
Soulmates Quotes

There are 1445 quotes

"Surely we're meant to be together, surely they're my soulmate."
"Your soulmate is already with you in spirit. Believe this, and it will manifest physically."
"Not just a meeting of minds, but a meeting of energy... your divine counterpart coming in."
"I believe that 100%, there can be someone that matches with everyone. There's billions of people on this planet, there's going to be someone that you connect with on a level that you could get along with and be happy with."
"A soulmate is your perfect match; a twin flame is your perfect mirror."
"The best possible decision could have happened, leading you to where you're meant to be, leading you to your soulmate."
"Your spirit guides are literally conspiring to create the right pathway so that you two cross paths."
"She's kind, she's smart, funny, she makes me feel special, she is my soulmate."
"This soulmate union is very, very healing to both of your souls."
"Letting go of the past and embracing the future with the soulmate, because you guys mirror each other and there is so much more to this connection than just what you are experiencing in physical reality."
"When you come into union with the soulmate, it is so healing for both of you and it ends the loneliness that you both have struggled with."
"This is the true love that you seek and this is the person that you are meant to be with."
"Soul mates are meant to teach you lessons... but also there is such thing as love, there is such thing as soul mates."
"It doesn't matter how long you've known someone; when you meet a soulmate of a friend, it's just different."
"They see you as their soul mate or their twin flame."
"When you find yourself, your soulmate will appear."
"This is a soulmate coming into your life, a beautiful energetic match for one another."
"They definitely feel like you're some kind of soul mates."
"I do believe in soulmates. If you click really well and can look beyond all their flaws, then I feel like you have found the one."
"Going to come to you at the right time. I really sense that a lot of you guys are due to meet your soulmate, but you're overthinking it."
"Your soulmate is actually the one manifesting you."
"You are my soulmate. Six of cups, so this is the card of someone from your past is returning to your life."
"Your divine masculine, your soulmate energetically right now, is going through a huge transformation."
"You both carry your hearts with one another. You both acknowledge each other as soulmates."
"This beautiful soul union, this beautiful coming together, this soul mate connection, past life connection."
"True love. This person recognizes you as possibly the true love, like their soulmate possibly."
"Your soul mate loves, accepts, and respects you unconditionally."
"I don't think soulmates exist. I definitely think that someone can become your soulmate."
"They feel as though you're their soul mate, which is the really ironic thing."
"You're your soul incarnated in another body, and you have this intense telepathic bond."
"You're no longer just my partner, you're my soul mate, and that soul mating is the pinnacle of expectations that we bring to modern love."
"I believe in love, I believe in marriage, and I believe that we do have our perfect match out there."
"It's divine timing for you to meet your soulmate."
"They really see that you guys are like soul mates, two peas in a pod."
"You are open to finding your soulmate quickly and without delay."
"You are attracting the unconditional love of your soulmate."
"What is that? It must be your birthmark to lead you to your soul mate."
"Sorry for eavesdropping, but if you get close enough to him, the ends of the string will reconnect to each other."
"Just our strings just connected. Does that mean we're soul mates? Looks like it."
"What if Janice... is really Chandler Bing's soulmate?"
"Overall, the idea of having a soul mate is one of comfort. It tells us that no matter how hard it gets, no matter how many times we've gotten dumped, there's someone out there looking for us, waiting for us."
"Soulmates are basically divine appointments with people who remind you of your soul plan, who activate your most authentic self, and who challenge you to grow your soul the most."
"Our soulmates are people who are part of our soul tribe, who resonate to the same frequency, who share the same soul goals, and who remind us to grow."
"The idea is to keep yourself in that experience and not depend on them to have the experience; they're just like someone who points out that you can have the experience of your expansive self."
"Soulmates can be romantic, but they can also be friends or family."
"There is a soulmate for everyone somewhere out there on our vast blue planet."
"Soulmates are people that you are just highly drawn to, like the magnetism between the two of you is just extreme."
"Soulmates are put into our lives to offer us guidance and to help us heal, but your healing journey is very individual, very specific, very unique, and you're not responsible for anyone else's healing, vice-versa."
"A soul mate is a person ideally suited for another."
"A soul mate is someone who fits into the future of one another."
"You will have to be available for your soul mate's arrival."
"You will merge with your soulmate seamlessly."
"It's all about soul mate connections in 2020."
"Love is the kiss of God, and the embrace of male and female is the embrace of soul mates."
"This is amazing; we have a soulmate card here. That's just beautiful."
"If there are different types of soul mates, then you are one of mine."
"Finding a soul mate is about choosing who's been chosen."
"Wow, whether you believe in soulmates or not, that's pretty nuts."
"Your future with your soulmate is like a fairy tale romance blossoming, a fantasy love story coming to life."
"Your soulmate is being called in. They will come."
