
Power Dynamics Quotes

There are 4544 quotes

"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic."
"When one group holds more power, there's a possibility for the abuse of that power."
"If you borrow a hundred thousand dollars, you're afraid of the bank. If you borrow 10 million dollars, both you and the bank become a bit panic. But if you borrow a billion dollars, the bank is afraid of you."
"If you can make God bleed, then people will cease to believe in him."
"There's obviously a clear power dynamic between men and women in society."
"There's power dynamic between literally everybody in society; some favor women, some favor men."
"Power dynamics are part of healthy relationships."
"I don't believe in worshiping experts, since every class, if you give them power without check, will turn cancerous."
"China's not going to just vanish into the ether; it's going to be an incredibly powerful country for decades and decades to come."
"The beauty of a democracy, really the American Republic, is having the people as the power."
"Wealth and fame are things we understand in America, we don't really understand power."
"Punching up is preferable to punching down because you're not capitalizing on the misery or misfortune of a person for humor, but rather mocking a person in a position of power."
"The real bosses don't care about power; they only care about progress."
"The amplification and normalization of the agenda of the powerful, that no opinions can be allowed into that space."
"Any power that government takes from the people it will never return voluntarily."
"What terrorism truly means is a desire and potentially the ability to disrupt the agenda of the powerful."
"You're seeing somebody who had a lot of power maybe realizing that they don't have that kind of power anymore at all."
"We ought to be critical of highly concentrated forms of power wherever we find it because that kind of power is usually subject to chronic abuse."
"Learning the subtle little dynamics of power is extremely essential because we're a social animal."
"Trying to gain power in a way that isn't right for them just seems so energetically costly."
"It's a delight to surrender to the power of another person and then reverse that charge and have them surrender to your power."
"If we can learn anything from that, is that state and corporate power in alliance with technology is being used to create a terrifying hydra, a serpent of many faces."
"Racism is really a question of power. That's all this is, whether or not one race has more power to inflict punishment on another."
"Precision beats power, and timing beats speed."
"You're giving that woman so much more power over you. You know what I think is [___] alpha? Not being afraid to express emotions if it's an appropriate time and a place, and not bottling it up and risking your own mental well-being."
"Rape is not primarily a sexual crime; it's actually a crime of power and control."
"The one above all basically tells Thanos to stop his actions, and Thanos says no."
"She needs to constantly gain more power, more admiration, and surround herself with people that will affirm she's worth trusting because she doesn't actually believe this about herself."
"The feeling that we have no control over our environment...is deeply, deeply amiserating and compels us to act in certain ways either attempts to find positive ways of power or doing what you call covert ways of getting power."
"North Korea stands as a reminder that nations governed by a small elite fixated on retaining power and gatekeeping the keys to truth are where true human suffering lies."
"The real division is the powerful versus the powerless."
"Anything you do is a form of oppression until you relinquish all of your power to someone who looks differently to you."
"Social justice is a power grab; that's all it is."
"When you have a strong woman, especially a strong woman of color, in a position of power, the standards and the analysis are such a double standard."
"What most of us don't realize is that this is all orchestrated at a much higher level by powerful corrupted people."
"The purpose of life itself is really the journey between our love of power and transitioning to the power of love."
"If you allow a small number of people to control the means of producing all the goods and services we all need to survive, they're going to use that control to make this system work for them and they're not going to worry about the rest of us."
"Socialist politicians would be gradually corrupted by power and they would come to be concerned with expanding and maintaining it rather than working towards a stateless classless society."
"Darkness always favors the oppressor. So the oppressor wishes for darkness."
"The poem seems to be mocking man's attempts at dominance and power, showing how nature, and in the opening perhaps we could say God, far outweighs the power of mankind."
"Morality, decency, human rights - they're irrelevant to autocracy Inc. They're in it for the power and the profits and the unfettered success."
"The greatest people, the people I admire the most, are the ones that can step away from power, can give it up, can be satisfied, and be stronger even, by walking away from continued power."
"I'm a control freak, and yet you believe in the dissolution of power systems. Isn't there, at the very heart of you as a man, a massive contradiction?"
"The Nigerian state is captive to an elite gang-up, an entrenched political economy that concentrated power in the hands of those who came to power through their own controversies and influence."
"It all comes down to power...if we want to close the hate gap, we have to do so face to face, realizing that our futures are irrevocably tied together."
"They don't want to change the status quo. The status quo works very well for them."
"Powerful people do what's best for powerful people and seldomly is that what's best for the rest of us."
"Never outshine the master. Always make those above you feel comfortably superior."
"If politics is where the real power lives, politics is incredibly powerful, of course, but it has to operate within a cultural window."
"Many things in the real world that seem inexplicable...suddenly make perfect sense when you see it in terms of people trying to gain power, hold power, and deny it to others."
