
Geopolitics Quotes

There are 4151 quotes

"That would be very scary for the United States if [Russia or China] had this technology. Whoever has this technology first, game over, they win total global domination."
"Weakness is what's going to drive us to a war, not striking back with strength and focus on the true perpetrators behind all of these attacks."
"When these wars stop...that's when the really interesting stuff comes, that's where the complexity of geopolitics and economics comes in."
"BRICS...if you're not focused on BRICS right now, you're not focused on the right thing."
"We wanted to break Russia up. That's over now. Russia is united."
"Norway has provided the Europeans with the ability to rely more on the most democratic country in the world for their raw materials and less on their historically large autocratic providers."
"The security of Ukraine is actually the security of the West and we have to keep paying attention to it."
"Just because we stop spending money in Ukraine doesn't mean we're suddenly going to start spending money domestically."
"The Middle East is the most ridiculously complicated place in the world right now."
"Our long-term adversary, China, is watching to see if we're really serious when we talk about respect for sovereignty, international law, and human rights."
"Deterrence of China is a principal reason why we have to support Ukraine and help them defeat Russia."
"The conflict has actually boosted US influence rather than undermined it."
"Putin hasn't destroyed Ukrainian patriotism and Ukrainian nationalism. He's entrenched it in a way that no other human being on this planet had the power to do."
"However, the relationship between these two superpowers is a strenuous one, and it wouldn’t take much to make them mortal enemies."
"With opposition from all sides, it would seem natural that Russia and China would become allies in an attempt to curb the American influence on its borders."
"The economic disparity and Russia’s military, economic, and diplomatic losses that followed the invasion of Ukraine make any deals fall naturally in China’s favor."
"Each one is based on the current events in Russia, Ukraine, and the geopolitics surrounding China and U.S. rivalry in the Indo-Pacific."
"Russia's inherent strength rooted in its vast supplies of oil and natural gas has powered a financial and political resilience that threatens to outlast Western opposition."
"The interconnectedness of geopolitical and global trade reminds us that what happens in one part of the world can have profound implications for economies thousands of miles away."
"Putin's contemptible manipulation of energy prices has only reinforced the importance of ending our dependence on fossil fuels."
"Sweden and Finland in NATO give NATO much greater access to the Baltic Sea, much greater control of the Baltic Sea, and the ability to bottle up the Russian Navy in St. Petersburg."
"The defeat of the Russian army is the main cause of many of the present conflicts within the Kremlin."
"We turned what could have been an ally into an enemy."
"For not being a country, Somaliland looks an awful lot like a country."
"Clearly, if any place deserves the world’s support, it’s Somaliland."
"We need these chips for cars, computers, components, and if we lose Taiwan to China, they gain control of that massive resource."
"China is quietly working behind the scenes in Mexico and setting up the groundwork for a new plan that will change the entire future of geopolitics and our global economy."
"The interesting thing about containing China is that it always leads to further innovation."
"Russia cannot allow the existence of a state that has documented its intention to use any necessary means to take Crimea, not to mention Donbass and Novorossiya."
"If NATO ever dissolved, there's no reason for Putin not to continue to push Westward."
"I think if we put that money towards infrastructural and economic development, that would actually aid us not only in making our citizens' lives better but it would probably also aid us in fighting off Chinese hegemony."
"It is not Russia and China that cannot be trusted; it's the collective West."
"Under Xi, China has continued to deepen its relationship with Russia, even as it wages a war on the European continent."
"China is a country that wishes to see a centralized Chinese dominated government sphere."
"The significance of Jerusalem to these three religions has not only shaped their religious practices but has also influenced the historical and geopolitical landscape of the region."
"In AI, you have a system that's able to outsmart people and can be used in geopolitics, creating super intelligent bots that control the beliefs of populations."
"Securing Taiwan is not just important for the ever intensifying global clash between authoritarianism and democracy but also for very important political and economic reasons."
"Technically, I could just end it here. We're the most powerful country in the world."
"It would be good, speaking about the messages to Putin, to commit not just to 'as long as it takes', but change it to 'victory and whatever it takes'. I think that's a very strong deterring message to Vladimir Putin."
