
Practicality Quotes

There are 15492 quotes

"Knowledge is not power, just having a book sitting on your shelf doesn't make you any better than anybody else."
"You never know when you might want a gate later, plus they look cool."
"Positivity, optimism, and practicality... you need all three for the right dynamic."
"In the house, I'll use it without a case, but when I'm going out... I got a nice selection right here."
"Philosophy is the most practical thing a human being can hope to embrace."
"Beyond Order provides what I hope is a productive and interesting walk through ideas that are both philosophically and sometimes spiritually meaningful as well as being immediately implementable and practical."
"When the going gets tough, the tough use duct tape."
"It's really surprising how quickly fifty feet of rope is not fifty feet of rope because just tying knots and making a secure way of tying things up uses a lot of length."
"I'm trying to be practical. There's lots of ways to skin a cat, yes, there's lots of ways to find profitability, yes, but you cannot speed up proper learning."
"Why would the Knight do a pull-up contest with his armor on? You know that's just weighing you down."
"But I want to help you discover a deeper faith, a faith that lasts, a practical faith that will help you through tough times."
"I love flashlights. I like being able to see."
"I'm making both of these bags into crossbodies so each one needs an adjustable strap."
"We can't get confused between answers in practice and answers in principle. Just because there may not always be clear ways to resolve these issues in practice doesn't mean there aren't right answers."
"The Go's larger screen and sturdy kickstand make it practical to stick it on a desk and use it at a distance."
"You literally think a piece of paper matters more than fucking results."
"Positivity is the absolute game, but so is practicality."
"Community College is actually a very encouraging way to get your prereqs out the way."
"For Amish women, education typically extends to the eighth grade, aligning with their belief that knowledge should primarily serve practical and religious purposes."
"You want to make them as beautiful, aesthetic, and ergonomic as possible, but you also want to keep in mind the practical side of things and make sure that it's a product that can be mass-produced."
"Sometimes a shield is good just because it does its goddamn job."
"Fuel economy, not just the fuel economy but also just the fact that you're really not sacrificing much in terms of style, in terms of space, in terms of comfort. There's just not very much sacrifice for that additional fuel economy that you're getting."
"Don't worry too much about being too practical because whatever is gonna bring you success, it's something very unconventional, very radical."
"Mondragon demonstrates that a cooperative economic model is entirely practical and effective."
"Just because it's a high ideal does not mean it's false. It's true right now, does not mean it's impractical. It's practical right now."
"The best bet for most people is to solve the problems that beset them in their own lives."
"If you want to make something practical which has large numbers of people using it, the computational complexity is a fundamental consideration."
"That kind of makes sense... a public restroom by the... or the parking lot."
"Just super unnecessary but so necessary if you have kids and you're on road trips and want to open up both sunroofs, that's awesome."
"Our house should serve us in our current season of life...stuff is meant to make our life easier, not harder."
"You don't buy it because you think the world is ending, you buy it because sometimes it rains."
"Aesthetically this all works very well, the tree is detailed enough to be iconic, yet not so intricate that its character would be lost when the flag is waving or when viewed from a distance."
"That flashlight became the reason that I wore a Phoenix 7x for a while just because I used the heck out of that thing."
"I love my large bags and I find these so practical and beautiful and this to me is forever my favorite."
"The furniture rule, I call it. Forget the definitions; furniture rules."
"Life isn't just about looking at the science; it's also converting that science into something practical for people that they can actually use to improve the way that they feel."
"I don't just want to make YouTube videos that are full of nice ideas or helpful on paper; things that people can realistically implement into their everyday lives, I think, and hope, are gonna offer much more value."
"For me, spirituality really had to be practical and it had to be something that I could give my heart and soul over to."
"The cargo area...is actually pretty decently sized."
"According to Lincoln's Cottage, the Lincoln family's practicality showed through despite the pomp of the office."
"Instead of meatless Mondays, something like …no-food-waste Wednesdays might be a lot more worth our time."
"It's not Pinterest worthy in here, but that's okay; it functions, and that's really what's important to me in this stage of life."
"At the end of the month, it doesn't matter what your closet looks like. It's going to matter what your bank accounts look like."
