
Long-term Benefits Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"A lot of the good things or things that are going to be good for us in the long run are things that are a bit uncomfortable or where there is resistance in the moment."
"Life is a marathon, not a sprint. There are so many things that people see in the short term that can benefit you but in regards to 30, 40 years down the line..."
"It's a long-term process, but everything that rugby gives, I think, is so valuable."
"Sometimes stepping outside of our comfort zone and embracing that discomfort drives feeling good in the long term."
"Muscle mass is like mutual funds deposited at a young age, which will give you benefits 20-30 years later."
"Optimizing decisions in reinforcement learning involves considering both immediate and future rewards, reflecting a balance between short-term gains and long-term benefits."
"Just by mastering your habits, you can end up reaping a lot of long-term benefits not only in results and outcomes and success, but also just in happiness."
"Discipline is the ability to do hard stuff that you don't want to do for benefits way down the line."
"Conscientiousness is a colder virtue, but it tends to pay off in the long run."
"The radical good news of meditation is that the benefits compound over time."
"I'm claiming that if you fight for the truth always, in the long run, you're gonna see benefits."
"Long-term follow-up studies on psilocybin use have reported sustained benefits in treating depression and anxiety, improving quality of life, and reducing death anxiety."
"If you simply give a little bit more than you're expected to give, most of the time you're not going to get anything back from that, but over time you will, when you need it."
"Skincare is something that definitely compounds over time."
"Being frugal and saving money isn't about a lot of things where you save a lot of money; it's about a lot of little things you do to save a little bit of money, and over time they add up."
"Short-term discomfort for long-term comfortability... a small setback for a bigger comeback."
"The scientific community is gonna be reaping the benefits of Test for a long time to come."
"We're actually just bringing the top quality people to become local residents and I believe generationally... we're stronger for it."
"Once you build muscle it is a strong Foundation that will go a long way."
"These short-term sacrifices will produce long-term gain."
"Stay natural you'll keep your gains forever you'll feel better I want to worry about any of the risks."
"Long-term crypto investing has the potential to create generational wealth for you."
"Life rewards long-term thinking and punishes short-term thinking."
"We invest wisely and that will pay off in the long term."
"Real estate is where most people make their Millions... it's like having a large bank account that's gonna eventually pay you in dividends over years."
"Sacrificing the first few years to discover what you actually want is definitely beneficial for your career."
"Sacrifice in the short term compounds in the long term."
"Improving by one percent isn't particularly notable sometimes it isn't even noticeable, but it can be far more meaningful especially in the long run."
"A great long-term investment that will just keep on paying."
"Financial benefits will also include a guaranteed income of ninety seven thousand dollars for at least 250 years and paying off all educational and personal debts."
"Understanding how the universe works doesn't have immediate practical benefits, but some scientists say we should think of this research like a better version of war."
"Every shock, be it personal or society-wide, more often than not brings benefits in the long run."
"Really nourishing your body can have better health outcomes in the long run, including weight loss."
"The mental health benefits and the developmental benefits for their children over this period... there's going to be a hugely reduced mental health cost in the long run."
"It's a lot of short-term sacrifice for a very long-term freedom."
"Teach your kids how to eat healthy at a young age. They grow up smart, they don't spend thousands of dollars trying to get in shape."
"Put as much money as you can into your PC upfront, get quality components, and it's going to pay off long term."
"It's a system of government that makes short-term sacrifices for the long-term game."
"Pay attention to what's working even when it only gives you inches. With focus, the inches add up to miles."
"Getting out of debt is something that will take care of you and your family far into the future."
"This agreement will really help America over the long term."
"Pick who you like, it'll serve you best in the long run."
"Long-term investing has never been the attractive thing to do... This is one of those things that can make you money over the long term."
"This whole process is going to cost you that's absolutely worth it down the long run."
"The same variants of the mutated virus trend are already here in the U.S."
"Buying a property is like one of the best moves you can ever do financially."
"You may have a hard day of school ahead of you because you're not gonna have a ton of rest but hey it'll be good it'll be worth it in the long long run."
"Incremental improvement pays off like compound interest."
