
Self-pride Quotes

There are 678 quotes

"There's lots to be grateful for, but also lots for you to be proud of."
"I'm really happy you're proud of yourself. I wish everybody in the world could be proud of who they are."
"Be proud of the man in the glass, be proud of that man that wakes up every day and does the best that he could do with his priorities."
"I'm so proud of myself for putting my mind to something and getting it done."
"I was very proud that I was able to get through it... it really gave me the most resilience I've ever felt personally in my whole life."
"I want to be proud of myself, the work I create, the creativity I express, and how I treat other people."
"The only way that you can truly be proud of yourself is to set high, lofty goals and regardless if you achieve them or not, it's not about the prize, it's about the process and the person that you become while you're on that pursuit to get that goal."
"I'm immensely proud of myself. I'm proud of what I was able to endure."
"Each time you say this, you'll feel so proud and so pleased with yourself."
"Before I get started, I just want to remind you to be proud of yourself and everything that you've done. Right now, at this very moment, I'm proud of you. Keep going, you got this."
"You're a badass, and I hope you're proud of yourself."
"Rick proposing his kind of beauty allows his Outsiders to not just be seen... but to feel proud while they're being seen."
"I just feel proud of myself and I don't think I've ever felt that before."
"Knowing what we value most is so important to carving a life that feels true to us, one that we can be proud of."
"Wow, this room is actually starting to come together. I'm proud of myself. I'm so good at building."
"Your future self will be proud of the things you are implementing into your life."
"The Ethan Klein of 2016 would be very proud of the Ethan Klein of 2022."
"Proud of myself but proud of everyone around me as well."
"Black people are going, 'We need to be proud of ourselves, we need to stop looking at ourselves in the way that people who hate us look at us.'"
"I want everybody to know my story and like how far I've come, and just how proud I am of that."
"We got important and powerful experiences as well at this age, and we should feel proud of."
"Black pride is more than February; pride is an actionable thing that I must and will do if I believe in myself."
"Real motivation comes from self-pride, from feeling good, from feeling proud."
"I'm proud of the woman I am today, the mother that I am."
"I do definitely feel proud of myself for lasting the week."
"I'm just so proud of myself because I didn't even know if I was going to be here."
"The biggest thing in life that you have to do is you have to be proud of yourselves."
"I have never felt more accomplished in my life."
"Being proud of who we are is actually a radical act of resistance."
"We proud of ourselves but this is just the beginning."
"I am most proud of myself. I am just everything that I've accomplished within this space."
"There's something coming up for you that's really doing good. You'll feel proud of yourself."
"Not fertilize your plants... if they aren't showing active signs of new growth then I am going to not fertilize even a single time during the winter months."
"You have to start to be proud of who you are"
"A healthy get-to-do relaxation lifestyle requires effort, but the effort produces that twilight zone and produces that unconditional pride in yourself."
"Aspects of getting sober is that you're going to be proud of yourself. Am I right? And if you're proud of you, chances are other people in your life are going to be proud of you too."
"Now this beautiful goddess warrior, where you're like I am so proud of who I am."
"Make decisions that you're going to be proud of over the next two, three, four, five years."
"I'm proud of myself, you should be proud of yourself too."
"I don't mean to toot my own horn, but you know what, there's nothing wrong with being proud of yourself."
"Don't fall for stereotypes, excel in your life, study a lot and make yourself proud."
"Sorry round of applause everyone, I'm very proud of myself."
"I've adapted so well and I'm really proud of myself."
"Feel proud of yourself. This is a hard journey, it's a difficult journey, it's a journey that not very many people undertake, but you have chosen to do so, and because of that, you are incredible and you are powerful and you are strong."
"I read a thousand pages and I'm really, really, really proud of myself."
"You will be proud of yourself looking back on this experience."
"I am proud of myself because I've been working really hard lately."
"You are moving in the right direction and you should be really proud of yourself for all of the progress that you've made."
"Celebrate your success and hold pride with your achievements."
"It got me thinking, I'm so proud of myself for making that change."
"What's most important is whether you can be proud of what you do."
"You're forming your own path and that's something to be proud of."
"Every single day, I'm showing up and I'm doing a little bit more, and I'm proud of myself for that."
"They didn't break me, and I'm proud of myself for that."
"I'm blessed to be here, man. I'm proud of you."
"Yeah, I freaking did that, I freaking went through it and I'm really proud of myself."
"I'm really proud of where I am. You should be proud."
"I'm already a living legend at such a young age."
"Love yourself yes but being proud of Who You Are allows you to walk taller with a sense of Pride."
"We are all unique, Kamala. You should be proud of who you are."
"I'm very proud of myself, and we all should probably be proud of the things that we accomplish."
