
Branding Quotes

There are 9554 quotes

"I think every entrepreneur, Founder's goal should be to create a brand that could exist without you."
"The goal is to have the brand begin to think of itself as a service helping men become more fully realized, better men."
"Disney is so enslaved to their own brand now that they've successfully watered down a repulsive, chain-smoking dog killer to an affable, non-smoking dog lover."
"Games have featured realistic weapons with accurate names, but firearms are a product, and their manufacturers are companies that have their own branding and trademarks they want to protect."
"Thank you so much for being with us today, and as always, Never Settle!"
"Having your logo on your products definitely solidifies your brand and gives it a higher perceived value."
"Choosing a brand partner is almost as important as choosing a life partner."
"Logo is not communication, it's identification. Think of the logo more as a period at the end of a sentence."
"Maybe less is more. Maybe the simple, typical mark can stand for everything that they're doing."
"Pokimane is now one of the most recognized brands in the online creator world."
"I actually think humans are the most underrated brand in the world."
"If we go right back to the start, I had a vision, I had an idea, and I was so passionate about it. I just want Gymshark to be a truly iconic, great brand."
"M&Ms, you know, the candy we all grew up eating? Well they released their first brand new character in over a decade, and the brand new character is purple M&M!"
"The future is building a brand for every woman, regardless of her shape, size, age, ethnicity, gender identity, or sexual orientation."
"Big Brain Academy will be the best logo anyone has ever seen."
"I want Represent to be a lifestyle and not a brand. I want it to be unconventional and to be more than just clothes."
"Convicted felon is not a label that Donald Trump or his party wants."
"If you can master 15 to 30 seconds...your short form videos are going to be the appetizers of your brand."
"It's very clear because when I go on your social media or when I google you, the content aligns with what you do."
"Embrace what makes you different. That is you, that is your brand."
"If we get the culture right, then most of the other stuff, like delivering great customer service or building a long-term enduring brand will just take care of itself."
"If you brand yourself with a color, you are kind of brainwashing people to think of you when they see that color."
"So what it means to have a brand is? You've made a promise to people they have expectations. It's a shorthand."
"Marketing, sales, advertising is short-term and transactional; branding is long-term and it's building a relationship."
"A brand is an emotion. There's no thing a brand is not an object."
"Coke's market share is almost double that of Pepsi, and for that reason, Pepsi has historically done some really wacky things to try to get a leg up on their competitor."
"Every decision in those areas begins to define your brand; a comforting and consistent message to your target market might result in customer loyalty and opportunities for growth."
"If you don't have a narrative and you don't have a brand that's anchored in purpose and things people care about, you're lost."
"The next big brand, the next Nike, the next Lululemon, one of these brands, they're gonna come from creators."
"When a person gets branded, they are actually metaphysically teleported to a rift between worlds."
"Brand is the only thing left when everything else becomes commoditized."
"Everything you do is representative of your brand, whether that's a personal brand or a business brand."
"Content creation, I think, is probably one of the most valuable skills to learn in this era that we're in. It's extremely important not only for yourself and your own personal brand but to work with other corporations, other businesses."
"McDonald's business is not hamburgers. McDonald's business is real estate."
"Extra care in engineering—it makes a difference in Dodge."
"I will be rating the products based on three things: branding, quality, and longevity."
"Starting off with the actual branding of Mr. Beast Burger, it's super eye-catching, very clean. It has a logo there, 10 out of 10. It's beautiful."
"Branding is a way to get more people to buy more stuff for more years at a higher price."
"Every business owner can appreciate the notion of branding as a means to achieve higher profits through customer loyalty."
"Brands need to be built authentic and yet somehow extraordinary because if you're not extraordinary, no one's going to pay attention."
"This is you when you're not branded. What the [ __ ] is this? Who is it? I don't get it. I'm not buying this."
"Our logos are gonna cost anywhere between five to ten thousand dollars. Is that something you can afford?"
"For your e-commerce store, branding is very important. The two main components for branding your e-commerce store are your website and your social media."
"When it comes to branding, don't force the products. Have something that looks nice, is visually appealing, and makes people want to look at it even more."
"Stay focused, don't worry all about money, worry about your customers, worry about something that's going to sell and creating a brand that others like and are willing to get involved with."
"Invisible threads... it's how a brand speaks, what it stands for, and how honest and transparent they are as a company."
"It really comes to life with other bits and using brand patterns, using logo marks really does just add in a lot more for your logo and your brand."
