
Federal Reserve Quotes

There are 437 quotes

"The less the left and the right like a Federal Reserve chair, the better for the economy."
"The stock market is really good at trying to pre-price in what the Fed will do."
"The economic storm clouds in the economy are building bigger and bigger in 2024, which will eventually force the Federal Reserve to do an emergency rate cut."
"The idea is at some point the banking sector crisis is going to get worse, the layoffs are going to get worse, and the Fed's not going to have a choice."
"Price stability is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve and serves as the bedrock of our economy."
"My main message has not changed at all since Jackson Hole. The FOMC is strongly resolved to bring inflation down to two percent, and we will keep at it until the job is done."
"Consumer expectations for inflation are absolutely critical to what the Federal Reserve does."
"The first secret of inflation is that monetary inflation at the Fed causes price inflation."
"The Fed's actions are proof that we're succeeding in fixing one of the worst experiences America's had in my lifetime."
"The big job surprise comes despite the Federal Reserve's attempt to slow the sizzling jobs market."
"What if the Federal Reserve actually is going to increase interest rates rather than cut them, which is what everyone thinks is going to happen?"
"We at the Fed will do everything we can to support the recovery and employment and achieve our price stability goal."
"It's vital we reaffirm our commitment to the Fed's role, showing the world what a functioning democracy looks like."
"The Fed's policy actions have been guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"The goal right now is to stabilize prices and get inflation rates back to around 2.5%, which is what the Federal Reserve sees as sustainable levels."
"The Federal Reserve's entire goal is just to get inflation to return back to their 2% target without sending the entire economy into a downward tailspin."
"I don't think we understand the full impact of what the Fed has done over the past two years. The sheer amount of money that's been printed and injected into the economy is an experiment."
"The Federal Reserve Bank is working to fight inflation. They have said time and time again that the number one goal is to fight inflation and bring it down."
"We have to be prepared to react not based on what we believe but what the Fed actually does."
"This fed report represents, in my opinion, peak fear of the following: COVID, inflation, and jobs."
"It is possible that this terrible report from the Federal Reserve could actually be the perfect thing to buy off of, if you think these things are going to continue to get better."
"If you believe in scenario one, buy the dip. If you think the Fed is too late and we're screwed, then you should probably sell stocks and wait on real estate."
"The Glory Days Are Over as the FED basically is telling us. The fed's saying look, The Glory Days Are Over, stop spending money, tighten your belt, and if you're a bad company, the market's just going to eat you up."
"My favorite Jerome Powell quote of the day: 'There are three types of Federal Reserve chairmen: those who can count, those who can't, and I'm the fourth category.'"
"The federal reserve in this international banking system has been sapping the United States for a hundred years."
"The greatest trade is knowing that every single recession since 1962, the Fed cut rates twice after it."
"The Federal Reserve was set up to make the Fed the lender of last resort, not the spender of last resort."
"The Fed's liabilities are not medium of exchange, they're not a store of value, they're not money."
"The one thing that scares the bajeebers out of the Federal Reserve is deflation."
"The Federal Reserve announced that they're going to release a report in September about how they might be able to actually include the benefits and risks of a digital dollar."
"I believe the Fed has been trying to raise rates higher and faster, causing pain so they have room to bring them back down."
"If the Fed breaks something, it's 100% guaranteed they will come in. They will support the banks."
"The US economy is remaining resilient amidst these tighter financial conditions, and it still shows that the Federal Reserve needs to stick to their guns of keeping rates up higher for longer."
"The wealth disparity, especially over the last two years, has largely been created by the Federal Reserve."
"So it's not surprising that the Fed took up, and I mean way up, its growth projections for the U.S. economy."
"The Fed as a body, the power that they have over the economy is concerning when they're unelected and unaccountable."
"The biggest risk factor is inflation. When inflation goes up, then the Federal Reserve is likely to increase interest rates, and when they do that, real estate prices can suffer very quickly."
