
Life Cycle Quotes

There are 1951 quotes

"Death is the opposite of birth, it's not the opposite of life."
"Nature is an eternal dance between predator and prey."
"Nothing lasts forever, but ends bring new beginnings."
"All things must begin and end in consciousness."
"The sun will expand and then it will shrink, maybe leaving room for a new star to take its place."
"The Circle of Life moves us all through despair and hope, through faith and love."
"All compounded things decay. Everything that has been produced will be destroyed. What is born will die."
"There are things that need to die for other things to grow and to come in."
"It's the circle of life; it's just part of being a cute little vampire."
"Let karma float it down; heed no more than how body lives or goes. Its task is done."
"We are supposed to be together. We come from love, and when we die we go back to love."
"Nothing in nature dies; everything is changing forms, changing appearances, changing cycles of manifestation but nothing begins or ends."
"A mother doesn't birth an entire adult human, no, she delivers a baby that grows into an adult."
"The door opens up between two realities twice: once upon birth, where a new soul enters into a body, and out of a womb comes a new child, miraculous—who knows how can we even understand or fathom that—and then at the end of life, when another door opens up and welcomes back the body of a life that was here for whatever amount of years that person spent in this world."
"To be born and to die, these greatest forms of change sound so awesome to me."
"We use what's here, decay doesn't have to disgust. It brings new life."
"Nature has this kind of relentless wish to recycle our molecules."
"Everything that has a beginning also has an ending, and it's all outlined in the Bible."
"Even during death, the world continues on. The universe is infinite."
"Death is inevitable but not immediate. It's not a candle blown out; it's a fire burning down to flames, coals, and finally, to ashes."
"The next generation will always surpass the previous one. It's one of the never-ending cycles in life."
"Death is as much of a part of life as birth."
"Reflect on this cycle, which you've already been through many times... and inevitably, you look back in some years at a different place in your life, and it's a lot better."
"In order for something to live, something else must die. This is the way of life, and we cannot escape that."
"This acceptance of it is basically to accept what cannot change. There is no point in struggling against the cycle of life."
"The end of the out-breath is basically, you've died. So see, it's a miniature death because every out-breath is a miniature death."
"The spirit shall return unto God who gave it."
"I think energy continues; it shifts, it evolves."
"The release of the game marks not the end of development, but rather the beginning of a new phase."
"Everybody eventually declines; every career sees a twilight."
"It's extremely annoying, but it is the cycle of life. It's our role, and it's the younger generation's role to be annoying."
"Living its last days in a never-ending cycle between sustaining life and simultaneously bleeding out, figuratively and literally, as its hydraulic fluid was purposefully made to look like its actual blood."
"The universe started simple and became complex... but eventually, we die and we become really simple once again."
"Life is a constant process of death and rebirth, and to participate in that fully is to allow yourself to be redeemed by it."
"You started as dust, and to dust, you will return."
"All the creatures that come to die in Pantdora, never actually leave our rainforest. They become the soil, the plants and the vines, they become the creatures that eat them, the creatures that eat those creatures, they become the minerals in the ground water, the gases in the air, and even live on in their offspring."
"That's the circle of life right there, happening right in front of you."
"When a bear kills a moose during your wedding... That's beautiful. It's the circle of life."
"Life is a cycle, and there's no escaping the cycle of death."
"The town of beginnings and endings, this is where Roger was born and eventually died."
"Everything is destined to end, that's the progress of life."
"There's solace in the belief that her life will be constantly recycled."
"For us, as I've said often before, the end for us is just the beginning."
"The magic of soil is it turns death into life."
"Life is an eternal cycle of death and rebirth, you know, that kind of thing."
"Birth is not a beginning, and death is not an end."
"A brand new Sonic cycle, an ending and a beginning."
"Be born, go to school, get a job, work for 40 years, retire, die, realize you forgot to live."
"What's the natural thing that comes after expansion? Oh, we surrender."
"Death gives way to new life, Death is not evil; it is part of life."
"Their souls ascend to the afterlife while their bodies decompose, fertilizing the land so that new life may spring up in their wake. It is the circle of life."
"Death for a worm is more like a transformation."
"Things need to die in order for other things to be born, you know? There's an understanding of it."
"Nothing is lost to the march. It's a constant process of loss and renewal and discovery and loss and rediscovery again."
"This body gives life to the next life in dense and subtle energy. This body has been alive forever already."
"We all started with God and we returned to God eventually."
"I see the forms of making and unmaking each other as a continuous process."
"If I had to end the cycle now, I'd be pretty happy with that."
"With every ending, there is a new beginning."
"The world of Dark Souls is like a circle, a cycle of life and death."
"Death feeds life. You can't have life without death."
"In this universe, all rots. One must rot to survive."
"It's well known that the integrated loading mechanism or ilm of the LJ 1700 sockets bends 12th gen CPUs leading to an uneven contact surface that reduces cooling performance."
"Death is a critical part of the life cycle for every character, and it's that kind of resurrection on the other side of the transformation that defines who they are."
"The only way to break death's cycle is to create new life."
