
Creature Quotes

There are 453 quotes

"Cyclops was a giant beast of Mythology and it had one huge eye in the center of its head."
"Enjoy first up for the video we have a creature called a Combine."
"Tell of a creature known as mokele-mbembe—it means 'the one who stops the flow of rivers'."
"P778 has proven to be a very pleasant creature."
"Oh my God, that half face, that half face on top of it! It was an octopus, centipede, spider kind of thing, but there was a half-shaped man's face on top of it!"
"It was a massive creature resembling a gorilla, it had red eyes and stared intently at them."
"The creature is impressive, clearly at least seven feet tall."
"What stepped out of the mouth of that cavern... still gives me nightmares to this day... it was like a bear and a wolf and a man put into one."
"I ran as fast as I could back to the reserve, I told my grandfather about it, he then told me the terrifying tale of the Wendigo and I presumed it was that creature that I encountered."
"Could they potentially be talking about a dog man or perhaps a creature of mythology? I'll let you be the judge."
"The creature's mouth opened, a void arranged by teeth."
"Now many people believe that these noises could be coming from Bigfoot, in other words, Sasquatch."
"Could it be an alien, a cryptid, or an escaped lab experiment gone wrong?"
"Frodo and his merry man also run into trouble with a giant spider."
"Whatever the creature is, it's sure to keep you up at night."
"Every single creature in the game, an encounter designer has touched it."
"This thing was a beast. It just had these muscles, and it looked built."
"Whatever the truth of the matter, the creature is known by those who report encountering it simply as 'Old Green Eyes'."
"Experiment 1006: The prototype is a unique creature."
"It was when it turned towards us... I saw tentacles on it."
"So it looks like we've got a bone vampire on the loose."
"Tell me if you can identify this creature because the uploader is certain that this is a skinwalker."
"This thing is epic, it's like crazy looking, it's got four eyes, it is just like a total troll."
"If nothing else, seeing the shadow proves that the creature really is there. Something is there."
"The creature... about the same size as me... completely bald... large mouth filled with razor-sharp teeth... wasn't making a single sound..."
"This amazing feat performed by the creature convinced Pruitt that it must indeed be an angel."
"The Leviathan opened its maw yet again and spewed forth its tentacle tongue."
"This creature had a long neck and a face like that of a dinosaur."
"The creature or Gillman as he's called is so popular that he's often considered to be the last of the Universal Studio Monsters."
"The word Kaiju is a Japanese word roughly translating to strange beast."
"It descended from the moon itself, a creature with massive wings and the bodily features of a man."
"The rougarou is a creature that is strong, intelligent, and wolf-like."
"The creature was standing on its back legs."
"Staring back at me was a man-like beast with close resemblance to a wolf."
"I don't know if this creature was a skinwalker or something else."
"It looked almost like a deer and a wolf mixed it had rotting skin and I could almost make out a smile."
"May this story serve as a warning: if you're up in Northern Ontario and see a creature in the woods, run away as fast as you can."
"The dragon being a ferocious migrating species with low intelligence."
"4 The Bear Lake Monster. The Bear Lake Monster is a being appearing in folklore near Bear Lake, on the Utah–Idaho border."
"I truly felt like I was in this fantasy world just communing with this creature."
"Scarecrows delivers a decapitation, several eviscerations, multiple stabbings, severed appendages, and the cool mutated Jack creature."
"This movie stood out because it wasn't about the military having to take out this mythical Beast attacking the city."
"If that isn't an epic creature, I do not know what is."
"It's a far cry from the traditional dinosaur-like appearance pitched to tourists over the years. This is what the Monster would have to actually resemble in order to survive and thrive while remaining hidden in the waters of Loch Ness."
"When the salmon begin to migrate into the lock, the creature known as Nessie could be close behind. And if we're right, then that time is now."
"The trouble with tribbles, which of course introduces the Tribbles."
"Was it the same creature that apparently terrorized Point Pleasant just a few years later?"
"...the Creature from the sea responds by bellowing an almost identical call."
"This creature resembles the chameleon in its ability to change appearance to match rocks and corals."
"First, you need to take this dangerous creature away from him."
"The creature had the mangy head of a coyote, skinny dark arms ending in claws, and splotches of fur on parts we could see."
"A huge skinny creature was crouched in the driveway but had a long snout, not like a dog's, with antlers poking out of its head."
"...we were joined by eg the crafting ogre."
