
Moral Dilemma Quotes

There are 626 quotes

"By causing massive amounts of destruction and grief, you can amass enough magical power to go back in time those 200 years, bring your wife and children back to life, and technically also annul all the evil you've done over that time."
"If your pet dog were drowning in the same river current where a total stranger is drowning, which one would you save?"
"What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil, or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?"
"The only reason Dorothea didn't call paramedics to retrieve the bodies was because she was in charge of operating the boarding house, which was in violation of her parole, and didn't want to get sent back to prison."
"Roger might have had to decide upon, like, 'Oh man, do I push the button? If I push the button, it ends the world government's reign, but it could very well destroy the entire world as we know it.'"
"Rin begged Kakashi to kill her, but he refused, unwilling to break his promise to Obito to protect her, and hoping to find some other solution."
"If given the choice between betraying my country or betraying my friend, I hope I would have the guts to betray my country."
"Why are you stealing it? If I don't, they'll kill my son."
"The will of God is perfect... if in order to do one part of His will, you have to disobey another, it's not the will of God."
"Why would anyone do that for anyone, even if it was the Joker and, you know, if I was a supervillain? But I guess you got to do what you got to do when you're trying to be evil."
"Daredevil disagreed with the Punisher's tactics of killing the Hand members, although they were bad guys, while Punisher felt that the only way of punishment for them is death."
"Don't do it because if you kill him, we could never be together."
"True character can only be expressed through choice and dilemma."
"She felt that if she was evil then her kids would be evil too and she genuinely believed that she needed to kill her children to save their souls from eternal damnation."
"She decides she get the hammer and she decides that she will not she's not going to kill Fisk like that."
"How can you even consider yourself to be a doctor or a nurse anymore when you're just scared and you do things that you don't know whether or not it is harming another person?"
"But in the gray area between achieving greatness and being inflicted with greatness, we find a fourth option that is almost universally regarded as cheating, and that is bargaining for greatness."
"He resolves himself to be the ultimate evil to Monica's ultimate good."
"The game isn't asking the player to choose between good and evil; it's trying to entice the player into using the shiny magic toys despite their cost to other people's lives."
"The biggest question now is do I use my powers for good or for evil?"
"Life is fundamental and you have to remember in these very difficult cases that there are two lives to be considered, not just one."
"I love in any movie when our heroes are faced with a moral dilemma that they really don't know which is the right thing to do."
"There's tension between 'it's never too late to redeem yourself' and 'part of redeeming yourself means beating people to death.'"
"Thanos is totally down with sacrificing people for the quote greater good or bad, at least what he thinks is the greater good."
"What lengths would a person go to protect their loved one from detection?"
"Another morality question stirs up in this game."
"This movie at a certain point makes you feel bad about going yeah beat that guy with the pipe wrench and it makes you feel awkward and uncomfortable."
"He's torn between his love for his father and doing what he feels is right."
"What will it profit a man deep divers if he gains the whole world yet forfeits his own soul? Hmm."
"He murdered the only surgeon that was capable of synthesizing a cure from Ellie's blood. Like any father, he would rather let the world continue to burn than lose another daughter."
"Does Joel let Ellie die for the benefit of humanity or does he save her as he has grown to love her as a daughter?"
"The prospect of her getting into trouble or possibly going to jail for stealing this money was weighing on you heavily."
"Is it wrong to take a life if it will bring an end to suffering? Is it ever right to make that choice for someone else if they can no longer choose for themselves?"
"Kill me and you'll become the hero that saved the world."
"This anomaly is often called the devil's deal."
"But if it comes down to it and I really felt like God was telling me you need to tell the truth, you need to be honest and you can't just fold on this because you're afraid, you need to say it."
"You got an 11 year old daughter, she's in middle school going into high school in a couple years, you're watching Euphoria, are you freaking the f**k out?"
"It seems to be a case of you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain, right?"
"I think leaking this was more right than wrong."
"I kind of feel bad now because I don't think I needed to kill it."
"The right side of history versus the right side of Christ."
"This is the most important thing, my friends: Will I defend or will I deny the faith?"
"Violence is never the answer. I'm not saying you should hit people but if someone's robbing you and you 100 can beat them in a fight, you're probably gonna fight back."
"The game does not provide an answer because there is no right answer; it poses a question: do you link the fire? Do you preserve the existing order for just a little longer?"