"I'm on the road to power now. I may be able to pull enough strings to get you out in a few years. If not, well, perhaps you should have chosen your friends better."
"If people have the power, then everything will be a honeymoon on this planet."
"For purely consequentialist reasons you might still think that the best way to safeguard against that kind of appeal is to limit the amount of power that anybody has over anybody else."
"It's impossible to make systemic change while being dependent on people and organizations whose wealth and power depend on the system."
"Human nature drives us in the direction of trying to push away risk by handing over power to experts."
"The problem is if somebody owns all the robots, they have all the power and all the money."
"Cash is king, but credit is the queen, and we all know who runs the castle."
"It's obvious like western hegemony isn't geopolitics. Yes, it is. Western hegemony is a hundred percent geopolitics."
"Makima, the devil of control, more powerful than many other devils, with the ability to control the will of others."
"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely."
"Ang says he's seen with his own eyes the power imbalance between Benders and non-benders... Punishing all Benders as if they themselves committed these acts when they have not is unjust."
"Your oppressors are never going to give you the tools to overthrow them."
"He who has the gold makes the rules... it's not even their gold."
"Big Tech is more powerful than most countries, and they profit by exploiting your personal data."
"The virtues, the psychological tools, spiritual insights get weaponized for power games."
"That is an insane amount of power for a foreign adversary to have."
"In today's polarized world, is feminism dead? ... As long as there's power and oppression, there will be people fighting for equity."
"The Prince was written by Machiavelli for the haves on how to hold power; Rules for Radicals is written for the have-nots on how to take it away."
"As long as there's power and oppression, there will be people fighting for equity and until that somehow goes away, feminism is alive and well."
"I don't know that it can die as long as there's power and oppression; there will be people fighting for equity."
"The more power you have, the more you are able to get away with."
"As you elevate the amount of power somebody has, we are willing as human beings to allow those people to get away with more things."
"If this happened to a man with power, money, and influence, how many men has this happened to? How many women has this happened to?"
"I think it's better that we have a situation where the media can say mean things to powerful people."
"A good ideology is capable of seeing beauty and truth in the world; a false one only sees through power."
"There's intense pleasure in momentary domination; that's why people do it all the time, but it's no formula for a long-term successful relationship."
"The systems that allowed people like Courtney Stodden and Monica Lewinsky to be publicly mistreated by men with power over them are still in place today."
"The promise of canceling was that it was going to give power back to people who had none, and bring justice to prominent abusers."
"We seek no test of arms. Our commitment to peace is matched only by our resolve that no nation, great or small, may hold other nations hostage to its greed for wealth or power."
"The quest for power is the driving force of history, always has been, always will be."
"We need to vote for leaders with empathy who want to shift the power dynamic from the perpetrator to the survivor."
"Power is everywhere, and I think that the reality of the situation is that when we engage in certain norms and behaviors, we constantly monitor each other's behaviors and conventions and impose sort of rules upon each other without even realizing it."
"The idea here is we're looking at power variants for the open world; they're the most efficient, they'll get the quick kills."
"You are their weakness, they're saying. You are the person who can bring them to their knees and give them the power to build it all back up again."
"Politicians want a bigger government, and the bigger the government is, the more power they have."
"Without truth, there is no reality, there is no way for us to challenge the power."
"Maybe we should do the same today... the first thing the power will do is again to disconnect us, and in today's society without digital connections, we are lost."
"It is a testament to the intricacies of historical narratives, where the interplay of power, mythology, and cultural belief shape the collective consciousness of civilizations."
"Every country that rises is displacing somebody else's dominance."
"All our categories and the act of categorization itself serve the will to power."
"This problem can never go away, can never even diminish, until the men – and it is mostly men – who participate in the outrage address the roots of this pattern: a fear among those who have more institutional power in society about the possibility of a change in the status quo that they find comforting or even morally correct."
"This is a time of spiritual contentment and of coming to terms with power-sharing issues in your life."
"The notion that the powerful shouldn't get to create one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for everybody else is a fundamental expectation of justice and fairness in society."
"If it's a matter of great concern and I'm mindful of Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who makes sure to say it every few months, if it's a matter of great concern to the highest levels of power and wealth in the country, and yet it gets worse, it means the system is out of control."
"Clever insights into how different relationships of power worked."
"One person should not control millions of people. It's ridiculous. It's stupid."
"Abeloth's goal was to make her way out into the galaxy, where she could call the force sensitives to her then get more powerful off their life energy."
"This changes the relationship between website and user, significantly shifting power towards the user."
"Cultural colonialism and its modern iteration of cultural appropriation requires a power dynamic in which an ethnicity dominates the other ethnicity by taking a claim to their cultural markers and redefining said markers through the dominant cultural lens and claiming it as their own curation."
