"You look around, and look at this beautiful country. I mean, it's so majestic."
"This country was founded on the ideals of self-determination and freedom."
"England! It’s the royal island nation famous for its tea, biscuits, and computers!"
"It's an insult to our country as the world is already laughing at us for so many other reasons."
"Patriotism is trying to understand and work on how we can all live together. That's patriotism. How can we effectively live together? What's more patriotic than that? Wanting the best for your country for everybody who is in that country."
"I'm just like my country: young, scrappy, and hungry."
"Black folks invented country music, stop it."
"The United States is a crazy outlier among other countries."
"This country is truly breathtaking."
"This country's cram jammed with game."
"We have got to get busy if we want to save our country."
"It is still not easy for any country to love its liberators."
"We live in a country where we can complain and not get killed for it. That's the biggest flick. You can eat anytime you want to, you could just wake up, bust a left, be right at the get there and walk without quit four hours."
"Which country will start World War Three? Why? Probably America. I mean, they made Wonder Woman one and two, so highly likely they'd make WW3. At least start it. Not sure why someone else would finish it."
"This is my first time in the country and I'm buzzing to be fishing park I with the ridge monkey boys."
"I see a country where the streets are paved and people are happy."
"It's really an awesome mixture of kind of hip-hop and Country in a way that in the context of rest of the album feels super authentic and cool."
"Do you prefer country or this country you do 100 I agree actually you know what I just I love it like walks yeah no one gives a [__] no smog nah we got sloths on the roads no we've got [__] cars down there."
"If a country's prosperity depended on one girl's suicide, then such a country should disappear."
"I'm Blown Away by how beautiful this country is. It exceeds my expectations, takes my breath away."
"Taylor Swift's music: it's crazy how there's such a country layer on top of it."
"Norway has just the perfect recipe to be this fantastic country."
"We have to decide that the constitution is more important than the country."
"He may be the best football coach in the country, he almost certainly is the best loved college coach."
"My favorite country song is 'Did you clean up on New Year's Day?'"
"Do not mistake love for desperation."
"When it comes to being prepared to use our abilities, this country has both the global reach and the desire."
"The average American can reinvent him or herself, and that's what makes this country what it is."
"I've completely fallen in love with the country, the people, and the culture."
"...the compromise that I think this country needs...more Compact and easy to use."
"I want to see the strength of my country."
"It's a beautiful country. The people must be among the most generous in the world. And it's a country that's fragile, in a delicate state, but one where there's a lot of hope for the future."
"Polarization is really starting to set in and the country is headed toward a no turning back scenario."
"In 25, 30 years you won't even know what country fish you're fishing for over here you won't even know."
"country and western music is named after Western supermare"
"Pour yourself into your purpose, and turn this country around."
"This won't be about pins, this will be about submission, this is a full-out war, this is a battle, this is about pride, this is about country."
"We should be encouraging the immigration of people who we think are going to benefit us. It's really about the future of our country."
"Let's learn about the freaking country."
"How do you make the ideal real? That's why I talk about the soul of the country."
"How fortunate are we to live in a country like this?"
"Portugal is ranked one of the safest countries in the world, coming in at number seven on the Global Peace Index."
"I just love this big chunky country... pretty amazing what they were able to accomplish."
"The country's obsessed with them. It's a passion, the like of which I haven't found anywhere else in the world."
"The belief that we are a great country is deeply ingrained in me."
"I love this country with all craziness."
"...the outpouring of grief and mass hysteria in the country."
"We must be a better house at listening to all voices in our country."
"I'm fundamentally in the storytelling business, and so I tell stories in books and I tell it on television sometimes and I tell them on stages sometimes, but what holds that together, it seems to me, is trying to tell a story about the country that's illuminating."
"The biggest legacy is left behind, a cache of music that is just awesome, that's divine, it's country music royalty."
"A ton of confidence when you go back to play for club after shining for country."
"We need to change the way our country works and that requires a change in mindset."
"Just pray for our country and just be thinking about all your brothers and sisters in Christ and lift them up."
"We like this country, no we love this country."
"This is a very rustic country feeling and it's also a place that is intended to be lived in."
"I remember thinking that this is like the funeral of our country."
"Usually you don't know how beautiful your country is."
"She's undoubtedly the new queen of country."
"...it is race weekend once again. It is also God's weekend. It is our country's Memorial weekend."
"This made it the most dangerous country on Earth."
"So much better in this country, even better."
"I wanted the American public to know I was country. I am country. I ain't never been anything but."
"But it is, it's a very safe country."
"Gentlemen, this country of ours is unique."
"The country of superlatives: highest GDP per capita, lowest poverty rate, highest life expectancy..."
"We must not lose the opportunity to strengthen our country."
"The kindness, it's the deepness what I love about this country."
"I love country music. So, yeah, anything good country."
"This is absolutely the greatest country in the history of the world, I don't think there's any doubt about it."
"A scandal that nearly destroyed the country."
"Just when you think it can't get any better, we have tons of new country music legends."
"If I had to pick one name and say that really truly is country in a nutshell, I think it would be Merle Haggard."