"...there stood an ogre clad and a terribly mismatched set of armor emblazoned with a hammer of Muradin on its chest piece."
"The cops, when they would acknowledge the hand existed at all, said it was simply the paw of a bear that resembled a man’s."
"It was actually callled a Dire Wolf."
"If this is real, then I'm curious as to how this mysterious creature managed to get off this plane."
"The creature is said to kill using deadly fangs and razor-sharp claws."
"SCP-J502 is a 5-foot-long orange crocodilian creature with four volcanic lava spouts three on its back and one on the end of its tail."
"This creature has the ability to absorb and copy the DNA of any life-form it consumes, allowing it to take on its appearance, memories, and mannerisms. Freaking creepy, right?"
"A mysterious white creature appeared on the shoreline after the 2011 tsunami, sparking speculation about its origins."
"It’s almost impossible to oversell just how beloved and benevolent this strange creature is."
"She has mastered the ability to call the creature to her side on command."
"She decides to give it a cute name and asks the Creature if it has any names it wants to be called."
"The creature quickly turns the tide, as he begins shooting lasers towards the man, while pushing the hunter backwards and crashing into the buildings."
"Not only did they revisit and redesign were gone for the scene but also the m113 creature also known as the salt vampire."
"The story goes that something jumped out of the trees at him. It had the hands and feet and face of a man, but the body of an ape."
"...a small greenish creature with a dark cloak on... it put its finger up to its lips and was grinning."
"The creature from the lake was unique, a being out of time and place as if it had stepped out of a forgotten world into ours."
"No Xenomorphs, but here's an alien with a mouth within a mouth, so it's like a Xenomorph but not."
"the Cabal is six to seven meters long and looks like a central R with a mouth in the middle of its chest."
"Everything about this creature was unnatural."
"The only thing that comes close to what it looked like was a mix of a sort of a gremlin and Golem. It felt so off though."
"Its voice completely sells the creature."
"...all in all, whatever this creature may be, it is responsible for hundreds of disappearances, and whatever means it utilizes to hunt and dispatch its victims are so effective that to this day we only have a few eyewitness accounts to go off of."
"Since it was published, there is little to no information about this event. A creature is spotted leaping in the woods, and its very long arms and legs tell me that maybe this isn't a hoax or anything of sorts."
"You're hard to tame, not in a sense of like you're a wild ferocious beast to tame... but you're this kind of mystical creature."
"It's a freaky little creature villain thing."
"The creature's cry was like the deep squeal of a pig as it shielded its eyes from my radiant beam."
"This thing, which we realized was not a deer or elk, stood up. We were amazed by its height. We could see right there, this was some sort of large hairy man."
"The Zillow Beast was naturally clipped with plates that could not be penetrated by a lightsaber nor could it be shot through by Blaster."
"Luckily, this Beast was considered extinct by 3653 BBY."
"The dragons are like living creatures and they're not they're not they're like intelligent ones too."
"What a cool creature, right? What a cool creature. I love this thing."
"When you think of classic horror creatures, the werewolf is undoubtedly one of the first to come to mind."
"There’s just no extra computing power to defeat the thing living in the woods, the ancient creature that can change its form to infiltrate the group."
"Now, plunging out of the sands is the death worm, and the bigger they are, the harder they bite."
"...this is ironic because according to most calculations the kinetic energy output of this creature... would come up to anywhere as low as 0.68 tons of TNT to anywhere as high as 12.78 tons of TNT."
"Some people are even saying that this creature isn't even human while others think that he's wearing glasses and it's just a light reflecting off of them."
"the creature darted across the road effortlessly"
"I have this legendary creature and I'm building a deck around that creature."
"Vessen Gamamon is at the adult stage and has the data attribute."
"Watch this large ancient white dragon."
"The Griffin with its amalgamation of feline and Raptor traits is an imposing yet intriguing creature."
"To be a creature is always already to be in relationship to God."
"It's a creature referred to by him and his culture as the mother of the sand."
"The creature was like nothing I'd ever seen."
"I'm pretty sure I saw some kind of Fay creature."
"The plan is that all these design ideas will dovetail right at the last pass, the grade, and hopefully, the end result is a type of creature with a feel that you haven't quite seen before."
"There was no way this thing was human or purely animal."
"It stood upright on two muscular legs, black scales glistening."
"The creature approached the counter, but rather than smash it to pieces or attempt to ensnare the people behind it, the creature stopped a few inches away from the surface."
