
Etymology Quotes

There are 863 quotes

"Cyclops means 'round-eyed', it doesn't mean one eye."
"Compassion comes from two Latin words, 'com' meaning with and 'passio' meaning pain."
"Philosophy, from the Greek word philosophia, literally means love of wisdom."
"Magic comes from the Persian language, where 'Magus' means 'the chemical,' relating to chemistry, and in Arabic, the one that makes chemistry is 'alchemist'."
"The word addiction actually comes from a Latin phrase for slavery."
"You may know because the word 'mill' is called 'mill' because of the first card to have that mechanic, which is Millstone."
"The word for healing itself comes from the Anglo-Saxon word 'wholeness'. So, healing is wholeness."
"The term charismatic comes from the Greek word meaning 'gift, grace, or favor.'"
"Bluetooth is named after the 10th-century Scandinavian King named Harald Bluetooth who peacefully united Norway and Denmark."
"In order to find out what a word means, you don't look up the definition; you look up the etymology."
"Excruciating, from the Latin excruciatus, meaning 'out of the cross.'"
"Identity is literally formed from a couple of different words in Latin that basically mean repeated beingness."
"The word Druid is derived from Proto-Celtic *deru-wid-; ‘deru’ meaning oak and ‘wid’ meaning to see."
"Faith is loyalty. Fido was a popular dog name because it was based on the derivative of the word fidelity, meaning the opposite of infidel."
"Encourage. It comes from the French, 'en', 'to put in'; and 'courage' -- for the heart."
"You can actually predict the form of words in English from the form they have in Sanskrit thousands of miles and thousands of years away."
"The word 'personality' comes from the Latin 'persona', which means mask."
"The word 'Fae' comes from the Latin 'fata' meaning the fates."
"I'm really weirdly interested in etymology and linguistics, like where words come from and how language forms."
"The term 'monster' is derived from the old Roman word 'monstrum,' which is defined literally as a divine omen indicating misfortune, an evil omen, or a portent."
"The word rune actually means whisper, secret, mystery."
"The very word 'prayer'... originally meant a different operating system."
"The name 'Vistara' has been derived from the Sanskrit word 'Vistaar' which basically means a limitless expanse."
"The name 'Manhattan' comes from the language of the Lenape Native Americans and derives from the word 'Manahata'."
"Eureka comes from the ancient Greek word Eureka... loosely means 'I found it.'"
"Studying etymology and language history just makes it plain that it's impossible to control language."
"Every day is a school day at tifo well yeah and the format has gone but the etymology has remained."
"County Galway is named after the city of Galway, it means stony river."
"Bern and Berlin both come from Germanic roots meaning marshy place."
"Scholarship shows across the board that Jehovah came about through the vowels of Adonai."
"The word 'Sheol' is the Hebrew word for the current hell, and 'Hades' is the Greek word for the current hell."
"Testify and testicle have the exact same root."
"Before we move on, here's a fun little fact: 'Bilkis' means wolf in Lithuanian, his brother's name 'Farkas' also means wolf in Hungarian."
"Foreigners develop their words for China from 'Tinh.'"
"These guys, the Phoenicians, the word 'phony' comes from Phoenicia because they are phonies."
"Buenos Aires was named after the good winds that had brought the sailors safely to the land."
"Wow thank you and you got the Brooklyn look at that see that knit that writing there that's closer to what the word Brooklyn it's Dutch it's a Dutch word it's actually it's small town in the Netherlands and that's where the word comes from."
"The word 'zombie' was first recorded into English in 1819 by European explorers in West Africa."
"The Latin word for tattoos is stigma... it does have some relatively negative connotations."
"So we see French loanwords in English like gentle, following our hard-G soft-G rule that we’re taught in elementary school."
"The word 'dominion' and Canada's name comes from the Latin Dominus which means master."
"Heroic means irregular in French and is said to originate from the Portuguese word Barako meaning imperfect pearl."
"It's really in the name: nihilism comes from the Latin word 'n,' which translates to nothing, and 'ISM,' which translates to ideology."
"Do you know what john means? It means god is gracious in hebrew."
"Most of the words we're using today... are based in Anglo-Saxon."
"The name America is derived from the god Kwatsukauddle."
"To understand the beginnings, etymology of these things is very important... because that's what you travel for, authentic experiences."
"The word 'creed' itself comes from the Latin verb 'credo', which means what? We have some pastors here that I know -- it means I believe."
"At the root of the word discipline is the word disciple."
