
Perception Change Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"We're not waiting for the situation to straighten out...we're waiting for new glasses, and then we'll be able to see things as if it were a play."
"Every moment then becomes an opportunity for you to change the way we perceive the world and ease the burden by which there is potential for destructive emotions like anxiety, anger, and sadness."
"Houdini ingeniously took a familiar object that his audiences associated with fear and incarceration and turned it into something extraordinary."
"Reality changes with a different background music."
"We are in a moment where socialism is no longer a dirty word."
"There's a big shift in perception for many people. It's a big shift in viewpoint."
"You've got the power to change that perception."
"The drizzle was sad, melancholy, but now her hand is in yours as you walk, now the drizzle is something to cherish, to celebrate."
"The moment they change their perception, they have what's called a spontaneous remission."
"These next three dogs have changed the perception of the American Bully community and converted them into believers."
"It makes us stop and think about something quite important in an entirely different way."
"With new reports and sightings mounting on almost a daily basis and with many mainstream media outlets reporting on the phenomenon, perception is beginning to change."
"You're stepping into like a stepping through a gateway of like a different reality, a different way of perceiving, of experiencing."
"I used to have a perception that I would have neck pain and it would last for a day, two days, three days. Now, this strange-looking technique comes along, I use it, and that perception is blown right out of the water."
"Dress differently if you want people to think about you differently."
"Once you’re exposed to certain ideas, it is impossible to unsee what you have seen."
"It's like sports gambling has gotten a lot better in my eyes when it's gotten legalized."
"It's a mind-blowing idea because it completely just wipes out everything that we know."
"Suddenly the night sky went from 2d to 3d for the first time..."
"When you see something for yourself that does not obey physical norms, physical laws, it changes your perspective on reality."
"The inner experience transforms our experience of the outer world."
"It truly changed my perception about my drawings."
"The world goes from being black and white to color."
"I'm definitely not going to look at a plant in the same way as I did before."
"Obviously it's still like an honor to win something, yeah, it feels less important now when you watch it."
"Good Source Foods is all about changing the perception of food and supporting healthier snacking options."
"Reframing is where you take that frame of an event and change the way you look at it."
"If you're out there and you see something extraordinary... just know that you're going to be crazy from then on."
"As you begin to lean in and entertain heaven, God would open up your spiritual eyes... that you might see those who are for you are more than those who are against you."
"The algorithm itself can cause people's views to change."
"He’d gone from a goofy crank to a godlike savior."
"The world looks different when you understand it."
"Every story is rewritable when you change your energy when you alter your perception every timeline is changeable every timeline."
"Turn around and approach. The monster will cease to be monstrous."
"Your whole life, your thinking, your prayer, you see life totally different now."
"Taking something that's so easy and oftentimes written off as a lazy gift and makes it really special."
"It's sort of our first little... dropping a satellite off in low earth orbit... it's starting to change my mind of how I think about space travel."
"I hope that people pick up this book and they laugh and they smile and really think differently about the world."
"It's definitely a game to play... it's definitely something to experience." - "It might just completely reframe the way that you think of gaming... this game will also reframe a lot of people's ideas of what gaming is."
"I see a chance to change how it's seen, perceived."
"However, if it's difficult for you to hear, you should take it as good news and a blessing to have seen this from a new angle."
"This thing that was a conspiracy theory at some point in 2022 or 2020 has effectively become an accepted fact." - Reflecting on the evolution of perceptions and truths.
"I'm loving this, like this, I could honestly, I'm not a big Tahoe fan, but seeing these has really just like changed my impression, I guess."
"The Chinese Communist Party risks becoming what the United States used to be in the eyes of these different terrorist movements."
"Baldur's Gate does, of course, have combat, but as you play more, you stop seeing it as combat and see it instead as a giant real-time puzzle to be solved."