"Look for kitchen items that can serve multiple purposes to replace multiple gadgets in your kitchen."
"There's no such thing as the perfect camera, but there is the right tool for the right job."
"Remember the best camera to have is the camera you already do have."
"To be practical is to practice a discipline or to be embedded in a discipline that is being actively practiced and that embeds you as a whole being including your body, including your values, and even including your private life in a set of performative acts."
"What's the point of creating a model if you can't use it?"
"For a lot of people, we don't drive 300 miles in a day... and you can charge it up to full overnight, what more do you really need?"
"It's just common sense, you know. It's not right or wrong; it's just what works for you."
"There's no reason why you should be spending your money when you don't have to be spending your money, and you get the same exact coverage."
"Money doesn't grow on trees. Save your money; it'll save you."
"The stock being customizable for very body sizes is both practical and super tactical."
"Better engineering favors simplicity, it favors ease of manufacturing, ease of maintenance, ease of modification and repair."
"Contrary to how TV and films might depict the status of a beater, there isn't really a stigma with regards to buying used."
"I believe in fit over fashion, quality over quantity, and minimalism. Travel light, go far."
"We should be practical and see how to moderate our impact on climate change."
"I'm gonna make that $500 stretch because you can get a lot of gifts for $500. That's way more than enough."
"If you're going to have a special sliding door or a window, weatherproof that."
"Knowledge is nothing without acting on that knowledge. It's really the ability to implement and to take action."
"This whole topic isn't realistic or of much value practically, but I just thought it would be a fun thought experiment."
"Business does not go by prophecy; business goes by principles."
"You can only use the tools that are in your toolbox."
"Veganism is not about being perfect... it's about not hurting animals as far as is practicable and possible."
"This truck really can be used as a family vehicle, big adult human people can sit in the back with no problems."
"If we turn on the air conditioning, we won't make it."
"Your desk setup and what you have, it's not all about having the best; it's also about using it to the best of its ability."
"You don't have to buy the newest models... You don't have to overspend on features you don't need."
"The most important thing that the chosen is trying to do is to see what does a life with God mean at ground level."
"People always ask me which camera should I buy and I always tell them, well, it depends on what you're doing, what your subject matter is, and it depends on how much money you have."
"The novelty of it has worn off. I just want to get in and out of that place."
"The great hunger for information that is practical and useful and that helps people find meaning in their lives and orient."
"Smart real estate is buying things that can be used, not just buying houses. Think about where you're buying and what you're buying."
"Successful people are pragmatic. What does this mean? This means they're practical! They're more practical than they are ideological or idealistic."
"Believe in yourself, but just have something to fall back on."
"Intellectualism fuels the train to mankind's future, but the tracks the train runs on are forged from practicality."
"You're better off having something and not needing it than needing something and not having it."
"We know the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell, but we're clueless when it comes to taxes."
"The Tesla Model 3 is an appliance, and just like every other appliance, your dishwasher, your microwave, it's not really thrilling. It's a tool for a job, and this car is the best tool for the job of boring commuting in daily traffic."
"Only accurate information has practical application."
"If it's going to be too hot and too cold, too cold is the proper solution. That is not sexist, that is basic logic."
"Any plan that requires daily perfection is not a good plan."
"We plan on decluttering a lot before moving because a lot of our things we don't think it's worth moving cross-country."
"Being honest about the stuff that I actually use, not just holding on to things because I might use them in the future."
"Look at this! We just plug it onto a little outlet, and it hangs. This is so convenient."
"If it's stupid and it works, it's not stupid."
"Many people fail to understand that the Bible is a very practical book that gives us practical principles for effective and empowered living."
"The kingdom of God is as practical as money, houses, neighborhoods, jobs, hospitals, schools."
"You don't have it to put it up on a shelf and admire it; you have it precisely so that when there comes a time with difficult decisions like that have to be made, it's a sort of armor that enables the decisions to have the kind of public acceptance that they ought to have."
"What I'm going to give you is not very much theory; I'm going to give you a lot of applicable, usable techniques."
"It's a transportation car, this thing can run all over the place and it still gets 40 miles a gallon if you want to drive on a highway."
"An identity that doesn't solve the problem of how you're going to live isn't an identity."
