
Generational Differences Quotes

There are 495 quotes

"Boomers will tell you to get a real job when those real jobs won't exist in a few decades."
"You're more likely to be gay in America if you're Gen Z than you are to vote for a Republican."
"This younger generation senses that, and that's why they're into nuance, kindness, seeing the kinds of distinctions which are lost on older generations."
"The younger generation... they hold him (LeBron) in higher esteem because this is what they've seen for the bulk of their life."
"Can you imagine this generation being drafted? No. They can't survive a TikTok challenge."
"Most Millennials get their news from social media, and TikTok is the top news source for Gen Z, and increasingly, is the most popular news source for Americans overall."
"Gen Z, Generation Alpha, y'all do not know how lucky you are. Back in my day, I never... When we had to go walk in the snowed up hill both ways, I never got to see a gay person on television."
"Every time a new generation is coming up, we have to sit through yet another debate about whether the moral values of our predecessors are melting away with time."
"You would not let your grandfather or grandmother decide what clothes you wear or what music you listen to, so why would you let them decide the world you're gonna live in and the politics that you're gonna be subjected to?"
"The magic age is people born after 1981. That's the cutoff for us where we see a big change in privacy settings and user acceptance."
"Maybe it's okay if sons have different ideas than their fathers. Maybe it's how we evolve as dinosaurs."
"A lot of these younger people aren't experiencing that. They're stuck inside with 15 screens between them and the outside world."
"Your relentlessness, your focus on hard work, and all of these kind of old school values which I think are a little bit lost in our generation."
"Millennials and younger generations are hyper individualistic in many ways. They do like free market products and services."
"I think my kids are much more tolerant than I am."
"In recent years, we've seen a lot of attention given to quarter-life crisis stories as financial precariousness and bleak world news have made hitting adulthood for Millennials and Gen Z uniquely challenging."
"Our generation's perspective of love is so messed up because of the internet and social media."
"We have crossed some sort of boundary where generational changes are happening at an accelerated pace."
"You look at the generations before you and the generation's growing up with you, and you say, is this what I want? And if the answer is no, then you've got to do something about it. You've got to make the change and create your own destiny."
"There's literally a whole generation that was never told, 'Don't be a tattletale,' and that's why Twitter exists."
"Whenever a new form of media comes out that particularly older generations don't use and don't understand, it's very, very common for that new media to be blamed for a variety of social ills."
"Gen Z and millennials are unique when it comes to demanding a work-life balance. They don't just want flexible work hours and environments; they want to work for companies that align with their own personal beliefs and values."
"I'm so grateful that I didn't grow up in the age of social media."
"It's dangerous for humanity, I think. We're teaching the next generation that you cannot be normal; you have to be insane otherwise nobody will love you."
"As a kid, my parents taught me not to believe everything I see on TV. Now, I have to teach them not to believe everything they see on Facebook."
"The biggest problem that older people have is that they have young people who think they're old."
"Who's to say that young girls who like pop music - short for popular, right? - have worse musical taste than a 30-year-old hipster guy?"
"It's really hard to remember what I was like when I was 20. So often we're like, 'God, what's wrong with you? You grew up in the wrong generation.' But really, they're just 20."
"It's like a game almost, yes. And I think there's also a different level of patriotism today versus many years ago."
"Nearly half of Gen Z and millennials in senior positions have rejected a job or assignment based on their personal ethics."
"Why were your parents or grandparents able to buy a 4-bedroom house for a goat and a smile while you're out here shelling out $2,600 a month for the Harry Potter room under the stairs?"
"Our parents' generation didn't have it as easy as we do...They were just meeting their basic needs."
"The only frustration for millennials is how their potential for teamwork, their strong ability to band together and do collective things, has been completely untapped by older generations."
"Delayed gratification is something that's been lost on my generation and every generation after that. Everybody wants everything now."
"The language of this generation, even sometimes the older people, speaks the language of destruction. It's destroy, deconstruct, dismantle, tear down, whereas previous generations spoke the language of building, of planting."
"The hate on Gen Z stems from the fear of every generation and their legacy of being left behind and forgotten."
"It is not the envy only of a 60-something person for a 20-something person. It is also really a sense of looking at people who have the life in front of them, who have prospects which my generation could have only dreamt of."
"The most sincere people on social media are our parents or people who use the Instagram app to take a picture in real time and will post it simply because it's ergonomic."
"The real generational divide on the left is less to do with age and more between those who have woken up to this fact and those who are still clinging on to the now largely-irrelevant maxims of the past."
"Baby boomers are always saying, 'Back in my day,' millennials are always in a constant state of '90s nostalgia."
"I just never subscribe to the [ __ ] argument that like kids these days are so much worse like I completely disagree."