"This transition is going to be very pleasing. It's gonna this person will be very proud of themselves once it's over."
"This is exciting, I'm super excited, I'm super proud of myself."
"Be proud of who you are and realize that we're gonna get further together."
"Honestly, I'm super proud of how it's turned out, especially that top shelf right there."
"No matter how challenging this may have been, be proud of yourself for making it this far, for not giving up, for not talking negatively about yourself."
"I'm just so happy with myself. I'm so proud of myself."
"I'm proud of myself, I'm really proud of myself and my team Fran, everyone."
"You should be so proud of what you've accomplished. Give yourself a pat on the back."
"Things will always be hard sometimes, but being proud of yourself for keeping going is a fuel like no other, trust me."
"I am finally happy with myself, I am finally proud of something I've done."
"Achieving goals and feeling proud of yourself."
"I do like urban planning a lot +1 production in all cities is very very very sizable."
"Take those little steps along the way and be proud of each accomplishment."
"I feel like I've never done an outfit like this before by the way so I'm kind of proud of myself."
"I'm really proud of myself for thinking of that solution."
"Stand tall and be proud of what you accomplished."
"I'm really proud of myself because I've been struggling lately."
"Hold yourself through it and be proud of yourself."
"Build yourself something nice that you can at least stave off some measure be proud of."
"I'm proud of myself. I'm proud of the people in my life who have supported and encouraged me."
"You are going to be so proud of yourself for just doing it."
"Every time you beat something, it's like 100 percent what you did, your skill. You can be proud of yourself."
"Be proud of your flaws; they make you unique."
"Be really proud of yourself and how far you've come."
"Honestly, I'm so proud of myself. Remember, even me, it wasn't my plan to come and do this, but it happened because you're so sweet."
"I'm pretty proud of this breakdown, editing wise."
"Honestly super proud of myself for this year of grind because it really paid off."
"You're incredible, you've made it to your cooldown."
"Thank you and also, well done. You made it all the way to the end. You should be proud of yourself."
"You cannot be black and proud and niggas too."
"Good on you, bro, good on you. Good, I know what you're doing, man. You should be so proud of yourself, you know what I'm saying?"
"I'm so proud of myself and I never really say that."
"I'm proud of myself man I'm proud that we're in like mid division 3"
"I'm extremely happy and proud to be where I am."
"Allow yourself to be proud of who you are becoming."
"Guys, this is how life works. If you try your best, you'll be proud of yourself."
"I am a proud first generation Latina and officer at CIA. I am unapologetically me."
"I'm actually proud of myself for that, you know."
"I'm not where I want to be but I'm proud. I'm not where I used to be."
"Whatever this pizzazz, this magic, this something that you've got, you've earned that."
"So overall, you can see that I lost, well, about 50 pounds on average, roughly, and how I was so proud of myself."
"You can only really be proud of your actions, and pride comes when you behave in alignment with your values."
"Every milestone just exists anyway but you can know in your heart that it was something cool you just did."
"I want to make myself proud... and proud of the path I took."
"I'm so happy I did it. I'm so proud of myself."
"It was just a nice feeling to finally just feel proud of something I was doing."
"These women, we keep reminding them that they are strong women and they will make it. So we are so proud of them. We are so proud of ourselves."
"You know what? I like my work. I like the things that I'm presenting or creating. I think it's good, and you're proud of yourself."
"I'm proud of myself, man, really clawing myself back from a huge deficit."
"It's okay to be proud of yourself sometimes."
"You'll feel so proud of yourself and so accomplished."
"I'm proud of myself. The biggest thing I walk away from this experience is probably that apron."
"The secret here is effort you must continually practice and give special attention to those areas that need help the most but you worked hard on your painting and you deserve to be proud of each and every imperfect masterpiece."
"At the end of the day, I still did it, and that's really stinking cool."
"You're going to feel so proud of yourself and the people who mean so much to you are going to be so proud of you as well, important, so so so much indeed."
"It's okay to be proud of what I did, I worked really hard."
"This is the year of me doing the things that I say I'm gonna do and making myself proud for that."
"The game you're playing is being proud of yourself, the game you're playing is being able to look yourself in the eye and go, 'Damn you left it on the field.'"
"I'm really proud of myself for that consistency."
"I'm very proud of you. I hope you're proud of yourself."
"We all have some really good stores. We did a fantastic job and I think we should all be proud of ourselves."
"I'm proud of where I've come to where it used to be."
"I'm pretty proud of myself. That's a lot of work done today!"
"It's for me, it's like I'm flexing on myself, you know what I'm saying?"
"I'm really proud of myself... it's a breath of fresh air."
