
Job Market Quotes

There are 822 quotes

"Boomers will tell you to get a real job when those real jobs won't exist in a few decades."
"There's literally no job loyalty, so at this point, you got to find other hustles, you got to have multiple sources of income."
"AI will create 97 million new jobs by 2025, many employees won't have the skills needed for these technical roles."
"Many of today's occupations didn't really exist a decade ago, from Etsy seller to misinformation moderator."
"The big job surprise comes despite the Federal Reserve's attempt to slow the sizzling jobs market."
"If you can have both of these skills in one, you're pretty much never going to be looking for a job; they're going to be looking for you."
"Healthcare professions in general are known for being extremely stable."
"The amount of money you earn is a direct ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the difficulty there is in replacing you."
"The quest for relevance will be harder for the next generation than it was for us because the half-life of jobs, of so many things, is actually shortening quite a bit."
"If you have programming skills, then that will separate you out from the crowd."
"All of the underlying metrics of economic anxiety were still there, like the jobs being outsourced, the collapse of the manufacturing industry, underemployment, the fact that most Americans can't afford an emergency of $300, the medical debt."
"Ideologies of new modernity come and tell you, 'But don't you see that the fact that you don't have a permanent job is the new opportunity? You are not alienated in a fixed position; you can reinvent yourself every year again and again.'"
"There is a huge gap...the demand for data scientists is currently huge and the supply is very low."
"It's a great time to be an employee here. We have one and a half job openings for every unemployed person we have."
"The number of workers quitting their jobs held steady, indicating confidence in finding new employment opportunities."
"A major study by Oxford University estimates that nearly half of current US jobs are likely to be automated or computerized with our current technological trends."
"We may already be starting to see the effect on the wider economy. In the first decade of this century, the net total number of jobs created in the United States was zero."
"Right now, those jobs [carpentry, plumber, electrician] fully exist...those people go out and build America."
"The demand for Angular developers is increasing constantly."
"It's predicted that within two years, there will be 2 million unfilled security jobs in cybersecurity."
"I wouldn't be relying just on the master's degree to get you a job; you have to have the other skills."
"To choose one's profession based solely on the availability of work is to take a short-term perspective that will likely backfire."
"Truly fun fact: All the jobs that I trained for no longer exist. Now I have all these student loans and I'm paying off this college that taught me stuff that I can't even use."
"When politicians tell you they're gonna fix that by somehow restructuring the economy so you can work that $15 an hour job at McDonald's and it will become a $35 an hour job magically, they are lying to you."
"The ways this will impact our economy and jobs is going to be crazy and interesting."
"Glassdoor showed that it paid up to $56,000 per year, and again, this is going to be no phones. This is pretty much the epitome of a data entry job."
"The nature of jobs has changed drastically and today we live in a world where qualities such as creativity, individualism, and entrepreneurialism are highly sought after by a lot of employers."
"American jobs are regulated out of existence in the name of environmental stewardship."
"It's gotten much easier to build websites, but learning to actually get a job as a web developer has gotten much harder."
"Your chances of getting into Google for your first job are almost zero, but you can and should work your way up to that after getting some real-world experience."
"There's actually lots of manufacturing jobs that are being made here in the U.S. They're just not assembly jobs. They are data analysis jobs, engineering jobs."
"Another upbeat jobs report, a history-making jobs report."
"It is a city that has reinvented itself and is now experiencing economic growth and a healthy job market."
"There are sometimes 30 times more job postings than there are people to fill them."
"It's more better to have people you form relations with on LinkedIn or Twitter where you have a community rather than just applying to jobs that are available because most of the times you might get an opportunity that you didn't know you wouldn't."
"My number one goal is that you actually get a job."
"Job openings for franchise producers are very limited."
"Artificial intelligence is already finding its way into every job sector on the planet."
"Jobs are getting incredibly hard to get because of intense competition for the small number of jobs that are available."
"Every 30 to 50 years jobs are going to be replaced."
"There's more opportunity now for you to learn a skill and get a high-paying job than in the history of humanity."
"The biggest conflict you always hear of course is that you can't get experience unless you have a job and you can't have a job unless you have experience."
"The demand is here; it's a job that allows you to have good work-life balance."
"We need to have a real conversation about the racism and sexism behind electability."
"The radical left wants to do to America what they've done to New York: raise prices, kill jobs, and leave our nation less independent and secure."
