
Intentional Living Quotes

There are 234 quotes

"A lot of us don't know what life we're wanting to live. A lot of us are living unintentional lives where we're essentially asleep."
"I am creating my life intentionally by focusing on my abundance."
"If you can't sit silently with yourself with your thoughts, then you are not living an intentional, examined life."
"Determine what the questions you're going to ask at the end of your life are going to be, live each day intentionally so you're happy with the answers at the end."
"It's always wise to see if you can find something second hand first because you'll save money, and it makes me more intentional about my purchases."
"If we're intentional, if we're mindful, and if we're consistent, long after we're gone, we're planting seeds for a more inclusive world."
"Living intentionally is what allows you to live a life of design."
"We talk all about intentional spending, intentional living, and how to get the most out of what you've already got at home because we don't like to waste our money here. We like to build wealth and look good while we're doing it."
"I want to live a very intentional and very purposeful life."
"Setting intentional defaults can profoundly change the impact of how we spend our spare time, especially when it comes to enriching our health or relationships."
"Live your life intentionally and purposefully."
"I think you would be very intentional versus intense and say, 'Okay, I'm gonna have this segment of my money that I enjoy and all the rest of it I'm gonna use to pile up and build wealth during this short period of time.'"
"Life is so short and like let's be intentional about the time that we do have."
"We're not victims. We can design and live the life we want if we just learn to live intentionally with purpose."
"To me, being intentional means to consciously take the time and put out the effort to do the small, little, simple things every day that will bring me closer to my Savior."
"Purpose is waiting for us at the altar, dear future hubby, let's be intentional, transparent, and never stop loving."
"Once we realize that we actually cannot do everything, then hopefully we can start living a calmer, slightly more intentional life."
"I want to use Instagram in a way that serves me, not me serving it."
"Minimalism encompasses three things: living intentionally, cultivating mindfulness, and establishing a healthy relationship with possessions."
"It's time to learn how to be more decisive, to be more intentional about the process, instead of the stupid traditional narrative."
"Be intentional about moving through your life, let people go if needed."
"Thank you so much for watching... I make 2 videos every single week about intentional living entrepreneurship and success."
"I believe the world needs a new set of real models, people who live with deep intentions behind their actions."
"Calm, collected energy. Intention. The words. Choosing what we bring."
"I think it's actually just about being smart and being intentional with your life and your needs and the things that you have in your life."
"Choose comfort over fashion. Slow living. Doing things intentionally."
"Saving money and just be intentional with it."
"Speaking intentions are really important. Speak it like a spell, an incantation, or literally a mantra."
"Every choice we make shapes our reality. Choose wisely, with intention and awareness."
"Waking up early is about living an intentional life where you're in control."
"You can learn to be more intentional in your behavior."
"I like to be very intentional when I give people gifts."
"Everything I do in my life is with intention."
"Living van life is just a much more intentional way to live and I love it."
"Shut off the notifications on your phone on everything. It's okay to go to email or messages and all that but do it when you want to do it not because someone else is calling you."
"Be more intentional, and make it a point to learn about the people who fill the background of your day."
"Learning how to live life intentionally is crucial for making life easy."
"Minimalism is not just about consuming less, it's about being intentional with what you do consume."
"It's about living deliberately so every choice that I make every relationship every item every dollar I spend I'm not perfect obviously but I do constantly ask the question it's just adding value am I being deliberate with this decision."
"Embracing the discipline of commanding your morning is not an occasional practice, it's a lifestyle of deliberate, intentional living."
"You set your intentions for who you want to be, and make sure everything you do going forward is consistent with that vision."
"Organization is imperative for intentionality."
"Faith requires action. It requires you to move with intent. It means that you have to stretch out into the unknown and believe in something you cannot see immediately."
"Reality creation requires focused thoughts, conscious words, and massive loving action."
"How do you reignite your life? It's an intentional new way of being."
"I really want to try and be more intentional about appreciating moments like these in this last stage of the pregnancy."
"Start living your life the way it is intended."
"Power and intention is very important because that is how you move forward in life."