"Why does a crocodile not butt use flies be called flutter buys flutter bites yeah flutter bars so they swapped it round to butterflies but it sounds better doesn't it flutter by something that flutter buys yeah flutterbye."
"The word 'atom' is actually Greek for uncuttable."
"The original meaning of the word 'knight' was to serve, how humble is that?"
"The passion fruit gets its name from one of the many different species of passion flower."
"The name 'waitomo' originates from the Maori word 'why' water and 'Tomo' hole or shaft."
"The personality comes with the word from the word persona and persona in ancient greek means mask."
"Language history is so interesting when you dive into it and like oh so it's all kind of arbitrary, yep that's how it'd be."
"Jesus - the name literally means 'Jehovah saves'."
"The word vote means to wish, if you look up the derivation of the word, nothing to do with anything else."
"The secret of the Grail is concealed in its etymology."
"The word fascism comes from the root 'fasces,' a bundle of sticks bound together because a single twig is easily snapped but a bundle of sticks is almost impossible."
"The word 'secede' is derived from the Latin, meaning 'set apart,' a biblical concept."
"Cosmos is a Greek word for the order of the universe."
"The name Bionicle is a portmanteau of the words biological and chronicle, according to the creator of the story Greg Farshtey."
"The term Ceaser literally came from 'seize,' like people originally thought that demons were seizing somebody's body."
"Gaslighting comes from a play where the husband was slowly turning down the oil on the gas lamps." - Explaining the origin of the term and its relevance to modern discourse.
"The name Kith comes from the old fashioned term 'kitthen kin' which basically means friends and family."
"Catastrophe, right at the middle. Aster, catastrophe, the star. Yeah."
"The name 'Mali' originally was derived from the Mandinka word for Hippopotamus... But later it came to mean 'The place where the king lives'. Either way there's like a connotation of strength behind it."
"Manhattan is a Native American term for the land of many hills."
"When you realize that the word 'slang' is slang for 'short language'."
"The truth is that the word Othismos really just means 'the state of being pushed'."
"The name of it was from General Manuel Bonilla from Honduras and it literally means good village."
"The etymology of the word 'sincere' means without wax."
"The word Jurassic comes from a Celtic word for wood or mountain."
"It's an obsolete American English word, short for 'bunkum,' which means nonsense."
"Asparagus used to be known as Sparrow grass because people couldn't make sense of the Latin name asparagus."
"The term maroon is believed to have originated from the Spanish word 'Cimarron,' which means wild or fugitive."
"The name Bahamas comes from the Spanish term 'bahamar', meaning shallow sea waters."
"The root of the word Islam is a religion that's named something like that, yes."
"In Greek, zukma means bridge and in antiquity it was the only Crossing Place on the river between Anatolia and Mesopotamia for hundreds of kilometers."
"Electricity comes from the Greek word for Amber."
"The word essene likely comes from the Aramaic word which means 'the pious ones'."
"Fajita means little belts and comes from a northern Mexican slang word."
"The roots of the words are very important because through understanding the root you can understand, they say that on average you understand six other words if you understand one root letter."
"Spain's name might have come from the lands where metals are forged or from the Greek word 'Hesperia,' meaning 'western land.'"
"Italy comes from the Latin name for the area where the Sicels lived, called 'Italo.'"
"Proto-Germanic *uns, which without the change, became Dutch ons, and with it, became Swedish oss and English us."
"The word quarantine comes from 'quarantena,' meaning 40 days in 14th-century Venetian."
The origins of the word "Canaan" are a mystery.
"The etymology of 'radical' is 'root.' It's about fundamental change, departing from traditions. This month is radical, it's life-changing."
"Passion is not just a romantic emotion. In fact, the root word of passion in Latin is Pati and I love it because it means to suffer."
The first use of the term "mooning" to mean exposing the buttocks occurs in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
"A sincere smile was named after a sadist French neurologist who electrocuted people's faces."
"Avocado is a cross between two plants called an avo and a cardio. It's an old Aztec word which means testicle."
"Do you know that weiner literally just means somebody from the city of Vienna?"
"What means sorceries from Greek? Sorceries is the word in Greek 'phakia' that we have the word pharmacy from and it's translated anything that makes the mind confused."
"When you find out that 'helicopter' isn't broken into 'helium copter' but rather 'helico,' which means spiral, and 'peter,' which means wing. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow."
"...followed the dominant variation of the name during their own contemporary period, so how do we get from Yeshua to Jesus?"
"The word 'rapture' comes from the Greek word 'harpazo,' which means to take suddenly or to snatch."
