
Relationship Growth Quotes

There are 339 quotes

"When both partners prioritize their own growth, it contributes to the overall growth of the relationship."
"The Michelangelo phenomenon: one person in the relationship sees the absolute potential in the other."
"In a healthy relationship... there may be a sense of nostalgia and even a sense of gratitude for the growth you experienced in the relationship."
"This relationship is about developing healthy boundaries and communicating your truth."
"I married a woman that can't cook, but we learn how to cook together."
"Sometimes aspects of relationships need to be ruined in order for the relationship to grow."
"Shared values... are important for growth and understanding in any relationship."
"It's a place of empathy and so this is what happens when we are mature once we've realized what doesn't work."
"We are all constantly changing... Knowing that change is inevitable and creating space for you and your partner to talk about what the relationship was, what it is now, and where it's going."
"Love grows over time and your relationship with someone grows over time."
"Infidelity may eventually lead to opportunities for greater relationship strength and growth."
"The more you engage, the more you fell in love."
"You have the choice to wake up and say I choose to love you and you can grow in your love for someone else and you will."
"Any healthy relationship is two souls growing together."
"Loving you for who you are now and for who you have yet to become."
"Jamie and I are more in love every day, evolving effortlessly together."
"They're going to help you see the beauty in life where you used to see things that were confusing or chaotic."
"Your relationship will be at a whole next level in three years from now."
"When you find someone that complements your imperfections, you're not only gonna help each other grow together and individually but you're also gonna help balance each other out."
"Every day the trust gets stronger and stronger and stronger and before I don't worry now and that's possible because a lot of people don't believe that's possible."
"Their relationship means more than it ever has before."
"It's been an amazing journey we'll share together."
"The advice here is to allow this connection to naturally further itself and continue to grow."
"They want to continue letting things play out because they feel like you're definitely their destined partner."
"In order to get to a happy relationship and peace and love, you have to go through the thorns, the difficult lessons, and the pain to awaken and strengthen yourself."
"Whatever's happened has happened for a reason between you both for that awakening for you to be in the right place to have a much deeper much more intimate relationship."
"Love is here, your love life is gonna really come together quite strong."
"It's a battle towards the transformation of both of you into more than you could have otherwise been."
"A good relationship allows for each person to be better than they would be on their own."
"I love you more today than I loved you yesterday but not as much as tomorrow."
"Logan is the only boyfriend that actually develops and becomes a better person throughout the relationship."
"It seemed very much like Aaron had totally fallen in love with her."
"Accepting each other for who each other is, without trying to change each other but allowing each other to grow together, has been pretty amazing."
"Thank you for your covering, for your love, for all that you do that has allowed me to blossom and bloom. I thank you so much, baby."
"These little steps are bringing you towards a gigantic, gorgeous relationship."
"We grew together, we intertwine instead of separating."
"Love is about recognizing boundaries, but also growing with your partner emotionally, like a plant."
"You are only going to get the kind of connection that you deserve from this person if they're willing to look at themselves."
"No relationship is a failure if you've grown and gained something from it."
"Feelings for you are only growing... your person, their feelings for you are only growing."
"This person does want to grow with you... They want to nurture this."
"They both realize that they're different and that they can actually both learn from each other."
"Your marriage will thrive when both individuals are willing and abounding to do the work."
"It's truly amazing to see the growth and evolution of your relationship."
"Their reconnection feels earned on both sides... their chemistry and grown-up conversation about their feelings, flaws, and needs."
"Alignment... can we grow together? That's the most important factor in relationships."
"You looked like you had it all put together from the outside but the more I got to know you I realized that there's just so much depth."
"They want you to know they're working on their issues and seeking positive transformation."
"Look for some solid developments in relationship and love, and some real deeper commitments and a real sense of joy."
"They want to offer you their love, they want to be vulnerable, they want to be able to trust you."
"There is success between you and another, it's a level up."
"Movement forward, spontaneous change, seeds planted in February."
"They really do think you're perfect, and like the longer time goes on, the more and more they see your good qualities and they see that you're unwavering and you really are this amazing of a person."
"There's going to be a favorable outcome, leading to union and growth."
"You're entering a new phase in your relationship, where success and happiness await."
"You have awakened a new level of love within them... they want to create a union where both of you are reconciling your differences."
"Your person just has a really strong desire to improve and be a better partner."
"It's healthy and sort of supportive way that we are growing together."
"They want so much more out of this, they want it to bloom and grow and blossom."
"This love, the blossoming of this love, is a love that is going to be like a slow burn. It's not necessarily going to be like, I feel like it's going to take time and it's going to grow over a period of time, right?"
"Love grows... and that's what even strengthens a relationship."
"It felt like there was true progress to their relationship."
"The connection has just gotten better with time."
"They've grown fonder of you since the distance."
"Recognizing that we're growing we're evolving and we're changing and finding that that newness that freshness that novelty of the relationship again and recreating that love map."
"They've already made their choice. They choose love and want to grow and change."