"The vision is really, really important. Brands actually help attract really good people to your business as well."
"Brands are like placebos; they use all sorts of mind tricks to get us to see what they want."
"Visual shorthand is valuable; branding and design help to convey what's good about a product without making us do all the work."
"Art can tell everyone a different story; branding is meant to tell a single narrative that is consistent."
"A brand is like an autographed dollar; it adds value through the stories and symbols associated with it."
"A brand is put simply the way that a customer base feels about your product."
"Branding will serve as basically a moat around your business."
"It's a relatable shoe; when something's relatable, it's like, 'Hey, we're one in the same.'"
"It's all about evolving away from over-detailed logos and simplifying them a little bit."
"Branding equals reputation plus consistency."
"That's Branding, branding allows you to charge more."
"You want to protect your brand, and if you're an influencer, you want to protect your audience."
"You're not working smart; you're not thinking about building a brand holistically. You're going through the motions, wasting time, convincing yourself that you're being productive, and you're not going to get any results from that."
"The best businesses never just sell products, they sell a brand."
"Smoking is bad for you, but as far as liveries go, this one does look pretty cool."
"Our logo actually comes from a street artist named Banksy, who is extremely well known for his graffiti and it really reflects the popular concern for our condition in the world today."
"Apple has undoubtedly been able to differentiate their products and show that they are more innovative."
"Starbucks has been able to differentiate their coffee as being better than most other competitors."
"Brands don't want to reinvent the wheel, but in this case, the wheel needs to be reinvented."
"The goal, the Northstar goal to me, is to continue to build WWE as a global brand."
"A Ford was still a Ford, matched against Ferrari."
"Red Bull is more attitude, not so much about 'gives you wings' anymore."
"Branding is an art and being able to create a design that sticks in people's minds and is easily recognizable across different styles, that's priceless."
"You need to focus on how to build a brand, not how to build inventory."
"Honda's always tried their best to stay true to the climate-forward slogan 'Blue skies for our children'."
"It's especially manipulative when companies co-opt social issues to sell their brand."
"Having a great brand means you get to play the game of capitalism in easy mode."
"Sponsored content isn't just the hot new way for major brands to turn a profit; it is the most mainstream form of marketing."
"You can't go wrong, AMD or Intel, flip a coin, decide what color you like better."
"Porsche wanted to define this as being an electric vehicle but at the same time they decided that it was very important you could still see right from the get-go that it was a Porsche."
"I create witty design solutions for playful brands."
"The goal of the logo is for people to look at it and instantly know... we've done pretty good. I've been really satisfied with the logos we've made over the years."
"The first step is not to find a product. It is you need to decide you're going to build a brand and that brand must tell a story."
"If you're trying to build a brand that will actually pay you when you're not working, that takes on a life of its own."
"Brand is what we're talking about here, and brand takes time."
"I'm pogo to Burger King, right? I get the crown on, I put it on top my Spider-Man helmet."
"Starbucks is not just a brand of coffee... they've convinced millions of people that they aren't just a place to go and get coffee; they are the only place to go and get coffee."
"Your website's title is usually your business name, and the tagline describes what your business does or what you can offer the customer."
"TikTok, it's truly a mystery, and I think TikTok can really be a great outlet for creators to get themselves out there and promote their brand more."
"Guys, I'm having a sugar-free Red Bull. Cheers, not a sponsor."
"Mountain Dew is not a drink, it is a lifestyle."
"Creating a story around that brand... storytelling plays such a vital part in creating an identity as well as an authentic relationship with the buyer."
"Building a brand is exactly what the future of commerce is going to look like."
"The beauty of this as well is if you build a brand, you can later on sell it for millions of dollars."
"I'm not building popcorn; I'm building popcorn chicken, one of KFC's most famous menu items."
"With branded dropshipping, you're creating a brand that is different from everybody else."
"Brands only see the numbers and give their resources, their time and efforts, to people who don't even use their things. Authenticity and being genuine should always overcome and overpower numbers."
"Meta has had an embarrassing year, their stock price has tanked since their rebranding to Meta."
"Who could seriously live with themselves for buying a bottle? The thing is, the reason it’s so expensive is that it’s not just the 'purest and softest vodka', but because when it was made the water flowed over diamonds."
"One of my favorites is FedEx... it's clean, it's happy, it's clean, okay, it's also thick so you get a sense of stability, boldness."