"I love baby boomers who say kids don't even know how to write cursive... cursive doesn't really have a place in the modern world anymore."
"But speaking of fibs the sentiment of gen Z collectively looking older than Millennials is just categorically not true."
"Millennials can take a joke implying that the Zoomers cannot."
"I'm sure those people exist but it's like parents of high schoolers like I would say on average are probably in their mid-40s."
"So apparently gen Z has a new breakup method... it's called Delicate dumping."
"You can't compare the generations they were great in that moment for what they knew and what they understood and what they were going through."
"It's the old generation trying to keep everything the same and the younger generation that was taught by us. Ask questions, question everything."
"You did. Grandma had five nights. Grandma pressed that little five in your palm, man."
"Younger generations are more in favor of free speech."
"I think some older fans have a skewed perception of how good the game was back then."
"The Cures of the world often will start wanting to date earlier on average."
"Young people today find enrichment in ways that are different than previous generations."
"I think if you're a millennial gen Z right now you have given up hope of having a better quality living than your parents had."
"If that doesn't sound awesome, then you weren't a kid in 1986. And that's on you."
"Our younger Generations are the most educated the most critically thinking the most self-aware Generations in history."
"But if it's going to continue to be like mostly boomers on facebook let's be honest the boomers aren't going to last very long."
"Perhaps the biggest gripe with us 30-something women is that we wanted men who wanted to settle down and raise a family."
"Why isn't our history being lost? Why aren't millennials scared to the core of communism and socialism?"
"Younger and middle-aged men are the loneliest they've ever been in generations."
"They're literally a YouTube channel, but like an old heads YouTube channel."
"Luxury beliefs are beliefs that certain generations... can afford to have."
"You can't pay me to ever miss. What are you gonna do? Get a man again? Because older men always give more. The quarantine is proving this daily."
"As long as young people are willing to work hard, I can live the life I want."
"For me, a traditional family made sense, and for Colleen, my wife, who did not come from a traditional family, she saw at a very early age what my parents had in a traditional family, and so she wanted a traditional family."
"Every revolution starts with young people, right? I feel like the Great Reset is really just a lot of older people saying, 'Here's how we have to hold on to this, you know, keep it all stitched together.'"
"Adult Secret: It's all intentional. Nothing will prepare you for how fun it is to watch a teenager's face as you dab at them."
"The whole world is moving away from this stuff."
"Respect is how the young keep us at a distance."
"The attention span of the younger generation has severely decreased."
"There's a lot to that," Vanessa acknowledged. "I believe he said that you're a man first. I believe he came up in a time where there's a time and a place to behave in certain ways."
"If you can imagine your dad saying it, then it's probably not very good."
"Young people have a profoundly different experience of the economy."
"It's not their fault, and I don't want to say stereotypical, but I think it's fair to say that somebody who is 20 has typically more life experience than a 16-year-old."
"I feel like he's generations before us for gay [__] R. Kelly."
"Your life should not be a carbon copy of your parents and your grandparents."
"It's my perspective that today's young men live in a different world... their reality is not the same."
"Despite the temptations, Millennials are saving earlier than their parents and their savings are higher portions of their income."
"The biggest financial mistake you will ever make was being born after 1980. Homes are unaffordable."
"You were always old but everyone was once young and goofy."
"Lack of trust, which Raya and the Last Dragon equates to moral corruption, is very much rooted in the past generation."
"Turning Red illustrates what the parent needs to change in themselves to suit their successor."
"Turning Red introduces an element of empowerment towards the younger generation in relation to the older generation."
"That's the crazy [ __ ]. We looked at our parents because they didn't know how to, like, double click a mouse and we're like, 'Man, they don't know nothing about technology, bro.'"
"Teenagers don't behave this way. They don't have the emotional maturity and empathy of 12-year-olds."
"That's a rule that I follow and it's one that the young tricks I guess have never heard of."
"Gen Z is more linked into information than any generation before it."
"The younger generation is likely to be more radical in its demands."
"Your average 19 year old today is definitely much much less mature than a 19 year old 60 years ago."
"He's an anti-racist in his heart too, he's old-school, he doesn't know the buzz words."
"But for young people who don't have the decades of all of that. They're in a different place."
"There's a difference between a young cat that just don't know any better and a young cat that feels because he got it going on he doesn't have to show you any respect whatsoever."
"I had three generations of music because my dad was born in the 40s, my mom was born in the 60s, and I'm born in the 90s."
"For the oldie folks, what is it, you know, Barbara Streisand, 'The Way We Were'? And then maybe for like a little bit younger, I've got this Paul Simon, 'Still Crazy After All These Years.' Yeah, I love that one, man."
"People who are in Gen Z and younger Millennials have a much higher incidence of self-reporting these kinds of mental health pathologies."
