
Online Presence Quotes

There are 1274 quotes

"Your personal brand is the character within digital reality, a more expanded and inclusive version of physical reality."
"The more exposed you are potentially online, the more intentional you have to be about thinking clearly on where you draw the line."
"You've got to own your digital identity; it's the equivalent of someone stealing the McDonald's website and then McDonald's having to fight for their own website."
"The reason for building a website is so that people can see you out in the world."
"You don't have to ask permission to be hot online. You can take up space and perform and create your own power dynamics between yourself and your audience."
"I'm just a person on the internet sharing my life with you guys."
"The burgeoning social media platforms enable ordinary people like you and me to create an online persona through the narration of their daily lives via social media."
"Whether you have one follower, one subscriber, or 100 million, if you have any sort of presence online, you have a personal brand."
"Delivering real value and showing your personality online so that you can make a positive impact in the world."
"Filling out your online presence... recruiters and hiring managers do look at your LinkedIn."
"Success online starts with taking the first step, no matter how small."
"You've seen her online, she is so funny and beautiful, and I've loved her for years."
"The first step to becoming invisible online is to stop handing out these flyers of personal information."
"As you spend less time online, you realize most of this [__] don't matter, nor is it like real in any way."
"If people like me anyway, they're gonna Google me or whatever and they'll find me. I'm not hard to find."
"I know the pressure to look amazing is strong, that you have to look great, and that the leaner you are and the more muscle you have, the better the thumbnails look and the more you get shown to people. But enough is enough."
"You have the opportunity to reach massive audiences you wouldn't have access to otherwise."
"We live in an online world where first impressions are the only thing that matter now."
"Congratulations, this is now your new website."
"The Knights look mostly accurate, some of the best armor designs I have seen in a video game."
"Best friend, girl! That's me relating to that person viewing the website."
"What you want is a loyal following. When you dip your toes into every possible social media network out there, your attention gets divided and the results get diluted."
"Don't forget to comment, share, like, and subscribe."
"We love flight, we want to continue doing it and giving back."
"This past week started the Kepler College class called YouTube for astrologers. It's for anybody who's spiritually oriented and wants to have a business that includes YouTube."
"This year alone he gained nearly 300,000 subs for a total of 750,000."
"Taylor Swift wasn't just a pop star anymore. She was an online style influencer."
"If you're not real online as well as in person, it's gonna break you down."
"Are you building your treasure toward something meaningful online?"
"You've got to do predictions, the thing is the way it works, he stays on YouTube."
"Every single person that you watch or listen to online today started from zero."
"Being an online content creator in the midst of a drama storm can sometimes feel like you're in the middle of an invisible tornado."
"You must be out of your mind if you think I'm not posting the content we filmed."
"Nobody sees your follower count on Tumblr, it doesn't matter."
"Connect your relevant social media accounts, and connect your website or like a landing page where you could build your email list."
"Clicking the like button does help us 'cause we are here every week, even when I'm on vacation."
"Think about where you were at 8 years old. You probably were not online with millions of followers."
"You're destined to do something big in your career and your online persona. This is the time to project who you want to be known for."
"If you're lurking in the shadows, please like, subscribe, and share. That helps us in our ongoing battles against the YouTube algorithm."
"Maybe you're starting an online brand maybe you're connecting with people through social groups on social media or like joining Facebook groups anything with the internet."
"More than 52 percent of global online traffic is done on a mobile device, so you want to make sure that your website works for both."
"Work hard like I enjoy and that's what the internet is."
"It's possible he ends up like Bernie, and if he got the power by being edgy and online and trolling while also talking about issues, that's a win."
"Deaf noodles was banned from Twitter for the entire year."
"When I got started I had a window and a web cam, and those videos generated millions and millions of views for me."
"I can't go along without streaming without connecting with the community."
"I remember when I first started posting videos two summers ago I think May 2013 I started posting some videos up."
"It's really important that you subscribe to the page so hit the subscribe button and then hit the bell next to it so you get notifications when we go live which is this time every day but there are other times as well."