"If you can avoid buying this card today, then avoid it. If you can keep using what you have, keep using it."
"In the world of empirical fact, you never have certainty. In the practical world, we talk about facts with the understanding that there's always a possibility, however small, that they might be wrong."
"We're all just trying to find practical ways to make it."
"Is it good as a daily rider then? Oh my gosh, it's a lovely machine. Like I said, service schedules aren't too bad. For a sportbike, it's not wildly uncomfortable."
"Business is all about solving problems... Business isn't about having breakthrough ideas in the shower; it's just about solving problems."
"Your approach to life is an effective mix of both practicality and imagination."
"It's one thing to understand something conceptually; it's something completely different when you know how to apply it."
"If it doesn't work at a small level, it's not going to work at all."
"There's nothing better than a good crossbody bag; they're so easy and carefree."
"Craft a home that is practical and more importantly, craft a home that you love."
"This is a truck a little bit bigger than a midsize that can out-accelerate most sports cars, handles superbly, will go off-road, and has great practicality and versatility."
"The North Face has two puffers... very practical, very functional but still has some shape."
"My grandpa says if you put too many things in one hand, you won't be able to squeeze one."
"When you're dealing with vanilla JavaScript, there's so many different ways that you can write your code. I try to keep it very practical and self-explanatory."
"You didn't really need to know how to do everything... You sort of got by day to day by just focusing on those things that matter."
"As far as I'm concerned, the glasses win the combination of the most ridiculous and most useful of this bunch."
"If you’ve got enough food then you have to worry about it spoiling before anyone will eat it."
"In terms of stopping power, nunchucks are garbage."
"Having a gun that you can shoot effectively that you will also take with you is far more important than the size of the bullets it launches."
"The check still clears, the money's still green." - Gabrielle Union
"Going used is always safe because it is very hard to lose money on used gear."
"Leadership is not about entertainment, it's about results."
"Bottom line is, if I had a slogan aside from 'the facts don't care about your feelings,' it's solve your own problems, because most problems are solvable."
"There's no need to make big bold chrome statements on this car yes it's big yes it's impressive but it still looks stylish and that's really quite some achievement for an SUV."
"This is not a massive car and I think it's fair to say there really isn't a spare inch of this bay..."
"Level 1 charging isn’t for everyone and has drawbacks, but I would argue it’s more useful than many realize."
"It's not about looking good, folks, it's about protecting the soldiers on the ground."
"Logical is good. We don't need to reinvent the wheel at all times."
"It's not even true. American cheese was designed specifically so that it would melt faster and last longer before getting moldy. It's practical but it's not good."
"It's the pragmatic thing to do, it's now or never."
"If I was looking to haul a 10,000 pound trailer for any decent distance this is the option that I would want."
"Let's give something that's practical, helpful, and useful."
"Some electric motorcycles are just good at being motorcycles."
"Can they drive Florida to New York, New York to Florida? Yes, they can."
"What we can't do is try and reinvent something or invent something from scratch that takes too long to get off the ground."
"The RGB Works, dang it actually creates a decent amount of light in there."
"It's not the most powerful gun but if your oppressor has guns, it's better than not having a gun."
"Tupperware protects food from damp sea air, is quiet in the galley, won't break if the boat rocks, and it floats if it falls overboard."
"It's more than tailoring a suit for the prom. It's about how to wash it, iron it, and wear it again."
"Shove that quarter in your cart and get shopping."
"There is a plus button in that bottom right-hand corner after all."
"Ultimately, yes, I think it would be better for stopping somebody, frankly, I think it'd be a lot easier."
"There's a time and place for using checklist templates."
"The metric system is clearly on to something."
"That oil pan doesn't hang much further lower than stock, and that's really good for taking this thing off-road."
"I don't think college is completely useless, I just think that some degrees are way more practical than others."
"It doesn't matter how brilliant your theory is, if it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong."
"But again, a little clunkier, you're just much better off finding a web in the colors you're in."
"How about proposing some actual solutions rather than sloganeering nonsense?"
"We understand reality, we look at the numbers."
"I'm all for using whatever you have available just to get things going because the thing that actually matters is all the stuff afterwards."
