
Global Improvement Quotes

There are 116 quotes

"The world needs the best from each and every one of us every single day."
"We've gone up 1.3 degrees and everything has got massively better, hugely better."
"Every single person's responsibility is to make this world a better place."
"In the last 40 years alone, we were able to increase our living standards globally by 250 percent."
"I wanted to spend my life trying to improve the human race at a global scale."
"We have the tools that we need to make this a better world; we have to find ways to use them."
"The world's getting better in many aspects, but we must also consider the parts of the picture that are still missing."
"The essence of what we've had, we've had it extraordinarily good. A billion people lifted out of poverty in the last 15 years."
"Let us be kind, compassionate to remove all the sadness in the world."
"It's for the betterment of the world, I think, hopefully."
"I'm very passionate about doing something on this planet that makes it a better place to live for others."
"Her intentions seem pretty good...she wants to have a better world really for humanity overall."
"It is a world where fewer people are dying young, and more people are living longer. It is a world where there are more girls in school, more adults who can read, a world with less hunger, less poverty, less deadly disease at any time in human history."
"We are all living better in the United States, and generally around the world, than we ever have."
"Let's use the trade issue for making the world a better place."
"Everyone wants to see poor people brought out of poverty everybody wants to see the world become safer richer more liberated everybody wants to see the world become a better place."
"The vision of our company, for example, is that we want to improve the systems of the world for everyone everywhere."
"Why not make the universe a better place, a better reality for everybody who's here?"
"If everybody in the world used some form of cannabis, especially one that was psychoactive, I think we would see a much better world."
"It's not about Cardano, it's about the world. It's about making it a better place."
"Let's make this world a better place. Let's love each other."
"There was this sense that we were going to work together to help the rest of the world."
"It makes the world an amazingly better place."
"We need to do something to make the world a better place, to make the world a cleaner place."
"Let's all work together to make this world a better place every single day."
"It's not about us, it's about making the world more equitable."
"I feel so passionate about this for all of us to bring in a better world."
"Heal the world, make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race."
"I'm trying to heal the world, make it a better place."
"Even though it may take some time, even though it may be difficult, through our collective efforts, we will create a new world."
"Women who have the endeavor to tell, give their voices to the weak, and make this planet a better place to live."
"Let's bend the Ark of History for the good of the world."
"An entire generation has grown up in a world that by most measures has gotten steadily freer and healthier and wealthier and less violent and more tolerant."
"Life would probably be better for them if people with a high skill set went over there and started actively working."
"Hopefully, we can all come together and make the world a better place."
"The fact that we have the money to potentially reshape the world for the better is a fact."
"We're all on the same team here, we're trying to make a better world."
"He would have connected with American vision of trying to make the world a better place."
"Fix the world, create a global planetary civilization, increase the well-being and quality of life of everyone."
"Spread the love because that's what's gonna help our world."
"Let's make the world a better place. I am unashamed."
"That's the sacrifice I'll take to get the world to where it needs to be."
"If the world was ever going to get better, you couldn't have a double standard."
"Sending healing intentions for the world, embracing higher ideals."
"If we take this opportunity collectively, we can create a more peaceful, just, sustainable, healthier, and joyful world."
"We really just need to empower people to be autonomous and then we can save the world."
"That's the whole point, we want a better way of life for them and the whole world."
"If we all make incremental changes, maybe we make the world significantly better overall."
"The world's a better place... when you have frequent suborbital access to space."
"Together, they and we can make the world better for everyone."
"Think about what you can use that to do, how you can use that to transform the world for the better."
"Be patient as we create a better earth and universe."
"When us and China are working together, the world's going to be a better place."
"My goal for everybody around the world: better humans, better planet."
"The world is gonna become much more efficient."
"Not just for selfish purposes, but for the betterment of the world."
"The world is changing for the better faster than you know. It always takes an effort to remove hurt, pain, and ignorance in the world in order to make way for the spring to come."
"We are the ones seeking a better future and a better world, and we believe that's possible."
"Our impact on the world makes it a better place to live."
"The world would be a better place if everyone learned... empathy."
"I always wanted to make the world a better place."
"No more hunger, no more disease, no more fighting and meaningless death."
"Innovation is about improving the welfare and well-being of humankind."
"The world has never been better. Poverty has fallen from three-quarters to less than 10% in my lifetime."
"I'm so happy for you, I hope the world can get better bit by bit this way."
"To train your brain to make life more wonderful for the world, we got to do it. We're all in this together."
"If we all just tried a little harder, maybe we can change the world."
"The main positive is making the world a better place."
"I want to help the world, make it a better place."
"When I look back over the things that have gone wrong in the last 30 years it's easy to forget that we've taken 1.5 billion people from extreme poverty to being just poor a wonderful thing."
"The world ain't gotta be like this. It could be such a great place if everyone was just kind and nice."
"The world is actually becoming much better along many different dimensions of human well-being."
"I see so many good things happening in the world."
"A monumental achievement: 850 million people freed from abject want in just 40 years."
"Everybody does better, everybody, not only America but around the world."
"Reading opens so many doors and I think that by opening those doors have a more battle we can have a better world like come on everyone pick up a book."
"I believe the world would be a better place if more people discovered their own artistic nature."
"If everyone can do these three things, the world will be a much, much better place."
"Be sure to go out and spread some love in the world today, we definitely could use more of it."
"The reality here mark whether you agree with it or not is the world is a better place crime is at an all-time low people are not starving there is no more economic or social inequality in the world."
"We all have an opportunity to build a better world."
"Who want to make the world a better place."
"...if today's world knew that and could live even a little bit like that I feel like the whole world would be insane oh it'd be such a better place..."
"How do we make the world a better place? We need peace, we need... What do we need? What we need is love."
"Let's no dude, let's try to make the world a better place."
"We need more solutions providers on this planet."
"Hope for a better world, better Earth, every time I spin up top."
"It's mind-blowing what had to come together to make it so that you go from 10 million deaths a year to 5 million deaths a year."
"Since 1990 the number of people living in extreme poverty has dropped by more than half: from 2 billion to less than 1 billion."
"Bringing Russia in from the cold would make it a better world."
"I've never been among that many people that trying consciously to make the world a better place."
"We're helping all of us because we're all improving a quality of life for everybody on this earth."
"I agree the world has gotten better in a bunch of really important ways, and I'm pretty optimistic about those trend lines continuing."
"He instinctively understood the need to improve living standards around the world."
"It showed a team working together to make the world a better place for everyone."
"They're working really hard to make the world a better and more musical place and that's what we need."
"Guyana looks forward to revitalize United Nations, spearheading the trust towards a new era in international relations, in which the world emerges as a better, fairer, and stronger place for all mankind."
"I am committed to helping build a better world for everyone."
"We want to make the world a better place."
"With all this bad, horrible news constantly, it's good to sometimes see... there are people around the world who are starting to do a little better."
"We need to help the next generation to humanely and thoroughly make the entire planet smarter."
"Your hopes and wishes are to make the world a better place."
"Every free software project makes the world a better place."
"We should work more with governments around the world, for the betterment of the world."