"Extreme defensive action against China’s economic ascent has been a firmly bipartisan affair."
"European energy security, close to our borders, is something we will respond to in solidarity."
"If we fail to act together, I think Putin wins."
"We need to be completely independent of Russian gas."
"We're now in a potentially dangerous terrain, some sort of no-man's land between one set of strategic assumptions about each other that have stood for several decades and a brave new world where everything may be up for grabs."
"President Putin faces a tremendous battle as the Ukrainian Army, bolstered by increased backing, relentlessly pushes back against Russian forces."
"There's no such thing as ancient tradition when it comes to geopolitics. Countries do what's in their best interest."
"It's obvious like western hegemony isn't geopolitics. Yes, it is. Western hegemony is a hundred percent geopolitics."
"This is about more than just Russia and Ukraine. It's about standing for what we believe in, for the future we want for our world."
"Americans need to ask themselves whether they want to give the Chinese government the ability to control access to their data."
"Russia's principal goal for the war wasn't to invade the whole of Ukraine but to force Ukraine to become a neutral country that would not be part of NATO."
"I was personally amazed how interesting the growing reality of conflict in space was as a topic—I found it amazing how relevant such an inaccessible realm is becoming to earthly geopolitics… again, I suppose."
"Europe should work toward becoming a third superpower instead of following the US."
"We are now Czechoslovakia, controlling Eastern Slovakia and Western Slovakia. We are democratic and we are independent."
"Putin's pillar strategy for this period was that the West would really be feeling domestic pressure from its populations as a consequence of the cost of energy over a cold winter."
"Material is not definitive. There are many examples of less powerful nations coming out on top of larger, more powerful nations."
"Far from facilitating disarmament, the Russian invasion is instead driving the rapid modernisation of NATO's various armed forces."
"Russia and the United States have long agreed that nuclear use would have devastating consequences and have stated many times, including earlier this year, that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought."
"The aggressor is President Putin. The aggressor is the Russian military at the direction of President Putin into a sovereign country."
"The presence of an operating nuclear power plant under Russian control has given the conflict a terrifying new dimension."
"Do not attempt to take Taiwan by force because you will not be successful, and there will be serious casualties."
"As a child growing up next to the Chinese border, I was lucky to receive outside information."
"The purpose of sanctions is to create massive pain that stops a madman dictator 100 from invading other countries and causing a world war."
"The nations of the world will have to unite, for the next war will be an interplanetary war."
"This is the sound of a new iron curtain, which has come down and closing off Russia from the civilized world."
"Russia has continued to threaten Ukraine's sovereignty in a way that we haven't seen any nation threaten the sovereignty of any other nation in the past 30 years."
"All of this ultimately is connected to the deepening economic problems in Europe, which are of course also connected ultimately to the war in Ukraine."
"What you're talking about here is a geopolitical wrecking ball."
"We've been defeated. Put it simply, China is winning."
"Russia's leadership has fostered a culture that thrives on territorial acquisition, often at a heavy cost."
"Putin’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 was not just an isolated event; it was part of a larger pattern reflecting Russia's historical expansionist tendencies."
"Putin's motivations were an open secret: he was looking to reclaim historically Russian land, challenging NATO and questioning Ukraine's legitimacy."
"Right now, the US and China are on a collision course over Taiwan. And Taiwan is to this cold war what Cuba was to the last cold war."
"Taiwan's more important than Cuba ever was because Taiwan is where 92 percent of the most sophisticated semiconductors in the world are manufactured."
"I think the Middle East is about to blow up again because the Iranian regime clearly has an incentive to get into a war."
"What if I told you that these people were unknowingly involved in one of the most sinister geopolitical conspiracies the world has ever seen?"
"If you call for America, America will come. If you call for Russia, Russia will come. And if you call for no one, Russia will come."
"The Chinese Communist Party is our foremost threat in the world today."
"There are worse things than a Cold War. This thing could heat up, and we don't want it to heat up because that would be very destructive."