"Employers are looking for people with experience."
"A pre-pandemic study done by Georgetown University estimated that 35 percent of all job openings would require a bachelor's degree by 2020."
"AI is disrupting jobs we didn't quite imagine be disrupted first we thought it'd be accountants or whatever and what it ends up being is artists creators."
"The likely impact on jobs is minimal, according to research."
"Under capitalism, you get to choose what job you work at... it's the best option available to them."
"The jobs in this country... 10 million swing toward the positive side."
"There's always some kid coming out of college that wants your job."
"Engineers, they've got very good job prospects."
"Job market might be more important, it's nice to have a high-paying job."
"Technology has already eliminated a lot of middle-income jobs."
"Companies are constantly looking out for people like you, as you hold much value."
"Jobs are created and jobs are destroyed... Things change and it grows and this is how the economy ends up getting bigger."
"After that, it might be many months before you get a job, but you don't have to spend much money."
"Just recognize that even getting an offer is like such a testament to how incredibly talented and smart you are."
"There's so much innovation to be happened, more importantly, so many jobs that are emerging in this field that need to get filled."
"There's always a new group of 23-year-olds coming onto the market."
"Tears of the Kingdom is a Titan, a masterpiece, a true Marvel of game design."
"We're going to see downward pressure on consumer spending... more retail stores closing more of these retail jobs gone."
"Inflation forces over half of Americans to consider second jobs as real wages fall."
"There's at least one job for every job seeker that comes to our platform."
"It's just comical that you guys are so upset."
"What do we have on the economic calendar tomorrow? Initial jobless claims for the week."
"Unemployment is no more. 38 clicks. Oh, it's beautiful."
"It's no longer guaranteed that you're going to get into the best schools or get the best jobs or have Economic Security your whole life."
"When jobs are down nine percent from their pre-pandemic levels... that's really bad for your local housing market."
"Underemployment means you're more qualified than the job you're doing. Everybody experiences this, not just Black people."
"Job postings are going up, and that's a very promising sign."
"Interview prep is vital today. I cannot believe how many people work so hard to land a job interview and it's extremely competitive and then they don't take the time to prep for interviews."
"Fast food restaurants are advertising $25 an hour... inflation is hitting harder and harder."
"How can I be looking for a job when I employ myself"
"So we absolutely shattered expectations and this is the largest monthly jobs increase in American history. Americans think of that."
"I'm trying to prepare you for the real world because when you go to get a job there's competition, and what are you going to do to stand out?"
"People are not going to accept these low-paying jobs if they have a higher paying alternative."
"If you are valuable enough people will hire you no matter where you are."
"There are more college graduates working in food service than there are engineers, physicists, chemists, and mathematicians."
"The Republican parties embrace 30 years ago of this new world order politics this globalism decimated working-class jobs and Families it helped undermine working-class culture."
"10 no interview remote jobs that are always hiring."
"You've got to start somewhere and flipping burgers at McDonald's is not supposed to be a job that sustains you through life. It's where you start."
"If someone is like hey, education, education, education, the fact is, like, you get a degree now, you might just have this giant debt load and no job at the end of it."
"I want the American worker and the American, our American citizens to be able to get jobs."
"The American people want to make sure that they have jobs for the American people not for people that come in in many cases illegally into our country."
"We're at the best job market in the history of the world."
"If companies can make money off of AI art and it's just as good as an artist, then you can basically expect a lot of artists to be out of jobs."
"Every single industry, every job, everything is going to be turned completely upside down."
"Getting a job in design is more competitive than ever, which is why you need to focus on skills that help you stand out."
"Maybe we'll pull out of this and start recovering... maybe the fact that there are 10 million job openings shows businesses are open for business."
"So these are very interesting stories about the arrogance of government essentially. Arrogance of government hurts jobs."
"Start researching the fields and start researching the sort of jobs that are in that field."
"One loser here is going to be an American programmer; there's going to be downward pressure on their wages."
"Jerome Powell sees a long road ahead for the job market, matter of fact he was saying that millions of jobs may never come back."
"Think about all the different jobs that are going to be created."
"Are we setting our own house on fire with automation and the erosion of our ability to provide?"
"Negotiating tip: know what the standard for this job function is."
"If colleges didn't get paid until their graduates got paid, colleges would work a lot harder to get their graduates high-paying jobs."
