
Mythology Quotes

There are 9851 quotes

"Cyclops was a giant beast of Mythology and it had one huge eye in the center of its head."
"Cyclops means 'round-eyed', it doesn't mean one eye."
"These Diglett and Dugtrio are believed to have been blessed by Arceus itself."
"Mars has become a kind of mythic arena onto which we have projected our earthly hopes and fears."
"It is said that this is the oldest form of Lapras. Unlike Cantonian Lapras, Corneran Lapras doesn't like humans and will hide at the bottom of rivers and lakes to avoid them."
"It is ironic that he desired to stand on top of heaven, reaching heights that not even gods could fathom, but instead he is banished like Lucifer to the lowest realm of reality."
"Ancient one, so you're awakening the clock, yes. That clock holds the ancient energy, with it you can use fragments of your race's primal hero powers."
"Allegedly the echo from The Big Bang itself is centered around 963 Hertz, known as the frequency of the Gods."
"The ancient Sumerian tablets describe the stories of the gods, their adventures, deeds, and battles, leading to the creation of the heavens, the earth, and humanity."
"The Anunnaki were not immortal but they had exceptionally long lifetimes compared to what we are used to."
"He gave a Celestial punishment of the Soul which shocked all gods and ghosts and directly killed the Dragon King."
"The hero myth might not always work, but it's still the best we have."
"The Triforce was the foundation of our world, and without it, our kingdom crumbled."
"For a god to split up a pair of male and female blades just like how Take did, well, that was the same thing as giving Mikoto an engagement ring."
"The Tower of Babylon... was erected by the Babylonians to create a mighty tower with a top so high that it would pierce the heavens."
"A society cannot function without a mythos, embedding us into a larger story and moral framework that shapes our understanding of the world."
"Could these enigmatic beings be Lei, a guardian spirit from Slavic mythology set to protect the very heart of the forests?"
"You and I stood upon the sand of the sea and saw a beast rise up."
"He was creating a history, a mythology for England, he called it. And that involved not just the story, it involved geography, cartography, geology, ethnography, any other 'ography' you like. He had to do it all, and he did."
"Jung's fundamental contribution, I would say, is his analysis of hero mythology."
"Astronomers learned the night sky by learning the constellations, and there's no better way of learning the constellations than learning the original myths behind them."
"The hero in mythology is the person who goes into unknown territory and masters it."
"The Duat has 12 hours of its own, and in the deepest darkest part of the Duat, the Sun is reborn."
"This month's release features the god of kings, a terrible entity imprisoned in a stone prison for their attempt to try to take over the divine pantheon."
"Adam was more intelligent than the creators and the first ruler."
"King Olaf, your legend is lies, lurid and false."
"We want this to be something special, we want it to be mythical."
"Candyman at the end of this film turns from a neighborhood devil into an avenging angel."
"The Holy Grail, a legendary chalice, has captivated the imaginations of people for centuries with its promise of eternal life."
"Kratos and Loki escape their fates because they change, they become better."
"Myths contain historical truths. Myths are created by humans; humans are shaped by their environment, their experiences. The lines between myth and oral history is blurry."
"Atlantis was not real, guys. It just was not real."
"I am Yaoi, the Storm Dragon, older than the gods themselves."
"We really have not actually left those ancient mythologies."
"This is how Horus is united with Set; they are the light and the dark, opposites within the same unity."
"The ocean within. Channel your inner Bacchus."
"A god infatuated with death, armed with the ability to cause it on a universal scale with the snap of his fingers."
"The rise of science was a triumph over mythology, over magic and superstition."
"The story of the lady in the lake echoes the ancient tradition of depositing weapons in water."
"Every culture has a flood myth... since every culture has a flood myth, many scientists no longer think it's just a story."
"Beastly Kingdom was going to be a mythology-themed land with a rollercoaster through a dragon-infested castle."
"The fictional universe of MK is made up of several realms that are created and overseen by a group of celestial beings known as the Elder Gods."
"Have you ever heard the tale of the koi and the Dragon's Gate? It goes something like this."