"In order to prevent World War III, which we all want, you need to convince the other guy you're willing to go to war."
"The CCP does not mean the Chinese people...We don't want China to fail; we want the CCP to fail in its designs."
"This Cold War is going to be tougher to win than Cold War One. Indeed, we could lose it, and we've got to focus on that scenario."
"The realist argument should be that you want to organize affairs in such a way that all geopolitical interests are accounted for to minimize conflict."
"Which geopolitical bloc will do the least harm to Ukraine? Since Russia is the one doing the invading, I think the argument there has been settled."
"Why did the U.S. and the U.K. strike terrorist-controlled Yemen with such ferocity?"
"The recreation of the Russian threat is essential to preserving the absolute dominance of the American Empire."
"I think at the beginning the United States wants to stay Soviet influence in the area and then as a result, that friendship builds more and more."
"That meant that Israel got quite good at military stuff, and then the United States likes that."
"The delicate nature of global superpower dynamics is at play as we discover unbelievable events happening in the world's most powerful economic nation."
"The West's eyes to the reality of the world in which we exist now...the West enabled Putin."
"It is not Ukraine crisis when you have a foreign army at a 200,000 foreign army on your territory... September 1939 was not Polish crisis; it was Hitler's attack upon Poland."
"Lukashenko says that at Putin's request, he closed the border with Russia to prevent the gunmen from fleeing through Belarus."
"Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran are united by their hostility towards the U.S. and their desire to see America toppled as the world superpower."
"The question is not whether different countries are going to build fifth-generation telecommunications technology, the question is who is going to control it."
"We can't do that. We have to have options for Ukraine."
"A major breakup of the Russian state is not something that we in the West should call for; it could be a calamity for international security."
"Lloyd reminds himself that the peace between East and West is very thin."
"A growing chorus of voices now views Russia's breakup as not just inevitable but desirable."
"The stakes in this fight are not just for Ukraine, but for the future of our democracy."
"After three decades of misplaced predictions about China, it's time now to think outside the box."
"This new map showed Indian territories as part of China's Sovereign territory, specifically Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh. Beijing claimed these areas as their own, and India responded with a strong rebuttal."
"The way it ultimately ends probably owes almost as much to decisions made in Brussels or Washington DC as it does to the bravery and sacrifice of Ukrainian troops at the front."
"Let me explain how we got into the Middle East and why it's difficult to get out."
"If the Middle East were to vanish tomorrow, we'd have some adjustments...but within a couple of years, we'd be totally fine."
"The presence of US forces is one of the few things holding the darkness at bay."
"There is no peace possible in the Middle East without the emergence of a Palestinian state."
"The Kremlin’s initial plans for Ukraine were overly ambitious."
"Western pusillanimity in the face of aggressive and concerted action over long periods of time means the West loses."
"Apple has moved some iPhone production to India amidst Covid lockdowns in China and rising tensions between Washington and Beijing."
"We know where it started and we know there are two possible things that could have happened there, and we're not doing anything to push back against the regime's lack of transparency."
"Let the dudes eat. It ain't their fault. They didn't invade Ukraine, Vladimir Putin did."
"A lot of people have a difficult time buying and digesting Chinese propaganda, but when Russia does it, now they finally have a crazy partner to inseminate this stuff with."
"This crisis implies much more de-globalization, much more decoupling with the US and China. The Cold War is going to become colder."
"A wind farm project near a U.S. Air Force base at the southern border is in the spotlight; it's owned by a former officer from China's military."
"It's about the future of water and the importance of water and geopolitical issues."
"Lack of clarity in your intention, vacillation, failure to make clear to your enemies what exactly your lines are, fake bluffs, empty threats — these things lead to war much more likely."
"Everything that the Biden Administration does rhetorically smacks of an unwillingness to acknowledge the realities of geopolitics."
"The reason that Taiwan is necessary for the United States to protect and defend is not just because it is a democracy, it is because we have a very real interest, a military interest, in making sure that our military superiority remains over threats to the world like China."
"It matters a great deal that when he said, 'I am here,' the buildings behind him were Kyiv, and not Lvov and not Warsaw."
