
Political Perspective Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"The less the left and the right like a Federal Reserve chair, the better for the economy."
"We have a significant problem that is addressed by one and an imaginary problem that isn't even addressed by the voter ID thing."
"What President Trump wants to see is a V-shaped recovery...a steep plunge down at the beginning of this crisis followed by a very rapid ascent back to some sort of economic normality."
"I became a political atheist. I look at things the way they are, not the way I want them to be."
"At the end of everything, I'm glad that we're finally leaving Afghanistan."
"The terrorist threat has decreased in some ways because bin Laden is dead."
"I love my fellow Americans. I have no problem with conservatives. These are people who I feel have been taken advantage of by right-wing media."
"I have respect for our governors. They know what they're doing, I think."
"We are 50% of the problem. The left is 50%. We are the other 50%."
"Americans are generationally free and we have an independent spirit that no other country in the history of the world has ever seen."
"Brexit is a means to an end, not an end in itself."
"Some people would say that our problems in this country are more daunting than one election could possibly fix. In fact, our problems are spiritual issues, a spiritual battle going on."
"It is bigger than one man, it is bigger than me, it is bigger than Donald Trump, it's certainly bigger than Ron DeSantis, it's even bigger than the Republican party."
"Everything is political, so everything needs to be."
"I don't see red states and blue states. What I see is the United States."
"It's not like Democrats don't have an argument here."
"It's such a lack of faith in the American system."
"Conservatives don't care about race. They care about policies and ideas."
"I think there are lots of good conservatives who want to hear more about the country as it is becoming, not the country as it was."
"You are often led to believe that there's some understandable group on the other side... actually the people I've been told are a threat to the country have a different perspective."
"Biden's victory was a victory of corporate puppeteering."
"We have to stop treating politicians like celebrities and saviors."
"Blacks and whites and any other ethnic group in America have started to look at their personal life and their economy and their opportunity more than they're looking at parties."
"I think in the end it's a net positive for at least what my goals are politically."
"Red states are winning the post-pandemic economy."
"President Biden hears climate, he thinks jobs."
"The left thinks Fox News is as fake as the right thinks CNN is fake."
"Brexit should never be seen as an end in itself."
"Women will see that actually they need to move right because what the right argues for is women's empowerment."
"I think he's genuinely a man of like working common class people."
"I'm not celebrating it like 'oh my God I think it's a political win.' I'm interested in rule of law."
"Democrats live in the real world and republicans live in a deeply delusional alternative ecosystem." - Dan Pfeiffer
"Is it just run for the richest and most powerful or is it running for working people?"
"For any sort of non-political maybe leans left middle American person who is like what would I."
"They're taking less taxes out of my paycheck, I noticed that. So the trick that they're playing on who's working and the Democrats don't have a message."
"Rishi Sunak's whole instinct... to protect the vulnerable."
"He does have a realistic perspective of what's going to happen if we don't give reparations."
"It's bigger than just Donald Trump. It's bigger than just this election."
"Let's not get distracted by the propaganda of Putin."
"The people who want to leave genuinely seem to have good arguments."
"He has exposed the press for what they are a Democrat organization he has exposed them and he's made them irrelevant and that too is a tremendous triumph."
"To the conservative, the liberal seems to be a reckless naive idiot."
"Marxist-Leninists are not blind lovers of those socialist experiments as left-wing anti-communists are blind detractors."
"Anyone with a pair of functioning freaking eyes and half a kicking brain can see the right, when it comes to entertainment at this point in time, is just the absence of left-wing politics."
"Democracy in the eyes of a white nationalist is a falsehood."
"It's just so different to watch someone who's not a sociopath lead the country."
"Don't let the left have this glow because it's our film."
"Franco is seen as a Hitler type figure and the Republicans are seen as the legitimately elected government who did nothing wrong."
"The left thinks that the country's on the wrong track. Maga populists think it's on the wrong track. Libertarians think it's on the wrong track."
"It's just that nowadays just having common sense makes you a Republican."
"Vaccines aren't political. No, you should be vaccinated." - Michael Jones
"Everything is political and therefore we should reject that naturalization and say with mobility, with our food systems, with how we organize the corporation and work, we need to say actually let's go to the root of this."
"Bernie Sanders believes that single-payer healthcare would have helped America weather the pandemic."
"We are facing a lot of challenges and I think on the one hand when especially people on the right when they talk about things like this in the last few years they come across as oh you're just freaking out for no reason."
"If you systematically go through Trump's policies, he makes significantly more sense."
"When push comes to shove, you know, a conservative is just a liberal mugged by reality."