"...I saw what I can only describe as a creature just standing there."
"The creature emitted a noise, a strange blend of a growl and a hiss, and then spread its wings."
"It was bizarre reading the accounts of other people who had encountered the creature. They all talked about his glowing red eyes, which I can still vividly see in my mind to this day."
"The creature emerged. It was big, really big, and stood on two legs."
"That's a good story... you never really saw the creature."
"It was in the trees. Its thick powerful arms carried it from limb to limb, muscles rippled like waves under its thick coat of matted fur."
"The creeping stalker is one of the fastest creatures."
"Pravis was a hypothetical creature imagined by the British paleontologist Jart Hilman in the early 20th century."
"...I think it's some kind of a hybrid between a human being and some kind of canine..."
"Many people say it's a humanoid creature, some say a fairy, an unidentified species, or a hoax."
"The head was massive. It's pitch black, had a couple of years sitting right on top of its head, probably about another good two to three inches taller than the head."
"The creature's unsettling triple forked and toothed tongue slowly emerged from its gaping maw."
"Both of our arrows hit the creature in its open mouth and it came crashing down."
"Witnesses describe the creature as resembling a large bipedal humanoid with a muscular build and a hunched posture."
"A long lead-colored snout, dull red eyes, no feather or fur, a long lithe body that trailed on the ground, legs whose elbows went up higher than its back like a spider's, cruel claws, bat wings that made a rasping noise on the stones, yards of tail."
"The turquoise horse with the face of a dragon is the Longma."
"The star whale approaches Meridia."
"A giant creature washes up in Newfoundland. Was it an unknown species or a monster from the deep?"
"Was this thing the thing that killed the horse? Did the locals know about it? Was it some mangled creature?"
"That's interesting, though, and it's made a lot of headlines, no pun intended, it's made some waves. And it would be very cool if it was real. It sure looks like a plesiosaur in the footage."
"The sithnigant's most identifying feature is the long stalk of fungal matter that extends from the creature's body ending in a surprisingly strong set."
"This was no bear. It was some sort of human ape creature."
"Deep in the woods of Northern New Hampshire lurks a creature or a race of creatures known as the wood devil of Coos County."
"The creature's appearance was designed by Millicent Patrick and was consistently portrayed by Rico Browning for the underwater sequences in all three films."
"They consider the idea of the pukwudgie being like a little foot."
"It walks on four claws, not two feet. It growls, hisses, and snarls. It doesn't talk. It infiltrates, observes, and waits."
"Imagine a quadruple animal with scales and teeth and claws like yours. Now imagine it's the size of a small house and breathes fire."
"Since the concept of the creature feels like that of a classic urban legend... leaving remnants of all the variations that it's taken on through time."
"The clock had struck 3 in the morning when the residents of this house were startled by the appearance of a strange creature outside of their home."
"No definite explanation for the creature's existence was provided, though, so it still remains a mystery."
"The overall structure of this creature is an animal that prefers to live in the trees but will come down if the environment is disturbed, leading to bipedalism."
"This is my experience dealing with a Dogman while working as a forest service employee."
"The Stanleycaris had a freaky appearance with two eyes on long, bendy stalks and one gigantic eye on the front of its head."
"Neighborish. I'm a creature-loving lemur. Creature neighbors are my pals."
"Little uh, the big big claw, you know?"
"The gorilla-like stature and wiry arms of the creature combined with their shape-shifting head and hypersensitive hearing provide an otherworldly threat to the Abbott family."
"This huge, and I mean huge, wolf-like creature leapt into the air and took off with a supersonic burst of speed."
"The DOA demon is massive, shocker, a cryptid."
"In one of the deepest lakes in the British Isles, swims a camera-shy monster that resembles a giant snake."
"The creature smiled, and that's when I screamed."
"The Wasco, also known by names such as Seawolf Wasco and [__], is a creature from the mythology of the Haida people from the Queen Charlotte Islands in British Columbia, Canada."
"The Mantis Man, reported in Hackettstown, New Jersey, near the Musconetcong River, is a mysterious creature resembling a praying mantis."
"This thing was no bird, it was actually around the size of a large child."
"Woppy or the white hawk lived in a remote part of the forest."
"It had a very weird humanoid face but I can't really describe it."
"It had like a weird looking midsection and the legs looked human."
"...it looked like something big moving quickly on all fours."
"The creature had front and back legs unlike a bird and also had a tail. Luckily, I didn't see it long enough to get a good description of its head."