"Family is what we leave behind in this world. Our legacy and our mark."
"You're entering a new cycle where you're going to be proud of yourself."
"I am so proud of myself I'm proud of you I am so proud like now it's just that that one little line that I need to work on that is progress hard work and determination."
"You feel the most proud of yourselves when you do something that actually means something."
"You must be so proud of yourself for achieving this."
"You see this on my shoulders. This is pride, baby."
"It's a month where you should feel proud of your journey you've been taking so far."
"I'm a little proud of myself for the improvements and growth."
"Be proud of yourself, leave this workout feeling amazing."
"I really want you to be proud of where you are right now."
"That is stunning, congratulations, I'm really proud of myself."
"I'm really proud of myself actually."
"I am proud of myself for how far I have come."
"This is going to be a nightmare, but I'm going to make myself proud."
"I'm actually pretty proud of myself, it's pretty good if I do say so myself."
"I'm so proud of myself because I never gave up."
"I'm very proud of myself for setting boundaries."
"I'm just so proud of myself and have faced adversity through that."
"I think overall this was a very successful declutter. I definitely left it feeling so accomplished and proud of myself."
"Be proud of yourself, really demand more of yourself."
"It's you and only you that has been the one to allow this to happen and that's why you need to be proud of yourself."
"I'm honestly really proud of myself. I feel very proud of myself."
"When you lay your head in bed at night and you are thankful for your journey and you are proud of yourself, that's all that matters."
"I'm actually really proud of myself."
"Always be proud of who you are and your background."
"I'm really proud of myself for being able to withstand all the changes."
"I'm proud of myself for just recently deciding to put myself first over the happiness of other people."
"My house is clean and cozy and lovely. It's not perfect by any means, means it's lived in, but I'm not embarrassed of it and I'm so proud of myself for that."
"I'm really proud of myself for making this."
"I'm proud of myself and I love that I'm just being patient with everything."
"I'm real proud of myself or whatever."
"I'm honestly really proud of myself."
"Being proud of myself for showing up."
"I'm proud of myself for where I am now."
"I'm really proud of myself. I did it."
"I'm really proud of myself so far."
"There's reasons to feel proud of yourself."
"Ultimately, everything has been aligning and I've been out here, like, just thugging it and doing it on my own. I'm so proud of me."
"Besties, I'm so proud of myself because I just edited the belief content that I filmed the other night. I delivered it like I hit all the marks. I'm so happy about that."
"As long as you don't do that and you just put in the effort every day, you're gonna make yourself proud."
"I'm just proud of myself for making this, you know? I'm proud of myself for trying something new."
"I'm proud of me as I love to say we are doing it."
"I'm proud of myself and that's on period."
"I tried and learned something new, so I'm pretty proud of myself."
"I'm so proud of myself. I don't know if any of it helped, but we'll see, I guess."
"I feel very proud of myself, honestly."
"Take pride in yourself and all that you have become. Feel honored by your choices, achievements, and actions."
"I'm actually proud of myself for doing that."
"I'm so proud of myself today. I'm so proud of myself."
"I'm just very proud of myself. Like, I'm doing the damn thing."
"I'm proud of myself, like that's the most thing I'm proud about this year, is that I finally got myself out of there because sis would not leave."
"Let's take in a moment of gratitude, we proud of ourselves for coming in here this morning."
"But that's okay, you tried, didn't you? You should still be proud of yourself."
"I'm proud of the person I am right now."
"I can be proud of where I'm at and know where I'm going definitely like finally have taken a moment to be proud of myself."
"Oh my gosh, I am proud of myself. This is delicious."
"I'm proud of myself for trying it, trying new things, being adventurous."
"Be proud of yourself guys, be proud of all the stuff that you've done so far."
"I'm proud of myself today. I'm so proud of myself."
"Guys, I'm actually super proud of myself."
"I'm just so proud of myself and so happy."
"Be proud of yourself once you do take the steps that you need to take and congratulate yourself for that."
"I gave my best foot forward today. I did all that I could do so I'm proud of me."
"I'm really proud of myself for that because everyone else was drinking and I wasn't."
"I'm really proud of myself for not doing anything too aggressive."
"I deserve to be proud of myself and I am."
"I am so aggressively proud of myself."
"Just think about how proud of yourself you're gonna be at the end of this one."
"I think that in a few years I'll look back and I'll be so proud of myself even though I am proud of myself now that I was able to make that happen."
"One more time, breathe in, be proud of yourself."
"Proud of yourself? You focused on you, prioritized your health right here, right now."
"Be proud of who you are, your strength comes from within."
"Lauren, you did the work, you showed up, you did everything you needed to do, you can be proud of yourself."
"Crisis averted, I'm really proud of myself."