"People used to look at me like I was stupid when I talked about Bitcoin. Now my phone rings off the hook." - Mike Novogratz
"Previously the Bible was in black and white for me and now it's in color."
"It changed everything that I knew about Alec."
"Recontextualization offers us a mechanism for radically changing our understanding."
"The joke stuck with me until I had thought about it enough that it wasn't a joke."
"This is the one ability that completely changes how this game is played and how you see the world around you..."
"Figure out how to change people's perception of this community to be a welcoming one."
"Higher awareness will automatically shift your perception of who you truly are."
"A little bit of chemical can make a massive difference in how you see the entire world."
"Your perception is changing as you are shifting."
"You're gonna be living the life, and there's still someone from your past that wants to reach out and talk to you because they want to change things, they want you to look at them differently."
"They can shift people so quickly without people having any idea that this is occurring."
"Synthetic media is completely going to transform how we perceive the world."
"They will change the way you look at human nature."
"The blinders are coming off. You're coming to your senses."
"Freedom is everywhere. Shift your perception and you will see it."
"In learning to embrace his need over his want, we'd expect his actions to demonstrate a wiser or healthier way of perceiving the world and/or his place in it."
"When you start getting in this compass when you start navigating here when you start practicing this and you start feeling you are going to see the world through another lens."
"Your mentality will create the reality for what you live in and therefore your defects can become your assets with that shift of perception."
"Electric vehicles aren't golf carts anymore."
"I turned from a hater to just an appreciator."
"So, we want those who have the perception of Mogadishu to really come and see the reality on the ground. That's how the perception can be changed."
"It just completely changes the way that you look at horses in the game."
"Chances are you'll never look at Christmas the same ever again."
"Jordan Sean is a game changer, program changer, perception changer, vibe changer."
"Psychedelics kind of opened this imaginary door in your mind and once they blow this door wide open of what is possible in what is not possible they can change your very perception of what reality is."
"Meaning will emerge where there was no meaning before."
"Words are powerful... People can change your whole thoughts and perception just by word."
"We can move from incorrect to correct perception."
"James Blake's remixes fundamentally changed my whole perception and the perception of many others on whether or not people should [ __ ] with the classics of the 140 scene."
"It was like you painted my whole black and white world with these beautiful colors."
"You've changed the way America saw the issue."
"When you step into the cockpit, you're entering a new automotive paradigm that will redefine your perception of time and space."
"Looking back at all the content I used to watch, all the alt-right type content, it all looks silly in retrospect."
"She shattered an illusion as one writer succinctly put it in Screen Land."
"Your life is about challenging your perceptions."
"When your perception changes, you literally change the chemistry in your brain."
"The sun no longer appears as a bright glowing sphere but a simple black ball. This phenomenon is called a solar eclipse."
"That guitar overall really changed my perception."
"When you change your aperture, you don't just zoom in on something, you literally see different things."
"What was once regarded as a conspiracy theory just last year is now literally front page news."
"This video completely changed how I think about onions."
"It's like the longer it goes on, the less threatening Terminators appear to be."
"Michael Rutzen, or Shark Man, is trying to change the perception of sharks as dangerous killer machines."
"Once you get to like hour 100 of playing it, they start feeling like less minor things."
"Eric seems like a thoughtful, articulate person for the first time in a while."
"Even though nothing really changed... everything changed."
"Nevada is no longer just a place to lose your money nor is it just a place to get married while heavily intoxicated."
"Act much differently, see the beauty everywhere, engage with beauty."
"Things that were considered impossible months ago suddenly didn't seem all that impossible."
"This feels to me like you are in a process of refreshing the way that you see the world."
"Perception and releasing conditioning takes so much self-control, patience, and moderation."
"Holiday is really a holy day isn't it? It gets us out of our routine and you see things that were for the first time."
"Yesterday's conspiracy theories are today's facts."
"My world was black and white before and now I see color."
"The New World Order is the old world, I mean just the names have changed, the appearances have changed but the concept hasn't changed."
