
Birth Quotes

There are 1466 quotes

"Death is the opposite of birth, it's not the opposite of life."
"Nothing can prepare you for the birth of your child... it was just the most amazing experience of my life."
"Every building you ever see was built by a man; every person you ever meet was birthed by a woman."
"Every single person here on this planet was birthed by a woman."
"Queen Elizabeth herself broke a rather strict birth tradition regarding the Home Secretary overseeing all royal births."
"I am deserving of a peaceful and uncomplicated birth."
"Death is as much of a part of life as birth."
"Watching life come onto this earth, it is a moment that I just can't even explain. It's incredible."
"Congratulations! Here's your wonderful daughter."
"At birth, we are all atheists because we are too young to understand the concept of God and therefore by default, we lack a belief in one."
"little lily bet and giving the queen of england yet another grandchild"
"I inherit the earth like three wise men pulled up to cherish my birth."
"Humans require a womb to be successfully born... take nothing for granted."
"In 1879, they welcomed their only child, Irving Noel."
"Only women can give birth. It's a factually true statement. Only women give birth. There's only one type of human being with uteruses and vaginas. Yes."
"We can really only look at society and how to make it better by allowing people to be born in the first place."
"That's right y'all we have baby on the way and it is going to be the first born son."
"I was born on June the 27th 1880 in Tuscumbia."
"They treated the birth of their baby very differently from the other births."
"What greater blessing could there be than that and it takes the form of a birth."
"Her head was just like long and I remember the doctor was like helping her out I was like oh my gosh so tiny so tiny but then her face just kept going it was just a long head that like popped and I was like oh my gosh."
"The moment after the child is outside of the birth canal, they are now endowed with human rights."
"For the first time, a human has been born on Mars. It's truly a unique miracle."
"Something ugly and something beautiful is being born at the same time."
"By the seventh month, the fetus may rotate into the cephalic presentation, meaning the head comes out first during birth."
"The reason why a baby is born is because it's getting too big to keep growing any further inside the mother, it's going to have to do the rest of its growing outside the mother."
"Imagine having some huge legacy and finally a baby's born."
"Before the games are over, my son will be born, the whole realm will celebrate."
"Most babies come out of the womb crying because they entered a massively stimulating and unknown game called life."
"It's just like being born at the turn of the [__] century."
"Kings are born in Palace but Jesus was born in a manger among cattles and sheep."
"Something wants to be born of passion, and this energy is keeping you from it. It's almost like a miracle or an Impossible Dream is trying to bloom for you."
"And thank you to my mom for giving birth to me so I could experience this 28 years ago."
"It's as natural as being born. It's more natural than being born because not everybody's born."
"The map of the sky at the time when you were born."
"We do not choose our mothers or the circumstances into which we are born."
"You're gonna be giving birth to a new life, your whole life is gonna look different."
"I felt like an alien that came onto earth and then was birthed onto earth and was like humans, okay."
"Congratulations to Becky and Seth on the birth of their child."
"The princess was pregnant of Zeus and gave birth to Epaphus."
"My children, they were born with Connie around."
"Once upon a time not far from here, a princess gave birth to twin sons."
"Everyone is born the same way and bloodlines don't really matter."
"It's like when a woman's gonna give birth, she goes through contractions; it's not like something's going wrong, this is a part of the thing."
"I've always been taller as soon as you came out of the womb."
"Welcome to the world, my Halo. The world is desperate to know you."
"I was born with congenital heart defects. They told my parents he's not going to be born alive."
"As she was born, I informed my husband, and he cried because he was happy to have a daughter."
"If you made it through your mother's womb, you have a reason for being here."
"Congratulations to Owen and his wife; they've had a healthy baby boy."
"For in that instant, a Multiverse was born."
"When this little child goes through the birth canal and is breastfed, that is where the microbiome starts."
"Elephants when they are giving birth, the women actually surround the elephant and they protect her and they kick up dust because as she's giving birth they keep all of the Predators away from her."
"The minute I give birth, everything seems right with the world again."
"Anyone that was spiritual knew that there is a king that is being born."
"Life is the letter C between the letters B and D. B stands for birth, D stands for death, and C is choice."
"I was born on the Sabbath, under the sign of the moon."
"The parent of every mind is universal consciousness that gives birth to them through the process of dissociation."
"We're very much meant to have this juxtaposition of death and birth together."
"You didn't give birth to a kid, you gave birth to a legend."
"I'm really glad you were born, good job."
"Welcome to the world, Blessing Brielle William."
"Everybody watching this video is born from a mother."
"I became a Believer after our son was born."
"On the day that you were born, the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true."
"The child about to be born is unique in every conceivable way."
"The birth of the princess was cause for national celebration."
"I usually share a birth story after my babies are born."
"At 5:41 on August 11th, baby girl was born at 7.7 pounds, healthy, really alert."
"Every man is the Mary of the Immaculate Conception and birth to his idea must give."
