
Positive Feedback Quotes

There are 1893 quotes

"I have a folder with comments that I've saved from like comments that really were like oh that's so nice that I've saved and sometimes I'll look at that and be like wow like someone wrote that after watching something that I put out there and so sometimes that's enough to just fill me and want to continue."
"The experience of having a post go viral with mostly positive things said about it would have felt really nice, especially when it's in some way people praising and wanting to build off of your creative work."
"What you have to share is going to benefit other people, and you're going to get a lot of positive feedback from what it is that you have to share, which is authentic and comes from the heart."
"I read the positive comments you guys leave, and it means so much to me."
"I was honestly pleasantly surprised by Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings."
"I'm so glad I got to tell him that he gets the love. You know, he got so much hate back in the day for his performance, which is [__] because no one else could have played Anakin Skywalker."
"This is great, good job, thank you. Did an incredible job, thank you so much."
"I was like, no, it does look phenomenal. You did a great job."
"You're doing a good job; I figured you should know that."
"Thomas and the storyteller is a really strong start... it's wholesome."
"I'm just going to say it right now, I was thoroughly impressed."
"Mayday was incredible and I think it's really difficult to uh to say otherwise."
"Morning Glory cluster stuff... it just makes it really difficult to grab the stuffing."
"I don't really have a bad thing to say about any of the new content in this map pack."
"The overwhelming response has been traumatically positive."
"We are super excited, super happy with how this has turned out in Legion."
"Unbelievable, I loved it, I love everything about this restaurant."
"Overall though, it looks like a really positive codex for the Tau."
"Wow, that's actually really nice, I like that."
"I really can't complain about this one so far."
"Blitz feels really good, well done with that."
"Evangelion, it's gotta be. Everything about it is really, really good."
"Laughter has been discovered, the One Piece was super satisfying, everybody's happy we did this."
"We were just riding a wave of positivity and feedback, and just people enjoying this game."
"It's been really nice seeing your evolution."
"It looks great! Like the video if you like the tattoo."
"Sonic Frontiers feels fresh and fun in a way that we rarely see."
"The feedback from the fans has been absolutely overwhelming and so many positive comments."
"Wow guys, this is looking really, really good."
"I thought that was absolutely brilliant, like nice little touches to the storytelling."
"Whatever he's doing let's see more of that this year."
"Skull: The Hero Slayer, sitting at overwhelmingly positive on Steam!"
"The people there, the businesses there, these people are absolutely amazing folks."
"These photos are great. I really like what I'm seeing."
"You've done a really good job so far, very well done."
"Nice people, bro. The real Greek experience."
"It went awesome, like I'm really, really happy with it."
"Exploration is without a doubt one of the things this game does best."
"This is really good. Please keep this sauce on the menu."
"That's pretty good guys, really like, really, really. Holy hell!"
"Starborne: Sovereign Space has been getting a lot of positive attention."
"Microsoft's e3 press conference for 2018 that was good I felt like that was that was pretty good I certainly didn't hate it by any means and was definitely above average"
"I am happy to report that Dune does not disappoint."
"Yeah, and when you get nice YouTube comments, that's how you know you did good."
"I'm overall just really positive about this device."
"The touchscreen is snappy, responsive, and it's kind of just a joy to use."
"Crafting game, your name does not live up to how awesome you are."
"The power creep here for the fighter is not as strong as the others... these actually feel... great builds."
"Wow fantastic job you've done really incredible."
"Believe it or not, this fit actually looks really good."
"Everything you're doing in regards to work is being seen and appreciated."
"I really liked the combat in it, the combat is absolutely awesome" - Praising a specific aspect of a game.
"It's a very challenging game and I mean that in a good way."
"Civil War has nothing but good word of mouth."
"Yes, it was actually kind of nice for him, and I think they probably knew that the fans were gonna like to hear it as well." - John Campea
"This game has very positive reviews, 93% of the reviews for this game are positive."
"On the plus side, people loved it so that's good."
"All in all guys again this is a very solid movie."
"I like his toothpaste. I think he's got great products and overall he's been a net positive."
"The reality is you guys do a great job and do good things for your community."
"The response has been overwhelmingly positive and we appreciate that so much."
"It's really nice to see like the response to it."
"Shredder's revenge Aces the game feel category."
"The majority of the response so far has been overwhelmingly positive. I am part of that positivity."
"You're doing so good, good job, oh my gosh. Okay, I'm blown away right now. Thank you, I appreciate that."
"Gameplay wise the Gunplay feels clean and good."
