
Time Travel Quotes

There are 2439 quotes

"By causing massive amounts of destruction and grief, you can amass enough magical power to go back in time those 200 years, bring your wife and children back to life, and technically also annul all the evil you've done over that time."
"Call's somewhat insane plan is to somehow travel to this world through temporal manipulation, a tunnel through time and space."
"The idea of consciousness displacement time travel is fascinating. It's like drifting back to past eras of our life as we relive our trauma or our victories."
"With the telescope, astronomers and scientists can literally go back in time and see how galaxies were formed over billions of years."
"If controlled backwards time travel was possible today, where do you think your matter or information would travel?"
"You caused the very event that you thought you were preventing."
"The time-traveling hipster remains one of the most perplexing figures ever captured on film."
"Remember, Deadpool 2 ended with Wade using Cable's time travel wristwatch...to prevent the death of Vanessa."
"Insight is a mission to Mars, but it's much, much more than a Mars mission. In some sense, it's like a time machine."
"Time travel has always been something fictional, but what if Time Travelers have been among us for a long time without us noticing?"
"Prince Vox, the aforementioned villain, is in fact a much older version of Joanna Dark from the relatively far-off future, in disguise."
"If I could have any superpower, I would time travel. I think that would be sick."
"We are travelers in time, that's a fact we can't change. It's your soul that's who you are, and your bodies, oh unexplained."
"They've built a world and then presented it in several different timelines...it is a time travel story."
"The bootstrap paradox is a paradox of time travel that questions how something that's taken from the future and placed in the past could ever come into existence in the first place."
"Imagine that you're a time traveler and you pop back in time to do the deed and erase your grandfather's existence. You then return to present time, but the thing is, with your grandfather gone, your father wasn't born, and you now realize you never even existed."
"Using the world Between Worlds, Ahsoka can get to them. This can bridge both time and space."
"The best sci-fi movie since Moon. The best time-travel yarn since 12 Monkeys. And one of the best films of 2012."
"We won't be fictionally time traveling like Christopher Nolan movies, but actually time traveling like Christopher Nolan movies."
"We're talking, it's honestly insane. It would be a huge shock to somebody if they were to time travel from 1922 to 2022 and see our world."
"Time travel is an element of romantic plots wasn't birthed into existence in 1993 with the release of Groundhog Day. In fact, romance novels are a likely originator of this concept in the wider public sphere."
"Time travel narratives, especially time loops, reflect the flashbacks, internalized skill, and constant reimaginings that happen so often as a result of trauma."
"Why did no one come to Stephen Hawking's time traveler party? Oh well, fair play to the time travelers then."
"Time traveler sneezes; the timeline changes."
"We don't really know how Bardock's time travel worked."
"Time travel to the future is within the laws of physics, and time travel to the past is likely not."
"One of my favorites, Back to the Future, explores the concept of a car being used to travel through time."
"Time travel, a staple of science fiction, offers a unique spin on the concept of faster-than-light travel."
"The philosophy of time travel is the most important key to understanding Donnie Darko."
"This saga plays a lot with time travel, adding a neat layer of complexity and mystery to the plot."
"Embark on an epic voyage through the corridors of time where history comes alive in breathtaking hues."
"Perhaps it's to visit a historical moment or person, to resolve a mystery perplexing the annals of history, or maybe it's to drop in on a long-gone friend, just for the chance to share one more moment together."
"Given a chance to go back, who wouldn't be tempted to change their past, to undo their wrongs, to help their younger self, or to save someone they lost?"
"Imagine you discovered the ability to travel back in time."
"It was very normal for time travelers to come to India in the future because it's one of the biggest superpowers in the world."
"I'm a time traveler, child. I go where and when I wish. My time machine has transported me here."
"This is the real Delhi; it's like traveling back in time a little bit."
"Well, you know I like a challenge. This is the time traveling ghost pirate theory."
"If I could go back in time, I would mask me too."
"Traveling forward in time is the easiest thing in the world."
"You will have jumped into the future while aging very little. That's really cool."
"Most people are interested in the idea of going backwards in time because they want to fix things."
"Time travel may be possible given the laws of physics... but the question is can you create those conditions of energy or do the laws of nature forbid you from creating those conditions of energy."
"All events just are; they're unchangeable; they're immutable. So the events can't change, and you simply, if you go back to the past, are fulfilling the precise set of events that allowed you to exist and to go on that journey in the first place."
"If you travel back to an earlier moment in time before your own birth, then you were always at that moment."