"Legends say that any koi able to cross it would be granted gifts beyond measure."
"However, this koi did not give up; it kept swimming and held close its dream."
"Yep, that's right: in Valhalla, it's an open bar."
"A tower is a fusion of stories and records. For instance, if a tower is based on Greek mythology and the ruler of the tower is Hercules, then everything that happened to him in legends will occur in real life as well."
"We learned that this is all on a ship that is passing through the sands. The Duat in the Sands represent the permanent afterlife."
"In the Book of Enoch - where they are known as ‘The Watchers’, it is they who fornicate with the mortal women and bring to life the dreaded abominations that are the Nephilim."
"He was brought up to think that he was the son of Zeus, hence a God among men."
"The book of the dead... helped them prepare for the afterlife where Osiris, the god of the underworld, would judge them."
"The sea monster is also called a Hydra in Greek mythology."
"The dragon is probably one of the better-known mythical creatures on Earth."
"The Pokémon League is located high atop a mountain and is inspired by Valhalla."
"Descriptions of Nessie vary, but most agree that it's a large serpent-like creature with a hump protruding from the water."
"Vampires are actually a kind of undead creature."
"The Anunnaki have also been connected to the creation of humanity, where they are said to have created humans to serve as laborers for the gods."
"The mythology of the Anunnaki is complex and spans several ancient cultures."
"The idea of little people is not sort of just in fairy tales; it is in all cultures, all continents around the world."
"You have the Giants, and you have the little people, and you have Sasquatch or Bigfoot, and they all seem to be sort of connected and related."
"Our goal today will be to inform you of the origins of Enoch, which stretch back to the oldest known god in written history from Mesopotamia."
"The concept of the Apkallu, known as the seven sages in Mesopotamian mythology, played a formative role in shaping the imagery and ideas within the Enochian literature."
"We can get a basic idea by looking at mythology and seeing what dragons are capable of."
"Mythology is stories, and stories change with every telling."
"Every time a myth of a god gets written down, it's like a photograph of that god in that single moment of their development, or like a single frame from an animation."
"When we do a deep dive like this, I usually go as far back as I can to try and find the earliest stories so we can trace this evolution, and watch as the gods we're familiar with now start out as wildly unfamiliar figures before growing and changing with their societies to eventually become the figure we recognize today."
"While the offspring of a god is called demigod or half-blood, the child, grandchild of a demigod, is called a legacy."
"Izanami nomikoto...is both the goddess of creation and death."
"Kali...is often depicted standing on or trampling Shiva while she's wearing a skirt made out of human arms and heads."
"Sekhmet could either be known as the Lady of Terror or the Lady of Life depending on which side of hers you were on."
"Poseidon...decided to take advantage of Medusa right then and there...instead of punishing Poseidon for being a major slimeball, Athena turned her rage to Medusa."
"Imagine Gilgamesh reacting to the fact that he is two-thirds god, one-third man for the first time. Dude, those fractions got crazy."
"Thank you for joining us in this captivating journey through the rich tapestry of Mesopotamian and Greek mythology."
"Myths are stories from a time or a place where there is often no recorded history, but they are often inspired by real events or objects or sometimes other myths."
"These myths were not designed to deliberately mislead people to knowingly create falsehoods and fabrications; they are stories our ancestors told to explain things, and we should be proud of them and proud to retell them."
"Pishacha is said to be the very manifestation of all evil."
"God's come in all shapes and sizes. The Hindu god Ganesha has four arms and the head of an elephant, the Egyptian goddess Tolerant has the head of a hippo, the arms and legs of a lion, and the tail of a crocodile."
"Nüwa, the mother and creator of mankind, the great goddess of order."
"From the union of yin and yang, a primordial being was formed."
"With the swing of his giant axe, he separated yin from yang, yin becoming the murky earth and yang becoming the clear skies."
"Pangu's breath became the mists, the winds, and clouds; his voice became thunder; his sweat became rain."