"For a vast majority of motorcyclists, that is completely impractical for 99% of street use."
"Why buy a punching bag to practice on when you have a perfectly good Big Mom right there?"
"You can swipe on a contact to send a message or make a call."
"Every time we travel, I download a bunch of books to listen to, which saves me from having to pack my bags to the brim with hardcover ones."
"Every gift you've gotten me is pretty practical."
"Imagine if you could buy a dual or triple head setup so that two kids in the family could have their own PC without actually having their own PC."
"If you're just dealing in the fantasy, you're not going to solve any problems in reality."
"Belief in Christianity is pragmatically justified."
"Lower the epistemic bar...by which I have something more reasonable practical uh justification for believing in Christianity even in the absence of epistemic justification."
"It's a no-brainer folks, it's saving you time and money."
"No security is ever airtight but no security is ever even useful if it takes so much training to use and effort to employ on a day to day basis that it’s impractical."
"Bidets are easy to set up on any toilet in under 10 minutes."
"I'll tell you what guys I'm a fan of shortcut."
"Well, there's a great hunger for information that is practical and useful and that helps people find meaning in their lives and orient themselves."
"Politics was the art of what was practical and possible."
"Reasonable solutions mean solving the problem."
"Wow wow messenger bag format and backpack format I love that I love that so much especially if it's getting a little heavy it's nice to wear it as a backpack."
"Save a little bit of money, help the environment a bit, it's great."
"Money isn't everything, but you have to make sure you have a roof over your head."
"Some things aren't used but they're not useless."
"Bushcraft doesn't have to be pretty, it's just got to get the job done."
"Let's get this funny... I need a battery that's not dead."
"Choose dark mode—it saves battery life and is easier on your eyes."
"How am I going to buy one of these or one of those? No, it doesn't have to be one of those."
"It's not about holding onto possessions but just using what we need to get where we need to go."
"Knowledge isn't power, the application of knowledge is power."
"If your solution is worse than the problem, it's not a solution."
"Purposeful shopping habits: Do I really need that? What's the cost per wear?"
"You don't rebuild your bathroom and then get angry that you have to dump in a bucket. That's where we are now."
"It's better to get what you need rather than a lot of what you don't."
"When I said in that video that real-world performance is what matters, that is like an age-old wisdom."
"Being a grown-up is when you're so happy to have a knife on your person."
"So it's kind of unfortunately, there's not just like one global best framework, it kind of depends on what you're actually trying to do, what applications you anticipate but these are kind of my general advice on those things."
"Sometimes we need to do a little bit less epic questing and just handle daily business."
"You're not solving any problems by doing it."
"Magic's got nothing on good old-fashioned technology."
"Round two is some quick real-life questions, like asking about food percentages, prices, and the news." - Joe Handy
"Let's use the space we have and make it look good."
"I find it very convenient to carry a bigger bag – fits everything in for work."
"Bury their bodies with our tractors and wearing our chem bio suits in case there's a virus set will bury their bodies in a shallow grave where our chickens can benefit from the worms they produce."
"I don't think that putting you to be honest I don't be putting either one of us and Jail's gonna do anybody any good."
"I see the utility of this and I think it's a really good idea."
"If escalator goes out of order it's temporarily stairs."
"In terms of practicality, the MDX will be slightly better compared to this."
"Language is one of the only things that is worth knowing poorly." - Kato
"The idea of an exchange is not a government takeover; it is how the market works."
"Idealism without action is useless. Love without action is irrelevant."
"Applied wisdom has so much more value than knowledge or books read."
"People will choose Practical living over political ideology when it comes to paying the bills."
"If you get a knife that's too bulky, you won't carry it when you need it. Benchmade bug out knives are perfect for EDC."
"It's not rocket science, anyone could figure this out on a weekend."
"A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one."
"It ships in like folded onto like one thing but you can break it out and then like add the thing and it's like twice as big as they would be able to actually ship it."
"Are you tired of watching video after video hoping to find something practical about work from home jobs that you can start right now?"
"Right now, guilt is not useful; dehumanization is."
"Do not waste the garlic, guys. Eat the garlic."
"Know your environment. It's not just about what looks good, but what works."