"This animal could have easily passed as a massive white wolf, but it was too broad."
"If you could imagine there being a giant bug the size of a small human standing, then maybe you would have ever seen the fly."
"It was like I was looking at a gorilla with the head of a dog almost and bat-like wings. It's not a super accurate description but it's the best one I can muster up."
"Reg then uses his incinerator to chase off the beast."
"It's like we had just encountered some sort of freak werewolf creature or something."
"This was a creature that completely terrified me."
"He did confess later on, much later when I was older, that he had run across the same towering dog-like beast."
"As if the thing realized it scared her it stood up to its full height and she realized it was only kneeling she said it must have been six feet tall while on its knees but around nine feet standing up."
"The creature's body was huge and strong like a bodybuilder's but covered in dark thick hair."
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This thing started running along the beach and then it would jump into the water for a few seconds and then come back up onto the beach."
"This thing stood at least eight feet tall and had this jet black fur all over its body. I've never seen fur so dark. It was walking on two legs like a human but its head looked like that of a wolf's with pointy ears and these glowing yellow eyes."
"It wasn't a bison, it was something else, something I've heard about in hushed whispers around campfires."
"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The creature was bigger than a bear with a huge body, fast legs, thick black shaggy hair, and giant horns."
"We were both catapulted into complete fear as the upright creature paused to look around the meadow."
"It looked like a human twisted around walking on all fours with its knees pointed backwards."
"I feel lucky to be alive. The Rake is a creature that most folks never come across."
"the creature towered above me looming in a manner that was both awe inspiring and intimidating"
"It had glowing blue eyes and looked like a wolf, but much larger and more muscular."
"To this day, I still wonder what that creature was and where it came from."
"It is tall and it is way too tall. It is standing on two legs now, it is just so tall."
"It had a very reptilian face, the long snout, green scale-like skin."
"Walter M. Silkey, a witness traveling along Route 20 in West Granby, glimpsed a creature resembling a panther."
"It was unlike anything I'd ever seen before, a creature that seemed both out of place and out of time."
"What struck me the most was the absence of a visible neck, its head emerged directly from its broad shoulders."
"It was just this lump of flesh and fur with a massive head."
"I don't think it was Bigfoot, Bigfoots actually have a face and a more cone-shaped head and a lot of hair and judging from what I heard from so many other eyewitness accounts, this however looked very alien."
"Its eyes were large and yellow, even amber, depending on how much light was shining off of them at that moment—it seemed to be barely any at all."
"The hunched back still bent unnaturally, I realized it was standing upright on two legs like some demented human-ape hybrid."
"As it tilted its great horned head back, I could see its glowing red eyes just slashes of luminescent crimson in the shadowy sockets of its skull."
"Some people called it a mere alligator, but others swore that it was something more ominous, something otherworldly."
"He confirmed that there was indeed a strange creature that he had seen living back there."
"Imagine a creature capable of delivering a jolt of electricity that tops out in an astounding 860 volts."
"If you are in Shenango Valley area at night and happened to you hear how or something moving about in the forest, perhaps you too will encounter the Shenango Valley werewolf."
"A creature bigger than any dog, possessing glowing greenish-yellow eyes."
"I would love to see it I look for it all the time Ogopogo has been like almost this mythical creature that everybody is just fascinated with."
"Eyewitness and newspaper reports describe a hideous creature."
"Somewhere just off St Simon's Island at the mouth of the Ultima River they saw a creature that was estimated to be 70t long and 8 ft in diameter."
"Long before the region was colonized and settled by the British, the local Tama people had their own tales of something lurking in the water."
"There are people that have listened to the bloop and decided that it was a call of some creature, some enormous monstrosity and yet unknown to science or man."
"Bears walk on all fours, this creature was walking on two legs."
"He really believes it because one day, just like Gene Shepard, Jerry came face to face with the monstrous creature."
"Could it be that this fishing crew caught the mythological creature known as the siren on camera"
"It was the creature feasting on his legs that caused my body to cease."
"I am what every creature of the night should fear."
"The creature is known to be a messenger between physical and spiritual worlds."
"This is an axolotl, the winner of this year's award."
"The sweet, simple creature does nothing but provide an endless source of joy."
"The thing had the head that sat directly on its shoulders; it did not appear to have a neck."
"He just slowly and very casually turned to his left and began to walk into the forest."
"It was black like a bear and it had long arms and ran."