"Move with intention, always trust your gut, be kind to yourself and other people, and stop being an [ __ ] for no reason."
"You won't flourish until you start being intentional about your days and nights."
"Live thoughtfully, live intentionally, do not live carelessly, because you are not home."
"The key has really been intentionality and contentment, and just less consumption. Just less financial consumption, but also less social media consumption."
"You have deliberately chosen to incarnate with intentions that wave your life into the rest of life on earth."
"Make sure you manifest the destiny you want for the world and for yourself... you have control of how you manifest with your team, your angels, and guides."
"Let's be intentional in everything that we do."
"I just want to be intentional about really focusing on what's actually important."
"Until then, be intentional about having a good time." - Interviewer
"I see magic in the ordinary, turning everyday experiences into extraordinary moments with intention and belief."
"I like to focus on what I can do every single day to align with my values."
"Only one life. If you live it intentionally once is enough."
"An intentional life: specified desires pursued."
"I would say if there's one word that sets our marriage apart, that makes it what it is, I would say it's the word intentional."
"Be lit, live intentionally and transparently."
"Live deliberately, choose boldly, and then you have arrived."
"There are obstacles and they will come in human form, but you just have to know and be your purpose and be intentional about what you're doing."
"You're not meant to keep them, okay? That's not the goal. We're not meant to be swimming in lots of index cards."
"Being intentional—that is how you build wealth."
"Minimalism really is more about just being really curated and intentional with what you bring into your home."
"Your intention creates the driving force that brings manifestation."
"For as much as I knew how important it was to mindfully and intentionally start your day, this is the first time in my life where I fully understood what it meant."
"You have to be so careful and intentional not to just live months ahead and just live in the moment, embrace it for the fullness of what it's for."
"Living your life intentionally from that higher connection allows incredible things to happen."
"Starting your day off in this way gets this right so that now every action can actually be inspired by that intention."
"Really being responsible for like intentionality and creation from the inside out and not the outside in."
"The quality of a relationship isn't measured by time, it's measured by intention."
"Deep and lasting happiness comes by intentionally and carefully living the gospel of Jesus Christ."
"Choose to show up with love, choose to show up with grace."
"Being intentional with eating has helped so much."
"If you're intentional, that in and of itself is healing the planet, that itself is dropping a recipe for other people who lack patience."
"Set intentions for each segment of your day to align with your desires."
"Fulfillment is birthed from Simplicity and intentional living."
"Winning at marriage, winning at your career, winning at money is a series of intentional acts."
"Live purposefully. Live within your means and work towards your goals and aspirations."
"I am looking forward to my future and moving forward with intention."
"Don't be consumed by those emotions, but take deliberate intentional actions today and tomorrow and every day."
"You're creating a hole for you to have clarity, comfort, precision in your intention."
"We get to be intentional about the environments we put ourselves in... Be around positive people, spiritual people, intelligent people, people that's gonna uplift you, that's gonna encourage you."
"Decide to live a very intentional life next year."
"We all know the importance of our daily routines but if you're like us you might wonder how you can be living more intentionally within God's Kingdom."
"I think the main word there that really resonates for me is the word intentional."
"Knowing your worth, being intentional, finding your identity in Him – that's the best preparation."
"You gotta be whole before you get married, like you gotta be intentional with these things."
"Growth can only happen through change, to refuse to be complacent and instead live intentionally."
"It's more empowering than it felt three years ago because I've seen the benefits of living a more intentional and simplified life."
"Being sustainable, we're being more intentional with our choices."
"Living in a tiny home has really helped me be more present. There's no room for excess or unnecessary objects. Everything is very curated, very intentional."
"I really, really love the experience of living in this space and the benefits of learning intentional living."
"By being intentional with certain financial decisions, our family has gained so much freedom over the years."
"Decluttering is about making conscious choices about what we keep and what we let go."
"I felt kind of chaotic throughout the year and this year I just want to focus on more of a softer lifestyle but really prioritizing my wellness and being very intentional about my mental health, my physical health, and all of that."
"I think it's because I am a happy person actually. I think it's because I do that on purpose."