"When the Federal Reserve starts cutting rates again and asset values explode, guess who's going to win the most? People who went out of the way to acquire more assets."
"I think it makes sense for the Federal Reserve to recalibrate on inflation."
"President Roosevelt was on hand for the dedication of a new three and a half million dollar building to house the Fed."
"I think this is great, and I think this could really... put the nail in the coffin of a Federal Reserve taper."
"The correct answer here is to go to a neutral reserve currency and to end the fed."
"We're gonna have stimulus that's gonna continue for years, years. That's basically an endless stimulus." - Federal Reserve Chief Jerome Powell
"The Federal Reserve in 2008 was the only central bank that purchased non-performing assets from banks."
"The FED doesn't control everything; the belief that they do is an illusion."
"As long as the Federal Reserve feels they need to douse this house that is on fire with water, and as long as the fire is still raging or getting worse, this market will probably continue to either be extremely volatile or it'll just go down more."
"The smart thing to do is, in my opinion, consolidate where there is the least risk, where you know jpow is on your side. We always say, don't fight the Fed."
"This is a prediction this is nothing that's set in stone they may end up extending it but jerome powell who works for the feds the federal reserve right has not stated anything about this yet."
"Jerome Powell and the Fed's staunch hawkishness on inflation was an enormous surprise."
"Bitcoin has never once in its history been in a bull market while the Federal Reserve did quantitative tightening."
"The biggest takeaway from this whole thing is 75 basis points is off the table don't even consider it because we the FED is not going to consider."
"The market is actually leading the Fed instead of lagging behind the Fed."
"The market actually doesn't believe to some degree that the Fed's actually going to be able to raise rates high enough."
"The markets are fighting the Fed, and the Fed is fighting for its credibility."
"The Federal Reserve has led the way in the explosion of debt and the devaluing of your money."
"It takes a bank in Switzerland that has already had a ton of problems and had to go through some restructuring back in the fall and even needed emergency swap lines between the Federal Reserve and the Swiss."
"Fed's job theoretically is to fight inflation and control the money supply... credibility's already been dramatically weakened."
"Bitcoin as a macro asset class benefits when the Federal Reserve is keeping policy accommodative."
"Who is responsible for the balance sheet of the FED? It's the taxpayers."
"The Fed got run over by the inflation truck that they didn't see coming."
"The Fed's gonna hike... and we're just going to rinse repeat the cycles."
"The federal reserve prints a lot of money the people who get their hands on it first do something called the cantalon effect."
"There's going to be a point where the economic data weakens where the market starts saying you know what we don't think the FED will raise as much as expectations are telling us and that's that pivot where the dollar starts to roll over."
"The banks are holding your money, and then their money, the deposits they keep those at the Federal Reserve."
"Is this Fed now setting us up for a digital dollar? Could they be setting this up to kind of use as a piggyback or a step in between getting to that digital dollar?"
"The Fed hasn't done a thing right since Paul Volcker."
"The greatest risk facing the US economy is a policy mistake by the Federal Reserve... could trigger another economic downturn."
"The FED kept interest rates artificially low for more than a decade encouraging people to go deeper and deeper into debt."
"The Federal Reserve Bank has two goals: price stability and maximum employment."
"What the markets keep doing is working against what the Fed's trying to achieve."
"The expectation that interest rates would remain low through 2022 from the Federal Reserve."
"Actions by the Federal Reserve are causing the dollar to continue to devalue."
"Recessions actually usually start after the FED pauses because the FED usually waits too long."
"We'll use our tools to get inflation under control. That's my dominant thought about the future at the Fed."
"If Brainard is named Fed Reserve Chairperson, the first move by financial markets may be to price in an even more dovish central bank."
"The fixed income markets will do the tightening for the Fed."
"The federal reserve is actually fighting the markets now."
"President Trump is pissed off. Soon after the Fed announced a trade cut which he has been calling for, Trump lashed out: 'Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve fail again. No guts, no sense, no vision, a terrible communicator.'"