"I feel like we're meant for each other. I feel like we're soulmates."
"They do see you as a soul mate, as their equal beautiful partner."
"They feel like you guys belong together, and that this is going to work out."
"Our soulmate isn't just one person. Soulmates can be many people."
"This is two souls that are meant to be for each other coming back together in peace and harmony."
"They've realized that you're their soulmate."
"You share a soul connection; trust in the strength of your bond."
"You're in a soulmate connection right now as we speak."
"There's someone right now you're in a soulmate connection with."
"You are going to marry your soulmate; this is the type of love that lasts for a long time."
"Soul mates are about true love relationships meant for growth."
"This person is definitely your soulmate... you recognize each other at the soul level."
"Anybody who has ever had any kind of impact on your life, be it positive or negative, is a very near and dear soulmate."
"Their feelings run very deep for you, they recognize you as soulmates."
"This person sees you as marriage material, soulmates, twin flame. They see you as their dream come true."
"This is somebody coming in for you who is a soulmate. This is soulmate energy across the board."
"There's something to be said about soul mates."
"Your soulmate would never doubt you in any way."
"This is going to feel like you hit the lottery because you're going to meet a very high value soul mate."
"This person sees you as soulmates, part of them."
"Confirmation again, they feel you are their twin flame or soulmate, a divine love beyond the social matrix version of love."
"You are one soul in two different bodies, and so there needs to be that self-love, there needs to be that release of codependency."
"They're having this realization, this understanding that you are destined, that your soulmates or twin flames."
"It's a one-in-a-million chance that you get to find someone that connects with you like no one else can."
"They very much feel this with you... They know you're the one for them."
"Your soul is longing to experience what it's like to be with that person."
"One waits a lifetime for his soulmate to come around is a paradox. People eventually get sick of waiting. Take a chance on someone, and by the art of commitment, become soulmates, which takes a lifetime to perfect."
"Soul mates don't have to be romantic in nature, they can just be part of your soul tribe."
"When you meet them it will be almost undeniable that this is the person you're supposed to be with since you know this is your soul mate."
"This is your one emotionally, you both seek a healing soulmate connection."
"The love of your life, healing soulmate connection, you have the key to their heart space, they have the key to your heart space."
"I'm seeing a soulmate coming in that could possibly lead to marriage."
"The two of your hearts together as soul mates and really have that commonality in your personality types, the way of thinking that you share..."
"My wife is the damn best. I met her in Vegas at a show."
"I felt that connection with her, it was like soulmates."
"This person is your other half, this is your soulmate, and the harmony here is so obvious."
"Your true soul mate, the person that will be coming in, you've also known in past life as well."
"INFJs are looking for their soulmates. Don't give up, but realize if you're having a hard time, it's your fault."
"They'll be instantly attracted to you; they might see you as 'the one.'"
"The universe has somebody very specifically picked out for you."
"Your soulmate or best fit is in the [__] minus two million."
"This person sees you as innocent, perfect, like their soulmate."
"There is love, there is soulmate energy available to you."
"They see you as a soul mate and feel incomplete without you."
"They do see you as their one, the most perfect."
"Your soul mates or twin flames, they know they'll never feel a love like this for anyone else."
"You are the one, my soulmate, where I belong forever in all ways."
"One of the biggest signs of your twin flame is you might actually decide to marry this person."
"They felt the connection, they know you're a soulmate."
"Your next relationship is meant to be something beautiful, a true soulmate connection."
"You know that someone is part of your soul star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet."
"Yes, definitely. The lovers is definitely soulmate, so yes."
"Soul mates just because you're soul mates it doesn't mean you're meant to be forever okay it just means they're part of your soul family."
"This is definitely a important soulmate in your life that you were meant to be with and meant to meet."
"Only our twin flame will truly fully see us and understand us at all layers and levels."
"It's not a game, it's an energetic exchange of two people knowing that they have met the person that is their twin flame."
"They feel your soul mates or twin flames if they know that label they know the divine brought you together with these rays of light."
"Your souls know each other already from before."
"A soul mate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes."
"I'm channeling the most important soul mate message for you."
"There's something about this person feeling like your soul family, like you spoke the same language."
"They view you as their soulmate. Your soulmate is already with you in spirit, believe this, and they will manifest physically."
"Soul mates don't have to be romantic. Family members are soul mates."
"Mirrored souls, mutual feelings, fate: you mirror each other in this special connection."
"You can have many, many, many soul mates in your life."
"Each of the 100 dates is Ijo's destined soul mate."
"Your soulmate in this life might not be a romantic relationship. It might be a platonic relationship!"
"There's someone else, this is a kindred spirit, this is a soulmate."
"This is about calling in the one, calling in the soul mate."
"This person wants to come into being with their counterparts, there's unfinished business here and they're indicating that this is your soul mate."
"You do have a soulmate and do not settle until you find that soulmate."