"Everything that has spelled Chinese success since 1980 has now come violently unwound."
"All Russian forces retreating back to their recognized borders and then giving security guarantees to Ukraine they will never attack them again is the only way this war can end for Russia."
"Putin is not at war with Ukraine; he's at war with liberal globalism itself."
"The world is entering a new geopolitical era; for the first time since the Cold War, the United States has to contend with a credible rival: China."
"Geopolitics is now 'front and center' in investment decision making."
"China is rising as a global power... and they will certainly be the dominant regional power in this part of the Pacific."
"Russian aggression threatens us all, and there is an urgent need to be resolute in countering uncivilized, barbaric, and mean actions by Russia."
"Like black and white on a chessboard or red force and blue force at an exercise, it can be tempting to think of nations and their allies as monolithic teams."
"There must first be a decoupling between the CCP and the United States."
"Having access to ports that can get you into different seas or straits can be an incredibly important thing."
"South Korea is a glittering jewel of Eastern Asia. Yet, for centuries, it has been a target for invasion by its two monster neighbors, China and Japan."
"Oh, and also, just so we're all clear, Taiwan is, in fact, a country."
"We need to move into a position where we're talking about a naval blockade that simply keeps Russian oil and natural gas off the market completely."
"The Russians will never stop; they have to be stopped."
"The activity of blockading the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal, and Bab el-Mandeb will actually, in the long term, hurt Russia and China more because they depend more on that kind of trade in Asia."
"Over the last decade they've deployed around the world to support friendly regimes and importantly, to get rich and secure resource concessions."
"Cutting out Russia, U.S. President Joe Biden announces a gas deal with the EU to try and end Europe's dependence on Russian energy."
"It's not always about what's right or wrong or who's the good guy or the bad guy; often, it's about who has control over those precious resources that power our world."
"Putin's latest attack on Ukraine was premeditated and totally unprovoked. He rejected repeated efforts at diplomacy."
"Russia gets political influence, new customers, and also, of course, further enrichment for the oligarchs close to the Kremlin."
"We are experiencing a geopolitical revolution... the rise of China is the first big shift... the West has dominated the world."
"It's very weird that like when you start to dig into like the history of the Middle East, you just don't find all of these groups of people like, oh, we're just doing this because of religious reasons. Generally, it's because of massive geopolitical divides."
"We're all gonna have to decide... whether we want to continue to do business with an aggressive state that cares so little about the rest of the world."
"The best time to start brain draining Russia was after Putin annexed Crimea in 2014. The second best time is today."
"We have to look at the impact of how we got there, right? Think about the war that Russia has taken on in Ukraine, an unmitigated war that is brutal and that has had an effect on the price of gas going up."
"Europe is going to become a big issue again."
"We've seen the horrible effects of the Ukraine war when Putin basically weaponized energy."
"Taiwan is about 50 times harder to invade than Ukraine."
"The Soviet-China friendship is a farce. They hated each other."
"You're cutting them deals, now unrestricted wheat imports and trade gas, oil, all this stuff that you're not supposed to do because the rest of the world is sanctioning Russia."
"The geopolitical consequences of the drug wars and the growing sophistication of the cartels mean that the policy responses of the past are no longer adequate to solve the crisis."
"The Europeans and the Americans have this bizarre notion that they're the only buyers for the [stuff] that Russia sells... Russia... can find other customers."
"The single most important political development of this century will be the emergence of China as the other superpower."
"Taiwan's geostrategic significance: Taiwan is an important element, not a pawn, in the game of competition with China."
"If the world were less dependent on fossil fuels, who would be the biggest losers? The Iranians, the Russians, Venezuela."
"The Russian invasion of Ukraine is unjustifiable just on a basic level."
"If the West is not going to be muscular in defense of its core values, then of course it's going to be overtaken by alternative sets of values."
"The Russians have no reason to step beyond that, and there's no rational reason that I can see."
"Hackers are poised to dominate the 21st century, reshaping geopolitical landscapes."
"Stuxnet... was an act of war without there being a war."