"What better ending is that than a baby that is alive and well."
"I love watching the babies come out and explore; it's like literally new life."
"It's like watching your own child be born, it's just unreal."
"Little did anyone know at the time that a star had been born."
"The pups emerged a couple of days ago."
"You can't birth anything without pain."
"The birth of the babies marked a turning point both Laura and Clara gave birth to healthy children their laughter and innocence AB balm to the wounds of the recent past"
"Only Spartan women give birth to real men."
"A birth is the voluntary incarnation of an immortal soul into physicality, into the domain of time and space and matter and duality for the purpose of learning in that domain."
"One life was lost Donny's life and another one was brought into the Earth with the little Lebowski kid."
"A birth date is not a coincidence; our soul chooses that exact moment and place to be born into this world."
"The Messiah was clearly born in the year of 5 BCE and likely born on the first day of the Feast of Tabernacles with the overwhelming agreement of multiple converging points of evidence."
"So giving birth in a clean, warm environment that feels safe, I mean, why shouldn't you do it here?"
"Being born physically is something that happened to you, completely out of your control. And being spiritually born is something that happened to you completely out of your control."
"The first artificial Alicorn to give birth and the first baby born as an Alicorn."
"I want to see my sister. I can't believe she was born today."
"Death is not the opposite of life. Death is the opposite of birth."
"Dany sacrifices Mirri Maz Duur and Drogo’s horse, and when the fire dissipates, she had birthed life from her dragon eggs using blood magic."
"She lived not only to see those babies born, they put the babies in her arms and she died two days later."
"Blade felt as if he had truly been born into this world."
"Sigurd would be born in the early 9th century but we do not have an exact date."
"A black revolutionary soul brother was born."
"George was born and it was special... he's absolutely beautiful."
"I was born on an angel number, baby."
"Heaven is the culmination of a process that begins with our birth here and our coming of age in this environment."
"Congratulations, it looks like it's a beautiful baby girl."
"Melty Magoo, man. Genius has been born on this day!"
"A birth is usually a celebration but also a responsibility to care for the baby."
"I love that she's going to be a May baby so I'm very excited May babies are the best."
"Some beings incarnate only for a very short time into the womb and then withdraw their consciousness before they're even born."
"On the 17th of April, the number of people living in the scheme increased by one as Candice successfully gave birth to a healthy baby girl."
"Do you know that it is a miracle that you were born? That is divine strategy that God organized to make sure that you are exactly who you were intended to be at this time in history for the purposes of the kingdom."
"The baby's arrival was cathartic for Ava."
"The hope of the world was going to be a baby."
"It looks like you're being born or dying or both at the same time."
"At the point of conception, God breathed out of His mouth the spirit which is you or me into the very mother's womb that was to carry us until we were to be born."
"It's a girl," Indigo whispered as she fell into my arms, crying in earnest now.
"...we make that distinction between the beginning and then the life that flows out of that beginning, both in terms of natural birth as well as in supernatural birth, which is what we’re describing in terms of regeneration."
"Only the Spirit of God can produce spirit, because that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit."
"The day you were born is the day when heaven and the cosmos determined that the world cannot exist without you."
"Congratulations with your bundle of joy, love Uncle TJ!"
"The day I came out of my mama, I was ready."
"Blessed be me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I rise again."
"This is how my beautiful gorgeous amazing son came into this world."
"Luna reflects on how she was initially surprised by their birth."
"Birth is such a spiritual experience."
"It's a girl, like you just had a new baby. It's a girl!"
"Lucille Ball was born on August 6, 1911 in Western New York."
"Every child that is born is proof that God has not yet given up on human beings."
"She notices floodwater breaching the window, coinciding with her water breaking."
"Every time a person passed away and goes to the astral plane, a star is born. Every time a person leaves the astral plane and they're born on Earth, a star is born."
"Not the a-hole. Maybe I would look at this differently if you and your family had actually known your twin, but they basically died during birth. Sharing a birthday with them is almost a bit morbid."
"It was inconceivable to the ancient peoples that this life in Man, by which he was a living thing, was actually conferred by birth."
"I guess he was just born a pile of mush."
"Baby Edward's arrival was a cause for celebration."
"Hi, welcome to the world, little one."
"You're not part of the earth, you came from a vagina."
"...birth is so powerful and transformative whether it's your first time giving birth or your third or your fifth."
"Forced birth is the biggest BS phrase that I've heard in a long time."
"Spiritual life doesn't come from physical birth; it comes from spiritual birth."
"But sometimes it takes you and your birth team to speak up and advocate for your preferences and then sometimes make compromises on those things."
"Stevie Wonder, whose real name is Stevland Hardaway Morris, was born on May 13th, 1950."
"The birth of their daughter Aisha Morris on February 2nd, 1975, marked a significant chapter in Stevie's life."
"Birth is not the beginning of life but a continuation, and physical death is not the end of life but a continuation."