"I think that's one of the most important things we've worked on... learning how to really connect with another person and communicate in ways that both of us understand."
"There's a chance to grow your relationships."
"True love doesn't just happen; you have to know what to look for and how to grow it in the relationship."
"Your love life is ascending: True commitment is on the horizon."
"Dating someone else who has been emotionally open with me has been the most healing part of it all."
"This has something more long-term written on it."
"Mum's beginning to realize that through doing these activities with her boys, it's just growing their relationship more and more."
"That's the biggest deal here because the children feel that."
"Together, you help each other grow, help each other expand."
"She giving me substance to talk about, she's the person that I'm learning to love unconditionally, start a family with."
"Accepting actions taken by your ex and wanting to get back together is a sign of maturity and strength."
"Partnerships are here to help us grow, evolve, and walk each other home to the purest form of unconditional love."
"Life for the wedded couple appeared to be blooming."
"Press into knowing your partner in ways that you didn't know them before."
"I do see something growing here between the two of you."
"I want to progress things with you because you make me feel good."
"The best thing that never happened because it led to us."
"This relationship is going to allow you to grow."
"Let us move forward with the motivation to cultivate deeper more meaningful bonds grounded in the virtues that truly make relationships thrive."
"I feel like this whole situation... made me feel even closer to you than I did back in the day."
"This connection is really taking you to new heights, it's taking you in new directions..."
"Stability, loyalty, trust, abundance, and love - such a strong energy."
"This person does make you step outside your comfort zone... but you're willing to try for them."
"In marriage you want to be loving the current version of your spouse, not the one from yesterday or years ago."
"The more you get to know your crush quirks and all, the more you like them."
"You no longer attract these sort of uncomfortable relationships."
"Yes, we are still very much in love... it's getting better every day."
"They feel as though your connection runs really deep, they want growth within your connection."
"You're coming into true love, whether romantically involved or not."
"Your twin is spiritually ascending. They're coming towards you to talk."
"I've developed a deeper respect and appreciation for my in-laws."
"They finally learned how to compromise... everything doesn't have to go their way."
"Every relationship you have is much better than the last."
"We see their relationship growing evolving and becoming better."
"You're always learning and growing and working, that's what the relationship is."
"He was the first man who earned my love in the most beautiful way possible."
"You are going to meet somebody, and you may just start out as friends. Okay, it may just be a friendship, and through that friendship, you guys realize there is more."
"Great communication is acknowledging faults and working on them. It's growth."
"We've pretty much outgrown that by now, we don't fight anymore."
"We enjoy the challenge and we love growing and learning."
"Relationships build and relationships grow through the trust and the practice of being together."
"Shining light on your love life. The sun signifies radiance, happiness, and abundance in your romantic journey."
"For your heart to truly be free, for your trust to truly be earned, you must let go and soar together."
"I didn't think such a huge amount of genuine love and respect for a person could be developed in less than a year."
"I'm a firm believer that you can be with anyone if you're in love and both of you are committed to growing together."
"They're opening up to being more vulnerable with you, which I think is really positive."
"It's almost like you get to decide whether you cultivate this offer and blossom with this person or not."
"How did each one of you meet each other and how did you grow that friendship into a quality male friendship?"
"The more that we've been together the more that we show appreciation and respect for each other's hobbies."
"I see you being so thankful for all the twists and turns that you've had in your love life, all those different changes and unexpected things that have happened because they have brought you right here."
"Both of you want this connection to continually bring new and exciting changes."
"Relationships are meant to last as long as both people are growing, evolving, and healing as individuals within the relationship."
"The major breakthrough moments in our marriage have centered around you being vulnerable, me being vulnerable, us being vulnerable together."
"Dreaming together and working towards those goals has been really nice."
"You're being congratulated for making some really big progress on your wisdom on relationships and really learning from your experiences."
"They do still care about you, you know, with the night of cups twice in this card and then we have engagement, your love life is ascending to a higher level of commitment."
"This connection becoming more authentic, deeper, going deeper, less surface level, more depth to it."
"Enjoy this time of new novelty together. Something really good is blooming."
"Deepening the love if you're already in a relationship."
"I feel they will tell you about that but the sun energy I feel this is a blossoming of a relationship."
"The coolest part about marriage is that it's progressively gotten better."
"I really believe that just comes with once you become a husband you earn a certain level of respect from your girl."
"A huge shift is happening within your connection through increased communication, increased intimacy."
"They're realizing they're starting to fall in love with you. They feel calm and at peace when they're around you."
"There is a brighter future to look forward to in this connection."
"You don't find a soulmate, you grow alongside someone who's willing to make the journey with you."
"Love is nurtured and developed and formed over time, it's pure, you know, it's really because you have the purest of intentions for this person."
"Relationship evolution, it allows us to let our guard down more, open our heart more, and experience the pure love that's available with us and all the people in our life but it's not easy a lot of times it really just is like us learning lessons."
"Lots of evolution within a connection, development is progressing."
"Our relationship is building stronger and stronger every day."