"As a superhero, there comes a time when you may have to sacrifice your life to do the right thing."
"Either all of this is just an act that both Jack and imaging are putting on so that they can justify to their mother into themselves keeping Lorenzo in a cage and taking his blood to keep themselves alive or they are being absolutely genuine."
"Will you betray love for the sake of victory?"
"Forgiveness versus holding people accountable."
"If you actually believe that there are these things called rights which are genuinely inviolable then you have to commit yourself to the view that that right can't be violated even in the situation where you know it's going to prevent a disaster."
"But the question I'll leave you with is is it the case that in being better people we will lose the fight to others who are less scrupulous less principled and far more vicious than we would ever dream of being."
"What do you do when everyone else is doing it, man?"
"It seems callous to not save that first person. It seems insane morally speaking but this is why the meme says that this is the day the deontologist started questioning his belief system."
"If it is the case that the rational thing to do is to consider pulling the lever and pushing the fat man as just as moral as each other then in this situation it's probably the right thing to do to push the fat man off the bridge."
"Dark Phoenix is a story about a woman who had this vast power now unlocked that vast power and he's finding that she's slipping morally in how she uses it."
"If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?"
"I think it's morally wrong, but I understand. I don't condemn the people that... trying to kill him."
"Your son forged and he looks to you know the person that he's talking to who did you murder to do it even i didn't stoop that low now i'm."
"Danganronpa is a convoluted tale, one that exposes our darkest capabilities in the struggle for survival, but also reveals the magic of the human conscience, and what we’re capable of in the name of civility."
"If we knew the right thing to do, why is it so difficult to do?"
"Self-preservation is more important than the universe."
"The game doesn't half make you feel bad about it. Those debt collecting missions for Strauss make you go through some pretty uncomfortable lengths to get the money owed to the gang back, which never made me feel good."
"I saw this man kill somebody. It's just you and me here. What you're gonna do?"
"This election is about choosing good versus evil."
"Can you be a hero in one aspect when you're a villain in all of the others? That's a phenomenal question."
"Maybe he's choosing the lesser of two evils right now."
"That's war, an endless series of awful choices where no one ever wins."
"Are we really gonna do this? It's open. We could just leave. Not after that. We don't deserve to leave."
"Sometimes even when you're trying to do the right thing there is no easy answer."
"If someone punches you, you can punch them back, right? If someone tries to kill you, you can kill them in self-defense."
"That's insane. You cannot take on evil and become evil to destroy evil, just creating more."
"Steve Rogers doesn't want to kill anyone, but as a great man once said, sometimes the only choices you have are bad ones."
"Many that live deserve death and some that die deserve life, can you give it to them?"
"Lord Azrael is absolutely one of the most compelling antagonists. He murdered a child for the greater good."
"If we attack King's Landing with Drogon and the Unsullied, and the Dothraki, tens of thousands of innocents will die. Do not become what you have always struggled to defeat."
"Is the driver a good man? Is he a hero trapped in a world of villains?"
"Sometimes you gotta pick the lesser of two evils."
"Are you sure you can live with the version of yourself that is you handing over the wallet?"
"Throughout the whole story I actually sat there for periods not playing the game in thinking do I really want to side with the bad side or the good side."
"There are several unanswered questions... Isn't he smarter than this? Murder is not justice, there is no solace in revenge."
"Ethical choices are rarely between good and bad but between two goods."
"Frankenstein explores the moral and ethical implications of scientific experimentation."
"Would you sell one of your eyes for a million Dolans? Would you sell both for 50 million?"
"After all, people have friends and relatives there. On the other hand, if we let New London fail, we could take full control of it, although many of its inhabitants would die."
"Gonta wanted to save everyone, that's why he killed me."
"Did you save young Sean or did you let him go down with the Institute?"
"I attempt to drown the child but she's more protected than the Hollywood stars who visited Epstein's Island."
"Scott really created the archetype of the solitary anti-hero facing daunting challenges and tough moral dilemmas."
"I always feared you would become that which you fought against. You walk the edge of that abyss every night."
"You walk to your wife every night and you tell her you had a good day at work. How do you do that? How do you look on the face and lie?"
"Samira comes fully equipped with a way to deal with danger on her own."