"Compound interest: the younger you get started, the better off you'll be."
"I want to maximize your chances of fat loss that lasts and protects your body. This is not a quick fix; it's an investment."
"The bulls and bears have been locked in a battle for control."
"It’ll impact the quality of your life, you will not see the benefits tomorrow, but within a year or two, once the compounding effects of what you learn today kicks in, you’ll be amazed by your new self."
"Global stocks over the long term offer you the best return usually they beat inflation by around 5 or 6% over many decades."
"Spending one day learning about this stuff will save you hundreds, probably hundreds of thousands of dollars in your lifetime."
"Long-term investing is probably the greatest money-making machine."
"Education will make the biggest difference because instead of what giving somebody a fish you're teaching us how to fish."
"Buy things that are going to benefit you in the long run."
"You could save $3,000 or $5,000 and not have to wait for 45 years to reap the rewards."
"You trick them into studying for what's good for them, and it pays off over time if they study enough."
"Choosing hardship in youth is choosing gain."
"Don't rush something, make sure that the quality is there, that will pay off in the long run."
"Do something you don't like today that is constructive for a long-term positive change"
"I do think that basic human honesty, even though it may not always pay off in the short term, it tends to pay off in the long term. Or at least, if you're not honest, it tends to pay off negatively in the long term."
"Having strong families is the greatest return on investment that any society can make."
"Follow your intuition, it will pay off in the long run, I promise."
"Big changes may initially be perceived as disruptions, but be patient, for what's coming through will benefit everyone involved."
"In our opinion working with these periods of contemplation over a period of years will reliably result in the long run in a more clarified and seasoned web of consciousness."
"Developers and brands who make their presence early in this paradigm will have a staggering advantage in the long run."
"For a week to 10 days of discomfort to have solid hair for the next six years, seven years, it's worth it."
"You took on the changes well. You all adapted. Change is a challenge. It's hard but I think it'll be worth it in the long run."
"That's a good investment. It can buy years for this old floor."
"Additional fiscal support could be costly but worth it if it helps avoid long-term economic damage."
"When you make a piece of content one time, it has the ability to get traffic and sales for months and years into the future."
"Do it because over the years like those things come back around and maybe not immediately but like they will come back around and people will realize that."
"Not only will it benefit you and those close to you in the long run, but it could very well save you and your friends from serious harm or tragedy."
"It's a simple thing but it's going to pay you in dividends."
"Understanding what's going on here now is going to pay dividends for the rest of your career."
"It's usually the sound and rational decisions that in the longer term pay out."
"Invest in training yourself... that generally pays way more dividends over the long term than investing in something like stocks and shares does."
"Comfort to get back to the little thing can be really powerful later on."
"In the long run, I believe the benefits will far outweigh the costs."
"The total cost of ownership (factoring in repairs, maintenance and energy costs) of a Tesla is far cheaper than an ICE vehicle over the long term."
"I never understood investing time and energy into a world that you don't have long-term benefits from."
"Exercise is still necessary for long-term health."
"A business is something that you work upfront... but it gives you the benefit long term."
"This trust me, it's gonna be money upfront but it's gonna save you a headache in the long run."
"It's this that allows Africa to enjoy the benefits of the pipeline forever. It will be in the hands of African countries to decide gas prices and negotiate all terms."
"Skilling outfits may seem small, but they add up to big XP bonuses in the long run!"
"This Internal struggle seems to occur because what we desire immediately is unfortunately almost always at odds with what is actually better for us in the long run."
"It's a short-term loss for long-term good compounding."
"2023 is your year, give your all for one year just one, and you will thank yourself for a lifetime."
"If you put that in kids investment account say and just invest it according to normal standards, those kids would be graduating with the six figure graduation gift when they graduate from high school. It's not even close."
"Potential to be worth the money in the long term."
"TypeScript is a long term investment. It takes some time to learn it... but after you do both of those things you're gonna start getting some really nice rewards from it."
"Training your puppy to love being on his bed can be really valuable down the road."
"Wrestling fans are going to benefit in the long run, so why the hell not?"