"I came away feeling really positive about the brand."
"This writing is very good, I'm actually blown away."
"Oh my gosh, you're getting better about this."
"I could not have enjoyed two countries more than Australia New Zealand, they're just pleasant, it's a good place, it's not a suck place."
"You guys actually did do a great job of that."
"That's pretty good actually. And it's really, really good."
"There's just not much to hate about this laptop... It's just a great gaming laptop."
"This is what people are most excited about watching skillups pre view in particular he pretty much raved about it for a good chunk of the time saying it's a very Dynamic combat Loop that clicked with me immediately."
"I hope you've enjoyed the video today, give it a thumbs up if you did."
"No shame in this game at all. I think he played fantastically."
"Ooh, I like your design, that's very very cool indeed."
"Your pronunciation is perfect, you have a British accent and it sounds so classy."
"Taking every single comment that you take, getting YouTube extremely positive."
"They genuinely are great to see a brand really working with the community hand in hand to improve the brand."
"It's a very lovely one for the new catalyst."
"So I would give this a 10, a 10, that was awesome."
"Danger Room is a big, big win for the game...a really fun game mode."
"Surprisingly, this track was met with a lot of positive feedback."
"Sonic Mania actually did get a pretty high score from both GameSpot and IGN."
"Positive reinforcement from Baldi feels so good."
"That thing sounds amazing, I'm so happy you think I'm doing really good."
"Dr. Fate an amazing character to include in the game... I'm just really glad that he's in the game."
"Just watched 'Top Gun: Maverick,' amazing movie."
"OverWatch 2 doesn't reinvent the wheel, but damn, it's a nice wheel."
"You shouldn't... get someone saying 'I like WWE and you make me feel like it's okay to continue to like WWE,' and I always sit there and I shake my head and say, 'Well, that's what a lovely message to receive.'"
"No, you're doing great. Keep up the good work."
"Loading this up on PC was one of the most positive I've had in a while. It just worked, no hitching, no weirdness, none of the typical stuff we often see with day one PC releases."
"The experience of loading this up on PC was one of the most positive I've had in a while."
"I just want to tell you that I'm very impressed with your professionalism and courtesy."
"That ceiling, I can see now. That's great, nice job."
"Keep up the amazing commentary Kung Fu, thank you so much."
"Tell me that doesn't look amazing, look at that!"
"I love this review right here: 'Thank you Aya, she was extremely friendly, polite, quick, efficient, and she was very knowledgeable.'"
"For every bad comment, there's a 100 good ones."
"We have to pay attention, it's scary people need to pay attention."
"You did a great job. Jennifer had a lot of caffeinated slime. She didn't give up, that's for sure."
"The internet loves you; this isn't a bad thing."
"King Arthur Knight's Tale is one of the best tactical turn-based RPGs I've played in a while."
"If you're enjoying my videos, you can let me know by giving me a big thumbs up."
"Customers are thrilled with what they are receiving."
"There's no way that you do not love the way this looks."
"Honestly, they did a damn good job, and they deserve credit for it."
"I think it's amazing that people are responding positively right I really I I really did show this because I wanted my son to see that it's okay to show emotion."
"Overall I had a really good time... I think D4 is shaping up quite nice."
"I don't have anything negative to say about this movie. I get the hype now."
"It's like a new found thing... refreshing to see compliments and not seeing trolls 24/7."
"Looks really incredible, looks really great."
"The response has been overwhelmingly positive. I'm surprised at the number of people who binge watch all these videos."
"I'll usually text probably like an hour to two hours after our date to let them know like that was really fun I want to see you again have a good day."
"Everything was great, everything is awesome."
"It must be that produces awesome people I like that I'll take that I'll take that I like that that's cool thank you that's a nice compliment but yeah guys I'm gonna go have a great night."
"I personally am looking forward to this because I'm liking what I'm seeing."
"Wasn't that amazing that fucking intro? I thought that was great."
"You all have been wonderfully sweet and supportive. It was incredibly appreciated."
"Just that one point in your life where you get to hear all the nice things about you while you're still on this earth."
"I'm really happy with this, I think this looks really nice now."
"When I get that feedback, it makes me feel like, 'Oh, I'm doing good.'"
"It's fitting up really, really well, and I'm stoked about the way it's looking."
"This is looking good, I'm really pleased with what we have made so far."
"The first story mission was freakin great. If this is what our story missions are going to be like through destiny 2 I'm really happy."
"I don't really have anything bad to say about it."
"It's just validation when people respond like that that you're doing things right, you know."