"September brought milestones, from Landon's run to walk event to reaching 10,000 subscribers on YouTube."
"You can reinvent yourself as many times as you could, you know, as many times as you can pop off like YouTube and social media will let you."
"Having that balance of being a real normal person, not being egotistical, not being overly addicted to the interwebs, and also being able to focus on it, being able to have fun with it, not get stressed out."
"Taking precautions for personal safety is important in online content creation."
"In other words, phone number it's not just text on your page but there's actually something pointing to it saying hey Google this is the phone number this is the address so it really aligns everything perfectly."
"I started YouTube thinking no one would watch. It was just something I wanted to cross off."
"The ones who are doing the best are generally people who don't spend much time online."
"As I was mentioning earlier, it's really crucial to have a blog or to have a website that you can get people to come back to."
"You might as well at least own your own website and your own domain name and be able to control the look, the branding, the feel, and of course the access to your audience."
"Even with all the odds against us even with the algorithms even with the demonetizations the down rankings and the controlling of the algorithms still our voices are heard and I think that's a victory in itself."
"Honestly, freakin' unreal how much love you guys have shown the channel today."
"Actual people, lots of people, to our websites."
"Build a brand, whether it's your personal brand or whether it is your own website."
"I want people when I say something on the Internet people can hold me accountable by coming to my store and meeting me face to face."
"Make people judge your content on the quality of it and not your subscriber count."
"Please subscribe to my channels. They're absolutely free."
"We recommend all businesses to set up a Facebook pixel on their website."
"Abandoned accounts and unanswered messages might negatively impact your social presence."
"Follow our latest way follow Tim cast songs on YouTube go to trashhouse.com and get Bright Eyes some of our other songs are coming out."
"Chris was finished with YouTube. There couldn't have been a better smoking gun than his channel being online available for someone to buy."
"Let me know by giving the video a like and subscribing to the channel."
"I'm not huge on, you know, subscriber count and all that stuff but it is dope."
"I never take L's, I mean 830,000 dislikes is quite the L."
"Likes, shares, and follows have become symbolic of power and influence."
"The internet is so interesting that people think they know you from watching 10 minutes...of your day."
"You gotta have the personality behind the channel."
"Own and manage your social brand and your online reputation... just knowing what people are saying about you online..."
"Squarespace is the all-in-one place to grow your online presence and manage your business."
"I think it's smarter for me to maintain that symbiotic relationship of me providing the bare minimum 90% of the time and then the 10% giving underwear pics or something."
"If you do those three steps, I guarantee you will have an audience of people who know, like, and trust you."
"I can certainly speak to that, I mean as a member of Gen Z who's terminally online myself."
"This is crazy. It started probably like three years ago when I started to see posts about myself and about my friend SerpentZA."
"That's the day I stopped giving a what haters said honestly, that guy ruined it for all haters on my channel."
"What if i told you you didn't need to be an influencer or even reveal your face to the general public."
"I think globally across all servers, a conservative estimate would be that Lost Ark has between 300K and 600K real players online at any given time."
"Believe it or not, one of the biggest reasons businesses get denied for credit and financing is because they submitted an application without a uniform online presence."
"Merrell twins is not going anywhere, we are here to stay."
"I believe this organization should be putting out somewhere in the ballpark of two to 5,000 pieces of content across seven to 10 channels on the internet a day."
"Look if these people wanted to find me they would have found me by now like I can't live under this rock forever and we live online they really could find me they could have found me 10 years ago."
"When you have the YouTube videos, the blog, all these people are gonna find you online."
"This is more wholesome than my usual content, but I figured it's a nice change of pace."
"Yolanda Fister, who is undefeated on the world wide web."
"He had built a large social media following for himself."
"I was able to just grow a lot online and then now I have my own skincare brand."
"Nobody tweets or posts a video that doesn't want attention."
"Just because I'm not on YouTube trending doesn't mean that no one cares."
"The benefit of being an online person: you always have a friend at a party."
"My Integrity online is more important than like [anything] one individual person."
"I would also encourage you to recognize that content creators are just some person online, same with me, same with whoever else you watch."