"If it works in black and white, it will work even better in color."
"With that being said, I've decided to step down as founder and from all other capacities of Kat Von D Beauty and sell my shares of the brand, turning it all over to Kendo, my partners for the past 12 years."
"I think the big note here for us... is it is a really cool thing to have a brand, to have something that people care about enough to have an opinion about."
"Corporatism is fascism; it's just fascism with a better brand name."
"Establish a brand. You might go to YouTube channels that don't have a brand, and when I say brand, I mean a very clear identity."
"He identified which franchises and properties would become culturally important in the next decades and would then use them to spread Disney's brand of marketable heroes and cozy conformity."
"I think Porsche is just fancier. They've been around longer and they've got that whole image. It's a premium luxury manufacturer."
"I can confidently say that I believe Taylor Swift is the greatest marketer to ever live."
"The color scheme of all of those photos fits perfectly into the whole aesthetic she's known since at least then."
"Miss Universe is also a brand, and you are advocating to make yourself not only a brand ambassador but an influencer."
"The triangular chocolate bares the logo of Switzerland's iconic Matterhorn."
"Starbucks... admits that yes, this is one of the original shields of the house of Lusignan."
"He knew branding, networking. He knew everything before everybody."
"Everybody has a brand, or they are invisible."
"Your brand is the story people tell themselves about you and the expectations they have of what you're going to be like when you walk in the room."
"Pikachu gets a 10; it's the Pokemon with the most design updates, making it the perfect mascot."
"If there's something that you like, you can build a brand around it, and if you can start to build a community or an audience, there are unlimited ways to monetize."
"The more you sell out and dilute your own branding, the less power your branding will hold."
"If you can imagine a stand-up comedian doing a routine about your product, then you're on to something."
"Nike's 'Be True' line...just cool to be inclusive like that."
"Hopefully this video has been helpful and you now have a stinger transition with track matte and your logo and your brand colors, and it's all looking amazing."
"People think that I came out of nowhere. I can't express how much work I've put into my branding behind the scenes."
"Beer should not have a political party. I don't need every single product that I get to have a political party attached to it."
"Cracking a bottle of Trump champagne is probably the single best possible way to celebrate."
"Brand is the single most valuable thing that you can build in a business."
"The ironic part is if his brand is the only thing that's actually keeping him afloat because his uh businesses suck so much that's kind of ironic if you have a brand as a businessman even though you suck as a businessman."
"A nod to the company's logo, a stylized signature of sorts."
"YouTube is healthy, growing, and it's the most profitable platform to establish your brand on, period."
"Volvo not only managed to make sure that their cars looked incredibly distinctive and kept that fantastically iconic Volvo styling but also managed to make them feel and look contemporary."
"The Mozilla Firefox logo is a fox embracing the planet. The original browser's logo was a phoenix bird reborn from its flames, designed in 2002."
"The image of a happy girl in Wendy's logo was inspired by the daughter of the fast-food chain's creator, Dave Thomas. Wendy is her nickname."
"This one to me is a unique selling point here with Mazda."
"The little Polestar logo shines and reflects on the amazing glass roof."
"After a certain minute, once you just keep putting out dope product, [cool] is going to become synonymous with excellence. It becomes autopilot."
"If we've done the correct research, the best time to use this tool is probably on Logo designs or branding projects."
"Your credibility is everything...your personal brand...needs to be organic at all times."
"When people visit your website, they notice the brand and the color scheme you should use throughout your website."
"It's not just your average workplace, it's definitely not your average office."
"Instagram today is a fantastic network for brands to build brand awareness and to showcase their products or services."
"Let's first start this whole thing by just talking about what a brand trip actually is."
"Instagram is a platform where you can really showcase your service, product, or brand."
"The upper is still synthetic and it's still called Nike skin but despite having the same name it's entirely different."
"If Bud Light drops off as a major brand, such that it appears more like an ancillary brand no one really pays attention to, I'll write a check for $110,000 to the charity of Matt Walsh's choice."
"I think Amazon is the perfect illustration of the power of telling the same story consistently over time and acting consistently with that story."
"All of these new age TikTokers, like if you look at events like Coachella primarily the influencers who got a lot of sponsorships and brand deals and were sent there by brands this year like really big name brands, they were TikTokers."
"Let's talk about this colon tea which, let's be real, it's not the most appetizing name."
"Choose one accent color and stick with it; consistency is key for a professional look."
"Stick to a color scheme. Just pick maybe three or four colors and use those throughout your website."