"You are my true love, my true divine counterpart."
"Your soul mate may differ from your usual types and expectations."
"This is powerful energy, this is a soul mate energy here, this is two people who are perfectly matched."
"The year of the soul mate for you, and that's beautiful."
"Shay, you've always been my soul mate... I love you so much."
"Two people falling in love, like two best friends falling in love, soul mates for sure."
"I think I met my soul mate tonight, I think this is it."
"This could have potential to be a soulmate connection for some of you watching this."
"They feel this deep connection, they feel that recognition of a soulmate."
"Your soul mates or twin flames, there's going to be this instant recognition between you both."
"They feel like they've met a true emotional soulmate in you."
"A true soul mate will love, accept, and respect you unconditionally."
"You know some people have soul mates in places, some people have soul mates in people, my soul mate's in the Sims 3."
"Life mate: soul partnership, resonance, true love."
"I know you are my other half, I'm entwined in the thought of finding you one day."
"A soul mate is not found, a soul mate is created."
"You're everything to this person and you guys are like soulmates."
"Everybody I know in a good marriage, it's like wow, so lucky you found your soul mate, no no, you made your soul mate together."
"Your soulmate is someone who digs deeper, rebels against norms, and has a razor-sharp wit."
"Doors start to open when you're with your soulmate, leading to auspicious opportunities."
"This person feels like you're their twin flame."
"This can be a soulmate connection, actually."
"Reunion, lovers - this person feels a soul connection with whoever we're talking to."
"You are my soul mate, you are where I want to be, nobody else."
"This person knows that you are a soul mate, so I do feel like this person knows it's destined, both of you do because that unified energy says this is a destined relationship you're meant to be."
"They recognize you as a soul mate, they want you back."
"Whoever you end up with is not what you're expecting. Your soulmate may differ from your usual type and expectations."
"Remember, you can have more than one soul mate."
"When you find yourself, you find your soulmate."
"Big soulmate alert, you guys are definitely gonna have a soulmate come in."
"Your soul mate is dynamic, whoever you've worked with your whole life."
"Your true soul mate is going to be someone who's going to choose you straight away and recognize your worth straight away."
"This person believes that you're their soulmate."
"There is a lot about connection and soulmates here."
"True soulmate is in this lifetime is someone who is there for you, wants to take care of you."
"This person feels like a destiny you guys, it feels like we are meant to be together babe, we're meant to be together, you're my soulmate."
"They feel you are a significant person in their life, like a soulmate or even twin flame energy."
"This connection is from the higher realms, soul mate energy."
"I truly believe you are the one God set aside for me and likewise I for you."
"All day I dream about you. You're my soul mate."
"This is the other half of your soul; you're made for each other."
"They feel like your soul mates, the divine masculine and feminine coming together."
"You are destined to be with your soulmate. You are destined to be with your life partner. You need to believe that."
"Your soul remembers this intense connection. Your soul knows your soulmate."
"Your soulmate loves, accepts, and respects you. If you're in a relationship right now and they don't love, accept, and respect you, they are not your soulmate."
"They want to be your one and only, they see you as a soul mate."
"You have known each other before, this is a soulmate."
"You and this person are meant to be together, there is potential for you to be soul mates."
"Your person recognizes you as their soulmate, their true divine counterpart."
"You both feel the same way, yearning for each other and reaching out on a soul level. It's a balance of harmony and a desire for union on all levels."
"The reason it hurts so much to separate is because our souls are connected."
"Be open to good things happening because you are manifesting that including a life partner for those of you who have not met or i guess you can say just in general have met your soul mate and that's a true true soul mate."
"You're going to be with your soulmate honestly."
"When you find your true soul mates, you don't feel this like intensity craziness. You just feel so calm and peaceful and genuinely happy."
"Twin flames unite to complement each other and grow together."
"I think there's a perfect somebody out there for everybody in this world."
"Be happy that you're seeing a lot of kids being played and Ollie bringing in those kind of players."
"Relax and be ready for this person to come forward. They see you as one of their soul mates."
"It has to be their soulmate, it has to be like an equal 100 equal match to them."
"When they connect to this true soul mate of theirs, they become a whole new person."
"This person truly dreams of finding a soulmate and building a life with them forever and always."
"You guys are soul mates, you could be this soul mate for this person that they've always looked for all their life."
"True soulmate, true partner, it's always been you."
"They feel like you are mirrors of each other, you reflect each other, they feel like you are twin flames or powerful soul mates, there's this affinity with each other."
"I'm pretty sure if there is such things as soul mates she is mine."
"Souls that belong to each other will always find their way back together do you hear me."
"The height of spiritual expression is in this union with one person who is your closest soul level ally."
"When you least expect it, that is when your soulmate is coming in for you."
"Be patient, your soulmate is worth waiting for."