
New Opportunities Quotes

There are 586 quotes

"Number five years bring unexpected changes, urging you to go with the flow and embrace new possibilities."
"Embrace love, accept the connection for what it is, and embrace new opportunities."
"Your hard work is paying off; there's new stuff coming in."
"We have arrived at the day we hoped for, after four years of dealing with what we have all been dealing with, we have new opportunities to really follow through on a commitment to racial justice, social justice, equity, equality, fairness."
"You never get a date with destiny as long as you're married to your history."
"This ocean that's always been frozen is melting more and more every year, opening it up to new trade routes, to new resources."
"New paths will open to you by helping people in need, overcoming challenges, and solving mysteries."
"Damn, does this look like it has a lot of promise."
"Perhaps the cuphead franchise can bloom ever further to new untreed territory."
"Games are made by humans with their own views, and just like any other art form, those views will somehow or another make it into their game."
"Trust that there's another opening here as well; empowerment is key."
"A spiritual gift is on its way to you, signifying the ending of a period of suffering and the opening up to a time of new opportunity."
"I would be so down for an animated TV series."
"There's a new prosecutor, Sonia Monticella, she may be willing to help."
"The real failure of the media has provided an opening for a media Network that tells the truth ultimately."
"New opportunities require cutting cords with the past, cleansing, and healing, allowing Archangel Michael to build new paths."
"The main reason I left was because I was ready for a new challenge."
"Choosing new directions can lead to big happy changes."
"New possibilities unfold with elements of magic."
"It'll be interesting to get someone into the spotlight who normally doesn't have the opportunity."
"Cancers start to be less weighed down by your past and you start to actually have present and future opportunities."
"All is not lost; anything that falls out of your life is making way for something better to come in."
"Streaming was another way to go about that. I love doing that."
"Surrender control over situations and let the divine guide you to new opportunities."
"New paths or opportunities are opening up for you."
"Change is transformation. It's not scary, it's just stepping through a new door."
"Transformation is happening; embrace changes and new opportunities."
"Finally, this week some new choices, some new ideas presenting being presented to Pisces."
"This change is highly auspicious, filled with good fortune."
"A fresh matchup is exactly what this division needs."
"I'm pumped because it's another opportunity for me."
"They see this as a fresh new opportunity, can't even control their feelings for you."
"You are creating new things in your life. You're going after better, newer opportunities for you, and you're looking good doing it too."
"Ladybug will represent the newness that's coming in, new love, or even a move."
"Pretty cool stuff coming down the horizon. Yeah, makes me excited."
"A new way to be creative, attracting a much larger set of people."
"As I said here, there is some sort of new opportunity here, or even it can be an apology."
"This opportunity and this show of leadership it may create another job opportunity for you or financial opportunity for you that actually could be a new chapter or it could be something completely different."
"You're gonna have people coming into your life that also make you very happy."
"Allow yourself to be open to creating a new present moment."
"I think when you decide to shop less or stop shopping you find this whole new world of opportunities and interests that you can pursue that can really be fulfilling for you and for others around you."
"There's a whole new cornucopia of possibilities has opened up."
"Black men being willing to walk away due to a lack of support, due to a lack of respect, due to a lack of investment and yield new opportunities that we wouldn't have considered before."
"If you want new opportunities to come up in your life in any aspect, you have to change something about your environment or the way that you do things."
"Some of you guys are going to be making a lot of money."
"Embrace a new idea or something that allows you abundance."
"Release old beliefs. Embrace new possibilities."
"You are waking up to new possibilities. Achieve your goals."
"You're finally walking away from that, washing your hands of that situation, and then something new shows up."
"Eclipses are known for their ability to usher in noticeable and sometimes dramatic turns, closing old doors and flinging open new ones."
"There's a new beginning available for you, a very risky new beginning."
"Create that space, hold that space, hold that goal or that wish, and really open up to something new coming in."
"Transitioning into something new, sky's the limit with this."
"It's powerful for you to say: 'I am open to new opportunities, I'm open to new possibilities, I am open, universe, and I am ready.'"
"He has a level of freedom he never has before."
"You're moving on now to more abundance and a secure offer."
"You may have some new doorways opening for you."
"There's going to be a whole new option that's going to become available."
"There's something new that is calling you. All she has to do is take her blindfold off, she just needs to look at this new land."
"You're moving towards new beginnings, away from drama."
"SpaceX can fly this vehicle independently, opening a whole new door to human access to space."
"Life opens up when we embrace our potential."
"The end really can be at the beginning of a lot..."
"I think we all have fairly short attention spans. I am enjoying this opportunity more than I ever imagined."
"The situation will improve, choose a new direction."
"Some of you may be offered a new direction, go for it."