"I love my daughter's expression when I tell her we couldn't skip ads when I was her age."
"Goddamn your generation really picks random hills to die on."
"Among those of gen z who are more progressive, they tend to be increasingly authoritarian."
"You're gonna get those people who grew up on Super and they're gonna go back to Z and Dragon Ball and be like, 'You know what, I really liked it when I was a kid.'"
"You have your whole life ahead of you, I hate the fact that young people are making money."
"This generation is different... it's emotional intelligence."
"I just feel like we always talk about every generation not having morals and ethics."
"The younger generation has an extremely high tolerance for Satan and are clearly the generation that will accept his son when he comes on the scene and proclaims to be the world savior."
"You have to self-exit and say it's like you said, you have to look to where the future is going and you have to play that game instead of doing what some like boomer executives want you to do and play within the role that you're assigned yourself."
"Kids today learn things a lot faster and earlier than we did."
"Gen Z is too afraid to ask a waiter for extra ketchup but will body slam a cop."
"It's aggravating when people have such high expectations, you know? The modern generation, the younger generation is criticized for saying okay, you know, somebody texts you and they expect like a text right back."
"I mean, I don't really watch cartoons, bro. I'm not into cartoons, you know?"
"People in their 40s are like, 'I don't want to get old,' because they're worried about mental clarity. People at 18 are like, 'I don't want to be old because I like eating corn chips.'"
"Men love dating older women. What lifetime is this?"
"They always bypassed Generation X... Generation X lived wild though."
"The three protagonists of GTA 5 represent the three generations of Gamers and play styles of the previous games."
"I saved it with depends jokes and old people hitting themselves."
"Forming identities for ourselves in contrast to people older and younger than us is one of the most base instincts we have as humans."
"Different people based on when they're born experience that media in different ways."
"Our parents didn't have these distractions, they had to put time and effort into receiving the approval of their peers."
"Society has already got used to it, people of all ages have got used to it."
"A lot of these new people don't like to pay homage because maybe they weren't taught why weren't they taught I don't know I don't have a kid right now if I had a kid my kid would be taught to salute all the Pioneers."
"It's a perfect example of a disconnect between the Old Guard media and the New Media."
"Almost nobody feels like a carbon copy of their parents, and it was definitely my biggest concern going in."
"Maybe when I see what kids grow up with in comic book movies today, I feel a little jealous about what we got."
"Each generation has their own Joker and I think that's a cool thing that everybody has."
"Young people are more open-minded than people give them credit for."
"It's a cult classic beloved by many, but for a newer generation, the Aeon Flux name is overshadowed by the live-action flop from 2005."
"This whole process has taught me that the music industry is Boomer as anything."
"We've raised a generation of people that think the world has to bend to them."
"Technology is pushing us apart and I find that folks in their 20s right now or younger are using technology to bring them closer together."
"I am gen X... but now it's... socialist millennials that we get and turn them into fierce capitalists."
"Cancel culture is more generational. Grown folks don't really do that."
"I want the young ones to know not all of us out here going oh go to hell with that new hip-hop this know a lot I'm feeling a lot of it ya know don't get it twisted there's a lot of bad stuff to is every era as always however ihab stuff you know."
"Now when our grandkids shake hands that's going to be like third base."
"But maybe it's just because of my generation, I grew up going to shows and I still go to shows and I love that physical element."
"Especially with our generation some people that are like oh it's quirky like TikTok users, oh my god depression is a personality now."
"You need to be an adult later in life than earlier in previous generations."
"I think that guy's a dick um that couldn't be less of the case with this new crop of comedians 25 and under they are trying to close the door behind them."
"I think the sad thing about this particular case is I do feel like in line with what we were talking about young people earlier having stupid hills to die on with who to defend."
"Your kids will not grow up in the same environment that you grew up in. They won't face the same type of challenges and your financial situation will make their lives easier."
"Gen Z is chalking up credit card debt and falling behind on their payments faster than any other generation."
"Just because your grandpa was a great man doesn't mean that you're one."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"Millennials may be having less sex than the boomers or xers but they're not the prudes their grandparents were."
"The Millennials grew up with the Internet, that's gonna be like a nuclear weapon politically."
"Is technology making kids smarter and adults dumber because I'm starting to think the answer is yes."
"People had young people had much more of an appreciation for being rebellious back then."
"Their grandparents should love them for them, not if they wear what they consider appropriate clothing. It's not 1950 anymore."
"Grandchildren are better than children. Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children."
"You always give Grace to those that walk before you because there's a certain information that was not given to them and you have the opportunity, you are blessed, you can walk a path, you can walk in your own shoes and take a different route."
"We don't want to lose the... things that are cool right?"
"Underpinning it is a very serious difference in ideology and a very serious general intergenerational shift."