"Everything has a life cycle... currencies are no different."
"We are made from earth and we will return to earth, some of us sooner than others."
"If you're alive, you're a living person with some air and a bed of wood chips. If you're dead, you decompose and turn into soil. And those are sort of your only 2 options."
"Jupiter returns to the same place as it was when you were born, it is known as your Jupiter return."
"Mayfly spinners are the final egg-laying form of the mayfly and they hover over the riffles."
"The totality of your magnificence will not be lost and is also known when we returned for a time between the lifetimes to the home of our souls she holds the secret and she holds the key."
"All things go through the change called death, which is really a transformation into a new state of expression."
"Everything changes, everything we get born, everything dies."
"She had children with them and they raised these children into adults."
"Rest in peace, Senator Feinstein. People get old, they pass on. Human respect."
"Few things are more exciting in this world than seeing the cycle of life in action."
"Death is a termination of our physical bodies. Our hearts stop beating, our neurons cease firing, and we take one last breath."
"Everything that dies just presents a new opportunity."
"The passing of generational spirits is a spiritual reality which occurs for a variety of factors."
"An idea has a lifespan just like a human being."
"The cycle is already written God wrote The End from the beginning."
"The way of water connects all things before your birth and after your death."
"All good things must come to an end eventually."
"Life is cyclical. Death is temporary, paving the way for the continuation of another life."
"Watch how you treat your children. Once a man, twice a child."
"Death is not always an end but a chance for a new beginning."
"Endings are beginnings; embrace the cycle of change."
"This creepy web then doubles up as a comfortable cocoon for the wasp babies to live in until they're ready to emerge, starting this vicious cycle all over again."
"I have no problem with human nudity. We're all nude at birth and we're all nude when we're dead."
"We are seasons, all of us, growing in the light, feeding in the dark."
"In Vedanta, death is the passing away of this particular body you are embodying. This particular experience stops because this body cannot support the Jeeva any longer. Maybe it's old, maybe it's damaged."
"Life gives to death, death begets life. Such is the fate of this accursed place."
"A dog is going to bark from the day it's born to the day it dies."
"Everything has to come to an end, and we have to learn to accept death and learn when to let go."
"Almost everything in this world is meant to die."
"Because the fundamental idea is that in order for something to live something else must die that is the way of the natural world."
"Death is only bad when we're thinking about it from like a Western perspective perhaps death is just the completion of a life and it's a cycle and it's moving."
"No parent should ever have to outlive their child."
"A person is cremated, and their remains are placed in a biodegradable urn alongside a tree seed."
"The high point of any life comes after the personal Karma for that life is over. This is the beginning of the impersonal life."
"You really are closing out a really big, big cycle."
"In order for anything to live so many things must die."
"Sometimes people lose that fire that they had, like, they just run out, you know? Certain stars burn very hot and fast and bright, but then they have a shorter lifespan than other stars."
"All praise belongs to the one who gives me life, causes me to die, and will raise me up again."
"Sadly, everything does eventually have to come to an end."
"Death is neglected as part of life and it's unfortunate for society."
"The noble purpose of man goes beyond simply growing, aging, and dying."
"It takes life to give life, and to know that, you have to take the life of an animal."
"The refusal to die turns into an exercise in opting out of the arrangement of life and death."
"All good things must eventually come to an end."
"Aging is something that we are all doing, we cannot prevent it, that is just part of life."
"Lord Vishnu is responsible for the continuation of life."
"Treehoppers molt five times before finally becoming adults."
"It's a part of the paradigm, programmed into the system when you're born."
"Naked came out into this world, and naked shall I return."
"You deserve to get back to yourself and as part of the natural cycle of life enjoy the next phase as you create the time for yourself to rest recuperate and relax."
"There'll be no Resurrection without death, which is transformation."
"It does eventually wear out, a thing that's made from scraps and other people's rubbish will go on the compost heap and be useful yet again."
"Starting a cycle and then the bricks being torn down."
"This full moon in Capricorn is in your ninth house. There's going to be a sense of something coming to a completion, making room for something else to come through."
"Recognize that you have wrapped up a karmic cycle."
"Human beings are designed to expand... when something stops growing in nature, it dies."
"With just a look away, the old, weak, and fragile man that lies in bed is replaced by a newborn with a border of light surrounding him."
"The way of the world is to bloom into flower and die."
"Everything changes, all things come to pass."
"Maybe none of this is weird. Maybe those of us who still accept death as a part of the cycle of life, accept its rational place, are the normal ones, bruh." - 💡🔄🌿
"Photosynthesis is responsible for all the energy circulating among the biological community in the great circle of life."
"Life is blooming, things are going full circle."
"If you don't keep coming dying going, your soul feeding up on the high vibrations, coming back developing, you cannot keep on growing."
"Your real body is a process. It starts when you're born and moves forward until you die."
"The Hara impart acceptance and gratitude for the cycle of life and death."
"Life comes in gradual stages and merges more and more with the body until you can't even tell them apart."
"At the end of life, the reverse process begins first there's a premonition."