"Time travel in one sense actually just means universe hopping."
"The philosophy of time travel reveals that we exist in a primary universe but sometimes a corruption of time occurs which creates a duplicate of the primary universe, i.e., the tangent universe."
"Either someone was powerful enough to examine the events... with such detail that they could predict their outcomes years in advance, or someone was powerful enough to be capable of time-travel."
"Wouldn't you love to be able to travel in time?"
"Time travel as a premise or plot mechanic is an incredibly interesting thing if done properly."
"You have to think about time travel in, really two stages, because time travel to the future is very different from time travel to the past."
"There's actually only one Link in the entire franchise; he just goes through time and is known as the hero of time."
"Gödel had this idea... in Einstein's theory, that he could build a space where it was rotating, this crazy universe not the one we live in, but imagine a universe that, mathematically worked out, you could go backwards in time."
"Avengers: Endgame had the tough task of going back in time, including an epic scene which took place during the events of the first Avengers movie."
"Timeline entanglement suggests a speculative concept where the chronological order of events becomes intricately unwoven, disrupting the linear flow of time."
"Some scientists take time travel seriously, not to make machines, but to explore the nature and limits of reality."
"Einstein's equations do allow for time travel, and there are blueprints for different kinds of time travel design."
"Time travel is consistent with the known laws of physics. The trick is, you have to have this energy on the scale of a star."
"Science fiction loves time travel. So many stories can be told."
"Suppose time travel were real. Who would I meet? What would I do?"
"A sound of thunder... discusses the butterfly effect. Somebody goes back in time, steps on a butterfly, and it has these dramatic ramifications across time."
"So I'm going to boldly declare that time travel's not disproven by a lack of tourists from the future."
"Flash is running through time, he can balance on atoms and all of these different things."
"Time travel introduces intriguing paradoxes that challenge our understanding of causality and the nature of time."
"Going back in time means changing the timeline. But the timeline itself is how the universe changes with time. The timeline itself can't change; all that can change are things along the timeline."
"Monty sends them back to the year 1294, where they save Pablo during the great war, ultimately resetting a loop."
"One of the weirdest but probably most common Harry Potter theories out there is the one where Ron is actually a time-traveling Dumbledore."
"Understanding how the early universe was born, especially right after the big bang, it's pretty cool. That's 13.8 billion years ago. Yeah, we're basically, we made a time machine."
"If you do manage to invent a time machine, I implore you to use it for humanity's greater good."
"The old world saw a redesign, done to allow flying across them. It was just disappointing that you couldn't go back with like a keeper of time and see the world the way it once was."
"I loved it, how good would it be to be able to travel back in time."
"It's an interesting story of time travel backed with breathtaking art."
"I would suggest eating before you time travel because apparently it upsets your stomach."
"I want to fly. You're in an uncomfortable situation? I would do time travel."
"Time travel to the past has not been ruled out. It's a real possibility."
"The sequence in in-game when our heroes put their Heist plan to The Test shows the time travel with in the MCU is distinctly different."
"There's a theory out there that Greta is actually a time traveler... sent from the future to save humanity."
"That's about 99 years into the future. That is absolutely insane but kind of cool."
"We have some very solid rules here that describe how this universe operates in regards to time travel and parallel realities."
"It's not just them, future Bulma comes to the past as well."
"Time travel, that's something that we physicists actually look into."
"Time travel, we realize that if you have a wormhole, there is a theory that you can go backwards in time."
"My theory about Pearl Curran is that she was quantum jumping back in time."
"It's a time travel story where he needs to save his city."
"You can teleport anywhere, but time moves forward 10 years. Still worth it."
"The sneak attack of the story is we're traveling forward in time and backward in time to get back to the first sentence."
"Time travel for George R Martin is less like the terminator and back to the future and more like groundhog's day."
"As we've been expecting for a while, the plot of Avengers Endgame heavily featured time travel and it was all a bit complicated to be honest."
"Changing the past doesn't change the future."
"Claimed to be a time traveler from 2036... many predictions turned out to be pretty off."
"John Titor claimed to be a time traveler from the year 2036."
"Perhaps John Titor really did know what the future would hold adjusted by approximately 2.5 percent."
"Teeter was either a bona fide time traveler or the guy was a genius because he understood the physics, mathematics, history, you know, the human mind."
"Listen, gentlemen, every time we send the same child or a different child to the same past event, it changes. Maybe a little bit, but it changes."
