
Economic Recovery Quotes

There are 701 quotes

"Jerome Powell...has had the best recovery since Covid out of any major country in the world."
"After strict COVID-19 controls, China's economic recovery has been more difficult than expected."
"The economic recovery remains uneven and far from complete, and the path ahead remains uncertain."
"The process of reopening the economy is unprecedented, as was the shutdown at the onset of the pandemic."
"Manufacturing rebounded at the fastest rate in nearly 40 years."
"When you see a V-shaped recovery, that's usually an indicator of the strength of a market."
"The entire so-called recovery from 2009 to 2019, that was a 10-year recovery, the longest recovery in US history, but it was also the weakest recovery in US history."
"It will purge the rottenness out of the system. People will work harder, lead a more moral life."
"There's no painless recovery from an unsustainable boom."
"The real recovery from the American depression was brought about by massive state spending."
"Each diamond is about the size of someone’s hand, and they come at an important time for the market which is trying to rebound after the pandemic—bright news for the country and the soon-to-be betrothed."
"I'm much more worried about falling short of a complete recovery and losing people's careers and lives that they built because they don't get back to work in time. I'm more concerned about the damage that will do not just to their lives but to the United States economy, the productive capacity of the economy, and our nation's finances will be in a stronger position as well."
"Once you understand that the only strategy for survival is to become asset-rich and of course we saw that with the K-shape recovery. Every Wall Street finance company had the best year of their life doing very little."
"The economy isn't going to be recovering like many people think."
"The Fed's actions are proof that we're succeeding in fixing one of the worst experiences America's had in my lifetime."
"We at the Fed will do everything we can to support the recovery and employment and achieve our price stability goal."
"Together we can and will rebuild our economy. And when we do, we'll not only build back, we'll build back better."
"We're a long way from a full recovery," and "I'm much more worried about falling short of a complete recovery and losing people's careers and lives...than about the possibility of higher inflation."
"As of August 15, there are 16 million people unemployed, down from 24. So, I do think the economy is recovering very strongly."
"The overall recovery in economic activity since last spring is due importantly to unprecedented fiscal and monetary policy actions."
"The American Rescue Plan has helped the economy get back on its feet."
"Strong policy support has fueled a vigorous but uneven recovery, one that is in many respects historically anomalous."
"This is a step we can all take to protect the health and safety of Canadians and ultimately to ensure that our economic rebound comes more quickly."
"I think the stock market will recover. The economy is very strong."
"We see no contradiction between pursuing ambitious action to meet the climate crisis and supporting a sustained and swift economic recovery."
"We will get through this challenge. The hardship will end soon. Normal life will return, and our economy will rebound very, very strongly."
"I happen to think that you're gonna have a very big bounce, very big bounce back."
"It's a moment that requires decisive action to beat this pandemic and support the economic recovery that American families need."
"We are 10 million jobs short still of where the economy was when this pandemic started."
"We must build our economy back better so that it lifts up everyone."
"Biden's recovery of this economy that he never gets credited enough for."
"On the unemployment side, a long time. Certain businesses aren't going to come back, and people are gonna have to retool."
"In the early stages of recovery, there is a huge gain in productivity."
"Once you are in a recession or financial crisis, you have to ask yourself in a more qualitative way rather than a quantitative one what is going to be the shape of the economic recovery."
"What President Trump wants to see is a V-shaped recovery...a steep plunge down at the beginning of this crisis followed by a very rapid ascent back to some sort of economic normality."
"The recovery from the pandemic recession has been faster than any of the past recessions."
"As we move forward over the coming months, we'll be able to see careful re-openings in certain sectors of the economy, certain things being allowed as people try to get back to something a little more like normal."
"What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the alliances of all people and to lift us out of the economic morass into which we are sinking."
"The chance of a hard landing has gone down materially over the past month."
"The only way you have recovery is if places like New York City in particular, the great economic leader and engine of this nation, if we're strong, our nation can be strong."
"Now we are seeing this sort of substitution back to services where people who've been deprived of restaurants, hotels, transportation, theaters... that side of it is currently booming and is sustaining the recovery."
"The economy always comes back stronger after a recession."
"What can we do as a Congress to safely open up the country and minimize legal exposure for those who are trying to reopen the American economy?"
"The way our economy will recover and the way our country will remain resilient and successful is by getting Canadians back to work."