"It's like a switch has been flipped in his brain, turning up the colors and sounds of the world around him."
"There has been a sea change in public perception about the war in Russia."
"My facts don't change the truth but my faith in the truth changes the facts."
"Honestly, in an instant, you've completely changed my perception."
"This marriage changes your perception completely on love."
"It's less used as a punch line and more uses of reference to how someone's mental changes over time."
"When you accept and internalize that your essence is loved and that everything else is an expression of this energy of love, the way you look at life changes."
"The phrase 'would you kindly' isn't seen as a way to manipulate someone anymore."
"This admission drastically changes how everything and everyone in the film is perceived and definitely warrants a second watch."
"Transformation leads you to see something in a new way."
"Games that stick in your gut long after you've put down the pad, games that change your perception, that gets inside and shift your core as if someone's tightened the focus ring on the lens through which you see life."
"Horses can't be seen as a play thing or a sports equipment anymore. They're living animals."
"Your mind gets to open up and you start to see things for what they really are."
"When things happen that we perceive to be bad, sometimes it can be the greatest gift in the world."
"Hope for all the people that saw figure skating through the lens of just a territory and cowrie broke that and showed that figure skating can be a fun beautiful sport."
"I guess I had like the idea that everyone else had before the show really showed that what it what it really was."
"Somebody could be shifting their perspective of you and they're seeing you differently and clearer than they did before."
"I'm actually embarrassed that I guess I fell for the whole Shane Dawson facade."
"By changing our perception of reality, games have the power to help us find joy and purpose in even the most unexpected places."
"I do think that we would all benefit from seeing footballers as more than robots who run around a football pitch and as people whose job it is to play football just like our jobs are whatever our jobs are."
"Life becomes so much better when you open your eyes to see the good around you."
"The miracle is simply a shift in perception from fear to love." - Marianne Williamson
"Your person sees you as someone who really changed the way that they view romantic partners."
"Change the idea of a thing and you change the thing. It's that simple."
"They say that emotions cloud the mind, but I think that to see the extraordinary in the ordinary... it's a different kind of seeing."
"Well now, it’s time to turn this negative image into a positive one."
"It seriously changed my entire perception of what a men's wallet should be."
"I used to doubt them and make fun of them like everybody else until I realized, oh no no no, these people are like, like it's something, something hit where I like suddenly the light switch went off."
"Intelligent people alter their perception of things as new information comes out."
"Once you have a direct experience of the light, you never see anyone or anything in the same way."
"Five years ago, people were laughing about Chinese smartphones... Who is laughing now?"
"Honestly, once you see it, you can't really unsee it."
"Lifted the world's perception of the possible and cracked open the skies."
"She may look venomous and deadly, but she is beginning to see now that she has as much to fear from me as I can have from her."
"I wanted to erase all the opinions that I had previously of him."
"Eric has helped to dramatically change the popular perception of sharks."
"Part of our mission is to get people to see their food differently."
"A powerful fiery heroic energy bringing significant change of perception in our lives individually."
"It's really blowing the whole picture up isn't it Andrew I think it's making the average person really see."
"This is clearly going to change your perception of the MCU."
"Certainly research shows that the vast majority of people who once thought that they were having negative experiences have gone through a slow but steady transformation."
"I used to really dislike religious people, and then I realized that there might be societal repercussions if we don't have that kind of moral goods and bad."
"The perception shift happening around bitcoin is incredible."
"This is going to be a real shift in perception, shift in paradigm."
"Protests shatter our normal perceptions, putting things in a new light."
"It was really good to see that father-son connection and to see how others now view Gohan differently."
"When we change our perception, knowledge comes in with speed."
"He shows some sympathy after learning about Zing's and is able to admit that monsters aren't as bad as she had been raised to believe." - Narrator
"Your perceptions are adjusting correctly when you start killing excuses in your life."