"You can put yourself back in time and imagine just how amazing this place was before."
"The mutant saga utilizes time travel as a pivotal plot device, allowing the film to serve as a sort of soft reboot, preserving the best elements of the franchise and honoring the rich history of the characters."
"No game about time travel these days can resist name-dropping. That shit's DPO."
"The fifth density negative entity is apparently very, very incredibly wise and powerful. It can travel through time and it does a very, very intense analysis of your psychology to try to find the weakest points that it can exploit."
"Setting the whole thing back in time was a really good move."
"The mysterious stone circle is going to transport you into the past."
"UFO sightings are just humans from the future on a time traveling sojourn."
"It's a really clever interesting time travel flick with a lot of elements again that are derivative from many things but as a whole it doesn't feel like anything else."
"Terry Gilliam brings a fresh set of eyes to an old fashioned time travel tale in '12 Monkeys.'"
"Steins;Gate, it's a really really cool take on time travel."
"In a world where history lies dormant waiting to be awakened, some photographs hold the power to transport us across centuries and unravel the mysteries of..."
"If they really time-travel back to the original Star Wars movie, well, they've truly lost it."
"Thor immediately follows after him and so what is up happening here is that modern-day Thor basically ends up traveling thousands of years into the future with future Thor."
"If you enjoy killing multiple people in different ways all across the globe, what better way to expand your business than by traveling through time?"
"Sephiroth is 100 the smoking gun of this scenario. I think the real like 'oh I found the gun on the floor this is it there's two timelines Sephiroth is a goddamn time traveler.'"
"Imagine Hitman with time travel, it'd be incredible."
"In the end, the series is Jack's last journey of trying to get back to the past."
"Hubble operates as a time machine, allowing us to witness a long-vanished age."
"Time travel is undeniably going to be part of the future books."
"Dude, I know scientists haven't cracked time travel yet, but I think I just did."
"He perfected time travel basically while washing dishes."
"Ladies and gentlemen and everything in between, that was a fun nostalgic time travel trip."
"The first and best of the Bill and Ted movies, Excellent Adventure offered up a playful and deceptively smart riff on typical time travel yarns."
"If you ever travel back in time, don't step on anything."
"This security door was sealed shut, and no one thought otherwise until one person tried time traveling in front of it 88 times."
"The time travel logic of Avengers Endgame makes a hell of a lot more sense."
"It would make for a great time-traveling mystery-solving comedy."
"Ghost in the Shell meets Future Timmy: a blend of action and time-travel."
"I'd like to see a crazy time traveling adventure with Cable and Deadpool across history, in the future, being ridiculous and fucking shit up."
"Trump went forward in time and saw a world ruined by war and famine."
"If Thanos went back in time and killed Eros at birth, perhaps future Thanos never exists."
"Time travel causes the timeline to break into parallel alternate timelines, what we will refer to as the multiverse."
"The ability to time travel is a cool aspect and adds some meat to the gameplay."
"Aliens might just be humans that have evolved... coming back to study early humans to figure out how to populate the future."
"We as future humans even came back in time to give us those messages."
"What in the quantum tunneling time travel Great Scott is this?"
"Parallel universes are connected to the whole time travel thing solidly."
"Remote viewing means we can go into the future and into the past."
"Now I can finally travel through time, get the Master Sword, fight giant bosses, and uncover amazing secrets."
"It seems going back in time was the right idea because now they're victorious and they thank everyone for helping."
"Humans on their way to the center of the galaxy would be spacetime travelers."
"Let's go back to the 7th century when the world looked like this."
"Though some of the Avengers were confused about how time travel worked, they soon learned that their own past was fixed and could not be altered."
"You're about to go into the past and save the world. By and Sigma, even with all of his future knowledge, will need your help."
"One of the things I think if a 15th-century Florentine were to come back in a time machine today to look at what we as a society are doing, he or she would find a rather familiar landscape." - Professor Frank Snowden
"It kind of reminds me of things like time travel and alien abductions."
"There's always that conundrum, if you could travel back in time and kill Hitler before he was a baby, would you do it?"
"Some ufologists have wondered if it is possible Grays are related to humans and even considered that they could be time travelers from thousands of years of the future."
"Suppose Shatner's mom could somehow dictate how her baby's face came out. She would also need time travel."
"He claims that he can incarnate in any dimension in any time frame."
"If you could go back in time and change history, would you?"
"Time travel because it's all relative here now."