"That is a remarkable turnaround from the plunge of 31.4 percent the economy registered in the second quarter."
"As I've indicated, trade and supply will continue because it's critical to our health and safety and it will facilitate our economic recovery."
"We want Americans to know that we will get through this challenge; the hardship will end, it will end soon, normal life will return, and our economy will rebound very, very strongly."
"It's hard to look at this new peak as a recovery when your past history has distorted your sense of scale so much."
"When unemployment is at the highest rate since the Great Depression, when millions of people have seen their hours and pay slashed, Joe knows it's not enough to rebuild the economy the way it was before. We've got to build it back better."
"A February report from the Congressional Budget Office predicted rapid growth recovery in 2021."
"An economic recovery only occurs on the back of a complete health care recovery and that order is essential."
"The economy can't be fixed without solving the pandemic."
"Every piece of data is uncertain. We don't put too much stock in any one month's data. We're looking at longer-term trends and certainly, as we assess the trend over the longer term, we feel like we are seeing a strong and accelerating recovery."
"Volkswagen symbolizes the economic miracle of Germany's post-war recovery like few other companies."
"We got the economy rolling again, we started the longest streak of job creation on record, we covered another 20 million people on health insurance, we brought housing back here in Nevada, we cut our deficits by more than half, partly by making sure the wealthiest Americans, folks like me, paid their fair share of taxes."
"Many cities in the belt region of the U.S. have struggled in the post-industrial age; Grand Rapids was no exception. However, since 2010, this western Michigan city has come back to life."
"The only way we're going to rebuild a sound economy in the United States is... we're going to have to stop all the stimulus and stop the bailouts and let the free market work."
"Good news everyone, the shortage hell hole that we've been living through may finally be coming to a close."
"The president is certainly focused on ensuring the economy is continuing to recover and that people are going back to work and able to put food on the table to feed their families."
"Greece may take a long time to get back to the level of economic prosperity it was enjoying in 2007."
"We stand ready to do whatever it takes... to rebound back to confidence and economic activity."
"The economy will recover after the stock market bottoms."
"We created the greatest economy in the history of the world and we're going to do it again."
"We have some very difficult decisions ahead... but the context of course is coming out of a pandemic and a cost of living crisis."
"Our country has to get back to work again and you know what you're talking is when you are doing what we did with the shutdown that causes death also."
"Together we will restore our economy quickly, we will rebuild our nation, we will revitalize our cities."
"The economy is already roaring back and other people aren't going to bring it back."
"We built the strongest and most prosperous economy in the history of the world, and we will do it again very, very quickly."
"The only thing worse than an unnecessarily slow recovery is a reversed recovery."
"We're seeing tremendous pent up demand and it's a beautiful thing to see."
"We think now is the moment that it's critical that the country start getting back to business as rapidly as possible, not just for the health of the economy but for the health and well-being of all of our citizens."
"I think there's a tremendous pent-up demand... I see it in Texas where they have lines going into stores and a couple of restaurants."
"We're ready and I'm encouraging our state that we need to begin a phased approach and get back to business."
"The Federal Reserve in 2008 was the only central bank that purchased non-performing assets from banks."
"We need some money to get in the hands of the American workers during this recovery."
"I do think that recovery has started to generate real job growth and wage growth, which has been helpful."
"We will be back in aggregate where we were before the pandemic."
"We have pulled this economy back from the brink."
"Our country is going to be back from an economic standpoint stronger than ever."
"If we are disciplined now and adhere carefully to the guidance being provided by health authorities, we'll get that economy back."
"The economy has never once failed to come back stronger after a recession."
"The first two quarters of this year were negative, we have a boost in Q3."
"Now is not the time to worry about the debt; now is the time to get people back to work."
"There's a 90% chance that we actually end up having the Nike Swoosh style recovery."
"Being able to prove you’ve been vaccinated is a way for businesses to safely open back up and get the economy going again, which is something those who have been complaining about lockdown should be rejoicing over."
"This is transformative... it's not only to get America back in business again but to build America back better."
"We will end woke. We will crush the Deep State. We will save our economy."
"Now is the time to put your foot on the accelerator."
"The economic transformation of western Germany from a war-ravaged nation to one of the world's strongest economies within decades."
"Highlighting tomorrow: how the rescue plan invests in small businesses, including minority-owned businesses."
"We've created a record 11.4 million American jobs in the past five months."
"We're gonna build this economy back bigger, better, stronger than ever before."