"The Fed is not worried about the cost of borrowing. They're worried about whether or not there's money out there to be able to calm the fears of market participants."
"The byproduct of the Fed trying to eliminate business cycles is a larger division between the haves and the have-nots."
"If you keep peeking at your account doesn't it Judy well I I think that the activities of the Fed now risk looking quite illogical."
"The fed is having to hike now inflation is underlying the kind of brief pullback in inflation we do have strong structural tailwinds for inflation."
"The Fed is trying to engineer a correction but not a crash."
"I think the FED is absolutely going to break this economy."
"The soft Landing is the FED raises rates, inflation starts to come down, and all we get out of that is a modest decline in growth, maybe a little bit negative but really around between zero and one percent."
"The Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is not actually owned by the government."
"When you have a right to be concerned, look at what the Federal Reserve is doing today. If you're not worried about it, there's something totally wrong."
"The Federal Reserve will adopt the ISO 20022 message format for the Fedwire Fund Service."
"The Fed will find a way to perpetuate the debt cycle."
"Can you trust central banks? Can you trust the Federal Reserve?"
"The so-called fed pivot is the most ominous sign."
"The biggest risk for the Fed is market instability."
"The Fed has to raise rates probably faster than they even want to."
"We need to give Jerome Powell enough bad news to where the world realizes, ah crap, maybe we do want to start saving a little bit of money."
"As long as inflation continues to break to the downside, sooner or later the Fed will realize, okay, we've got enough bad data."
"The Fed has sort of been slow-walking this digital currency, but I do think someday it will happen."
"There is still accurate market price mechanisms that are there but the Fed definitely has distorted things."
"It's bad news for the stock market because it reduces the need for the cork from the Fed."
"It really is basically who is appointed to the Fed jobs."
"Jerome Powell was caught in a pranked phone call admitting that that's exactly what's happening, that likely we will not see rate increases this year. We will see rate cuts because we know we are headed for a recession."
"The purchasing power of the dollar has been declining since the installation of the Federal Reserve."
"The good news is, the strong employment report and the hot inflation number gives the Fed some cover."
"Every time the Fed does something to support the market, the market actually takes it as a negative."
"How did we get there? The answer is the Cowardly Federal Reserve led by zombie pal who doesn't want to do the job properly by raising rates until inflation is gone."
"What's going on inside the Fed right now is absolutely biblical."
"Whether the Fed starts tapering or not, we've got a whole lot of money in the system."
"He might be saying all right I am going to lash myself to the mast, I'm going to do what just needs to be done, I want to secure my name in the pantheon of great Fed chairs in the past like Paul Volcker whose name he mentions almost every week now."
"The market wants just a little weaker job... to make the FED stop."
"I side with the Fed, I think 70 to 80 percent the Fed's gonna be right."
"Maybe the federal funds rate has no impact on inflation at all."
"We've just been talking about the Federal Reserve and the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions of dollars, that's available."
"If inflation makes a U-turn, then you could see a change in what the Federal Reserve Bank says, you can see a change in what the market predicts, and all these things can create more volatility, but they create opportunities."
"The Fed may be, you know, trying to keep as much air in [the bubble] as possible."
"The Federal Reserve is one of, if not the most significant institutions in the world."
"When the Fed eventually gets to the end of its hiking cycle, I think you could see a local peak, at least in the dollar compared to other sensible currencies."
"If you want to get an indication of which direction the Market's going to move up or down, then you want to pay attention to the fed and what they're doing with interest rates."
"I would not underestimate how bullish just the Fed being recognized or as being unable to raise rates in an inflationary environment how bullish that will be for precious metals."
"We should ask the fed what do they digitize, what do they archive, how do they store information, how do they access information, how do they record information, how do they train their FOIA people to access that information when requests are made?"
"The Federal Reserve is a sneaky way for the government to essentially create money out of thin air."