"Because the longer wavelength coverage will allow the telescope to look further back in time to find the first galaxies and stars that formed in the early universe."
"In 2009, Stephen Hawking hosted an open party for everyone but only publicized it after it was over so only time travelers would know to attend."
"Whenever they made the pyramids, that's where I'd want to be."
"The film also defies the time-travel rules it established."
"It almost makes you wonder if one of the founding fathers were to step through a time portal into our world, what would they think?"
"I need to find out more about what Madara said. There must be a way to save every timeline and Universe from the rule of these monsters."
"Time travel is one of the Holy Grails of science fiction."
"Humans will unravel the secrets of time travel."
"The Legend of Zelda one hit sends you to the past."
"It's almost like time travel has a ton of paradoxes in it."
"Welcome to 2023. Welcome All You Time Travelers."
"Welcome along fellow Time Travelers and strange historians."
"Are we about to see a true time heist to which Endgame was merely the average?"
"We're back, yeah we're traveling in time, trying back to the 90s."
"Women with a time machine: 'I am your granddaughter.'"
"Would you believe it if you had proof in front of you? Well, after this video, you may want to rethink your position on time travel."
"A priest named Emilio arnetti sought to create a time traveling device behind the Vatican Gates between 1955 and 1965."
"Incorporating time travel into gameplay that most have never seen in a mainstream title before."
"Photography to me is much like having a time machine because you can use device to go back in time when looking back at the photos you took and the memories that were made."
"Super speed: you could run on water and in some cases even run through time and travel to anywhere and planets and also in any time period on the planet which would be pretty cool."
"With plot twists involving time travel and quantum physics, this supernatural romance drama tells a beautiful story about the lengths to which one can go for love."
"This could have been a major hint that the time-traveling Kang the Conqueror will soon be making an appearance."
"Set 27 years after the events of Terminator 2 Judgment Day, the plot of Terminator Dark Fate will see Skynet send yet another terminator back in time to wreak havoc in the present."
"The Large Hadron Collider: could it unlock the secrets of time travel?"
"Are we gonna add a time travel machine? Are we gonna be able to go back in time and fully see Brookhaven for what it used to be?"
"Ransik, who attempts to construct a time machine, when he's confronted by a Red Ranger, a member of the Time Force."
"The Avengers aren't traveling back in time, they're traveling to or creating alternate realities."
"Let's get right into the video now; this video is gonna have to do a lot with time and time travel..."
"But if Batman using a gun isn't crazy enough for you, simultaneously while Batman shoots Dark Side, Dark Side hits Batman through the heart with one of his Omega beams, sending Batman back in time and infusing him with Omega energy."
"Time travel does not violate the laws of math or physics."
"This house is a true time capsule; exploring it feels like stepping into another era."
"These galaxies seem to be much more distant, existing in even farther Universe, farther back in time than anything we've ever seen."
"What if the UFO phenomenon is not extraterrestrial or interdimensional, but actually time travel based?"
"Because if time travel actually exists, it would certainly explain how a man named Stan Hart looks so similar to Pietro Loredan."
"To truly watch the universe as it evolves, we need a time machine."
"I'm always thinking, 'Ah, if I could go back in time, I would go back to around the 1950s and I would want to just go to an asylum just to see how it actually was.'"
"this would be a chaotic but funny time-travel consequence movie Back to the Future Part two but for superheroes"
"Even if your movie doesn't involve time travel, you should still treat it as if it did."
"Drinking it is kind of like traveling around the world and being in a time machine at the same time."
"The whole purpose of a time travel movie is to immerse the audience."
"Achieving time-travel is ultimately going to require a fusion of certain parapsychological techniques together with technology potentially."
"Could time travel be the ultimate weapon in the hands of humanity?"
"Time travel and the blurred lines between past, present, and future."
"That's about as much curvature as you're gonna get from a time travel story."
"Impressively one of the most complex time travel plots we've ever seen."
"They were smarter about the way they structured their time travel than most other time travel plots."
"strap into your delorean and accelerate to 88 miles per hour cause we're talking about time"
"If I could time travel, I'd go back 10 years and get in on the ground floor of bitcoin."
"The James Webb Space Telescope is like a time machine in astronomy."
"It's like a big [ __ ] chess mess of just time travel and absurdity."
"Time travel is awesome. Everything that has time travel in it is awesome."
"You said that I've helped you build the time machine. We'd use it for whatever I want to do. No do-overs."
"This is how you do a time-travel plot and do it well."
"Time travel is only possible using a wormhole."