"My choice was to keep her alive or kill her." - Sherry
"How far would you go, how much of your humanity would you lose in trying to seek vengeance or seek justice?"
"Keller and Loki: the outlaw versus the lawman."
"He wants Fame and he's going to sell his soul."
"If Brian was in on it, you may be thinking, well, if Brian was in on it, why would he voluntarily strap a bomb to his neck?"
"Thanking somebody for their good does not mean helping to facilitate their evil."
"If you were a scientist with the ultimate goal of improving the human race at what point do you think you'd realize you'd made a wrong turn somewhere?"
"What real peace can be brought from the public sacrifice of even a despised man." - John Adams and the Boston Massacre
"Sometimes we have to kill people, but it should hurt."
"If someone's pointing a gun at an innocent bystander you want to help out but you don't want to get shot yourself."
"Being the father of the atomic bomb has proven to be a double-edged sword."
"She did the wrong thing but for the right reasons."
"Can they freely commit genocide on a galaxy spanning scale without donning the moniker of an evil doer?"
"For all of our capacity to do good, the urge to do evil has plagued human history."
"I kinda didn't want to kill him, not at the same time cuz it would like you know I don't know it was just kind of nice and it makes you feel safe doesn't it."
"I am NOT a murderer, but there's a brain behind this."
"It's almost a depressing reality that you did everything that you possibly could to resolve this peacefully and then you're called a murderer."
"Either you die a hero or you live long enough and you become a villain."
"Cops who might in their gut be like, 'This is wrong'... but I don't know how to move forward because I don't think I have any law to arrest them."
"There'll be a day when you will wish you had done a little evil to do a greater good."
"Even though they accidentally murdered 30 people... they decide to do the right thing."
"Ultimately it comes down to you deciding whether you'll let the priest kill them right there or if you'll stop him and keep them alive."
"Save one person or save 12? The choice is clear."
"The conflict isn't about 'can they be strong enough to defeat these guys,' it's more about 'am I doing the right thing?'"
"Most people want to keep their job and they put their own career above doing the right thing."
"You want so much to do what's right for everybody else and put yourself aside."
"Do you believe it's ever wrong for you individually to violate your own private conscience?"
"This silent stabbing of a Savior in his sleep, wow, that is one of the darkest turns the show has ever made."
"You're never supposed to side with the killer, but..."
"I was not the kind of guy who would kill a kid."
"I think it was kind of like a moral dilemma for him too... why am I fighting Jake Paul? Why did I agree to this? He's kind of an awful person."
"Soldiers cannot afford to have a tax of conscience."
"The people who are capable of changing things are the ones who can throw away everything dear to them. When forced to face down monsters, they can leave behind even their humanity."
"Do you want villains to learn before they have to pay the ultimate price? That's such a Christian question."
"What would happen if I gave in to my evil desires?"
"What you have that's worth losing your soul over?"
"Thanos doesn't want to kill half the population of the universe; rather, he feels that there's no other option."
"There's a moral problem in sending him home if he's telling the truth because if he gets tortured, well then, we kind of just sent him to his death."
"Matt had around 10 conversations about ending Annie's life."
"You want the wrong person in jail just so that everyone can feel good at the end of the day."
"He'd have to understand that he can't throw all of this away because of what his friends did for him. It would make SpongeBob like the worst person ever."
"I sensed God telling me I need to do something, and it leads to something that's actually dangerous or law-breaking or even sinful."
"Sometimes you got to do the bad to get the good."
"As a father or as a mother I would not be capable of doing the same thing and I would not take my son or daughter to the police."
"'If the time should come when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he's strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort.'"
"Think her choices are immoral, but I wouldn't call it entitlement, just desperation. Her spouse is going through cancer treatment, and she has five children including a newborn."
"I knew he wouldn't have wanted me to kill a man and become a murderer just to save his life."
"Your daughter's got superpowers, what if we use those superpowers to stop this woman?"
"Violence must be met with violence, although violence is against everything I stand for, there is no other solution."
"If I have to choose between one evil and another, then I prefer not to choose at all."
"Sometimes you have to do seemingly immoral things for the greater good."
"Caught at the heart of this struggle is the Prior Elizabeth Becquin. Will she stand with the Inquisition or with the Cognitae that raised her?"
"Sure, cheating is bad, but if it didn't happen, I wouldn't have my best friend."
"You want him to get his vengeance, but he lost all of his humanity."