"I think if we... you know, you would expect a significant, a really strong set of set of jobs numbers coming up beginning in the next month."
"What we're seeing is that there's lots of job vacancies and not enough job seekers, and so it is very competitive out there."
"It's a huge opportunity for jobs. We will have a lot more jobs."
"Job openings are at the highest point in history."
"The question still remains after learning all this stuff do you think it's possible to actually earn yourself an iOS job in the Silicon Valley?"
"If you can do your job from home, can't someone else do it for less in another part of the world?"
"Ultimately, it's the people that count, not the jobs."
"Lower jobless claims indicate that jobs are starting to come back."
"All human beings have freedom of career choice, so why are people talking about you quitting all of a sudden?"
"Add your task: fast API, React, and MongoDB."
"The layoffs also mean a reshuffling of the talent market in the industry."
"Robot muscle and AI’s creating immense wealth and removing millions of jobs, but the upsides are stunning."
"We're entering the workforce in an economic juncture more severe than the Great Recession. We're a generation of side hustles and gig cultures stuck in cycles of low-paying jobs and stagnant wages."
"Flexibility in terms of job roles is very important if you don't get a job within one month, two months, be ready to switch your profile and do any job."
"You will always find a job. There is this whole idea that there's too many anesthesiologists; it's completely false narrative."
"You have these kids that are graduating colleges every single year... and they can't even get a job."
"The demand for people with skills in these areas is only growing."
"Many businesses are saying that right now they're they're trying to entice people by giving them money by giving them free meals and even paying for trips."
"There's a palpable sense of frustration about people trying to get jobs."
"This variety is a good thing, it means that as a data analyst you'll have a pretty wide range of job opportunities available."
"More teens have jobs right now than we've seen in over a decade."
"Education is college because that industrial [__] of taking care of your family with a blue collar job that got wiped out in the late 70s."
"Now we got a serious problem which is problem number two: nobody's making any money doing their job right now."
"We will make those value-driven decisions even at the expense of what might be an incredibly popular or profitable feature."
"Some of these jobs aren't coming back... it's the reality." - Steve B
"Employers are going to objectively look at the value workers bring to the table and what it costs to employ them and you know if it's a losing proposition for the employer then you know the job is going to get eliminated."
"Your soft skills are what really is going to sell you."
"You are expendable... there is no job security."
"No matter how qualified you are... you may be the last to be taken in and given a job."
"We're at a time where there are more job openings in America than there are people looking for jobs."
"This is the first time in since we've kept the data that we have more open jobs than job seekers."
"Chefs can feel pretty good about their job choice now. Let's look at the largest job decline, the predicted largest industries that will have the most decline in jobs."
"Certain parts of the economy are not meeting their job needs because people are like, 'I would just rather sit at home, play video games, live with my free rent, and keep getting my government checks.'"
"Tesla is hiring for Teslabot development... job listings for engineering positions."
"We've added 9 million jobs back to this economy in the last three months alone."
"So even though the official unemployment rate has come down uh somewhat if you look at say the number of jobs in the economy uh you know we're still very very short of what the total number of jobs were pre pandemic."
"I've seen the page. I could vouch for it. It's a thing that I just... I have a bunch of actor friends who are currently sitting at home not doing very much of anything, and all of them have expertise in taping themselves for auditions."
"In the past 12 months, the job market has been defined by trends and buzzwords like the great resignation."
"The bonus reason that companies are making you do so many job interviews is because they know that even if they don't end up hiring many people, just the act of looking like a job creator can lend them significant political influence."
"This trend is also leading to worse outcomes for employers. High-performing employees are pulling out of job applications after being asked to come back for round after round of interviews."
"Ultimately, the whole thing came at the cost of 800 job losses, which is so many."
"Hiring has exploded, unemployment at ridiculously low numbers."
"Soon nearly half the jobs in America would use the computer."
"The problem is not that they're lazy, the problem is that if you're making more money on unemployment than you're making on the job, it's a problem with the damn job."
"Thousands of people being let go right now it's a great time to be an entrepreneur."
"Private sector jobs in the United States increased by 497 000 blowing past expectations of 220 000."
"Don't let a single job in a single company control your outcome build your skills make sure you're marketable throughout the marketplace."
"College grads would get great degrees, land high-paying jobs, and repay that debt easily, allowing even more students to take out loans. At least that was the plan."