"Lab32.com... it's a super short URL, easy to remember, easy and fast to type, the branding is very easy."
"It's about authenticity and that you cannot automate."
"HelloFresh: spicing up recipe boredom since forever 🌶️"
"Crafting the perfect logo is an art, it should be an embodiment of your Brand's Essence."
"Trump made it clear from early on, that his strategy as a businessman was not to build luxury apartments, but to build himself into a brand."
"They saw his big, bold logo, they questioned building a wall, and they debated making America great again."
"All of it being a component of Donald Trump's big argument."
"Brands are the future. You need to build a brand. Now this is a quote from Eric Schmidt, the ex CEO of Google 'Brands are the solution not the problem. Brands are how you sort out the cesspool.'"
"I think people are waking up and I think the Republican brand has an ability."
"If somebody doesn't do the signature line with some of our talent, you know, a Cody Rhodes, a Jay Uso, Roman Reigns, I think they're missing the boat on something that can be very impactful towards their business."
"Tell W that's so SL. Yeah, you have such good names for all your products."
"Social media is the most important thing that you can do as a brand."
"Willy Wonka is my name, candy magic is my game."
"Armies are cool, but are they 'cool'? That's Cutwater Spirits, the wonderful canned alcoholic drink that keeps me red and keeps me going."
"Your branding and marketing can matter even more than the actual product."
"Slap Star Wars on it, funny goofy action movie with dinosaurs, Jurassic World."
"If you're not using TikTok or any platform to boost your career or your brand new music, you're foolish."
"This is like the most famous chain for spicy rice cakes."
"Taco Bell is the Golden Goose that's carrying the American market."
"The thing we do is content so one argument is double down on the thing you're good at there's another argument for diversification for building a brand outside of me necessarily."
"Just make them feel sad or make them laugh and then slap your logo at the end."
"It's like if the Geico gecko had a YouTube channel and the audience felt a genuine connection to the Geico gecko, but the entire time he was just selling insurance to them."
"I am going to find it interesting as an exercise in branding or rebranding."
"Everywhere things get posted, they have to feel like a genuine Mr. Ballin post."
"Good luck! Yeah yeah once again you guys we are of course fueling ourselves up with our classic G Fuel."
"That's our brand, to be fair, we'll eventually run out of ideas so we can do both."
"5Ge: it's just a name guys, it's pretty much the same as what every other player in the mobile business has."
"Do you manufacture these products? Can we add our logo to this item?"
"This ain’t just any hog anymore, folks! This is a HORNHOG, BABY!"
"It’s whacky. It’s cool. It’s fun. It’s Archie Sonic, baby."
"I really hope that one day all brands can become cruelty free."
"The thing that people joke about is your whole Born to Ride Donald Trump born to ride 45 that's the gang."
"I think it's all about brand building... Every time, it really can be that simple."
"Everyone has a favorite brand of sardines... King Oscar sardines."
"It's a way of saying, we will build your brand."
"Wendy's: our secret ingredient is our people."
"Nike is not telling you a shoe. Nike is selling you the idea that you can do anything."
"Your brand exists whether you want it to or not. It's built from the very first moment you interact with someone else."
"Bro Company can be summarized in one word: inclusive."
"These products are snow joke, Zach wrote that joke, you know what I like it."
"Introduced way back in 1963, this American corn and oat cereal comes in a bunch of artificial flavors that, in my opinion, taste like nostalgia and Saturday morning cartoons."
"The food preparation business, we're calling it Baker buddy."
"It was like this just real you know cool smart funny engaging empowering media brand."
"Thin mints, dosidos, and tree foils, they're like the Justice League of Girl Scout cookies."
"Rolex is short and memorable but also easy to pronounce in any language."
"The gas station is likely a parody of the real-life Sinclair Oil Corporation."
"Pokemon is out of control... it is the biggest, most lucrative IP in history."
"Imagine being a pop icon and not getting any say about how your brand is handled."
"Building a private label brand can be fun and exciting. It's an opportunity to get creative and turn your vision into reality."
"What you name your game doesn't matter at all... people will fill that name in with new meaning."
"Own the fact that you do really cool logos and identity design."
"This is my chance to get my brand out there."
"Come on down to Smile Taxis, where every taxi comes with a smile from me, Tony Danza."
"Jones wanted something catchy and more in line with other Looney Tunes."
"Let's take a look at our badge and banner and stuff here."