"In a world with so many people and things, it can be difficult to distinguish where our moral compass lies."
"You either live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
"Vault 11: A testament to the vulnerability of the human moral compass and the dangers of a utilitarian perspective in times of great peril."
"I just can't fathom wanting to kill my own unborn child."
"Would somebody really murder their wife for not having any more children with them?"
"If she was about to pull the trigger and kill my kid, do I think it would be right to shoot her? Um, yeah."
"To drive the darkness away, it seems, the light will have to perish with it!" - Lord Hoth
"Admitting that he sought out violence against a man to atone for the actions of presumably someone else."
"Any human that uses a Death Note is going to meet suffering."
"What is the worth of a single mortal's life? A riddle Paladin."
"Evil and good are always at war inside you, Zuko. You alone can cleanse the sins of our family and the Fire Nation."
"Is it morally right to threaten children... that's more important really."
"I think Joel did the right thing in the last game. The fireflies wanted to use Ellie's immunity to the infection as a way to reverse engineer a vaccine..."
"When I stood in front of him, I couldn't pull the trigger."
"When my faith gives way to my fears, I'm going to make a mess of things no matter what. Don't forget this lesson when your faith gives a way to fear."
"Violence an acceptable answer when confronted by a great evil."
"Was what he did a good thing? Was he a soldier of Christ or America's first domestic terrorist?"
"This food isn't ours. Supplies aren't ours. Why should we take it?"
"Ghosts of Tsushima is a story about survival which asks whether it's better to die with honor or live in disgrace."
"A practical dilemma requires a must and a moral dilemma requires an ought."
"It's a powerful character moment for the doctor really showing the personal dilemma he's facing."
"I don't even like having to go out and defend somebody that I think might have done something wrong."
"Sometimes you've got to do the wrong thing for the right reasons."
"What kind of girl would do you for a million dollars?"
"I either killed the girl or I didn't. They should either send me to the electric chair or turn me free."
"If you really want to punish someone, you should punish them for their virtues."
"If the pacifist position is right, then if a policeman is on his way to be baptized, and he sees a gunman who's about to murder some innocent children, he could pull out his gun and he could shoot that murderer and save the children."
"It is better to let a guilty man walk free than to put an innocent man in jail."
"Character is what is revealed when you make a choice when you could hit it and nobody will know what happened."
"The notion that it is the right thing to do, but it's painful."
"I've decided to donate all of it to an organization for elderly care. What, don't think I'll just stand by and let you do that?"
"Agents would have to determine if their suspect was a grieving father figure or a man who murdered a friend in cold blood."
"Be damned if it feels good, do it even if you shouldn't."
"Are you prepared to give your life to save your son? There is a deadly poison in this file."
"At what point is it more harmful and more morally dubious to let someone live than to end their existence?"
"These sacrifices will save millions if not billions. The ends justify the means as always."
"How do you feel about being comforted by lies? It feels immoral and offensive."
"Thanos is situated okay, here's the problem with that: the extinction level event that he's talking about hasn't happened yet, so why is he doing it now?"
"Killing these people is to give everyone mood bonuses which is nice."
"So should we throw out the art with the artist? I'm going to give you guys my opinion on that."
"He won't change the actions he believes or what he needs to do even when they threaten to kill him." - A decision made out of weakness, out of temptation to preserve his body instead of being affixed to his beliefs.
"The Marvel heroes know what they have to do, but do they have to do it?"
"Jaime ended his life, a testament that sometimes doing the right thing can be the hardest act."
"She was considered the Golden Girl of True Crime."
"He was left torn between his duty and his honor."
"Where does the most selfish decision become the most selfless and those selfless become the most selfish?"
"You walk away from that situation kind of thinking to yourself, 'All I was doing was trying to fight for justice.'"
"It is enough for the survivor to agree to false accusation of another person."
"There's a fine line between demonstrating that particular aspect of hell and engaging with it."
"A butcher slaughters a pig yet expects the pig to perform well before dying."
"Your conscience should you ignore the obvious and continue to live a lie."
"Should we intervene when there's evil happening?"
"It's about the character Troy having to choose between being true to his friend or following his heart with Gabriela."
"If you have power enough to kill a witch, you have power enough to save them."
"The last word of two evils introduces Flexo."
"You don't have to forgive her today, you just have to save her life today."