"I'm not sure the Fed hiking by 75 basis points haphazardly is leading to more confidence."
"The Fed has created a liquidity trap through its own policies which will lead to lower interest rates, lower consumer prices, and higher bond prices."
"In case you don't remember, it wasn't even six months ago that the Federal Reserve was forecasting less than three percent inflation."
"There's not much reason for the FED to rush to cut rates... if that's the case, everyone's got to adjust their expectations."
"20 to 30 percent market meltdown could scare the fed into action."
"The Fed delivered what I expected but not what I think is needed for sustainable economic well-being."
"The Fed is not in control of the rate narrative, it is not in control of the inflation narrative."
"It's just beyond me that everybody therefore thinks the Fed can save the day."
"The Fed must provide confidence in the banking system immediately."
"You can't fight the Fed, and when they're printing this much money, what you need to be doing is buying some kind of scarce asset."
"If the federal reserve steps in and starts buying stocks through ETFs like SPY held at the treasury then the federal reserve is buying shares."
"The Federal Reserve is taking significant steps towards launching its own virtual currency."
"The Federal Reserve says economic data for the second quarter will be as bad as anyone has seen."
"The fed wanted more inflation, that was their goal."
"Some people have said that this inflation move by the fed is the worst call in the history of the federal reserve bank."
"The Federal Reserve is truly looking for unemployment to rise before they start to adjust their interest rates."
"The only reason the FED's going to cut is because you either have a recession, a financial crisis, or a very sharp economic slowdown that they're trying to forestall."
"If you really want to blame someone, you blame the Fed. You blame the FED."
"The FED has so many more tools now that they can utilize...monetary duct tape."
"The FED has over the decades steadily expanded its lender of Last Resort function."
"The FED can keep on hiking...until inflation is over."
"I have zero confidence in what the FED is doing I I I just can't believe they can do like if you're a public company executive and you you do the stuff that they've been doing you'd be fired you'd be like put away."
"Jerome Powell is not taking away the punch bowl. He's cleaning up the excess inflation, the mess around the punch bowl, because he wants more people to come to the party."
"I believe the FED will most likely begin cutting rates for fear of actually underachieving two percent average headline PCE inflation."
"Is there another signal that we could pay attention to in addition to what the Fed is doing?"
"The Fed is ultimately making sure that rates will not go to zero or will not break below zero. No negative interest rates."
"A lot of people during this time even argued that even though the fed was independent this was a time where you really got to see the fed used by the government to kind of accomplish their purpose more explicitly than non-explicitly."
"Jerome Powell mentioned that previously they were concerned that they wouldn't be able to hit their two and a half percent inflation target."
"Jerome today he did a really good job uh and I'm not trying to shield the fed here either I'm just saying."
"As long as the Fed stays the course, there's a higher risk of rapid disinflation in a recession than there is of hyperinflation."
"Jerome Powell, no longer Dove for good this time around, 100% sure. He's becoming a Maverick Wall Street kind of Hawk."
"JP Morgan says the Fed will save the stock market and cut interest rates if a deep recession occurs next year."
"Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell speaking before Congress today."
"The Fed is cutting rates because things have gotten very, very bad to the point that they have to cut rates."
"The market thinks that the probability of a recession is greater than what the Fed basically perceives to be right now."
"In every hiking cycle from the Fed there has never been a single case, Andreas, where the Fed stopped hiking before nominal fed funds rate were higher than the prevailing year-on-year inflation rate."
"The Federal Reserve and IRS were unconstitutional."
"With the economy going into a recession on its own and a global liquidity crisis brewing, why on Earth is the Fed raising rates at all?"
"There's no tightening like FED tightening, right?"
"I think we've reached the end of our line. The Fed is all in on this policy, there's nothing left."
"It's actually quite helpful for the Fed to see this bubble deflate."
"The easiest way to picture a liquidity melt up is basically picture this: a firefighter whose name is Jerome Powell, with a really big hose and a lot of water coming out of the hose."