"I am by no means trying to become a full-blown minimalist because minimalism means different things to many different people, but I do want to become better at intentionally buying things and putting to use everything that I own."
"Minimalism in its Essence is the intentional promotion of the things we most value and the removal of everything that distracts us from it."
"It's about cultivating a mindset that values quality over quantity, experiences over possessions, and intentional living over mindless consumption."
"Minimalism and frugality are intentional ways of living."
"Mindfulness is intentionally creating a life that makes you feel what you want to feel without having to just create the feeling from inside."
"Begin to live an intentional life."
"I really like to be very particular and intentional with what we do bring into our home."
"...contentment is a mindset shift...knowing that you are on track to be there or already there and then living a life intentionally designed to support what you want most out of it."
"Give yourself a waiting period to kind of think about: Does this item really have the potential to add value to my life?"
"Live as a conscious human being. Choose how you'd like to live, what emotions do I want to experience. Begin to pursue them intentionally."
"I am an intentional consumer. I only buy what I need, what I use, and what I love."
"I'm all about intentional living, living with purpose. We've got one life, you know? It's not wasted with just excess in so many areas of our life."
"Living an intentional life, a meaningful life, with less."
"It's not just prancing around on a prairie. It's intentionally choosing how to spend your time."
"Be really intentional about getting the most that you can out of each and every day."
"You have to be intentional in your life choices, figure out where you want to go and reverse engineer the path to get there."
"You decided to architect your life so you could do more things that you enjoy that mean something to your identity."
"I think what's more important is intentional and targeted time spent out there."
"Unsubscribing... I'm going to curate what I'm looking at and that way it'll be more intentional."
"Minimalism is for anyone who is questioning the status quo or at least being intentional."
"...consistently peeling away the layers will keep us moving forward toward living more intentionally and minimally so that we can devote our time to the things that really matter."
"Here's to simple and intentional living."
"I'm intentionally buying things that I absolutely love."
"When you design all aspects of your time and build your life in a way that you live with incredible intention, time slows down because you now understand everything you're doing and why."
"Intentional living is the best way to maximize your life."
"Minimalism was a tool that allowed me to live a more meaningful life."
"Embrace co-living. Living with other people on purpose, sharing accommodation with other people on purpose, right?"
"Shopping very intentionally keeps our home very clutter-free."
"Minimalism isn't about deprivation. It's about living intentionally."
"When you live a life that's slow and intentional and beautiful, God forbid when things happen, you're able to still be in a flow."
"Slow living is taking the time to live a more meaningful life."
"Frugal people are more mindful of what they're buying and they're more intentional as well."
"Choosing in an intentional way the people that we're closest to is the most important thing that we can do to affect what we want."
"Live intentionally" - one of my favorite phrases or philosophies on how to surrender.
"Everything that I own, I love. There's a purpose for it. It's either functional or it serves some kind of a luxury purpose, but it's curated, it's decided. There's no waste."
"It's minimalism about having the right things. This is the right thing. Right, so it's not about not having stuff, it's about being intentional, it's about using the things that you have. To me, that's a big thing on minimalism too."
"This series is about living by Design it's about being who you are on purpose."
"I try to just have as little as I can because I have come to the point where I prefer to just have the number of things on the shelf that when I open that cabinet door, I can literally see and register."
"A great life doesn't happen by chance; it happens by design."
"By simplifying our external environment through minimalism and cultivating a resilient and virtuous mindset through stoicism, we can create a life that is not just clutter-free but also rich in purpose and contentment."
"The older I get, the more I find myself wanting to be more intentional about the way I live, eat, and take care of my body."
"Living your life intentionally in a fashion that takes care of you."
"If your material possessions don't bring you joy, then they are likely in the way of a more intentional life."
"Minimalism is not an act of sacrifice, or rather it's no more of a sacrifice than removing a malignant tumor."
"Living a deliberate life is something anyone can benefit from, regardless of where they fall on the socio-economic scale."
"...you take the intentional community and it's like okay now you're kind of free of that."
"Are you living your life consciously with intention and with purpose?"