"My generation doesn't give a [__] about the things we don't agree with."
"You kids nowadays are spoiled with your entire series collection in one whole release. You lucky little brats!"
"It ain't too many [rappers in therapy]. It's more now, you know what's so funny, it's more the younger generation that's embracing it than the old defeat people who probably really need to process some of that unhealed trauma."
"I'm ready to see a lot of people that don't know anything about fashion trends are still clinging to various old hairstyles of ours."
"When people talk about like fouls and this generation of soft and um these these guys are crybabies."
"We took a poll in the office today, half of the people in the office had never used a paper map."
"At this point, there's no excuse for Baby Boomers still in the workforce to be technologically inept anymore. It's just willful ignorance."
"Spoiler alert gen Z was not as resilient as Gen X because you know what we were 17 to 22 years old very confused by what was going on."
"Kids these days don't know how good they got it."
"Men accept the reality. And the guys who are seeing you in their 20s, they're saying, 'I want to get to be like him.' But real men realize that there's a process."
"You sit there being a youtuber calling out how younger generations you know want like it's bad that they want to be a youtubers it's like yeah the difference is I didn't want to be a youtuber"
"So, I'm really interested to know if any of the younger people who do watch us, so Gen Z, if any of you guys even know some of the old stuff we might talk about."
"You gotta have excess today to live somewhat even with the quality of life your parents or your grandparents had."
"If I did that to someone who was younger than me, they'd feel... well, I don't know how many... I don't know how many you guys heard but..."
"I think a lot of older people forget what it's like to be your age, like, yeah, I remember when I was like young and I was saying Jay-Z and [ __ ] old enemies like he can't [ __ ] with Rakim."
"It's just funny to me that it's not a problem we saw 20 years ago like we do now."
"There's been like a four or 5% consistent drop since their like early 2000s to today the middle-aged people are getting less lonely while teens are getting more lonely."
"Middle-aged people struggling with technology, it's fun, isn't it?"
"And then sometimes I look at what's going on in 2022 and look at me being almost 26 years old and I'm trying to figure out am I so out of touch and I realize no it's the it's the children that are wrong either way."
"Kids have enough to deal with now compared to what we had to deal with when we were kids."
"I think he might be more tech-savvy than I am."
"Even the number of the proportion of the population who were hippies or beatniks or whatever is only a small proportion of the population who are teenagers."
"These whippersnappers set down their game controllers long enough to crawl into the comments and call me old."
"A millennial is just a baby boomer waiting to happen."
"The entertainment industry's attempts at selling mainstream crypto and NFT adoption to a generation of people who clearly want nothing to do with it."
"Mobile games are the future, you know, boomer?"
"Keep a close eye on your kids because this world is sick. It's way sicker than it was when I grew up, and it's only getting sicker."
"This younger generation has never experienced this but this was how it always was hard to get a job."
"These problems are fairly new and this kind of stuff didn't happen back when marriage and partnering for life was the norm."
"When did kids start talking to their parents like that?"
"The professionalism of that generation is unmatched."
"Your parents are not just random people. So we're gonna have way different standards."
"She admits that Granny's worries are rightly placed but says that he cannot think of a future with living."
"Our lifetimes are so interesting because people before us grew up their entire childhood with zero phones."
"Aggressive generosity to combat Boomer selfishness is so Punk."
"It doesn't matter what generation you are, there's definitely lazy people and awesome motivated people."
"Seven-year-olds today may have more in common with seven-year-olds in India than a 65-year-old in their own country."
"Old people are fun to talk to for a little while, but then if I go to heaven, I gotta talk to 'em all the time."
"As much as I have fought homophobia my whole life, I have more to learn from a younger generation."
"It's very much that kind of thing. And now you have younger people who are making the same kind of edgy humor and getting cancelled for it."
"Kids, even the smart ones, will like something that you as an adult may not."
"Kids today, with all their resources, they're on a whole other level."
"You know maybe y'all maybe maybe it's not only kids fault maybe I'm too harsh maybe it's our generation's fall you know a lot of us are we're celebrating these kids before they even get out of the womb."
"How can you be against this? Your granddad was 25 and your grandma was 17. You're for intergenerational love, why would you restrict that right?"
"In my era, you had to knuckle up; memes don't go away."
"You gotta embrace all music, I embrace the Lil Yachtys, it's not meant for everybody."
"Sometimes too, you haven't really known a true zoomer until you've been around Luca."
"I love the enthusiasm and the fresh take of those who grew up different than I did."
"Millennials are whiny and they are... They're just so weak, and they're like little special snowflakes, very delicate."
"Our day is forcing us to think these things through with much deeper clarity than in my generation."
"The only reason people hate on these things is because they weren't this way in the 50s and 60s."