
Societal Division Quotes

There are 621 quotes

"We live in completely different worlds more today than we ever have... our factual understanding of the world has diverged so much."
"Half of America today believes a civil war is very likely. This wasn't even on the radar screen 10 years ago."
"Are we going to go down a way that Europe went where you go into this dangerously divisive and hateful color identity politics, or are we going to do what Martin Luther King said: 'I dream of a day where you could be judged by the content of your character and not the color of your skin'?"
"A lot of the things that we're seeing, the threat misassessment, the tendency to split reality into good and bad, all of this is trauma-based."
"Every economic system that’s ever existed in the world has had the people who love it and the people who don't."
"Who benefits from this divide and conquer, this divided nation, everyone being on one side and arguing, like, who benefits from that at the end of the day?"
"Cable news is ripping us apart, dividing the country, making it impossible to function as a society, and making it impossible to know just what is true and what is false."
"I think one of the factors that Trump was so attractive... there's this perception... that the progressive types... have nothing but contempt for them."
"Trump is one of the only politicians in recent history to actually speak to a forgotten part of this country."
"We are not as divided as our politics suggest."
"At a time when we are so divided and so broken, having a national conversation about who we are and how we'd like to go forward as a country is really needed."
"We used to live in the United States of America. We now live in the Divided States of America."
"We are entering into a tribal routine that is going to end poorly for all involved."
"Both sides view each other as inherently evil, both sides view each other as denying human rights."
"It's the thing of knowledge. Now that we know too much, we get to pick sides."
"We live in completely alternate realities; there's no similarities between the left and the right anymore."
"Well, it seems that there is this great vast gap that has now emerged between the so-called elites in our society and everybody else."
"Treating your fellow American not as a fellow American but as an enemy is the direction in which we are moving."
"In this era of hyperpolarization, what you're seeing is basically everyone then goes back to their camps pretty quickly."
"We have divided our country in a very deep way."
"Americans are so divided these days, but there is still one thing that unites us, and that is that just about everybody is lying."
"This country is so hyper-polarized, I don't know how much more we can withstand."
"The polarization is hitting us between gender lines, between racial lines, it's making things impossible."
"We're at one of the most polarizing times in our country's history."
"The constant state of hurt, of fear, and of rage stoked by ever more divided media and entrenched ideology is a perfect breeding ground for further division and for the type of widespread addiction we now see in the United States."
"I want to stress what really matters is that people on the left and the right don't see the world the same way anymore."
"If the left is only talking to the left and the right is only talking to the right, that's kind of a bad thing."
"Aren't we really much closer to hot Civil War than you guys have been talking about?"
"If you divide people, then we're going to be living in a divided society. But if you unite people, then we will be united."
"It creates a two-tier society... people that have been vaccinated... will have access to all manner of utilities."
"Cable news is ripping us apart... But the good news is they are failing and they know it."
"Americans are too preoccupied waging what seems increasingly to be a cold Civil War at home."
"America is more politically polarized than ever before."
"In such a relatively short period of time, we've just become really two almost warring tribes."
"Stop believing in these insane theories that are meant to divide us."
"Our politics has become a naked appeal to anger fear and resentment."
"They only have ever seen red. They hear that blue is bad, they don't know anything about blue."
"Even stats Canada says Canada is breaking along ethnic lines."
"It's deeply disturbing to watch many members of the public on all sides of the political aisle say that certain types of hatred are okay based on the person doing the hating."
"Divided countries are easier to rule, and nothing divides us like the perception that some people are getting special treatment in our country."
"Evil sin, that's what we see in 2022. It's okay to disagree, but we don't have to be divided."
"Leadership, good government, responsibility is more important than ever before, especially in these divided times."
"I wish there was just a way to kind of like bring the Two Worlds back in alignment with each other because the frustrating thing is like there's so many good conversations that just don't happen because we're so like hyper polarized."
"They are taking advantage they are accelerating this division and this nonsense."
"You won't be able to turn them back around, I hate the division in this nation."
"Memes speak to so many people, and it's like you know we're not as divided as we think we are."
"Tribalism is natural, but people will be tribalistic about sports teams if that's the only thing they have to divide them."
"We're headed for a hopefully peaceful separation where two Americas or three Americas or four Americas will exist."