"Erlang Shen, the miraculous sage of the Red City, the greatest warrior of heaven, the one who defeated the invincible monkey king."
"Chang'e drifted far into the skies, onto the moon, where she became known thenceforth as the moon goddess."
"Hades isn't just on his own anymore, guys; he's going to be amassing an army."
"The Weeping Angel, the angel cried without its gems, one is blue and one is red, give them back it will tell you a secret."
"For the Late Bronze Age is the era of the Trojan War, long suspected to be a half-remembered recollection of real events."
"Gilgamesh...seeks out Utnapishtim...to seek the answers to immortality."
"A bucket load of prominent historical figures, ranging from Herodotus to Ponce de Leon, believed in a Fountain of Youth."
"The foundation needs to be more than a man to inspire it; it needs a myth that can endure for centuries."
"A goddess who gets rejected by her master is fated to wander alone for the rest of eternity."
"A powerful goddess unleashed her mighty wings and summoned the Judgment of Heaven."
"A figure of myth and legend that needs no introduction."
"Moltres: The phoenix, the famous legend of a bird whose fresh blood confers immortality when drunk, is said to be modeled after Moltres."
"I, Thoth, the Atlantean, master of mysteries, keeper of records, mighty king, magician, living from generation to generation, being about to pass into the halls of Amenti, set down for the guidance of those that are to come after."
"Thoth was an immortal in that he had conquered death, passing only when he willed."
"Atlantis's belief was common accepted in Greece, Egypt, and the Mayans and Aztec empires."
"The Elder Scrolls is a universe full of myth, legend, and fact, but the hard part is discerning which is which."
"I like mining the past, going into the myths, finding modern applications or updating them, and just tapping this resource that mythology and folklore can be."
"The elixir is some kind of magic thing, like the Golden Fleece or the Holy Grail, that brings back life into the culture."
"It wasn't until Hercules was able to prove himself that Phil agreed to train him, and by the time Hercules earned his divinity back, Phil had reclaimed his faith in heroes."
"The Hive have many leaders and gods, as we call them, the most important at this time was Oryx, the Taken King."
"Perhaps inadvertently, he granted himself and his Floette immortality. Otherwise, how would they still be here 3,000 years later?"
"An eclipse symbolised a time when the gates of the underworld, or gates to the spirit world, land of the dead, would open."
"Most of the greatest fantasy universes have a creation myth, a grand tale of cosmic beings weaving the fabric of the world into existence."
"It was the Blood Betrayal, as it is known, that ushered in the age of darkness called the Long Night."
"Man cannot kill a god, but perhaps a god can be affected by time."
"Legend has it that the creature bursts into flames when it dies, and a new bird then rises from the ashes."
"Ancient Egyptians linked the bird, which they called Bennu, to immortality."
"Fire and immortality are the traits most commonly assigned to the mythological birds."
"The ancient dragons had scales of gravel stone and wielded lightning as their weapon."
"The Abzu and Tiamat, in all of the mythologies they appear in, are seen as primordial gods who bore the first generation of deities."
"The ancient king whose seat lies at the heart of the storm beyond time."
"Every night, Ra and Apophis would fight each other in the underworld, each fight a dramatic duel between order and chaos."
"To understand Apophis is to understand the reason he exists, which is to bring creation to an end and return everything back to chaos."
"Ra's nightly journey through the underworld was a time of profound renewal for him."
"Each morning the sun was born from the womb of Nut, the sky goddess."
"So great was his power that it took the combined strength of many gods to overcome him."
"His victory would unleash absolute destruction, bringing about the end of the Egyptian gods and, more broadly, of the universe itself."
"Gods of Egypt are descended from the stars. If this is true, did they once inhabit every part of the Earth and are these ancient beings still here making their presence known when least expected?"
"She literally decimated the mountain because she was jealous of how beautiful it was."
"Through mythology and the process of phylogenetics, we can trace the origins and evolution of myths, giving us insights into the religious beliefs of our ancestors."
"Mythology shows that beliefs traveled with human migrations, illustrating a change in cognitive behavior and the persistence of myths of creation and death that have traveled across time and space."