"The experience of the short test period is very positive and inviting."
"This game is so fun! Oh, this is great." (Repeated for emphasis)
"The last third just felt like it really was flowing and moving and building and it's probably why I like the movie more than I did because I thought it ended on a really quick strong just fun note."
"I'm really impressed with the quality of everything."
"Feels good to feel good about wow, doesn't it?"
"That last hour and a half was ridiculous, that was so good."
"I see what you're doing there, keep doing it."
"It has been an absolutely amazing memorable experience."
"Thank you for giving us the real news, hey I appreciate it Alan I'm glad you guys like it."
"I think that's actually a really good system."
"Nice. That's the kind of stuff that we talk about, guys. That's what we're talking about, nice."
"I walked away wanting more of it and that's always a good sign."
"Thanks so much for yet another great discussion."
"You look so happy, that's awesome. Thank you."
"Everything's working great and it has been working great for four days now."
"That was a fantastic game, that was actually a fun game, I really enjoyed that."
"Everything that Ian is saying is unironically good."
"I know normally we end the show by saying we're sorry, but this time I think we should say we're sorry there's not more because this was an absolute blast."
"In general, performance is pretty good here."
"It's incredible how well things are going so far."
"It's a nice new mechanic. I'm a big fan of it honestly. It's a solid addition and it really opens up the approaches in a variety of wonderful ways."
"Honestly, there's just no better feeling than knowing you've made a difference."
"You guys are awesome and I just really, really appreciate that."
"Good job, really good job. Not that you need my approval, but good job."
"People see the response has been really positive."
"This is cool. It plays great too, and it's got a good feel to it."
"I love this new exp system and I can't stress enough, it's so good."
"If this was a real interview you would have absolutely passed with flying colors."
"The vast majority of you not only enjoyed it, but some even asked for longer and asked a lot of really good questions."
"This is just an amazing experience guys, very smooth."
"As you'll see throughout this review, I don't have a lot of negative things to say about the content or the world space or the lore."
"I actually liked what they were trying to do that game."
"It's a good Pokemon... a super solid Pokemon that does really, really well..."
"I'm really glad I played it. I had so much fun."
"This game is fantastic it's genuinely great."
"Wow... that's actually really fucking good... that's great... I love it."
"Divine smite is so well designed, it feels great."
"Overall, look at these plants, they're strong and healthy. The color is good."
"Seeing you happy about the gym rework is awesome."
"Let me get some clapping emojis in the stream chat right now for us, we did a good job, man!"
"This was an incredible match, I absolutely loved it."
"Holy cow you guys are amazing I love the way you're helping the community."
"What a bloody Delight this has been the whole show."
"I've had so many people say, 'Well comments, it's very nice like the people are so nice on your channel.' And it's true, you guys are really lovely people."
"I have looked quite closely at real-world examples of this system and there has only been very good feedback."
"The user experience gets a massive thumbs up."
"This has been a great interview, it's been a great convo."
"I feel way better about this opening because we actually got something amazing."
"Regardless, I don't think that all 600 people are faking it. It seems like the reception of this is extremely positive."
"I thought the sound of this was incredible, it's a strong Smiley ball for me."
"Lovely stuff, lovely stuff." - Expressing genuine enjoyment or approval.
"That was fine. I think that's a great inclusion. Nothing negative there."
"He's performing really, really well today." - Impressive Performance
"It is looking good folks. It is looking phenomenal."
"What do you feel about Halo Infinite's campaign so far? My thoughts are extremely positive."
"I'm thoroughly impressed especially in regards to detail."
"Whenever we played it for people... it always got a really positive reaction... it was one of the keepers, one of the greatest songs of the 70s."
"This is one of the greatest things they have ever done in a Call of Duty game, and I hope they continue this in the future."
"Lineage of Evil sounds good, I like that a lot."
"I think Fedora 35 is right. It's a solid release."
"A lot of people really enjoying it right now."
"Generally people are more excited... about what is positive about the trailer."
"Modern Warfare 2019 is actually a damn phenomenal game."
"It's giving them hope and it's amazing to hear."
"I actually really like this. This patch is so cool, this is really cool."
"The best thing about that entire thing is that they act Bungie actually responded very quickly."
"Cultural accuracy isn't the only praise devotion received on Steam."
"They turned out great. You raised an exceptional family."
"Thank you all so much for your positive support and feedback."
"Almost everything Ian covered in these interviews was good."
"Thankfully been one of the most well-received aspects of Hogwarts Legacy thus far."
"Thank you all for the positive feedback, appreciate it."