"Once the blinders are off, you're able to see how easy it is for them to actually fool the world."
"Remember look at that perception in the ace of cups and the ace of cups talks about you Scorpios or whoever needing to open up your eyes to see what could be yours."
"Once you figure out that the best neighbor in your neighborhood is a godless heathen, that fundamentally changes how you look at them."
"I've heard a lot of stories from people with family members who were very anti-Disney before they went, only to become maybe not Disney lovers, but they definitely enjoyed themselves a lot more than expected."
"Once you shift your perception, that's how you guys can instantaneously switch your energy."
"At first they thought you were crazy, and now they are awestruck by your power."
"If I can get you to empathize with an animal which is considered the scariest fish in the sea then maybe anything is possible."
"I love watching people change the way they see the game just because, I mean, it's just fun."
"Anything looks crazy until you get used to it."
"My answer to that has changed actually. It always used to be that it's just a bit of fun."
"There's an opportunity to take that blindfold off and see it for what it is."
"Now they have a new perspective on him after seeing that amazing display of skill."
"You can just feel it, the whole narrative just changed."
"This new evidence instantly erased any remaining sympathy people had for Mina."
"This is what Awakening is, it's a shift in your perception."
"Once sex stops being a part of a marriage how the man perceives and treats the wife also changes with time."
"Ask God to change the perception that you have of him because a lot of people have a wrong perception and to ask God to let you see people as he sees them."
"Maybe not the best legacy to have associated with the film, but perhaps that has changed over the years."
"Your reality shifts to match your new reset of perception."
"I was living in black and white before, now I can see color, god damn, the world is so different."
"It's amazing that you can utilize Forza Horizon to change people's perceptions on electric vehicles."
"Change the way you see, not the way you look."
"It marked a major shift in people's view of iDubbbz."
"He wanted to lure people into our class so that could radically transform their perceptions of themselves."
"Experience is important, that you're able to put that to the side, that somehow you're able to ignore that everybody that was telling you you were so great, now not so much. That message is changing."
"Sometimes an artist will cut a song that fundamentally changes how you'll see them."
"Wow, you're so handsome. I was wrong about you."
"Kia, they're really doing the business in the auto industry with changing people's perception about their brand."
"It doesn't look nearly as plain as it first did."
"Everyday revise the facts of life."
"...it really will change your perception of driving an EV, especially out in the real world."
"I think viral videos like this when they go viral are great, and I want to see more of these because they definitely change people's perceptions of rats."
"Blind from birth, never knowing the sensation of being able to see, not even in dreams, changed the night of her NDE."
"It's changing your perception, making yourself see a different way."
"This changed a lot of people's minds about how video games can be art."
"When I open my eyes after meditation, I genuinely just see the world differently."
"Befriending the nervous system and beginning to speak the language of the nervous system is that you really don't see the world in the way you did before."
"If you let the drawing sit for like a month and you come back, sometimes you don't see anything wrong with it."
"It changed my whole perception of what pop music could be."
"I thought he was loud, obnoxious, and egotistical, and the years since I've grown to appreciate his tenacity and passion."
"You humanized her and I really think I like her now."
"Trauma becomes a set of lenses... it deeply impacts the way we view what's before us in a whole new way."
"I've definitely been in situations where I'm not totally attracted to a girl, but as I become friends with her, she becomes more attractive."
"He became a totally different looking person, no longer ugly, no longer awkward."
"Why is the minivan such a dirty word? Well, I think that the Chrysler Pacifica here can change that."
"When Kia first introduced the all-electric EV6 earlier this year, it really changed a lot of people's perception of Kia and what you should expect from an all-electric crossover."
"Do you think the Carnival's overall design features can change people's minds about minivans?"
"Pigeons went from war heroes to people actively trying to wipe them out."
"It was that one night alone that just changed my whole perception of the paranormal."
"A terrifying and amazing discovery that might completely change our perception of the universe."