"The market wants just a little weaker job... to make the FED stop."
"Major in something that is going to have a job when you graduate and a job that's in demand."
"I like to think that after these benefits expire, some of these jobs will be appealing."
"What's the point of having a salary range if you're going to eliminate people who are requesting a salary in that range?"
"As we're entering the age of automation and streamlining these sorts of skills are going to become extremely valuable."
"I don't think that means that employee deserves to be exploited, I think that means that they should be able to find a job on the job market that will pay them that."
"More job openings than people looking for work."
"Some consumers hope that changing their face may change their fate in the country's highly competitive job market."
"The single greatest three-month period of job creation in American history."
"Every time there's been a new piece of technology people said hey we're gonna wipe out all these jobs and we do but because humans can adapt they've adapted."
"If you do what everybody else does, you're fighting for a small pie."
"Don't be naive in thinking that you'll come, you'll get an interview, and you will straightaway get that position."
"If you shut off that valve for cheap low-skilled migration labor, people will actually start having to do these jobs."
"The market bottomed in March of 2020 right, we still had so much bad news we still had so many layoffs that were coming the unemployment rate kept skyrocketing during that time."
"I don't care what it is you do, whatever job you have, you're basically selling your services to the world."
"It gave me like this weird little flux period where I could continue to grow the YouTube channel so by the time I was out of college I didn't actually have to get a real job."
"If indeed is cutting 15% of their Workforce, that's a sign that they're seeing something ahead in the U.S economy which is not good."
"Of all the new jobs created in 2019, 70 percent were secured by women, which is truly extraordinary."
"The one big advantage that my single-location friends have is the ability to go to a job and actually, you know, make money to support their expensive lifestyles."
"I hope all the people who lost their jobs can land on their feet and get a new one."
"Opponents have their own studies showing significant job loss as well as the common sense observation that when the price of almost anything goes up people will consume less of it."
"I'm not any kind of economist. We all have friends at restaurants and businesses, employee and job losses."
"We brought our jobs back, a lot of our jobs are coming back now."
"Times are tough for a lot of people... workers are quitting their job and moving to higher paying jobs when possible."
"Jobs, jobs, jobs, and the greatest economy in the history of our country."
"It's either adapt or die. AI will be part of the next decade, and AI replacing our jobs is something we should be afraid of."
"I feel like in the future all the jobs are going to require really high levels of education."
"Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, spent forty-seven years outsourcing new jobs, opening your borders, and sacrificing American blood and treasure."
"As long as you're tracking that this isn't a field of complacency, you can get into this field. It's one that is very welcoming, has tons of great resources, and it pays well."
"Over 30 million people have quit their jobs so far this year."
"By ending fracking Biden would destroy 700,000 to a million Ohio jobs and your energy prices would go through the roof."
"The majority of the planet goes on a job interview." (Repeating, but it's a good standalone quote.)
"So there is a huge job market opportunity here that you could take advantage of and absolutely crush in."
"I think it's time to face the reality that it's already happening and AI is here to stay."
"The death of meritocracy, the best person no longer gets the job."
"Rejection is just a way of life when it comes to jobs. Unfortunately, it happens."
"I didn't get a job you posted but I did get an offer that has now doubled my income."
"Every week we got a new large company telling us there is either a hiring freeze or they're outright laying off people."
"You learn so much from everybody. It is a good time, absolutely. It's the best part to me."
"You're done, no job, isn't even... even if you use like, 'Hey look, I have proof that it's not true,' and they're like, 'Nope, it's too stressful.' We'd rather just hire some guy off the street that we don't have to worry [about]."
"Technology as an industry is moving so fast that there's people that are going to school and graduating after four years and the job that they went to school for no longer exists."
"No one goes to college so that they can work two jobs."
"We may have gotten to the point where it's no longer about finding a job you're passionate about."
"Teaching coding, people should know the basic language such as HTML CSS or JavaScript they should know these things coming out of high school that's how you be that's how you remain competitive in the job market."
"The Riders of the day are Alex and Luca, congratulations both!"
"I could get a temp job stocking shelves right now and make around double that."
"But just what does such employment have to offer?"
"The actual stat I was looking for is it's set to be the largest and fastest job creator in the entire country."
"Those jobs are gone and those jobs are not coming back."
"Jobs are everything. Economics is everything."
"There's a lot of dream jobs out there that are hard to get into."