"Every time we turn against one another with invective and rhetoric that is full of loathing they benefit. They want us divided. The thing they fear most of all is us uniting against them."
"If you don't pick your side, you're going to end up in the tribe of sheeple and you're going to end up in what could be a multi-century prison."
"We've replaced all of our concerns with a single one and we are being told to hate the people who are on a different side of a single line."
"The tech censorship is making things increasingly worse. People are going to come to a civil war of sorts."
"I actually think the sooner we build the parallel economy, the more it de-escalates the chance for a national divorce."
"Polarization makes it seem like partisanship is stronger than the gospel."
"They want us hating one another because when we hate each other, the powerful keep their power."
"United we stand, divided we fall. This is how every nation gets conquered, and it seems that by our own government, we are being conquered, ladies and gentlemen."
"There's a huge gulf between public opinion and intellectual elites."
"Intensity... matters, especially true in a country as polarized as ours."
"While one side is focusing on making sure books that might harm their sensibilities don't make it into the classroom, the other side is trying to make sure they survive the classroom."
"The more we stay divided, the worse things are going to get."
"It's unhealthy for everyone to be linked together across a country where people basically just desperately disagree on all kinds of value-based issues."
"The remainers are fighting for the opposite team, willing to see the country burn if they get their way."
"We do have to bring the country together, which means rejecting the sort of simple answers."
"You people have been responsible for dividing this country to a Breaking Point creating a projection of national Division."
"The game that Fnatic's playing is exactly the game that the elites want played. They want us divided on race so we don't look at the man behind the curtain."
"Everybody's become so tribal, [ __ ] blood, black, white, Decepticon, uh, Transformer."
"We cannot keep drifting apart into two separate tribes with a separate set of facts and separate realities with nothing in common except our hostility towards each other and mistrust for the few national institutions that we all still share."
"America can't seem to understand anything beyond red versus blue or this team versus that team."
"And above all, a rallying cry once forgotten is again ringing out across the galaxy, as tens of million march to the defense of democracy with the words "For the Republic"."
"It's deeply polarizing for no reason because again we all agree this officer should go to jail based on the available evidence we all agree that he did something that is disgusting an egregious no one's defending it."
"Otherwise known as smug sneering condescension at a barely restrained glee in dancing on the graves of people who disagree with them."
"What can we do to make the network platforms less divisive of our society?"
"This is not left versus right or Republican versus Democrat, this is elites versus everyday people."
"Why are we so eager to turn allies or potential allies into enemies?"
"Maybe peaceful divorce is the only thing that's going to happen."
"It really does seem like we're on the verge of some kind of breaking apart."
"The divergence of our narratives... people on one side stop recognizing people on the other as even humans whose opinion is worth considering."
"We should try to bridge the divide right now and come together."
"We're more likely to break up than see civil war."
"I'm not predicting a collapse or civil war. I think a peaceful divorce would be great."
"I just don't see a path forward for my position... because the left is psychotic and wants unrestrained abortion and the right wants to ban it outright."
"Make America great again was just another code word for make America white again."
"Tribalism's human nature, using those words left and right fortify that nature."
"If the US can't even get along with itself with the culture war, what makes you think the culture clash between, say, Russia and the US would not be worse?"
"We were manipulated to not like each other for the gain of these people."
"We are literally coming apart...diminished our ability to act with civility."
"If Trump was not the biggest wake-up call that we can't keep ignoring what non-elites think and what they want and what they're worried about, whether you agree with them or not, whether you think it's good, clearly they were ignored."
"The truth is always going to divide. You have people who love it and people accept it; you're going to have people who hate it and people who want it."
"It's hard not to get frustrated by it... half the country doesn't care about logic or facts."
"The key dividing line I think now is: do you trust people, yes or no?"
"America, we are not as divided as we are being told we are."
"We live in silos and we don't share values and we don't share concerns... the vast majority of us have so much more in common than what separates us."
"About half of both Republicans and Democrats view the other side as enemies threatening their entire way of life."
"For once in American society, we actually got the divide correct: the 99 versus the 1."
"Regardless of where you fall on the political spectrum, look into the left-right paradigm. They're using this as a tool of division."
"If we have tunnel vision in only one way we're so far from the middle ground that we're unaware of what middle ground is."
"Consider how you can create more unity instead of division."
"How it got to be that if it was a scientific accident is it's conservative and if it came from a wet market it's liberal."