"A new world is being born, you're being born into a new world."
"Birth is life-changing, and I'm really passionate about sharing all that birth can be: gentle, peaceful, easy, and even pleasurable."
"Birth is 80% mental 20% physical."
"These babies were born Saturday at like 2:30 and 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Of course, you saw the panic that ensued."
"Witness the birth of the most powerful gin of all time, past, present, and future."
"The birth is coming, and what it does to the social systems we've put in place, the groaning ecologies... this all depends on how educated and enlightened each one of us can make ourselves."
"Birth is God saying you matter, and suddenly 47 years took me to get to this point like a silver bullet between my eyes."
"Born and raised started as like a project that I birthed out of kind of heartbreak, I guess."
"I'll also be sharing the birth vlog."
"Human life produces human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life."
"He was the only human being who ever chose to be born."
"The good news is there was a new birth today."
"Bruce Lee was born Lee junfan in San Francisco California in 1940."
"You will have joy and gladness along with many others at his birth."
"It's a baby girl, she's called Luna."
"Her not too respectable son Oscar Wilde was born at 21 Westland Row Dublin on the 16th of October 1854."
"Happy the calf was born and his existence on this earth has already lifted the spirits of everyone who's seen him."
"Peace is radiant beams from Jesus, Lord, thy birth."
"Wesley James Fulmer is here! He's born. He's healthy."
"The baby came early! I am officially a dad now."
"Jermaine Lamarr Cole was born on January 28th, 1985 to Kay and James Cole on a military base"
"We see the hand of God only at the moment of birth."
"The day you were born was a pivotal point but then when you truly live is when you know what your why is."
"Prince Philip was born on the Greek island of Corfu."
"Her and her children were born here."
"Nobody makes a contribution to their birth."
"Your birth is the one thing that you have no part of in your life."
"Blue Ivy's musical Journey began just two days after her birth when her father Jay-Z released the song 'Glory' featuring her cries."
"Not only did Jesus have a miraculous conception, he had a miraculous birth."
"Welcome to the world, Benjamin. It's Daddy."
"In 1925, on a hot, sticky Wednesday in the middle of September, the cries of a newborn baby rang out from a sharecropper's cabin over the cotton fields of the Mississippi Delta. A boy was born that day. It was going to make a difference. His name: Riley B. King."
"You can't control the circumstances of your birth, only what you do from there."
"This baby was born as a vessel for the previous Reverend mothers."
"The initial response of Heinrich Weizmann when Sir Mark Sykes came bounding out the Cabinet Office on November the second holding the document announcing 'It's a boy,' was disappointment."
"The fact that you were conceived and you were born, that's the most beautiful thing."
"'Congratulations, he's a healthy baby boy.' Most people can't remember the day they died or the day they were born."
"Should we presently see a new human being coming into the world, it's precious and it's magical."
"The baby is the wise one in labor. The baby knows how to come out."
"Birth is a perfectly natural thing, a glorious thing."
"The birth tale of qu Holland is fascinating because it provides us with some extraordinary insights."
"Oh my god, there it is, I've never been so happy to be out of a placenta in my entire life."
"Each of us is endowed with all abilities from birth."
"Surely you know, for you were already born, you have lived so many years."
"People have had births in cars before they had all of the technology that we have now. Kids were still being born."
"The world really won when he was born."
"If you're not watching that bundle all the way, and that egg's still in there, then it's like, 'Oh, now I got life.'"
"Allan is grateful to have been born into such a loving family."
"Seeing the birth of Vision... one of our favorite characters."
"The vile Deeds of vitiate begin at his very birth."
"A baby will be born... he will be called Emmanuel."
"It's a boy! You finally started your nesting, right? That's right."
"Mistake or not, my grandmother and grandfather could see what kind of nasty person he was. I also did not ask to be born."
"It is God Himself that is being born."
"The promise they were waiting for... yes, Mary would give birth to the Son of God, the blessing for the whole world."
"We are in the time when we anticipate the birth of the savior," he said. "We anticipate the moment in Bethlehem when Mary gazed for the first time at her infant son."
"It just made me super, super happy that this baby came out and he was Lionel was eight pounds and 11 ounces."
"Step one to becoming a supermodel is be born into a very rich family."
"Because God gave birth to us, we're born of the word of God."
"The probability of a child is near zero and yet every day they're born."
"Johnny Briggs, this is your life, and you were born son of a carpenter on September 5th, 1935."
"That was crazy. Oh bless, there's a little girl. Baby girl, baby number six. Happy birthday, Bailey. You should call her Lily."
"I was born on February 12th, Abraham Lincoln's birthday, and even better, I was born in Illinois."
"Birth itself is breaking through a wall, coming into a new dimension."
"What an unbelievable time to be born as the savior of the world."
"The first ever baby day gecko born at snake Discovery."
"We're calving right now, so babies are hitting the ground."