"A life is never going to come back. But everything else, our economy is going to come roaring back."
"We're going to build this economy back bigger, better, stronger than ever before."
"The best way to get people whole again is to get them back to work."
"We can face this pandemic head-on. We can do what it takes to protect our families and our communities. Together we can get our economy moving again."
"I do know we will kill this virus and when we do I have great confidence that the US economy will become roaring back"
"A realistic path is for us to continue spending Q1 and potentially Q2 trying to claw our way out of the mess that we're currently in."
"We are in a V-shaped recovery. It is a self-sustaining recovery. High demand, increased production, and manufacturing along with decline in inventories will give us tremendous momentum."
"We will quickly rebuild the greatest economy in the history of the world, like we had it just four years ago."
"The economy is recovering, it's coming back at an extraordinarily rapid rate. Why not champion that?"
"He represented the way out of the darkness by promising to bring jobs back to the country."
"The most important thing about the UK economy right now is that we have a strong jobs-led recovery."
"We're going to build our economy, our country better than it was before this god-awful crisis." - Donald Trump
"We built the strongest economy the world has ever seen before the virus, and together we're doing it again."
"We have to help the worker, we have to save the companies, because as soon as we're finished with this war... our country is going to bounce back like you've never seen before."
"We have to help the worker, we have to save the companies... our country is going to bounce back like you've never seen before."
"Embracing the gold standard is going to be one of the first steps in turning everything around."
"Everything's gonna fall into place, it's going to be beautiful... there's a tremendous pent-up demand."
"Our agenda is for the American people, fighting COVID-19, rebuilding our economy, re-establishing relationships around the world."
"Biden is building a stronger economy right after an economic crisis than Trump could after he was handed a solid economy."
"The next parliament should be about the recovery of the economy, the NHS, education, all of the issues they care about rather than simply the division and disunity that will come from having another independence referendum."
"This is exciting, we're starting to see the beginning of that recovery boom."
"We'll do what we should have done from the very beginning."
"We'll rebuild our economy and when we do, we'll build back better."
"We're going to fix the Middle East, get our economy going again, and empower people to live better lives."
"We must pass this bill to crush the virus, to save the lives and livelihoods of the American people, to put children back in school and people back to work. That is its purpose."
"The stimulus check is a vital component to the recovery of America."
"Light regulation is the way to go. We can really fix and get out of this recession that we're in with the cryptocurrency industry."
"You'll see us leaning heavily into the experience."
"So you have to imagine that as more people start to get their jobs back and more people start to make more money you're going to start to see more people go out and buy homes as well."
"We will not go back just as we were permanently poor after the global financial crisis."
"I actually think something else is going to happen. I think the opposite. I think we've been saying from the early days of the coronavirus crisis that we were in a V-shaped recovery."
"We do think that innovation is going to be a big part of this recovery."
"The US economy's recovery still uncertain, experts remain optimistic."
"It's a big hole, it's not unsustainable because the capacity of producing money and credit is unlimited."
"Our work begins with getting COVID under control. We cannot repair the economy, restore our vitality, or relish life's most precious moments until we get it under control. COVID is America's most pressing crisis."
"I was asked to bring back Chrysler and General Motors. You brought them back right here in the state of Ohio in Michigan."
"We need to go big; there will be generational scarring of our economy."
"I'm fighting to make sure we eradicate the virus, rebuild the economy, and save our country from the radical left."
"Everyone is very anxious to get out of the house, get back to work, get the economy moving."
"Together we will bring back our jobs, our factories, and our American dream... God bless you and God bless America."
"MP materials crushed it, absolutely destroyed it."
"The administration, I do believe wants to see not just a bridge to the other side of coronavirus but the foundations for a sustainable, inclusive recovery."
"We've been trading in a bull market, but who's gonna lead the rebound? Energy prices could be the relief the market needs for an October rebound."
"Truckers are playing a heroic role in helping America cope during this crisis and truckers will be a critical part in helping our economy recover once this crisis is past us."
"I think it'll start to come back. I've described it as a reverse square root sign recovery."
"Russian economy will recover during that time."
"We need to save our economy and stop the inflation crippling American families."
"We launched the fastest economic recovery anyone has ever seen."
"Retail spending has fully recovered and is now at an all-time high."
"We did the right thing, but now we have to get back to work."
"Every American back at work that was unfortunately laid off as a result of this virus, thank you. Thank you very much."