"The idea of Musk gobbling up Twitter only aggravated concerns over the power that the increasingly consolidated and centralized ownership of social media gives billionaires and giant corporations over our lives."
"Misinformation is a catchphrase used by people in power to discredit people who disagree with them."
"Democracy dies when influential people use journalism to protect powerful interests while deceptively claiming that they are protecting common people's interests."
"We're actually making fun of the powers that be and trying to hold that power accountable and poke holes in the popular narrative instead of promote it."
"When I criticize Israel, I criticize it because it's in the position of power."
"Satire is when you're attacking or attempting to deflate those in power."
"If the love of the people of this city for me ever disappears, so shall the power that holds back their destruction."
"You want to live in a country where the middle class, normal people...can lead productive, meaningful lives unbothered by the people in power."
"The lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience."
"In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king."
"Earlier, God in this universe has been overthrown, and Satan has taken God's place, so churches are basically conduits for Satan, right?"
"It's very important, if you're doing a show about power and privilege, to actually look at how that affects all people."
"The most powerful weapon that a woman has is equivalent to a nuclear bomb. It's the thing between her legs."
"Standing up for yourself means you're going to lose something, and that's the power that they have over you."
"The covert stuff, the behind the scenes, the using social pressure and gossip and, basically, behind the scenes words that don't leave any marks is potentially very powerful but much harder to point to."
"Galactus senses the arrival of the Dreaming Celestial and he gets scared."
"The problem in Orwell society is clearly centered around power and its misuse, but to Dave Rubin, the problem must be coming from the powerless, it must be coming from the bottom."
"Throughout history, those who are more powerful – monarchs, kings, and the elites – have always exerted their control over the masses."
"Love is a transaction, a financial transaction, and in this women now have more power."
"There are so many complexities here around climate engineering that serve those in power to keep business as usual until the last possible moment."
"These conversations are about power, about companies, institutions, and political systems that deploy, check and balance this power."
"The power dynamic has changed entirely... What used to be a bit of a backwater personnel... it's now become this extraordinarily powerful department."
"The fundamental econometric flaw of the anti-woke mind is that it allows groups with historical power to play the victim by taking anecdotal examples and packaging them into conjured conspiratorial ideology."
"Do you still feel in charge if I just happen to do this?"
"The future of power substantially lies in those kinds of technologies where investment and success can be much more rapid."
"The pleasure of genuine friendship or mentorship is not even in the same conceptual universe as power."
"There's a difference between forgiving and accepting. When you forgive, it presupposes you have power."
"Racism combined with power is a lot more dangerous than racism combined with non-power, but racism itself is a toxic brew."
"This kind of harassment at the hands of the powerful isn't just designed to financially ruin somebody; it's designed to [expletive] their soul."
"I don't believe that there's an obsession about race in America. I believe that race is a distraction to hide the power, the wealth, and the access to it."
"The fox became contemptuous at Naruto, mocking him and saying that if it wasn't for its power, he would be nothing."
"This is not about the children. This is about power and control, at the expense of the children."
"Hierarchies are not predicated on power, and... you don't rise to a position of authority that's reliable in human society primarily by exploiting other people."
"Is this what the redistribution of power and wealth looks like?"
"The real power, the power we have to fight for night and day, is not power over things but over men."
"We live in a complex and unfair world, where the way things work don't make much sense. Those in power tell stories to keep us blinded and distracted from this cruel reality."
"Power once concentrated is very difficult to pry free of an iron fist."
"The depiction and characterization of women as witches is an attempt to neutralize women's power when it appears as a threat to the established order of the patriarchy."
"To imply that those who are the victims of capitalism, those who are the most oppressed, most marginalized, are actually behind the curtain controlling everything is just wrong and contrary to every piece of evidence we have about who has wealth and power in this country."
"I think Google is more powerful than Congress, which is a scary thought."
"You don't understand how power works. None of you understand how power works."
"In a personalised system like this one, the leader is most secure when they rely on division, competition between subordinates, divided power groups, and selecting people on the basis of loyalty rather than just competence."
"I don't believe that relationships where there are that big of a power imbalance can ever truly be consensual."
"One of the reasons why I like decentralization is just because there's this thing about power where power attracts people with egos."
"I'm far less concerned if there's a group of people who have been disproportionately the victims of systemic racism and they end up being a little racist when they get some power in their smaller community."
"All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities."
"Cryptocurrencies invert the power structure. It isn't a few people at the top controlling a whole bunch of people at the bottom. The power goes to the individual."
"My main goal isn't to thrive on being the big brand intellectual titan because when you do that, that just means they are still responding simply to power."
"The core of Putin's power is an alliance between the intelligence officials, primarily the FSB, and organized crime."