"The whole world is waiting for the de-confliction of the war between Russia and Ukraine to end."
"This was the beginning of the divide between the modern nation of Ireland and Northern Ireland, which to this day remains in the United Kingdom."
"These forces in this region, they're on our side. They are confronting these medievalists, the ones who want to take us back, and so therefore, they're the ones that should be supported."
"This should be a scientific debate and it hasn't been. It's been a geopolitical decision for a single narrative, which is unfortunate and, as I said, is antithetical to science."
"If you control the South China Sea, you control three major important strategic issues: fish, oil, and traffic."
"If Taiwan falls, the Communist Party of China could become the leading power in the world and trigger the decline of US global influence."
"The beginning of the fragmentation of geopolitics, if you will, is also the beginning of de-globalization."
"Israel shall make a very sharp maneuver that will ruffle and upset those within the table of Nations."
"What do you think globalist, military industrial complex interests housed in America actually want? Peace or war?"
"No country therefore has a larger stake in seeing peace and stability return to Afghanistan than Pakistan."
"The tale of the tape is very different - and surprisingly, China may not be a superpower at all!"
"The 1991 Gulf War has been heralded as one of the most influential conflicts in recent history, shaping geopolitical politics in the region for the next 30 years."
"Old Timers would say it changed geopolitics, realizing that not only are there no winners in a nuclear exchange, but maybe all of life on Earth would be rendered extinct."
"This war needs to end, and Mr. Putin, for all the options he has available to him, he still has the option of diplomacy in ending this war."
"The Indo-Pacific strategy...is to counter China's Belt and Road Initiative."
"Over a million people have left Russia over the course of the last seven months."
"It's no secret the United States and China are smack dab in the middle of one of history's largest naval arms races."
"The security implications of allowing Ukraine to lose are far, far more devastating than the costs of keeping them going."
"This confirms for the whole world that the Russians must be expelled from every corner of Ukrainian land."
"For every hit the West takes, it probably has the capacity to deal 4, 5, 6, 7, 10 to Russia in return."
"However, balance of power is ever a fickle thing, and the geopolitical situation would soon tilt back in the Roman’s favour."
"The aid parade for Ukraine has become an ever-expanding phenomenon."
"Putin's goal of launching the war was creating a new world order, one where he could hold all of Europe at nuclear blackmail and begin recollecting the countries of the old Soviet Union, but that only happens when you win."
"Taiwan is de facto an independent nation in every material sense."
"We're not in a trade war; we're in a techonomic war."
"This is Pakistan, an economy at the very center of 21st century geopolitics, one so invested in China's Belt and Road Initiative."
"Multipolarity is the natural state of event in the world...we have to be willing to work in a global community where everybody is equal."
"Trump killed Qasem Soleimani. That was a ballsy call."
"It's better to have more than one big power in the world."
"Human rights abuses in Russia and China cannot remotely be compared to the annihilation of people."
"Put Putin's decision to expel Canadian media from Moscow is an attempt to silence them from reporting the facts and it is unacceptable."
"Magnetism and our understanding of magnetism have had considerable geopolitical influence in human history."
"This is about the future of the liberal world order, and we have to stand firm."
"The shift we've seen around the globe, moving from a unipolar world controlled by the US to a multipolar world with multiple superpowers, gave Russia incredible leverage."
"A key person in shaping Pompeo's hardline policy on China says the CCP has no allies while democracies are forming an alliance to counter that threat."
"The power of Western powers is undeniable, but it is also undeniable that the world is increasingly moving towards multipolarity."
"China and Russia teaming up is not the ideal scenario for the Democratic world."
"Russia's President Vladimir Putin effectively declared war on Ukraine and authorized the Russian military to invade the country."
"The sea is clearly the center of the world. So whoever wants to dominate the land must dominate the sea."
"I care way more about the Essential Elements and The Rare Earth elements that drive the entire global economy that exist in Africa."
"Taiwan is different from a couple things. One, it's a country where we have drawn a line as the U.S. and said this is an ally."
"The fact that if China were to take Taiwan, the world semiconductor market is we are beyond screwed."