"We might never have the biggest investing community on YouTube, but we would rather have one that's meaningful and one that's real and one that's super authentic."
"The alt-right has gone quiet, hasn't it? It's not a coincidence. It's because a ton of them got banned."
"Posting on the Internet is a mixed bag. It's just as easy to catch the ire of many as it is to strike it big."
"You should never rely exclusively on sites like Etsy and Amazon for your customers. Your own website should always be the core of your business."
"Once you let go and you're not trying hard, that's when you get all the bullseyes."
"I've been youtubing for seven years and still get comments saying 'I just discovered you last week.'"
"It might seem hella obvious, but you've got to make the most of social media."
"Well, folks, as of the day I am uploading this video, my channels have been wrongfully terminated for a full month."
"I'm sorry, but the most important thing about being an e-girl is that you monetize."
"Make sure you hit that subscribe button, it's absolutely free. Turn your notification bells to all and give it a nice little friendly like."
"I like to have a certain separation of my YouTube self from my personal self."
"I am the fastest pen in the West on YouTube, hands down."
"I really appreciate you having me on, and I guess this is sort of what I feel like my role is here on YouTube or in this community as sort of being a resource."
"I think utilizing the opportunity to have something funny in your bio is key."
"If your profile has nothing to do with you, maybe it's time to revamp it."
"Join the family and add a little bit of safety to your internet career, internet life, internet presence."
"You're going to need a website, a brand, a niche; these are the foundations to create an online business."
"The Scarlet letter will be digital, so whatever your past is, it'll be like Grand Theft Auto."
"Post a link to your Instagram account on YouTube, blog, Facebook, Twitter, and other profiles."
"There's a lot of people that are putting up articles and posts on affiliate marketing."
"If you enjoy it then please smash the thumbs up button and don't forget to subscribe so there isn't any bad blood between us."
"Welcome back friends, for those of you watching for the first time, I am Skull Face."
"Everybody's gonna have something that you can Google them for."
"You're opening yourself up to criticism by putting yourself online."
"Fazza, known as Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, goes by Fazza online."
"We work very hard to be the number one sports betting show on the internet."
"It's important to let people know when you will be online and when you will be offline, that way they know when to watch you or when they are free to watch you."
"You got to be interesting, I am very fortunate to have presented my branding online as me."
"It's imperative to try and stand out. People are constantly sifting through bullshit on the internet."
"It's one of those things that you should keep in mind. All stuff. But it's like if you are going to put yourself on camera for everybody, then maybe make yourself a little presentable, you know?"
"If you win the internet, you win the debate."
"We do it whatever the [ __ ] we want to. We don't care who's popping, who's trending. If I feel like dropping one tomorrow, I'm gonna drop that one tomorrow."
"Every article, every document, every tweet, if we show you a picture it's going to be on our website."
"They're in your head, they're making videos, them knowing about you or having opinions on you is not the win that you think it is."
"MMORPGs are more and more turning into RPGs that happen to be online."
"It's going to be something where everything is on their website."
"How I am in my videos is how I am in real life."
"The best thing you can have is a website and an email list."
"Mobile is extremely important I think it's something like 60% of online browsing is done on mobile now so really important that you focus on this."
"Once you think you are you basically live under an umbrella of I am the very Avatar of an appeal to Authority cuz I have more subs and more views than you."
"You truly have to be consistent in working on your shop, always thinking of the next thing you can do to level it up, to build it out more, to make your listings better."
"I would love to see Leafy come back and try to exist in the landscape today... You have to adapt and overcome." - Henry the White Boy
"It's important for me to be able to get compensated for the work that I do here on YouTube."
"Your support helps keep me going here. Any kind of support you offer, even if you're just liking a video or regularly watching my videos, it really means a lot to me."
"It's not like riding a bike, I've been on like campia's live streams more often than I have been live on this channel lately."
"We hit like 5 and a half thousand concurrent viewers."
"You are putting this online and people are going to say what they want to say."
"Get hitting that like button, get commenting, sharing, subscribing, all that good stuff."