"Incredible. That looks like a Greek god. It's just so beautiful and powerful."
"In the world of news and dragons, gods are very much real; they listen to your prayers, they interact with your characters."
"Salune's story is rough because she actually used to be, according to some of the more popular legends, the very first goddess that came to be."
"Apparently, humans' original form was a four-legged, four-armed, double-sexed entity."
"The tailed beasts, sometimes referred to as chakra monsters, are the nine Titanic living forms of chakra created by the Sage of Six Paths."
"The goddess of wisdom, of industry, of scholarship, of architecture, of societal progress and philosophy, and ultimately the protection and stability of the city civilization, is the sum of her gifts."
"Alessia tailored a new pantheon, a compromise that satisfied all who dwelt within this new society."
"The whole story of the quest of the Grail is this venture into the wasteland to seek that which was lost, and that which was lost is the formula for restoring the right wasteland. That's the fundamental idea at the core of the Grail mythos."
"Lucilla clarifies Gerberga is a Divine with the power of a God."
"Barely clothed men in the north are unrealistic, but when these men are born from the breath of a wind goddess, sporting an immunity to the cold, it makes a lot more sense."
"The only way this history lived on was through myth and legend, and in the names of their descendants."
"Myths that were thought to be nothing more than fables can be based on historical events."
"I love Greek mythology. Greek mythology was one of those things because I loved watching Hercules with Kevin Sorbo and Xena Warrior Princess."
"There were giants in those days, and also afterward."
"March is a time where Persephone is finally coming out from the underworld of Hades and blessing us with her presence yet again."
"The twilight of the gods...a world age ends."
"In the beginning, there was only the ether and the keepers."
"Much of Rome's early history is clouded in myth and mystery, legend traced its founding back to 753 BC by the brothers Romulus and Remus."
"Myths are not just stories from the past, but a template for how to live your life."
"The Old Ones created many of the intelligent races that are seen in the 41st millennium, including the Eldar and, yes, the primate ancestors of humans."
"When the underlying archetypes are extracted, the saucer myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy faith of Celtic countries."
"Thousands of years ago, Isis, Horus, and Osiris were thought of as a holy trinity."
"Let us marvel at the profound influence of these ancient mythologies on the biblical world."
"Sakura, the Lord of the Devas, drew the image of a generous, self-sacrificing rabbit on the moon so that all could remember its kindness."
"Hi, I'm John White, a specialist in Indo-European mythology, and today I'm going to uncover some very old European gods and by old I mean gods that were around before the expansion of the proto-Indo-European-speaking peoples, so almost ten thousand years old, maybe older."
"Demeter and Persephone being central to what was probably the most famous mystery cult in Greece, the Eleusinian cult."
"The Roman sun god is well named: the Invincible Sun, the Unconquerable Sun, Sol Invictus."
"The idea of a virgin birth or the idea of being born of a god and a human was extremely common in the Greco-Roman period."
"Tell of a creature known as mokele-mbembe—it means 'the one who stops the flow of rivers'."
"The Book of Isaiah describes the Leviathan as a 'twisted sea serpent'."
"It is said to have emerged from an egg in a place where there was nothing, then shaped the world." - Arceus's creation story.
"Misogyny and sexism are fundamental in the creation of the myth of witches."
"The story intertwines with myth and history, leaving us captivated by the mysteries of the past."
"Cerberus is not considered an evil creature that hurts people intentionally but a creature that assures the arrival of the dead to the underworld and prevents the living from entering Hades."
"The legend of the Kraken came from the Nordic seas, initially described as a gigantic animal that presented danger not from direct attack but from the giant waves and tsunamis that its movements could cause."
"The griffin was a legendary creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body and tail of a lion, symbolic of power and domination."
"Medusa's ugliness was so hideous that whoever looked at her face turned to stone."
"The Lernaean Hydra was a mythical water monster with many heads that resembled big snakes, which Heracles killed in the second of his 12 labors."