"Our society works because it's competence that's at the heart of it, not power."
"Responsibility abdicated is vacuumed up by tyrants."
"Racism is more accurately defined as the oppression of a racial other, backed up by social or institutional power."
"You guys have all the power, and I suppose that's what YouTube is all about."
"Artificial intelligence and the future of power is indeed a very different, very interesting, and very relevant topic to discuss."
"The Night Mother may seem like a frail, decaying corpse, helpless without her keeper, but beneath this guise, the Night Mother is powerful."
"Truth is more powerful than deceit, and love is more powerful than hate."
"The people in positions of power, the institutions that are powerful benefit from us continually being distracted by these minor notes."
"Once you give power to an institution, understand that that power can be used against you."
"I don't fear the truth. I feel the truth is a very powerful weapon on the side of the oppressed."
"Patriarchy creates a hierarchy where the most 'logical' person sits at the top, and who is considered 'logical' is conveniently decided by the existing power structure."
"Gathering data is a form of surveillance; in order to do it, you have to be in a position of power over the person whose data you are gathering."
"One side of our two-party system is rejecting the rules of democracy and embracing absolute power."
"Jews in power by Ruth Weiss... talks about the survival of Jewish communities and the way that Jewish communities existed in tension with the ruling powers of the time."
"This isn't a left versus right issue; this is a power versus the individual issue, and that affects all of us."
"If you give somebody the power to feed you, you give them the power to starve you."
"We're increasingly looking into a camera and saying, 'How could anything this dumb wield this much power?'"
"The presence of unidentified flying objects and encounters with extraterrestrial beings have the potential to disrupt established power dynamics and challenge authority structures."
"When you have an authoritative broadcast somewhere, rich people control it and dictate what the masses can see and hear."
"Bullies often think they can get away with everything by being aggressive, but what happens when these bullies finally pick on someone their own size?"
"Bending the universe and the wills of others does come at a price."
"While you were hiding, I fear I may have gone and become just too powerful."
"The corporate form, the economic instrument of corporations, has eaten the state that created it."
"She is a ruthless, calculating, unconscionable operator. She has always been. That's why she leaves a trail of corpses in her wake because she is an avaricious machine that devours as she self-empowers."
"Kids are completely innocent; they do not have any power."
"When people talk about injustices in the criminal justice system, I think it has very little to do with race and a lot to do with the amount of power that you wield."
"It's better to look at life more realistically than to dream of power in another world."
"Without his presence, if he were to finally die and not immediately be reborn somehow, the Imperium would likely tear itself apart through power struggles."
"This societal and spiritual darkness is nothing new but it is weighty and more powerful than ever."
"We have to take the power away from organized crime."
"We don't need leaders; we need movements. Power is always dangerous, no matter who wields it."
"Clearly, the priest-kings of Karnak had got what they'd always wanted: absolute power."
"Russia is not nearly as inferior as they try to portray, and China is clearly surpassing the collective West."
"Rape is about power, and power imbalances can form a part of any community, culture, or religion."
"If every conversation is just a competition in power dynamics, there is no conversation at all."
"Incredible journalism is supposed to challenge the power; it afflicts the comfortable and comforts the afflicted."
"Sarah feeling the power of Zerg not able to get the damage with the battle cruisers."
"Lex Luthor is fantastic because he is firmly convinced that we cannot give power to any one person or any one being."
"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
"Gojo acknowledges that he could just kill all the higher-ups, but he realizes that similar people would simply fill the power vacuum."
"Gojo's story is one of great tragedy and even greater loneliness."
"There are lions and there are lambs. Rulers and those who would be ruled."
"Money is not difficult, there are much harder challenges on the road to total freedom! Power is prerequisite to freedom, and most rich people are not powerful."
"As much as there is this Red-Green Alliance...at the end of the day, one will wipe out the other, and I would argue most of the time, when the Islamists get into power, they wipe out the progressive lefties."
"They are the number one most influential and powerful organization in the world today, even more influential and powerful than the Fed and even the US government."
"We're reaching a moment where these elites may splinter, so the security elite, the military, which can see exactly what's happening in the war, and the economic, the oligarchs who are suffering... these groups of people are unhappy with the course of the war and they're unhappy with the idea of a Forever War."
"I find it bizarre that somebody who is as power-hungry as Putin, who is an authoritarian, why does he have private armies working for him?"
"The more powerful party always has the responsibility to de-escalate."
"Curio reveals his final goal is achieving equality among demons by making the weaker demons with low magic power able to go head to head with the stronger ones."
"He reveals his final goal is achieving equality among demons by making the weaker demons with low magic power able to go head to head with the stronger ones."
"Once those five turns are up, Regigigas is very, very powerful."
"There will be no Dark Lord upon the throne, not ever again!"