"The word 'astronaut' means star sailor in its origins."
"The town of Beverly in North Yorkshire is believed to get its name from an ancient Beaver Lake on the site."
"That's exactly what it is. It is diminutive versions of those words: roulette is a little wheel in French, cannoli little tubes because the word tubes is canna, mozza is cut in Italian, and burro is a donkey in Spanish."
"Barack means light, lightning, Lucifer."
"Do you know what biscotti stands for? No idea, sir. 'Biscuit' means twice, 'koti' means cooked. So, I flipped it."
"In addition to its boiling lava, the etymology I think also works great."
"Vermont comes from the French for Green Mountain, ver Mo."
"The word 'gnostic' comes from the Greek 'gnosis,' meaning knowledge."
"The word 'aftermath' was originally 'after mo' and it referred to the green shoots of grass that appear after mowing."
"...English native speakers usually say Haribo. Haribo. And again the name originates in the name of the founder of the company which was Hans Riga and he was from the city of Bonn in Germany."
"Courage is heart-based. It's wild that courage actually comes from the word 'kurage', which means passion in French."
"Barugon's name was apparently derived from 'baru,' an Aboriginal word for crocodile's ancestor, and 'gon,' from 'dragon.'"
"The word comes from the old English, 'All Hallows Eve.'"
"Derived from 'Charr' meaning assault wagon or battle tank."
"The name Tyrannosaurus Rex comes from the Greek and Latin words meaning Tyrant Lizard King. Yeah, I'd say he nailed it pretty good."
"Blue dye is actually named after 10th Century Scandinavian King Harold Blátand."
"It’s important to look back and respect the etymological root of a word."
"That's literally where the word slave came from. It comes from SL."
"Yaris is actually derived from the Greek goddess of charm and beauty, Charis."
"The roots are O-S-O-P-H-Y. I'm assuming that's the study of... Sophia, means knowledge. Knowledge, okay. Feel means life. No, okay, it means love. So a lover of knowledge."
"Many English words for basic food items can be traced back to the Vikings - with words like egg, bread, spud, and cake all deriving from Old Norse."
Vikings also gave us the word "thing," but unlike our use, they had a purpose for it - community meetings were called "things," and it was here where disputes could be settled.
"This one's derived from Stella meaning star."
"Volute comes from the Latin volvo, which means to row or turn around."
"They are often referred to as raptors, which comes from the Latin word raptaire, meaning to seize and carry off."
"This exceptional sword gave us our English word gladiator."
"Why did they call them zed lines? It comes from the German word 'Zwischen', which literally means an intermediate disk."
"The name Los Angeles was derived from various Spanish references to the lady of the angels."
"...they decided they'd name it Thermopolis because they would name it after the hot springs, thermo for hot or boiling, and polis for city."
"A lot of the time the part that proceeds 'shire' in these county names relates to a major settlement in that county."
"The word 'capital' is Latin for 'knowledge of the head,' nothing to do with money."
"Etymologically, the word 'kawaii' originates from the word 'kawahayushi', which means 'embarrassed'."
"Pons means bridge and why it is called bridge it must be bridging two important structures let's see what they are."
"The term bunny boiler comes from which 1987?"
"Clarinet's name comes from the Italian word clarineto which means little trumpet."
"The word 'lac,' ultimately derived from Sanskrit, is commonly used in Southern Asia to mean what number?"
"The name Corbin was an Indian name which meant many waters."
"Yeah, there wasn't a word for sky until ten thousand years ago, so..."
"Why are there so many countries named Guinea? And do they have any relationship to guinea pigs?"
"The name Scirocco is derived from the Mediterranean wind that comes from the Sahara desert."
"Edda, meaning poetry or great grandmother, a trendy twist."
"The word 'rock' meaning sway... comes from Old English 'rockian', meaning to rock or move a child gently to and fro."
"Most people don't realize that the word 'lunatic' comes from Luna, the Roman goddess of the moon."
"What I can tell you as a German is that in the English language, the word flag is actually a one-to-one takeover from the German word Flak."
"The River Cherwell used to be called Charwelle C. H. A. R. W. E. double L. E."
"The actual word shrift literally translates to letter or writing and this is no coincidence"
"The name Dodgers came from a shortened version of trolley Dodgers, a disparaging term haters used to describe the people of Brooklyn."
"The word astronaut is rooted in the Greek language."
"Well done, today I learned the words 'cream' and 'Christ' are cognates."
"The term first appears in the wake of the Crusades with historians coming back and knights and travelers talking about how the people of the region worshipped a pagan deity known as 'buffumay.'"