"The god of Nath is called the Lord of Harmony, oft shown as a laughing giant, bearded and naked, always attended by swarms of slender maidens with butterfly wings."
"This time, myths and mortals, it's all about Olympian Legends featuring Zeus and Hades."
"Succubi... said to crawl on top of men in their sleep, seducing them in dreams and having sex with them."
"When it comes to Medusa, looks really can kill."
"Loki transforms into a mare... and Loki gives birth to Sleipnir."
"She is called the Leanan Sidhe and the inspiration she provides is costly."
"The Kelpie is a shape-shifting aquatic spirit commonly found in Scottish legends."
"Miyazaki's films have a mythic quality, in part because he's an amazing storyteller but also because they draw from pre-existing mythology, folklore, and culture."
"Rabbit banished to the moon, a symbol of immortality in Chinese alchemy, and partially based on the Holy Grail."
"Have you ever looked at the Starbucks logo and wondered who or what that mythological creature was on it?"
"Forests of legend were a place of mystery, wonder, and danger, something you needed to both revere and fear if you wanted to survive."
"Local legends suggest that these circles may have been created by the gods, leaving their footprints behind on Earth."
"Mermaids are depicted as aquatic creatures with the head and upper body of a female human and the tail and lower body of a fish in most fairy tales."
"Some see Iblis as less of an antagonistic force and more of a tragic and misunderstood character."
"Dragons are classically known as being greedy. They hoard wealth."
"Venetians were very proud of the idea that their ancestors were the mythical Veneti, supposed to have been a people led by a Trojan prince."
"The Ramayana describes a love story between Rama, an ancient King, and Sita, who is captured by Ravana, the king of Lanka."
"Star Wars... will be one of the grand myths that human beings will still have in 15,000 years."
"Indigenous mythology right now best explains Baseline reality in the wilderness."
"I'm the greatest ambassador to the gods, the Giants, and all the creatures of the nine realms."
"If Thor wants to shatter something as opposed to just poking a hole through it, Mjolnir would actually be a far more effective weapon."
"It could only have been the long-lost library of an ancient European kingdom, known previously only in epic storytelling tradition and myth."
"The mysterious land of Da Qin became a legend."
"The Snow Leopard is said to have spat at this notion, remarking that the Rus were not accustomed to giving in, but would rather die in battle and go to Valhalla."
"God's Fury hath no end suggests a dramatic and apocalyptic narrative where the wrath or anger of deities is ceaseless and boundless."
"And when you have completed your life span and travel down to the dead, there too, you will find me, shining among the shades of Acheron."
"The Roman city had this well... it's a myth but it's a living myth of it being a center of civic politics where you have to have civic buildings to match that civic politics and you have to put up statues to people in order to honor them."
"Owls are unique and fun. They're significant in mythology. It'd be fun to be an owl because they're like the night assassins of the animal kingdom."
"Myths are always true because they are not about historical fact; they're about spiritual truths."
"The Holy Grail, as the Knights of Arthur seek it, was supposed to have magical properties associated with it, sometimes to heal, sometimes to give long life, and at least in the later accounts, the Grail gives eternal life."
"There's a mythic quality to Transformers, and it speaks to me; it speaks to a lot of the fans."
"Star Wars nailed that hero mythology back in 1977. It resonated with everybody because the hero mythology resonates with everybody, all the time, for thousands of years."
"His real joy was reading about Akatosh and the Empire."
"The idea that these stories of real geological events could survive transmission to become some of the world's oldest stories."
"Prometheus presages and epitomizes the spirit of science and philosophy."
"The whole point about Valhalla myth is that these warriors are preparing themselves for Ragnarok, which is the battle at the end of the world."
"The moment you listen to other world mythologies, you hear the same notes."
"Trishula's name is based on the spear Trishula, a divine weapon from Hinduism. It was said to be so powerful that it was even able to sever the head of a god."
"We saw a God become a mortal man, and he played just like the kind of player you would expect him to play."
"Hindsight is 20/20, and the solution to slaying Phaedra is so painfully simple once you realize it."