
Embracing Change Quotes

There are 156 quotes

"You're manifesting everything you've ever wanted. Now is the time to embrace those opportunities."
"You've gotta embrace change, not be afraid of change, you know, at the end of the day."
"Accept change without fear, to know that if you have to walk off a mountain that you're gonna fly."
"Welcome this new change with open arms, you have the key you need."
"Change is transformation. It's not scary, it's just stepping through a new door."
"You have the ability to step out of the past and let go of old energies to step into the new with ease and thrive on change."
"Change can be uncomfortable, but it's an adventure."
"Just say yes to change... there's an adventure waiting."
"If you embrace and ride that sort of energy of change, then you can have a lot more fun than fighting it."
"I encourage you to welcome change, opportunity, and abundance."
"Embrace a new idea or something that allows you abundance."
"New cycles are a very good thing as long as you roll with the new changes."
"Don't be afraid of these dramatic changes, they are definitely meant to be."
"Embrace change as your key to the year in 2023."
"Embrace this change it's gonna be a good thing."
"You're just afraid of that process, and you have to embrace it."
"Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid to stretch yourself, don't be afraid to say this situation has been good for a while but now I have outgrown it."
"If you're willing to remain open to new roads, to embrace the chaos that comes your way when you cut your losses."
"If you embrace... really really learn the lessons... it really will transform your life."
"Opportunities for growth and expansion, learning new skills, and embracing change."
"Growth is a beautiful thing, guys. Don't be scared to grow, man."
"Don't be so married to history that you fail to accept a date with destiny."
"Change may be scary, but it could be the best decision of your life."
"There's no time to be scared of the light. It's time to embrace the light we bring into this world."
"Don't fear change, position yourself for better."
"Change can be terrifying, but if you embrace it and try to make the best out of it, you'll see why the change is happening."
"Embracing change and going with the flow is necessary and essential to your happiness, health, and enjoying life."
"You're reawakening to this love. Embrace change, evolution of the soul, rising up."
"Release old tendencies, be flexible towards change."
"Embrace change and uncertainty as part of your journey."
"Despite of how emotional it may be to change and transform and start something new, go ahead and do it anyways because what's important is that you're doing what makes you happy."
"Embrace change, trust the change, know that you do deserve this change."
"A new lease on life and you're embracing it."
"I'm so confident that there's other things that are gonna come as long as I just embrace the journey."
"Facing uncomfortable changes challenges us to let go of our plans and embrace God's even when his plans seem unclear or difficult."
"There's really great stuff that could be had here, and yes, it's uncomfortable, and it might feel different, but it's worth celebrating if you allow it."
"Embrace the shock of the new with people and career."
"Change is never easy, but you're going to experience some significant life change."
"Don't be afraid of the unknown. Don't be afraid of change."
"Trust the process... when people understand and accept change they ride the waves of this lifetime with great eagerness success and abundance."
"Trust the changes, they're leading you to something spectacular."
"I am flexible and flowing. I am open to the new and changing."
"Change is upon you, anticipate with curiosity."
"Allow change to change you, and I mean it in a positive way."
"Elevate yourself, achieving lofty goals and embracing changes."
"You're moving into the unknown, and only good can come your way."
"Big changes are coming and I personally love big changes because it means experimentation."
"Embrace change and confidently express your authentic self."
"Embrace the new, feel the fear, do it anyway."
"Embrace change, it's leading to a big ending."
"Change is the doorway. It is the portal, and when you do that, it opens up new opportunities for you."
"Life moves in cycles, embrace new beginnings."
"You're not straying away from conflict or chaos like you used to because sometimes you got to go through that energy of change and transformation to make it out on the other side."
"Embrace change. Don't be afraid to flip your world upside down every once in a while and shake it up a little bit."
"Embrace uncertainty and step into your eccentricity."
"Be daring, have faith in the future, and embrace the positive changes ahead."
"Focus on change. Change leads to growth. Remove obstacles or overcome obstacles in your life during this time. Get back on your feet, gain strength from difficult situations."
"Embrace the radical shifts and changes that are coming, embrace them as opportunities."
"The courage to walk away, the courage to follow your passions here, the courage to move forward, the courage to say yes even though this deal or this offer that is presenting itself to you is scary."
"This is a time to embrace change, to get ahead of change."
"It's just saying go with the momentum and the flow if it's unexpected, that's okay."
"Recognizing hidden blessings is about embracing possibilities, not all the negative stuff."
"I wanted to stay comfortable but I finally started to realize that with change comes new opportunity."
"Embrace the chaos, embrace the uncertainty, and just try things."
"You have what it takes. Embrace the inevitable change."
"Don't be afraid to accept a bigger life than what you have."
"Goodbye yesterday, hello today. I'm coming out of my comfort zone."
"We're moving through discomfort because change is inevitable."
"Abundance is coming; ride the wave of change."
"Don't be afraid of the change now... Wrapping change around you like a blanket."
"Time is just a crazy thing, but I'm here for the ride, and I'm just gonna keep on doing my thing."