"If we just do what Jake Tapper says... there's gonna be a huge contingent of people who feel like they have not been heard."
"Good things don't happen after that. People stop thinking and they start retreating to their tribal group based on ethnicity and based on racial identity."
"They're trying to divide us, they're trying to make us fight with each other."
"Many people on the left are in a cult. They believe insane things."
"Two different realities and it's impossible to convince people what's true."
"If you're looking at people who are actively attempting to create racial divides in the country, the Democrats... are doing exactly that."
"The modern left does not seem willing or wanting to in any way engage with trying to understand the perspective of those whom the left has now left behind since the 1980s."
"In a country when sections are both the left and the right hate you... you have to find friends in both camps."
"I think our education system is slowly but surely splitting the population into two groups."
"The purpose of this series is to divide America."
"You're basically shutting down one side and then you're gonna create an echo chamber on the left within society."
"I'm of the general view that we were happier as a country without social media and all this division that it allows."
"I’m not sure we can get to a place where Americans can sit down and say let’s talk about our differences when we can’t even agree on the facts."
"Wokeness flattens everything and divides us into oppressed or oppressor, constraining us to the lane of our birth."
"Americans have to remember that it was a lot worse in this country for example in the late 60s and early 70s much more Division and a good deal more violence than we see today."
"There are lots of people on each side who hate each other not for the color of their skin, but for the content of their character."
"We've been living in a divided society, and then a crisis comes along and it shows it for being a certain amount of hot air."
"The truth is never meant to bring people together, the truth is meant to divide."
"Horrible for the country and that half the country will now resonate to a communist message."
"The ideal that we're all in this together was replaced with the reality that the educated class lives in a world up here and everybody else is forced into a world down there."
"The two party system is working perfectly because we're all at each other's throats."
"Our country is divided into two camps and the wall is a giant wall, it's a chasm."
"Everybody is just wildly divided more so than i've ever seen in all of my life."
"I do not think it is tenable for half of us to feel one way, half of us to feel the other way."
"The great dividing line now is between do you believe in freedom or are you an authoritarian."
"They want us to all fight because I really do fear that this fall we're literally on the brink of everything."
"I just think that it's the tone of the way the debate was fought that doesn't bode well for the future of the country."
"Who gains from us being at each other's throats? It's not America."
"We need to come together, there should not be a divide."
"Liberal hatred of conservative ideas is repugnant."
"We won't win people over by calling them names or dismissing entire chunks of the country as racist or sexist or homophobic."
"Trudeau characterized the unvaccinated before as racist and misogynist and insertist here."
"A moment of truth appears imminent. It's one that will reveal whether the American electorate is still capable of large-scale shifts in opinion or whether the country is essentially locked into a schism for the foreseeable future."
"Either a man can become a woman or a man can't become a woman, and those two beliefs are mutually exclusive."
"If you play identity politics, you're gonna get both of those responses. The left say well that's reprehensible it's like, yeah but what's reprehensible about it is the playing of the identity politics."
"We reject the biomedical security state that curtails liberty, ruins livelihoods, and divides our society."
"It's not a matter of left or right anymore, it's good versus evil."
"We just cannot stop selling copies of Mace Swinger Reload!"
"A story can have more than one villain but if we insist on yelling at each other just to be right instead of fixing the problem, the divide and conquer strategy will work."
"They're dividing people by skin color because they want to dismantle what we have already here in America." - Tyler Zed, Zeducation
"Time really matters. The progressives have their view of history, there's the right side of history, the wrong side of history, you know, and if you agree with them you're on the right side."
"Tens of millions of our fellow citizens live in such a constrained informational environment and are so distrusting of any alternative sources of information they operate in what is basically an entirely separate informational sphere."
"Your America and my America have far more in common than people think."
"People cannot agree to disagree anymore. It's immediate like, 'You disagree with me, you're a bad person, I hate you.'"
"It's not even a matter of policy debate anymore. It's like this whole different worlds that we exist in to where, like, I don't even really fault some people for things that they believe in."
"They're trying to turn us against one another continually we have a spiritual Challenge on our hands as well as a political one."
"It's stunning that anyone would defend him at all, let alone there to be an army of people who will vigorously defend them."
"Malice seeks only to further division, cause confusion, contradiction."
"Social media is dividing us. Together we can redesign it."