"The word 'twerk' has been in use since 1820, primarily by people from Yorkshire."
"Keep in mind the root word of magic is dealing with magnetism."
"Bastard actually just means that you're the child of people that aren't married to each other, damn, there's got to be a lot of bastards then."
"Even the word 'hospital' is Benedictine."
"Sustain comes from a Latin word that means 'to hold', and 'sub' from below, to hold from below."
"Even today, with the mainland Scandinavian languages, you'll find words spelled exactly the same as their English equivalents."
"Believe it or not, this musical instrument, the flute, is not named for the person who invented it, but for the flauta, a Sicilian eel."
"Many words share common roots between English and Spanish."
"I believe the root of the word disowned is owned."
"I think we did a pretty good job though... the word Samaritan comes from the word chomer which literally means Keepers or Guardians of the tour."
"Dinosaurs can be translated as 'fearfully great lizard' or 'terrible lizards'."
"Ghana's name means 'warrior king.'"
"The capital, Accra, also has an unusual translation. It comes from the African word 'nkran,' meaning ants, as there is an abundance of ant hills in the areas surrounding the city."
"Islam comes from the same root as Salam..."
"The name Dundee comes from the early Celtic languages as 'dun dig' meaning either 'digs fort' or 'hell of fire'."
"Jaeger means hunter, not Jagger. Inspired by Dapper from Google and Open Zipkin."
"Now, here's a fact, facts are facts, like we can argue with interpretation of certain words, you can't really argue with etymology though, right? A word means what it means."
"so in order to understand mankind we have to look at the word itself mankind basically it's made up of two separate words mank and I love it."
"The word 'Bible' comes from the Greek word 'Biblos' or 'Biblus,' meaning book."
"Believe means to love, believe and belove, it's the same thing."
"The sublime comes from subliminal, just below the limit."
"Beelzebub actually means 'Lord of dung' or 'Lord of Filth.'"
"If you’ve ever called someone a dunce, you’ve offended at least two people: the person you’re referring to, and Blessed John "Duns" Scotus."
"Johannesburg was named after three people, the burg It was a word that was used by the Dutch people that means city."
"Words themselves have their own genealogical history."
"Yeah, you get words like 'typhoon' which we just take for granted as an English word but it's Japanese."
"Candy, really? Candy is also from, like, the Hindi Urdu, um, original origin, yeah."
"Antietam is a Native American word that translates as 'swift current.'"
"Most of the roots are simply three consonants, like the root slm, which means safety or peace."
"So, the reality is it was replaced by other words. Italian 'giallo' goes back to the old French form of 'jaune.' I don't know what it was in Old French, but basically 'jaune' and 'giallo' originally go back to a Latin word meaning yellowish-greenish."
"Blue is weird of the color words in English because it is the only color word that didn't carry over from Old English to Modern English."
"Diet actually comes from the Greek word dieter which means a way of life. What a beautiful thing, right? When we're talking about diets, we should be talking about a way of life."
"It’s surprising how many of the words we use today have survived from Old English."
"The word 'drone' originates from bees."
"The origin of the country's name literally meant white Russia."
"Indeed, the land of rabbits, a strange origin for a country name."
"Country names have this evolution between languages, emerging from an initial definition until reaching the current adaptation."
"The phrase black hole actually originated well before the idea of a black hole came to be."
"Names of countries often have fascinating origins, like 'land of the Eagles' or 'Black Mountain'."
"Racism comes from the word race. Race means group. Racism applies to a group, not an individual."
"The name Poland is derived from the Polans, a West Slavic tribe that lived in that area around the 9th century."
"The word 'volcano' comes from the Latin volcano god Vulcan."
"Good boy snails and slugs are gastropods from the Greek word gastro, meaning stomach and pod meaning foot."
"Deus is from deva in Sanskrit meaning all these words are migrating."
"Etymologies become revealed word origins become revealed origins that were being hidden because of colonization or because certain traditions religions didn't want people to know their predecessors or where they got their knowledge from but all of this is now coming out."
"Florida was named by the Spanish in 1514 from the Spanish term Florida often referring to a place's abundance of flowers."
"Washington DC or District of Columbia the name comes from Christopher Columbus the famous European Navigator."
"Navasa Island comes from the Spanish term Nava meaning plain since the island is very flat."
"The origin of the names vary a lot depending on each state."
"A lot of these names derive from various Native American tribes."
"I always assumed that Texas had a Mexican or a Spanish origin for the name. That's fascinating."