"It's gonna make you better at what you do, and if you don't embrace it, you're gonna get left behind."
"Be okay with new beginnings, be okay with growth curves, be okay with slow growth, whatever it is, new beginnings."
"Change can be scary, but it's necessary and it can be little or it can be big."
"Change is necessary, own the change, be the change, don't apologize for the change. It's going to be fine. In fact, you're going to be probably more successful, more productive, more engaged when you do whatever shift it is that you need to do."
"Embrace change, find balance, conquer your fears. Trust the journey, and the universe will catch you."
"Recognize the transformation, embrace the potential."
"Change is coming, don't worry about the past."
"Don't fear or fight the change; it's meant for your highest good."
"Everything we do embraces that change. Pushing beyond expectations at every turn."
"Everything is changing for you, it starts to speed up, it starts to change and as it does so you are embracing this movement, you are seeing yourself moving forward."
"Embrace the movement. Trust in the direction it takes you."
"It's all about the ultimate change because it's now."
"Embrace the unknown; expansion is in your future."
"Feeling drastically different is a good thing."
"Major milestones and transitions are ahead. Embrace completion and welcome positive transformations."
"Embrace the possibility then it gets really exciting."
"You're not someone I feel that's afraid of change or letting go... you encourage them to get up and move to find something that works for them."
"Allow yourself to take on new roles or situations."
"There are two powers in life that every one of us have to deal with every day: time and change."
"Out with the old, in with the new; an immediate self-correct."
"Embrace the uncertainty and lean into the inevitable."
"Embrace the growth and development that changes bring."
"You can have it all, saj, whether it's love or work, embracing new ideas and growth."
"Embrace newness. You can do anything. There is a new life ahead of you and it's yours to take right now."
"Embrace the unexpected twists in life like a seasoned traveler."
"Endings lead to fresh starts, don't be afraid to walk away."
"I'm good, man. I'm good, living life, becoming a monster... Nice."
"Expand your horizons, Leo. Embrace change and take charge of your destiny."
"Approach change and opportunity as a clean slate—that is the most powerful, magical thing that I can offer you."
"Embrace the ending and open up for a new beginning that's even better."
"Change can be rough, but go with it, not against it."
"For some of you, it's like getting comfortable with change, embracing the new for better outcomes."
"Embrace your internal transformations, move to the next phase of your life."
"Change is necessary... Don't let those conversations discourage you."
"I'm not actually scared; I'm excited for what this opportunity could bring."
"Balance is coming to your life. Stay grateful and embrace change."
"Embrace newness, embrace new energy, embrace new ideas."
"Change itself is a normal part of life and one has to embrace it."
"Embrace the messy first draft, embracing New Beginnings, embracing taking the first step."
"You won't be able to reach for the new thing if your hands are full."
"Embrace the unexpected, it might change your life forever."
"Sometimes you have to embrace what's in front of you not fight it."
"It's better to embrace that change rather than clinging on to the past."
"It was amazing how little resistance there was between him and something new."
"I'm ready with Peter fully embracing the new direction of the restaurant."
"It can be fun if you pick the right method because listen, there is not just one right way to go gray."
"I had rolled in Elsa, so I ran with it."
"In a Tailwind, Johnny Tsunami wants to do everything he can to ride the wind."
"Just embrace that man and enjoy that because this alters everything and you really have to be ready for life to change."
"Just go with it. It's scary but I promise you it'll be worth it."
"The way that you're embracing it, you know, there are some people who could get intimidated by it but if you just kind of grab it by the horns and take this thing for what it is, really exciting."
"Change is something that is should be celebrated."
"How do we love the world that's created in the wake of AI, and then we can focus our energies on doing something different? It's happening, so get on the field."
"...it's about embracing change but in a deep and fundamental way that touches on everything that we do."
"I feel like we're just embracing all of the eras."
"I'm actually really, really, really enjoying it and just sort of embracing that feeling."
"Don't let the slow life scare you, embrace it because there's a lot of power and goodness in slowing down."
"Change is hard and it's uncomfortable, it scares people, but sometimes it's the right thing to do."
"Say yes to everything new and refuse all the old energies that brought nothing but pain, strife, and resistance into your life."
"I've spent so many years living in fear, saying no to new experiences, but from now on, I'm gonna say yes."
"I embraced a change; it was scary at first, but I realized that I'd move forward."
"I honor my desires; I am embracing the unknown."
"Life can feel really good, even in the shifting, even in the changing, even as you face the unknowns."
"That's the spice to life, you know, just getting set on."
"It's a big change but it's a change that I wanted and I embraced."
"Change is coming and it is good, so let go of your resistance."
"I would teach them to not be afraid to go for their dreams and teach them that it's okay to change."
"Change is always good, so I just have to like pull the trigger."
"It's about being open, having your arms wide open to the possibilities."
"Don't be afraid of the change because I feel like the surprise is there for your highest good."
"Anything new that you do is terrifying, but you gotta do it."
"Rather than fear the unfamiliar or unknown, you're being encouraged to embrace it."