"There's a portal opening for greater prosperity for you. Whatever way we look at this energy, the door is opening to something new."
"It just feels like I've had a second career given to me."
"And honestly a new move might just be what the doctor ordered for beers to kind of fill a gap"
"Your house is crumbled exactly, and you'll have the rock be able to go out there with unbelievable amounts of new material to work with."
"It's about regaining faith in a situation, in love maybe, in a situation that you thought was never going to happen again."
"New beginnings and a fresh start are taking place, and your prayer is, 'Thank you for bringing me new opportunities and offering support.'"
"New beginnings in regards to your finances and resources... opportunities can come, new ideas to be born there for assets."
"This is the year for you to be open to partnerships and relations."
"You have a new door opening up. There's something really big manifesting in your life."
"It's okay to have those feelings and still be open to a new possibility."
"Your whole life will change direction during this time, faded old talents and situations from your past can come back around."
"Your happiness is going to arrive when as soon as you embrace your passions."
"You're too attractive for this, so I think there's new love coming in for you."
"Things are falling apart to make way for something new."
"Step out of your comfort zone. Accelerated motion awaits."
"There is this wonderful new offer on its way for you."
"Movement forward, spontaneous change, seeds planted in February."
"Regular Wall Street analysts are going to get how much of a new market this opens for Tesla."
"Realize that there was a reason why something didn't work out, something bigger and better is right before us."
"All those themes that they mentioned and imagine something fast that develops, something surprising, something new."
"Every disruption in your life is a call to a new dimension."
"Doors opening are always very positive portals of change, opportunities arriving in your life."
"July is a powerful time for abundance, for building, and for opening yourself up to new ways of living."
"Your energy has entirely shifted, so things you did in the past may have entirely different results now."
"Sometimes when you release any attachments that no longer serve you then that's when you see new beautiful opportunities coming in."
"There's a new door opening, a new path being unveiled to you."
"You are about to embark on a whole new season. November is a month when miracles are possible."
"These guys are some of the top platforms that I wanted to bring you guys for this year."
"It's time to break out and take new territory."
"There are new connections coming into your life that are a step up from what you have experienced in the past."
"The Wheel of Fortune starts turning in July, opening doors to new opportunities and directions."
"Encounter with someone from the past, sparking new beginnings."
"Something new that maybe you're developing the courage to go for it."
"I feel like there is new love coming in for you."
"Step boldly forward without looking back, embracing possibility around you."
"This community has opened up an entire world that I didn't know was possible."
"Beginnings are beautiful things. Think of the start of something, it always is refreshing, it's always a moment of expectation."
"I am free now... when you can find that freedom, some really great things start to happen in your life."
"Embrace change; it's bringing in good stuff."
"Value yourself more and move on to better, luckier opportunities."
"With every new year come new prospects, the world is open, pardon the bad joke." - Falcon
"Our students are gaining brand new jobs and a brand new confidence."
"Kaid wishes to make his presence in the new world worth his while."
"Change that attitude, say I'm not gonna think like that anymore, I'm gonna have a mindset reset and I'm gonna start saying to myself there's lots of positive new possibilities of people out there for me."
"Ending of something long-standing, stepping into something better."
"Walk away from what holds you back, prepare for new beginnings."
"We've been chained down by our employment in the past but now it's like make videos fish the coolest places and try and make the best films that we can futures exciting."
"Change can also bring us to great new heights."
"Every day is indeed a second chance, a new stage upon which you can enact the grand play of your life."
"Stop crying over spilled milk and go ahead and take a leap of faith."
"Your life transformed, seeing the world through different eyes."
"A new beginning and a rebirth, not just a sharp edge, but a seed of something new."
"Fenn beat the odds, and with his new stake at life, we arrive at Fenn's treasure hunt."
"The excitement level of what we were doing there and now what we're going to be able to do, it's just off the charts."
"You are on the precipice of something very new and exciting."
"You're about to be handed a passionate brand new opportunity."
"You got an opportunity and a new beginning in love should you choose to go that direction. It could be a very nice blessing for you."
"Ladybug means opportunity... to do things that we never thought we would do."
"This is a passionate new beginning in some area of your career or your enterprise."
"It became an opportunity for him to do something new, explore new facets of his acting skills."
"Nothing particularly wonderful has happened to me in my life but now it appears I'm going to be part of the Space Race."
"Endings bring new beginnings, or endings that lead to new beginnings."
"Take a chance on yourself and in some sort of inspired new path that really could get you rolling on a whole new Destiny very quickly if you would just say yes."
"To actually go in somewhere when it's the wild west means you can build a city."
"Prepare yourself for a rebirth here in your life. Change of job or change of home, just moving totally in a new direction and adapting a new reality."