"This is what it feels like to be on a successful live stream."
"Now having a digital presence is like a currency if you have numbers and traction."
"Wow, we officially are having all the social medias."
"Subscribe, like, comment your location - it doesn't have to be too specific obviously."
"Follow me on WFLA JB Twitter, WFLA JB Facebook, and WFLA JB Instagram."
"As our online footprint increases, so does our need for proper security."
"This is your identity, essentially on YouTube, which is pretty awesome."
"Having a rare username on TikTok is a pretty big flex."
"Subscribe even though you might not have seen shit about me yet."
"For less than three bucks a month, you can have a website online and start reaching thousands of people within the month."
"Keep that in mind when my face comes on your computer and tells you how to draw."
"Don't forget to click on the Bell button for notifications."
"It was never hey I'm gonna upload videos for random people on the internet to try and find and watch them."
"Remember her as the free spirit you see in her fun YouTube video."
"The best strategy is to stand and fight on the big sites as much as possible."
"I've got three million subscribers!" - Sierra
"Anything that makes the embarkation process easier, I'm for it. I like it."
"Every influencer regardless of their current engagement level has a platform that could be used to drive significant change."
"If you didn't want attention and clout, then why upload things on the Internet?"
"Make sure your site's mobile optimized, very important."
"Privacy isn't about secrecy. It's not about absolute privacy because people online are like, 'It's 2022, get over it, privacy doesn't exist.' It does exist."
"One of the main things that can make Facebook ads not work is your website."
"Finding your voice and presence online is a long journey, so better get started on it today."
"If I don't tweet for five days on Twitter, it's not absurd. There's no expectation that I will be there."
"If you can't run a business without sharing all of your insecurities online..."
"Investing in yourself, your online presence, your brand, your business."
"We didn't quit YouTube, we were told to get off YouTube. Yeah, by the FBI. Yeah, this is legit."
"Love that for you. Hitting one million followers on TikTok."
"Having a good marketing presence you know online presence is really big not a lot of people know how to do social media so having that you know under your tool belt is really important."
"I saw every single video macing hello my love's and welcome back to my channel or welcome to my channel if you are new hi hello."
"If you want to get into a conversation with me but if you want a longer conversation come to my website and I'll meet you there."
"The accumulation of her videos, like, if you look at her Social Blade, you go to Doherty Deez Nuts."
"My financial salvation came when I started an OnlyFans account."
"Create a unified brand across all your social media accounts and your website."
"Y'all know we never got played for the punk, shouts out to the follow."
"If you have a business and you do not have a website, you do not have a business."
"We live stream every day at 1 p.m. Eastern Standard Time and 5 p.m. Eastern Standard Time every single day."
"I just want to make videos make people laugh you know talk about stuff."
"We should be able to promote ourselves without worrying about what people will find about us."
"He's everywhere and nonetheless, he's there's always new information that comes out every time he does a stream with a different platform." - Barnes, he is everywhere.
"I had 100 viewers December 22nd 2013. December 23rd 2013 I had 10,000 viewers."
"I hate that you can log off, but it's still happening and you can't stop it."
"Profilicity entails creating profiles on social media through the selective display of pictures and other bits of information..."
"Don't forget to stay blue! Have a good one and watch more vids while you're at it. Bye!"
"I'm just focused on myself and growing as a person as well as growing on YouTube."
"77,000 different people logged on and watched the livestream."
"I sacrificed my hair for clout for YouTube power."
"Tiddlywinks and I will have you around for tea, Dumani. Oh, and um, don't forget to like my video when I'm back on TV's channel."
"A smart way to set up a website that's going to run online and dynamically."
"I sometimes don't know what I'm doing, but one thing that I do do is read every comment."
"XQC is the face of Twitch and he will be for some time."
"Setting up a really coherent and easy-to-find and easy-to-navigate online presence is a step that I think does not get talked about nearly enough."
"I think a lot of people don't put enough upfront investment in the presentation of themselves online."
"I kind of just post like anything and everything."
"Essentially, we always succeed through failure."