"The past is a great way to predict the future. The better your relationship becomes with what happened, the better your relationship will be with what is to come."
"It's those things that help you grow together, not just 'hey babe, how were you when I went up?'"
"Love is like I felt that with Jen but it's been such a long slow burn and it just keeps getting better and better."
"Slowly surely steadily planting seeds in the connection."
"You're gonna see the blossom within this connection, bless okay?"
"It's so uncomfortable... but it's about getting better in it and asking, learning about one another and growing closer together."
"The relationship needs to go through this in order to level up... Level up, level up!"
"A new relationship blossoms and the king authority and diplomacy."
"If they are actively trying to learn and get better and understand you as a person even if they can't get there at that point that person is definitely worth keeping in your life because it shows that they care about you, they are willing to try."
"Their interaction showed a growing mutual respect and understanding."
"They want to help you and show they can be that person for you."
"We've grown to appreciate each other more. I think we'll be closer, more love."
"My feelings for you just keep growing stronger and stronger."
"Maybe we weren't soul mates at first, but we have now molded ourselves to where we are now soul mates."
"A good relationship is cultivated, not found."
"I feel like this is someone that knows very well that they want to grow with you."
"You've got to be open to the fact that the person's becoming different."
"Your relationship will deepen, whether you deepen your current relationship or start a new one, commitment is in the offering."
"Relationships take two to tango. If someone isn't pulling their weight, it's not going to grow."
"I definitely feel a stronger relationship coming on with my son and I."
"The more you two come together the more you heal."
"The obstacle in front of you is the greatest opportunity to find a better relationship."
"It's love... it's just a new chapter in your love and your evolution of love." - Marlon Wayans
"I feel like you and I have gotten a lot closer during this experience."
"It's now rolling downhill at a rate of knots, and not downhill in a bad way, like it's snowballing your connection, your intimacy with each other."
"You and somebody that you're already with could really just be coming together closer than ever before."
"But being married definitely brings a new dynamic."
"Expressing love and communicating leads to expansion and growth."
"It's time to allow this new romance to steadily move into that deep connection."
"I'm seeing really strong bonds happening between you and this person, I'm seeing love going to another level."
"It's good if you're in a loving relationship and you guys just grow each other, help each other, inspire each other, I think that's perfect."
"Alignment leads to steady relationship growth."
"This love will help you grow, heavy on the help you grow."
"I'm in a new relationship and it's also my first very real relationship um beyond just like more so casually dating and getting my heart broken yadda yadda what's in the past in the past."
"The minute that you meet this person, the two of you are just going to go from strength to strength."
"Relationship growth together is essential."
"It's gonna elevate the relationship and elevate your mood."
"I think it actually stunts relationship growth for the couple as a whole."
"Saying to somebody I love you I miss you I want us to be closer what can I do on my part to help that how can I be there for you more how can we connect on a deeper level again is a much harder thing to say in your mind than it actually is to the person."
"Allow your partner to be able to grow, but as you're growing don't be afraid to voice what you're growing through, so you can grow through together."
"They're wanting to show you step by step that they are very interested in you, that they want to invest in you, that they want to grow this relationship, they want to grow with you, they want to be in partnership with you."
"Love is not an event, it's an intent, and it's something that happens over time."
"Connection is something that you build, and you build it also within yourself, and as you build it within yourself, you then build it within your relationship."
"The new cheese is a new relationship with the same person."
"The future for your marriage is bright to be honest with them and always look to create new paths towards each other because the old paths don't always work anymore."
"I think it's a milestone, I do. I think we can flatter ourselves having a very mature relationship."
"All the fights and like arguments we've had have been so productive because we've gotten to a better place and a better understanding of what each other needs."
"Their connection is growing and growing, more like a father and daughter."
"And that's how we go forward, so I want you all to talk to Dr. Jeff so that you can grow your relationship the right way and take care of this beautiful baby boy."
"My girlfriend always has been part of my family, and now she's becoming my family on paper too."
"I think a lot of relationships could just grow towards together."
"Arranged marriages tend to work out way more. They tend to stay together. What they report is that they tend to grow to love each other."
"Every relationship grows when there's productive conflict."
"A growth mindset shows a man's willingness to learn, grow, and evolve personally and within the relationship, fostering continuous improvement and development."
"I want you to go and find that on the relationship in which we are pushed to our Highest Potential and keep growing and working on things."
"Look at us, healthy communication; we're so grown up."
"A healthy relationship doesn't focus on the good old days; they focus on making more better days."
"Communication is what's helped us stay together and communication is what's helped us grow together and go through these hard times."
"Although we dated for a long time before getting married, we still love each other very much."
"Couples that don't grow together will instead grow apart."
"If I know somebody for one day, I've known them for three days; if I've known them for three days, I've known them for three weeks; three weeks, three months; three months, three years in real-life time."
"I think our relationship has actually improved."
"It just keeps getting better every moment here with you."
"Take the person that you love and you grow with them, you train with them, you do everything with them, and then you become a Power couple."