"This career that you're potentially embarking on has the absence of all the rules that my other careers have had."
"Medical assistant... a new, extremely fast-growing career."
"God used it as he may have closed a door but he opened a huge picture window."
"Even contractions can give birth to new possibilities."
"See yourself as Aquaman or Ariel; you're about to have access to legs."
"Something's coming to an ending, but it's also bringing in a new beginning."
"A positive resolution, a happy ending, new blessings."
"I didn't think we have the opportunity, but president Trump came and gave us a new lease on life."
"New challenges are opening up new avenues and Lorraine is looking towards her future."
"Things are going to start to open up for you."
"They feel a lot of excitement here because there's this new opportunity when it comes to some kind of spiritual mission."
"Doors are going to be opening up for you in this connection."
"It's big in the industry. I mean, it's brand new technology, so I'm excited to see it. I'm really grateful that I was kind of picked to be a guy to talk about this with him."
"The universe is nudging you along, pushing you in New Directions."
"Be patient... a new idea is coming in, a new offer."
"Identify and release draining aspects of your life to pave the way for new opportunities."
"Towing this new timeline with relationships opens up the whole future of relationships."
"It opens up an opportunity for us to switch that narrative."
"I'm excited. I haven't been this excited honestly in a long time."
"This week, something will be revealed to you—an option, a path, a new beginning."
"You're about to get an offer, maybe a fresh new start."
"Unlocking the uncollected title unlocks a whole new world of rewards and resources."
"Expect the unexpected. Embrace change and don't be afraid to look in a New Direction."
"It's time to leave the familiar behind because there's something better awaiting you."
"Spirit is saying there's a new opportunity awaiting you... be closed off to it... focus on healing..."
"Everything that I've done has opened up the door for a whole new path to the future that I didn't see before."
"This really is a potential sea change moment."
"Now is your time to go for things that you couldn't do before."
"An important opportunity something you have been waiting for but also the whole new world is going to be revealed at the same time."
"On the other side of this portal, there is a lot of new energy, new offers, new ways of relation, new connection."
"Embrace the shock of the new with people and career."
"Release the past and embrace new possibilities."
"You have new beginnings, someone's trying to bear for you."
"You're about to unlock something quite exciting for you."
"A new opportunity might be coming up, something fresh and different."
"Embrace change as a brand new page in the book of your life, leaving space for positive surprises."
"You step into a totally new level of your abilities."
"You are being carried across the gap by the wings of heaven and out of darkness out into light. It's like a new dawn."
"It's time to let go of whatever was holding you back. You're being shown new horizons."
"Life can hit the reset button and start all over again."
"There's definitely an opportunity coming in here for you."
"Mahir's arrival there brought new hope for the children in the village to receive a proper education."
"We must let go of the life we've planned so that we can lead the life that is waiting for us."
"New beginnings, end of delays, a change in direction that offers happiness."
"The next six months are bringing you tons of change; I feel a lot of you are switching careers or setting up your own businesses."
"Change is coming your way, embrace it as a new adventure in the story of life."
"Know that those wounds will heal and that you will open yourself up to new love, to new opportunity."
"You can take big holidays and you can take them at short notice. You can take them whenever you like."
"Fasten your seat belts for some unexpected opportunities in 2023."
"Something is blossoming, something is blooming."
"My advice to you and to every guy is that it is time better spent looking for new perspective women than it is trying to repair a relationship with somebody who already knows everything about you."
"Trust the changes, they're leading you to something spectacular."
"Gray hair doesn't limit you. It opens up a world of possibilities."
"When fate intervenes, something needs to be shifted for something greater to take its place."
"People start asking, 'What if?' right? Of course, especially since I came to this company."
"How excited are you, Jack, to be involved in a model shoot?"
"Open your mind to new possibilities that you wouldn't have considered had you not had this moment of pause."
"I just realized when one door closes, another one opens. Just gotta keep the faith."
"This is great Karma this is the world turning again and once you enter this cycle you're gonna have so many more options and you're not gonna be able to go back."
"Big shifts, big changes, lots of new coming for you this year."
"There is something coming out of the woodwork of some sort of opportunity for you Pisces."
"Your life is opening up and new opportunities are about to appear."
"Now is your time to put your energy or focus your effort into opening a new door."
"Lovely, that's your healing energy moving towards that empress energy."
"You've got the new, there's that sun, your clarity."
"Release the toxic environment because there's something new coming that is more in line with who you are and allows you to follow your heart."
"A new floor plan just dropped, man I would buy this place in a heartbeat."
"Taking a leap of faith, opening yourself up to new opportunities."
"Big shifts happening, progress starting to flow, solid opportunities coming into your life."