"I love this country, America, I love you so."
"It is time to put country ahead of party."
"I love this country because this country gave me a lot. Everything. I become rich."
"She had put so much pressure on herself to represent her entire country."
"I think we're in a moment of history where probably the most important thing we need to do is to bring the country together."
"It's more about building a future for our young people, what kind of country do we want to grow up in?"
"Evening the playing field can be both good business and really good for this country."
"It's so great to hear that you can actually build something in this country."
"I think everybody should do that. This is a great country. It's got its faults but I've been to a lot of places in this whole world and it's the best place I've known."
"You want to talk about the relevance of a book today? Somebody's out there trying to destroy the greatness of this country."
"This is such a beautiful country."
"It's because of him, it's because of warriors like him, that make our country the way it is, right?"
"It's a good country for myths," Frank said, looking dreamily at the horizon.
"I was scared about the future of the country before, but now I really am."
"Neotraditional country is equal to none."
"We are transforming this city, this state, and this country for the better."
"All of the evil has now been purged from our country."
"I think it's good PR for the country."
"For club, for country, and for community."
"We each have the power to determine what kind of country we want to live in."
"It's rustic, it's beautiful, and it's country."
"The Netherlands: discovering the best organized country in the world."
"I'm so glad I live in a country where we have free healthcare."
"We sing the country of ours despite all his better souls have done and dreamt is yet a shameful land."
"Whatever it may be, this country just keeps calling us back, back again and again."
"The riding in this part of the country is almost as good as the local moonshine."
"England's a [ __ ] country, bro. How they [ __ ] expecting people to be like yeah England these days bro, they're [ __ ] [ __ ]."
"That's the biggest problem with this country is there's so many [__] problems in this [__] country that politicians don't do [__] about."
"There's so much wrong with this country."
"This country is going in a direction I don't like very much."
"An's music resonated with audiences everywhere, blending elements of country, pop, and folk into something truly special."
"You get those books balanced, you get those plans in action, you get somebody who can make decisions in the first hundred days, you can turn this country around. It's that simple, I promise you."
"Our country is suffering because of bad decisions."
"This is without doubt the greatest country in the history of the world. I wake up every day and I want to kiss the ground."
"The portraits hanging in the White House chronicle the runners in that race, each of us tasked with trying to bring the country we love closer to its highest aspirations."
"For me, it's also really important to show the country realistically as well as from the best side."
"You ain't seen nothing yet. Nothing. You haven't seen anything compared to what's going to happen in this country."
"Honestly, in this country, that is anybody's game."
"It's fun doing, you've seen a lot of the country haven't you?"
"America is this very special place and I love my country."
"The spirit of this country has sunk so low that only desperate measures can revive it."
"The referendum result was not just about membership of the EU; it was a vote to change the way that this country works, and who it works for, forever."
"Georgia is a country perhaps best known for its rugby prowess."
"I'm embarrassed that I share a country of birth with a man with a villain like this. It's horrifying and my advice to the extent I would presume to give you advice on how to handle this is just wait it out."
"So out of all five comparisons only one country comes close to Australia and that is Germany and we all know how much they love their beer."
"We feel completely safe in this country."
"If you could create a viral marketing campaign for it, like, you know, maybe. But this is no longer a country that can actually do anything at all."
"Do we want a country that works or do we want to be right? That's our choice."
"The best thing for our country is a healthy, vibrant, outward-facing church."
"I like a lot of things about this country, but one thing I do not like is racism."
"The country can seem so divided, but there are things that actually unite us."
"It's a free country, he said to me."
"...welcome to the one and only original Country Jamboree!"
"...it's a car that I can take on a road trip across the country and have no problems with."
"This country is so awesome to hike in."
"People are realizing that our country and certainly Cornwall is just such a stunning Place."
"Sierra Leone is a poor country from an Economic Development perspective, however, it's one of the richest countries probably in the entire world."
"I love what's happening in my country. It's nice to drive back home."
"If the church isn't troubled by what it sees, there's not much hope for the country."
"Truth when it comes to your country never compromise. It doesn't matter how much money they have."
"Country's family reunion, we're celebrating country's unbroken circle."
"We could have been a country of not only beautiful nature and amazing history and great food but also a Powerhouse in Global Tech and Industry."
"Feeling a deep gratitude... for just being alive and living in this country."
"One sword's chill overcomes the whole country, unbelievable."
"Especially, because, to me, the response that the Republicans had, which was we're going to do nothing, we're going to sort of forcibly break the system in order to get power back, really kind of isn't an option anymore, for the sake of the country."
"I think they look really country and really really sweet."
"I'm incredibly optimistic about the future of this country."
"I like country songs, man. Some of them songs be hitting."
"America is such a beautiful country."
"Only sport that unifies the country."
"It's the happiest place on Earth, it has the highest gross domestic happiness, it's the most environmentally friendly country."
"The only way we are going to root ourselves in this country again... is by feeling into these sites again, by feeling into the language."
"I honestly believe in our country and what we do."
"In my country, one love, all love."