"Everything has a life cycle. You're born and you die, and as you get older you can see certain things that are symptoms of being later on in life."
"All life dies. All physical life dies. I don't think we're afraid of death."
"There is no death, it's part of life, it's part of infinity."
"Everything you do... is a journey... you have seasons and you have stages of growth."
"The salmon dies when they enter the fresh water from the salt water, they lose their stomach, they don't eat anymore."
"The universe forgets and thanks to entropy we wash away into dust and dirt."
"I love kidding season. It's just so much fun to get to be a part of just new life coming into the world."
"Yeah, I mean, that's just kind of like the cycle for all games now, is at some point they'll do a remaster."
"BIRTH AND DEATH: The genesis of an individual Alien is well-documented in the film."
"It's the first of its kind, a habitable planet orbiting a white dwarf- and it doesn't have much longer left to live."
"A spiral would be life inevitably making itself towards one point that it can't escape."
"We haven't lost everything, when something has a beginning, it has an end."
"It's a positive completion, ending, or fulfillment of a longer cycle."
"It's the circle of life and it moves the soul."
"There is no escape from this endless wheel of samsara, life and death, because in Hinduism, unlike Christianity, there is no forgiveness."
"A symbol that she's done with that cycle here's the new cycle of you know possible pregnancy."
"A rebirth is assured, something's coming back to life, complete the cycle."
"Death and disease are just natural parts of life."
"You're completing this cycle of learning to trust yourself."
"I came from stardust, and I'm gonna end up stardust."
"The world card can be a very successful card, getting to the end of a cycle, breaking through those barriers."
"Even if things end, they get replaced with newer things or renewed."
"Life is a constant process of death and rebirth" - participate fully.
"An empire lasts about 250 years... six ages defined the lifespan of an empire."
"This cycle is going to shift into much more positive energy."
"There's a karmic cycle that's come to its come to fruition and that's coming to an end."
"The Black Gift is only borrowed. The Black Gift gives us our life, and in death, we return to the Black God."
"Life is a cycle, your atoms didn't use to be part of you and soon they'll no longer be part of you."
"Death is psychologically just as important as birth."
"That's where we started and that's where we're finished."
"New leaves cannot come unless the old leaves go."
"Energy enters the flesh, the body, and it experiences something when the body dies or just ends. The energy leaves the body; science has already figured that out."
"The full moon Aquarius says no you're not done with it yet, this is the culmination you're seeing what you've created."
"First you feed yourself, then you feed the worms. That's life."
"The brighter a star the faster it burns up all its Fuel and the shorter its life."
"They're due to have some babies coming out now."
"We're experiencing simultaneously a birth and a death."
"Change is an integral part of the natural order."
"There's an ending of cycles, there's a breakthrough."
"Expect transformative love that leads to a high level of commitment and completion of a positive cycle."
"Number 3: Red-Eyes Black Dragon – a tale of life, death, and resurrection."
"From the birth to the tomb, you gotta know about it, you gotta know its history."
"On screen, Pikmin are constantly born and constantly dying. It’s a deep game that really understands how the world is a cycle of life and death."
"Sometimes a flower is just a flower and the best thing it can do for us is to die."
"This cycle is coming to an end but it will end in December for you, so the message here is you need to hold on until December."
"Life, Death, Resurrection. Life, Death, Rebirth."
"When you die, your breath goes back in the presence of God."
"Enjoy it while you're here. What comes down must come up. Everything is a cycle, so enjoy it."
"Things are about to shift in your favor. A whole cycle is ending here."
"Our universe gives life only a brief moment to shine - a haven in time, safe from its fiery birth and icy death."
"Our son is a mature star, it's like a middle-aged star, it's calmed."
"Nature is just like the hardest thing to find these days, but it's where we all come from and it's where we're all gonna go so you better make yourself at home."
"The mature identity is able to live in the full cycle."
"Dying is being born; the next thing you would know is you're just popping into existence again."
"It represents the start of life. It is springtime in the northern hemisphere of the earth, so spring is the moment when nature starts to come alive again."
"Death transformation: the caterpillar never died, it transformed."
"There's a cycle of creation, destruction, and renewal."
"It's strange to think of it, but even without bringing multiverses and eternity into play, there is a good chance you will be back again one day."
"Just as every leap proceeds a fall, a period of reflection precedes every ending."
"Death and dying becomes a very real part of life and by the way if you've actually done the best you can, you've done you. That's the best you can do."
"There's no beginning and there is no end, only until now and paradise again."
"Balanced cycles, new karmic energy, exciting new beginnings, potential new addition to the family."
"Look at the bigger picture; everything must pass away, death precedes transformation and rebirth."
"When you die, your death will be like a dream; it would be like when you went to sleep, the only difference is when you wake up, you wake up as a newborn baby."
"Your strength is sitting in an area of energy that is not necessarily yours right now. As things come into balance and alignment because the Wheel shows up as the last card here, with what is your nemesis, it is this new cycle coming into balance."
"The world is yours, something is coming full circle and I love that for you."
"Swamps know death intimately, but it doesn't necessarily define death as a tragedy or a bad thing."