"This is a battle of good versus evil it is time for everyone in this nation to take a side."
"I think the goal has just been push push push push push, spit in the face of everybody that disagrees, call them bigots."
"I legit can't be friends with a Trump supporter."
"It's not divide and conquer, it's divide and profit. And they make a bloody fortune by doing this."
"Polarization is a choice that we are all making."
"Conservative leaders have pathologized their numerous fears of failure and powerlessness into one targetable word; a word that covers almost every group they feel victimized by."
"One thing I hear a lot from friends on the left is you know the real extremism right now is on the right."
"Why should people who have had the vaccine be locked down because a minority by the way who can't give you a logical reason why they don't want the vaccine they just don't want it."
"It's meant to get us all to fight with each other. So if you stop watching it, you realize it's a beautiful world out there."
"What critical race theory, what white privilege, what these academic theories that have now permeated a significant part of the Democrat Party seek to do is actually divide us all up."
"I just thought that this was such a gross way to feed and really exacerbate division."
"The reality is there's a lot of division, there's a lot of anger, there's a lot of hatred, there's a lot of racism."
"I have great pity for the people who believe that half their countrymen are deplorable and irredeemable."
"Why does everything immediately need to devolve into a partisan issue?"
"They make the world into this black-and-white dichotomy like fucking Manichaeanism or something where it's like there's only TSM and anti-TSM."
"I find that so much of political discourse right now is like really just plastering the other side is backward or idiots."
"Left versus right, red versus blue, straight versus gay, black versus white - I think all of those are diversions to keep us from looking at them and to stop us from looking at who the real enemies are."
"We're unwilling or unable to have conversations with people because everyone is looking at different tribes as an existential threat."
"Australia's gun debate informed by history, landscape, and legacy intensified by growing urban-rural divide and the technology's ruthless efficiency was at an impasse."
"I think it's a damn shame that something like a vaccine has become a political ideological issue."
"When you try to legislate morality and try to legislate thought and internal character, it never works. It only creates hatred."
"There are two kinds of people in Pakistan, one with uniform or without uniform."
"All the cultural wars are used... to distract and divide us, and the media is their getaway car."
"The left right dynamic doesn't really make sense anymore... it's us versus the woke."
"America is not one country representing one people."
"There's a huge divide in this country right now between law enforcement and the citizenry."
"We need to figure out a way for people to start talking to each other again."
"So much of this grievance politics is at its root I think about racial grievance."
"I just wish we could live in a world where everybody gets along, but unfortunately it's not that."
"This country is just becoming extremely divided."
"If the narrative can convince us it's left right rather than up down, they win."
"Our political views are just so divergent because we're no longer coalescing around what our neighbors believe."
"Divide and conquer is well understood as a core strategy for winning, this is dividing us very finely."
"Are we going to be participants in creating more and more ossified and oppositional camps?"
"The emergence of gendered politics... where men and women are seen as two separate and opposed voting blocs."
"We're not in a political war, we're in a spiritual war."
"To perpetuate a sense of division, to instill this idea that we can be separated into oppressor and oppressed classes..."
"So what do you think? Is this a better way to divide and talk about our world?"
"You're obviously damned if you do, damned if you don't with critical race theory."
"From their point of view, they have the truth, sometimes capital T truth, and we are the ones who were deceived."
"I really worry about that it fractures people rather than bringing them together at a moment when I think we need to be together."
"The extremism on both sides makes it really hard to think for yourself."
"Segregation of the population based on vaccination status completely makes no sense, it's just unnecessary damage to the society."
"What happens when we no longer share the same values? I think we're all watching the answer play out right in front of our very eyes."
"America is basically breaking into two or three kind of balkanized countries within it."
"I mean, do you understand where I'm coming from when I'm like I don't know if I can coexist with people like this?"
"Everything now is framed in terms of politics and ultimately now it's framed in which tribe you belong to."
"Why is it always 'us versus them'? We should work together instead of hating on each other constantly."
"Now they're doing everything they can, all these operations going on to break, to divide us, break up the family in any way possible."
"You don't have to be big on YouTube to be successful on YouTube."
"How many of you are still in denial that we are in a cold civil war, a fourth and fifth generational conflict for the soul of the nation and the future of this world?"
"You can either win the issues that matter yes right or you can win this workplace game this nonsense game and if you play this word police game you're losing so many people."