
Villain Characterization Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"There are many ways to write a good villain: whether they're relatable, they had a good motive, or they're just goddamn terrifying."
"Doflamingo is one of the best villains, if not the best villain yet."
"He is the greatest villain to have ever appeared in cinema, simply for the fact that his machinations and actions on a galactic scale are far beyond anything most villains are able to accomplish."
"Ozai is a very particular type of villain because he's not very active and instead remains as a looming endgame threat."
"The best villains are the most relatable villains because we all have that darkness in us."
"Villains don't need to operate on the same morals as your everyday person. In fact, most of the time, villains that go against the moral standards often stand out more in our minds because they break from the norm."
"Primal Dialga as one of the most fearsome Pokémon villains of all time, going primal way before the posers known as Groudon and Kyogre did."
"There's no super villain quite like Thanos the Mad Titan."
"He chose to be the villain because he was a villain."
"The Riddler's lair at the end is very high-tech, lots of neon and steel and glass. It's from the mind of an insane genius."
"A good villain is the one that thinks they're the hero of their own story."
"Only an opponent who is a fool of pure evil and pride would reject this lesson."
"It's not just a problem that the Night King is the only one doing clever things. Clever villains are exciting."
"The only real bad guys of Omen of the Stars are the cats who live in the dark forest."
"Who are the true villains of this story? The one percent."
"Deadpool might just be responsible for what Marvel Comics described as one of the most dangerous villains on the planet because Venom is a [__] badass."
"Anyone who humanizes a regime where the leader kills his own family is a monster."
"Valmont is the only villain who doesn't have any supernatural abilities and who isn't a demon like lots of cartoon villains his superpower is intelligence and good old money."
"What I loved about it you know no good villain should feel like they are evil you know sometimes when you watch the villain you're like okay how's that guy not know he's a dick."
"Strahd isn't your garden-variety villain, he's a supervillain."
"Every character that's evil is [ __ ] bald basically so like the Jailer that is I'm not even kidding you right the strongest argument that he's evil."
"Every villain sees themselves as the hero of their own story."
"A villain is a step above your run-of-the-mill boss fight. They're a character someone the player can develop a bit of a relationship with as you play."
"King Bradley is the best villain in Brotherhood."
"Thanos wasn’t just an era-defining villain because he was powerful."
"Jared is the ultimate DC Comic super villain because he operates in plain sight, befriending the very Heroes that we depend on and does it all with a smile on his face."
"Terrifier features a villain that is genuinely unnerving in both appearance and action."
"The best and most compelling villains are the ones who think they're the good guys."
"Unrepentant, unfixable sociopath. No weepy backstory to make you feel good for the villain."
"A human villain who puts the psychology in psychological horror."
"Good villains are so cool, overpowered villains done right, that is a very rare breed of villain."
"A good villain in my eyes is one that can provoke emotion."
"I thought it was everything I expected and more... This might be easily the best villain in the MCU." - Aaron
"Augustine is a really neat villain with a really cool boss fight."
"Slade is potentially the greatest DC arc villain of all time."
"Scourge is sinister, scary, and absolutely menacing."
"Thanos is the greatest villain in the history of Marvel Cinematic Universe, and this narrative is now getting regurgitated into the world."
"Not only is Krieg a delightfully hate-worthy villain with a ton of tricks and weapons up his sleeves, but the fight also acts as a microcosm of what makes Luffy such a great protagonist."
"This Vilgax is both intimidating and has a personality and is probably the best version of Vilgax we've ever had."
"He isn't a one-sided villain, he's a threat to everyone." The studio needs a threat like that to tie it all together. All signs point to Galactus.
"The main villain wasn't a speedster... they found something interesting with the mastermind."
"Pete's villainous nature has also been capitalized on in more recent years as the main antagonist and villain of the Epic Mickey and Kingdom Hearts games."
"Nightmare Moon is just like she is OG villain and nobody can top that."
"The main villain, the BIG BAD, of not only the main installments, but the entire Kingdom Hearts Universe is... this guy."
"There is no denying that Thanos is one of the biggest baddest villains."
"Maybe Red Skull went full magic on this thing, opening a dimension."
"The villains' real threat is the world as a whole."
"It’s almost like they know they are the bad guys, when everyone knows the best bad guys think they are the good guys."
"Does he really think that he's doing good actually or does he know that he's become a bond villain and he's just happy to be a villain?"
"Slappy's relentless capacity for evil and overall creepiness made him a standout franchise villain."
"Characters like Gwildor would be rolled into the toyline and Frank Langella's Skeletor would set the tone for He-Man's rival in New Adventures."
"A good villain will always chew the scenery and spit it in the face of any who dare oppose them."
"Sadler's character design, backstory, and role within the game's plot elevate him to one of the series' most memorable antagonists."
"The action is thrilling and the villains are villains so as a whole yeah, I'm giving the How to Train Your Dragon franchise a rock solid eight."
"That's so trash, I fire it because she's a villain, but they also make you feel her pain."
"Chongqi's antagonist Wen Wu played by the incomparable Tony Leung is not only the highlight of this movie but maybe the best villain the MCU has produced so far."
"When it comes to the worst, you can’t get any worse than someone just killing and destroying entire galaxies for fun."
"With every great film comes great characters, and within that roster of characters, we can usually find for ourselves an equally great villain."
"This just makes the Triad even more intimidating villains."
"Lex Luthor is one of the best villains in all of comics."
"Thanos was never really meant to be the next villain. He's always been an overlord of villainy and darkness."
"I like that villains see themselves as the hero of the story to me that is a much much more interesting story."
"I actually prefer when the villain is charismatic and actually manages to generate genuine loyalty in the followers. Not only does it make more sense, it's also more interesting."
"A villain can be absolutely despicable, but if you hate them because of their actions, then they've succeeded."
"He’s hands down an outstanding villain and it’s really impressive how he was able to break through the already magnificent roster of iconic villains."
"This is not just the biggest DC Comics super villain, this is arguably the biggest villain in fiction period..."
"Syndrome's plot in this movie is probably one of the best villain plots in any superhero movie."
"It probably would have been better for the series to have a single consistent memorable villain."
"Always look to move the camera, use as many interesting angles as you can, and make your villain as fascinating as the hero."
"Wilson Fisk is one of Spider-Man's deadliest foes, a ruthlessly powerful crime lord known as the Kingpin of crime."
"Queen Hedrian and her henchmen are just villains that you love to hate."
"Simple, straight to the point, and definitely one of the best villains of all time."
"Bad guys tend toward one of two categories: relatable versus mysterious."
"Michael B. Jordan is definitely the standout, the best villain in the MCU, hands-down."
"In what movie has the person who uses the defense 'they pay people to do that for me' been the good guy? Never."