"Knowledge is power, no better do better, and like every intentional choice that you make is a step in the right direction."
"Successful people... are aware, for the most part, of this principle, and they use it in their lives intentionally."
"We live intentionally and transparently."
"Intentionally dressing like the person that I want to be."
"Peace, love, abundance, joy, generosity, beauty, whatever, it's all a request, it's a vibrational request."
"Falling in love with your space, falling in love with your personal style, cultivating a personal style, getting more intentional with how you spend your money."
"Living within your means is such a huge part of what it means to live intentionally."
"Your capsule wardrobe is not to punish you; it's actually to help you pare down, see your wardrobe in a whole new way, and be able to put together combinations with what you have because you've bought with intention."
"Exploring these practices and discovering how intentional living can lead to a more purposeful and fulfilling journey."
"Convenience is not the goal... there's a balance that we're pulling in the other direction of patience and intentional inconveniences."
"I'm a messy minimalist, I love the feeling of having less clutter and less things and using the things that I do own and loving the things that I'm doing."
"I want you similar to me in everything, both in operating and in the intention."
"Once I instilled that into my brain, I started looking at scenes in terms of how can we make this feel better and more intentional."
"Distractions vs. Dreams: How to Live an Intentional Life and Get What You Want."
"I'm a mom of three, a minimalist, and I'm really interested in intentional living."
"Small money steps matter, savings even little bits add up and it contributes to a life more intentionally spent."
"We're in rural America here in Kansas by design."
"Karma is the choices; it's the intentions."
"The practice of reflection is a journey towards deeper self-knowledge and a more conscious and intentional life."
"A deep reset is an intentional reconfiguration of your life to amplify the small number of things you've learned through experience that you value and minimize those things that get in their way."
"Choice is essential to creating a god-centered life."
"It's very stripped down, is that purposeful? No TV, no distractions, you know what's the thinking in that? So they learn to communicate."
"Slow living is about literally slowing down, taking things one at a time, feeling present, feeling grounded, being intentional with the way that you do things."
"By removing the excess, you can really focus all your energy on the things you want to be focusing on."
"Slow living really allows you to take a step back and gives you that space to make the decision that you want to make with intention."
"Living in a tiny house on wheels and living a more intentional life."
"It is so much easier to live with less than it is to live with more; the more intentional we are, the better our lives are."
"Seeking an intentional pace of life guides us towards the practice of mindful loving."
"Living an intentional life does not mean depriving yourself of things."
"I've intentionally created a life for myself where I have a lot of time to ponder."
"Buy with intention and learn to take care of the things you do have."
"I'm happy to talk about it, I'm happy to share this more intentional way of living with you."
"Simplicity meets inspiration on your journey to a clutter-free and intentional life."
"The purpose of this channel is to talk about money and business and other concepts and frameworks to help you live more intentionally."
"Consciously craft your relationship and not just fall into it."
"A journey of self-discovery and intentional living."
"Identifying our values, shedding that light into what matters most, but then it takes action to live that life."
"This life that I'm leading, it's harder to live because it's more intentional and mindful, but it is so much more beautiful and worth it."
"Welcome if you're new, my name is Natalie, and I love sharing videos about simple, intentional living."
"I want it to make me feel a certain way; I don't want to just have a thing taking up space in my life."
"Stop thinking transactionally and start doing things out of purpose."
"To live intentionally is really the only way that you will live without regrets."
"We choose to live life on purpose."
"Cleaning out your stuff, getting your makeup to a point, it's not just like 'oh because I don't want to have this big collection' or decluttering is like the vibe, it's really going to make your makeup better."
"It allows you to take a much more intentional approach to managing the fragrance in your car."
"I make videos about living a sustainable and more intentional life."
"The quarantine in 2020 had me questioning how I can live my life with more intention."
"Live every day with the intention of creating such a good day for myself."
"When you're intentional when you're shopping, you don't waste money."
"I thought I'm wasting so much of my life waiting to get to the end result, why don't I learn to enjoy going slower and being more intentional."
"It's about aligning your actions with your values."
"We strive for this intentional self-sustaining lifestyle."