"The economy is in the gutter because of COVID, many people are smart enough to realize that's not Trump's fault."
"I hope not representative of the entire sort of agenda you're seeing bills from other members that I think are a little bit more promising."
"Trudeau is very cognizant of the fact that the views of the political Elite in Canada hold on immigration have diverged significantly from those of the Canadian public."
"I see Trump as really wanting to help the country."
"Maybe we should be kind of grateful for the country in which we live and stop trying to tear it down and stop trying to tear each other apart in the name of some utopian vision."
"The consensus of American reality that the right held back in the 80s and the 90s is the same thing as the moral equivalent today that is held by the left."
"It's not about politics, it's about life and death."
"The NRA doesn't need to convince people the government is coming for their guns. They can turn on the news and see it."
"Donald Trump views everything that's happening before this show cause hearing on Tuesday as strike two."
"What is more dangerous than nuclear expansion is the Chinese Communist Authority's view of nuclear war."
"Donald Trump's administration is turning America into a government of the worst people."
"Real activism is the anti-mandate protest. Big media is also working with big government and big pharma."
"This moment transcends all political questions, meaning it transcends all of the law, all of the constitution."
"Conservatives care about the everyday Canadian, seeing the bill as an existential threat."
"This vote in November is not about the next four years, it's about the next 40 years."
"It's not about me, it's not about all these other side issues, my sole Focus will be on your future."
"The math is not lying, and for you to only convict two, even the biggest Donald Trump Mega supporter has got to be like, 'Damn, y'all.'"
"The sensible left on race is not coming back."
"I know there's a lot of people on the right they don't believe in climate change... I believe that we need to be a smarter, more rational and reasonable people."
"President Donald Trump represents a worldview to protect the United States of America."
"Like, I honestly think being on the right could be a lot more popular if it weren't for this weird bigotry that still is super pervasive."
"Every feminist to the left of Sarah Palin sees a living wage as a feminist issue."
"Who can create prosperity for me, for my family, and for this country going forward."
"You and I are told increasingly we have to choose between a left or right. Well, I'd like to suggest there is no such thing as a left or right. There's only an up or down."
"Bernie Sanders against Donald Trump Twitter ban. Tomorrow it could be somebody else."
"Our state is more Progressive than people think."
"The world won't come to an end, Russia is not the enemy that the West is painting it to be."
"Real change never ever takes place from the top on down."
"Your political aspirations are not hills worth dying on. Christ has already died for humanity, and that should be what drives you."
"Our hope shouldn't be in politicians. Our hope is in Jesus Christ because ultimately that's what the answer is."
"Once you're past that point, again, that's why we're the party that understands consent." - H Sparks
"Stopping the world going up in nuclear smoke is much more important than any political differences."
"It's not about Republicans or Democrats, it's about the people versus the global elites."
"The taxation conversation is more about punishing people than helping them."
"If people knew what it was like during a revolution like in Cuba or what's been going on in Venezuela or what's happening right now in Nicaragua or in Mexico, this country, we just got a few radical weirdos that are in Washington, DC."
"If somebody's hated by both sides, that's a pretty good indicator of honesty."
"If the media's against somebody, you know they're good."
"It's a virus it will spread but here is the thing that you want to notice first Donald Trump has done a lot of good things."
"Attempts to consider the situation in Myanmar from a human rights perspective is politicized and unfounded."
"What Putin did was not to start a war, it was to end a war."
"When I actually took the time to listen to what conservatives were saying, I discovered they are none of the things I was told, not bigots, not racist, none of it."
"Trump is the candidate of optimism on COVID. It is Biden who is the candidate of pessimism, doom, and gloom."
"I honestly think if most conservatives in America knew more about him they'd like him."
"We all know why the Russians are so enthusiastic - they want US endorsement for their monstrous terrorist activities in Chechnya."
"So what's really interesting about his ilk is that they are obsessed with electoral politics and seem to see it as the be-all and end-all despite identifying themselves as leftists."
"The greatest advantage the online left has is that we're right. Isn't that a great advantage?"
"I don't look at our country and see blue states and red states; I see the United States of America."
"One of the greatest things that these back benches bring to Westminster is plain old-fashioned common sense."
"Many conservatives claim they respect life and cry for children who are aborted, yet no empathy for the thousands immigrating to the US."
"There was then, and I think is now, a perception that an extended gap in US human spaceflight is not politically acceptable."
"An alternative viewpoint to political apathy is the idea of apathy, suggesting that people are generally content and therefore don't need to push for change."
"You need to pretend your least favorite president is president. See if you still like that law."
"At the end of the day, there's so much more to life than Republicans and Democrats."