"My football club that I want to watch play tonight is in a bloody mess, and a short-term pain for some long-term gain is what it's all about."
"Focus on better skin health practices overall that will pay off with better looking skin."
"The best Roi, the most important Roi is time."
"A rational investment decision which has definitely paid off in the long run."
"Recurring revenue equals recurring income for years."
"Buy into what is right. If you pursue the truth, it might make you unpopular at any particular moment, but you're going to be in a much better position in the long run."
"I'm bullish on the health aspects in the long term and using AI to find those patterns to actually improve health outcomes and reduce disease."
"It's like the saying, 'You give a person a fish, they eat for a night. You teach a person to fish, they will eat the rest of their life.'"
"I think exposure is actually valuable in the long run."
"There are rare instances where exposure has real value and can have lasting value in your career."
"It's going to take time, but Cybertruck's functionality exceeds everything that matters."
"Short-term gains versus long-term future: taking care of health makes more sense."
"If you maintain your car regularly, you can go a long way."
"The long-term benefits of following the continuum concept are optimal well-being."
"There's no better investment than quality education."
"We live in the knowledge Society. The more you know, the more you understand, the better you're gonna be off in the long run."
"The cheat code is the earlier you do it, the better it is for your whole life."
"Technological disruptions are really good for people in the long run."
"Just buying one of these appliances saves people money in the long term already."
"It's certainly an investment but I think the end results are going to be well worth it for you."
"Why not have great skin now and great skin later? There is no need to give yourself the irritation by going in too hard too soon."
"Honesty and straightforwardness will save you in the long run."
"It's going to save you and it's going to be completely worth it. Trust me."
"Invest in your health—it's the one thing you have control over with your money, and it benefits you in the future."
"It's rewarding in the immediate and it's rewarding in the long game, so gotta love a win-win situation."
"When you build your own PC, you'll be reaping the benefits way longer down the line than if you bought a stock PC or a Mac."
"Patience really is something that will take your relationship so far."
"Long term, this is going to help Bitcoin and strengthen its cause."
"I'll take the long cut thank you very much so that I know how to do it in the future you know why because when you do it the long way you develop skills that help you in all aspects of your life."
"Patience is key here - it's worth it in the end."
"Time in the market beats timing the market, and this is exactly the time that you want to be in the market when a lot of other people are leaving."
"No discipline seems pleasant but painful. But later it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it."
"In the long term, you'll notice the benefit of the help they gave you."
"This type of community work pays off dividends years later."
"Make a genuine change, and your channel could benefit in the long run."
"The latest research shows with daily long-term usage, you can raise glutathione levels by supplementing with glutathione."
"Every hour you put into tooling is gonna pay off a hundred times."
"The truth is something that sometimes can be hard to swallow in the immediate but generally is very good for a civilization in the long term."
"Keep doing what it is that you need to do because you will get benefits from it later on down the line."
"I actually think that paid off in the long run."
"There's some amazing stuff to get that can help you out for the rest of the game."
"Most people cannot sacrifice local benefit for global."
"If you save one thousand dollars in your twenties, that's like saving one hundred thousand dollars in your fifties."
"Trust that the universe is bringing you on certain diversions sometimes in order to help you in the long run."
"Spend the time learning and experimenting—commitment to the process pays off in the long run."
"Money only spends once but knowledge and connections monetize forever."
"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than Pleasant later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it."
"If you do it long enough, that’s when you get the biggest benefits in life."
"Long-term time frames is extremely beneficial, it is going to serve you so much better."
"Managing your blood sugar spikes is one of the best things you can do for long-term health."
"Accommodate people; that will pay you back in the long run."
"Long-term benefit of microbiota transfer therapy on autism symptoms and gut microbiota."
"We know that studying and homework is really, really difficult. You may not want to do it, but in the long run, it really helps."
"Affordable change is better for your health in the long term."
"The more you work with the person on the other side of that counter, the better results you're going to get long term."
"Giving up strongman and switching over to training for boxing, eating healthy, doing cardio... it's going to lead to a longer and healthier life."
"Resveratrol reveals its benefit in the long term."
"In the long term in life, you learn, you gain some sort of skill that then later helps you in life."