"Used car prices leap on U.S. economic recovery."
"Job postings are going up, and that's a very promising sign."
"This election is a choice between safe vaccines versus more lockdowns, a Trump recovery at the highest end or Biden depression."
"We're leveraging our powers to heal America's hardest hit communities and return to prosperity as safely and swiftly as possible."
"A durable economic recovery is only possible if we beat the pandemic. Health measures must remain a priority."
"I would absolutely do that, and what we'll do is we'll save tens of thousands of jobs."
"The only way to get our lives back, to get our economy back on track is to beat the virus."
"The best jobs program we can do is to restart these sectors."
"The government needs to revive employment, exports, and investment."
"My job is to rebuild the American middle class."
"Our greatest primary task is to put people to work."
"Unemployment is actually down, a lot of this stems from the fact that unemployment was so high during the pandemic."
"Finally the v-shape recovery we've got more work to do on unemployment and employment no question about that."
"Our country is going to be open. It is going to be successfully opened."
"Our country wants to go back, they want to go back to work."
"We're making money again; this feels pretty good."
"Red states are winning the post-pandemic economy."
"The decline of the West... is to climb out of the crisis it's in in so many parts of it and build a better economic model."
"The problem is retention, as you can see. U.S. trucker employment lost the trend line after the pandemic but it could climb easily with higher wages."
"Unless we get the virus under control, the real recovery economically is not going to happen."
"We're going to want to get the country flying again."
"I think that the recovery is an ETH-led recovery."
"The recovery is being led by Ethereum, but I actually think that more important than Ethereum in this recovery is actually Polygon (Matic)."
"When you hear how great the economy’s doing right now, let’s just remember when this recovery started."
"Positioning ourselves for the best recovery means making the best risk-adjusted returns."
"Having people go back to work is absolutely great news."
"The American economy is back to pre-recession levels."
"It's a given that the U.S economy will recover from a downturn."
"The President believes that a payroll tax holiday will further add juice to the economic engine once we emerge fully from this crisis." - Monica Crowley
"We need to build our economy back better than ever, and the Department of Transportation can play a central role in this."
"We're starting to see new signs of hope in our economy."
"Maybe we'll pull out of this and start recovering... maybe the fact that there are 10 million job openings shows businesses are open for business."
"Our country has to get back to work otherwise it's going to be very hard to start it up again."
"Step by step with the whole situation that we have going on in the world and this shows financial recovery as well all right again it's not gonna happen over in one day it's gonna happen step by step."
"Millions are still struggling to claw their way back to where they were before the greed and financial abuses of Wall Street ripped the middle class apart."
"Armenia will rise again and it's time that we're carried back in business."
"Household spending is rising at an especially rapid pace boosted by the ongoing reopening of the economy."
"Conditions in the labor market have continued to improve, with demand for labor very strong."
"The key message from that data is that the reopening is not yet going smoothly."
"If there's a vaccine available broadly to the American people by the end of the summer, people would start investing again, jobs would come back, and the economy would recover."
"The economy recovered after the blistering wave of the Omicron variant."
"The consistent argument is that 'oh, it's bounced back,' and in many ways it has."
"S&P 500 jumps for a second day and Nasdaq hits all-time high amid Bitcoin's comeback."
"As of this week, the beating heart of the American auto industry is back open for business."
"Bitcoin hash rate is now increasing and recovering nicely, just like the price."
"COVID-19 has changed many things. Everyone wants to see these terminals looking busy again. But getting people flying will be a challenge."
"Tourism minister ed bartlett says the figure is 65 of airlift bookings for the corresponding period in 2019."
"We built the greatest economy the world has ever seen and we're gonna do it again."
"I think you're gonna have a recovery. Look, I built the greatest economy... with the help of 325 million people."
"The longer that our economies go at a low vaccination rate, the longer they're gonna stay shut down."
"Every single bear market throughout history eventually returned to all-time highs."
"Lower jobless claims indicate that jobs are starting to come back."
"We will defeat this horrible enemy, revive our economy, and transition into greatness."
"We will defeat this horrible enemy, we will revive our economy, and we will transition into greatness."
"I made more money after 2008 than every my whole entire life because the best time to start a business is right after a crash, incredible."
"We need a fast V in employment, or it's gonna be a real ugly situation."
"Transition leads to fourth quarter. We'll start to see it, it's already happening. People want to come back."