"The internet is gonna break the Fed because the Fed is dependent on at least fifty percent of Americans not understanding how money works."
"The market right now is saying, 'Look Fed, do not Fed, who cares recession, no recession, who cares?'"
"President Trump has done the impossible, has taken over the Fed by absorbing the Fed into the Treasury Department."
"The Federal Reserve could print unlimited amounts of currency right now and they could announce a new bailout if they wanted to stop the crash but they don't want to stop the crash, they want to cause it."
"Thank God that our Fed can slow our markets down."
"The Federal Reserve on Wednesday cut interest rates again by 25 basis points to a new target range of 1.75 to 2%."
"The power of the Fed: they have the power to move markets just with a few short words."
"In my opinion, this broadening of the Fed is actually a way of the Fed saying, 'Look, we'll keep rates low longer because we want all of these things to do well.'"
"Wouldn't the Fed want to get control of U.S. monetary policy by destroying the euro dollar markets?"
"The FED should have been tightening policy earlier, shrinking the balance sheet, raising rates earlier."
"The Federal Reserve likes to make very clear expectations, hey if we get a mild report we're not going to hike again if we get a strong report we'll hike again."
"The Fed reducing its balance sheet is going to crush financial assets."
"This blows my mind that people don't understand that the FED has to do this to quell inflation."
"The Great Depression was caused by a Federal Reserve."
"The FED is not equipped to deal well with a supply shock."
"The high yield bond market's already doing the heavy lifting for the fed."
"I study the Federal Reserve like crazy and if there's one thing we can all guarantee it's that they won't be pausing their money printing regime anytime soon."
"I think the main reason for this is the market being spooked by the federal reserve raising rates this year."
"Either the fed is completely incompetent in its belief that inflation is transitory or it knows it's permanent but doesn't want to admit that because the problem the fed has..."
"Now that limits the Fed's abilities, it doesn't matter. They shouldn't have ever had these powers to begin with."
"Nobody knows what's going on, we have to audit the Federal Reserve."
"Earth-shattering news in my opinion: The Fed Chair Jerome Powell stated it's possible to have more than one reserve currency."
"In the sometimes upside down world of the American economy, today's unexpected good news about the nation's job picture is being eyed with a measure of concern by a Federal Reserve looking to cool the economy."
"If you don't know anything else about the Federal Reserve, know this: they control interest rates. When rates are low, assets go high."
"The Federal Reserve moves slowly, but as inflation persists, we might see some serious fireworks in the market."
"If the Federal Reserve raises interest rates by one percent, the markets are going to crash."
"I think the market is misunderstanding and underestimating the Fed."
"Unemployment will go up, and then you know what the Fed's going to have to do."
"Do you think the Fed did a good job in 2008 handling the crisis in the economy? I do, but I don't. I liked some of the things they did. I don't agree with most of the things they did."
"When reality hits this market and I think it's going to hit in March April time frame, it's going to be ugly and brutal. I don't even think the FED can bail us out this time."
"I found these videos and they were talking about the Federal Reserve, the dollar, and how all of this like how the whole banking system is a big Ponzi scheme."
"Bank credit deflates the economy, causes unemployment, and that's how the Federal Reserve manages the banks to make sure wages don't grow."
"The legal consequences for the Fed are a bigger problem."
"Jerome Powell made it clear today that he is eyeing the jobs market employment numbers not inflation numbers."
"The Federal Reserve doesn't hold reserve it creates reserves so by definition it's always in it, yeah it's always in a position able to provide reserves."
"When people hear about the Federal Reserve they think well it's Federal it's the government but it is not."
"The FED should have started reducing rates months ago if they were following the data."
"The effect of deflation will be worse than the effects of inflation, and the FED would just be sitting there with their hands still in their pants scratching their balls saying that nobody could have seen it coming."
"The uncertainty surrounding the next fed meeting, the FOMC meeting, how hawkish are they going to be?"