"Sharing supplies would prove beneficial in the long term."
"Just be consistent... a little bit goes a long way."
"He get [ __ ] so much game to the point like it's going to pay off in the long run."
"By training in a more chaotic and mixed-up manner, you actually improve skill acquisition and transference in the long term."
"Basic income can be an investment that pays for itself in the long run."
"A combination of changing your outlook and dealing with symptoms goes a long way."
"Weight loss is not the goal here, lifestyle changes are the goal."
"You want to make sure that you do it right the first time so that you can reap the rewards for years to come."
"It's only going to pay off years later."
"... for something to be lazy, it has to be something where you do the work once and you can continue to benefit from it for years and years potentially into the future."
"Using low voltage slower home charging for the majority of your charging will probably benefit you in the long run when it comes to optimizing your battery health."
"Exercise is painful in the short term, but beneficial in the long run."
"Eating healthy to benefit your body on the long run is still a goal to reach no matter what."
"You have the opportunity to make some affirmative decisions about how you handle your taxes. If you make the right decisions, those can compound for months, years in the future and the benefit is huge."
"They're worth it because in the long run they save you so much time and effort."
"Pouring into something now may not bring immediate returns, but it will benefit you in the long run."
"...it's worth it in the long run."
"Investing in something that's a little bit more high quality... in the long run is probably saving me money."
"I only believe in doing something that benefits you in the long run."
"Investing and leveling yourself up can produce a lot of benefits later on. Like deferring a little bit of that satisfaction of getting started right now so you can upskill makes you 10 times more powerful later."
"Temporary difficulty, permanent reward. Every time there is long-term benefit, you have to go through difficulty first."
"A lot of people have a hard time seeing that the sacrifice they can take now will drastically improve the rest of their life."
"The upfront investment pays in dividends later on."
"Your newborn needs to feed at night... but this actually is helping set the stage for future sleep."
"There's not someone who has better musical abilities. I'm talking about, like, to sit there and be like, 'There's a lot of pressure here but I know it's gonna benefit me in the long run so I'm going to stay with it.'"
"Sunscreen's not sexy... but it's like the best thing for you because you'll never be like oh my God my sunscreen is doing so much for my skin but like in 10 years when you see someone else who's not wearing sunscreen be like my sunscreen did so much for my skin."
"It's like short-term pain for long-term gain."
"So doing free shoots has value, yes you have to put the time and effort in but you quite often will get something from it down the line that you weren't necessarily expecting."
"I am eating better, I walk, I exercise, I eat better. So I believe that these things that I'm doing now, I'm going to reap the benefits like say five or 10 years from now."
"Long-term honesty and integrity will guide you much further than deceit."
"It's a lot of work but I think it's worth it in the long run."
"The upfront costs are mitigated over time as they produce for you, giving you 20, 30, 40, maybe even 50 years or more of production."
"Good medicine doesn't always taste good, but it's good for you in the long run."
"We gain in the very short run... we gain in the long run. We send them paper, they send us cars."
"Money doesn't motivate me. What motivates me, excites me, is that I see the long-term benefit."
"It's much easier to just have a nice substrate make that kind of initial investment and get the payoff down the road."
"I'm really focused this year on building this $200,000 of passive income so that I'm putting a lot of time and effort upfront and hopefully the benefits will continue to trickle down long after I've decreased the workload."
"This might look like something that makes you write more code to achieve the same thing, but in the long run, it is way more beneficial."
"Having kids young pays dividends in the long run."
"If you invest in good health, you actually invest in long-term stability in terms of wealth."
"The 2020 was four dollars cheaper on fuel in 54 miles, so guys if you do that calculation over a long distance of time and a long trip, that is a massive difference on fuel."
"If you engage in delayed gratification activities, then the net positive benefits that come from that compound over the long run."
"Putting in that work ahead of time really to plan and to prep serves you well in the long run."
"A well-fitting garment makes all the difference in the long run."
"Sometimes making that initial investment for something that's going to make your life easier and save money in the long run pays off tenfold."
"There are people who believe that there are some upsides, especially in the long term."