
Meaningfulness Quotes

There are 337 quotes

"Doing something active, doing something together with other people, and doing something meaningful."
"We are inspired to complete personal goals because of a sense of personal meaningfulness, not because of happiness or pleasure."
"Success and money is not what makes people happy, but instead that meaningfulness arises often from mundane activities, and happiness arises as a result of finding meaning in what we're doing."
"The worst thing to do in life is to do something that is hard and meaningless."
"There's lots of times in your life you're not going to be happy, and so that's not gonna work. You want to have something meaningful; that's the boat that will take you through the storm."
"Nothing meaningful in life is easy, and nothing easy in life is meaningful."
"It's like you said, it's beautiful and it adds structure and it can help instill meaning in the moment."
"Clarity is very important in creating an emotionally impactful and meaningful story."
"It seems to me positively irrational to prefer death, futility, and destruction to life, meaningfulness, and happiness."
"Love without action is irrelevant and action without love is meaningless."
"Rule seven in my book is do what is meaningful, not what is expedient."
"A lot of the things I found most meaningful throughout my life have been when I've been teaching."
"Life is not about maximizing happiness; it's about accomplishing something meaningful."
"Enjoyable, fun, and meaningful and deep are not necessarily mutually exclusive."
"Do what is meaningful, not what is expedient."
"Are we doing things that are really meaningful?"
"It's like humans do with our time, and why mortality is actually a gift because it makes everything you do more meaningful."
"A fundamental character of human nature is to search, and it's almost the most meaningful thing we can do is to mutually explore the universe and make sense of the strangest phenomenon that we encounter."
"Life is beautiful because it ends. If life never ended, then nothing would matter in life because you could just wait forever to do things."
"Do what is meaningful, not what is expedient because meaning is a really good guide to long-term adaptation."
"It's eudaimonia and hedonia. Hedonia is pure physical pleasure, just feeling good. Eudaimonia is a sense of meaningfulness, and that's what we're losing."
"It's picking something that means something to you that isn't driven by a fashion, a trend, a celebrity... it's about sentimentality, it's about meaning."
"The value of boredom in that situation is the ability to recognize that this isn't meaningful and to go out and find something that isn't boring and is meaningful."
"And I think that what is important is that no matter where it ends up, if you do something meaningful, it will matter."
"What really matters is whether or not the work is meaningful."
"Love is meaningful, and it gives our lives meaning."
"That's what makes life meaningful, our time is so precious."
"It's not the song or the festival. It's that you took the time to care."
"Better shorter and meaningful than long and meaningless because you die anyway. The trick is how did you fill the years that you had."
"The idea of citing the deaths of their comrades who died before them as the reason that their death will not be meaningless was really smart."
"Meaningful work and meaningful relationships are the most important things."
"Learning must be made meaningful, interest in work for which learners see a purpose provides its own discipline."
"It was touching, heartfelt, and very meaningful."
"Magic in storytelling is the ultimate device to use if you want your story to say something meaningful."
"You always feel like no matter what you're doing... something meaningful."
"I think this is the kind of thing that's going to be meaningful whether you are Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, whatever."
"The writers and developers succeeded in showing us how much more meaningful a sacrifice is when it is made for a community rather than for oneself."
"I just want to have one woman and be have it be meaningful."
"It will enrich your life to become a more meaningful person."
"You don't want to be free from your family. The things that are most meaningful in your life are probably the things that constrain you the most."
"Rooted in something really profound and really meaningful it really is."
"It's this ability to see meaning where others see no meaning."
"Make those moments meaningful. That's just how I feel."
"Sort out what's real and what's not real, what has meaning to you."
"Happy Pride y'all. It actually means something."
"The act of striving for more is in itself meaningful."
"Love is not painful, it's blissful, it's meaningful."
"Every moment of this game had meaning and purpose."
"Shy, quiet, likes their own company. Needs to have deep connections with something, needs to find meaning in what they do."
"There's something deeper to this, there's definitely a soul connection, it's definitely something meaningful to you, meaningful to them."
"Creating meaningful journeys is more important than having more destinations."
"It's like ghostly wisdom was mixed amongst the ambience; it has to mean something, right?"
"I'm not here for your view today; I'm here for something meaningful for the long term."
"I think the things that people love the most and what you should love the most are the meaningful things."
"Divide they try fail they will, everything has meaning."
"I know you're going to love that, it's so meaningful."
"Parasocial intimacy can become deeply meaningful, a legitimate part of human sociability."
"It's like someone almost making their full priority you, and that's something that seems super meaningful."
"The dream should be treated as a fact about which one must make no previous assumption except that it somehow makes sense."
"I want meaningful work and meaningful relationships through radical truthfulness and radical transparency."
"The antidote for this... is that you have to engage with the truth... and you realize... meaningfulness... comes from bringing about good in the world."
"Nothing that comes around this planet... doesn't have a meaning... it's not random."
"Life is chaotic, but meaningful moments matter."
"Choose something meaningful over pursuing money, inspire others to do the same."
"If the goal is meaningful enough to you, that should be what keeps you motivated."
"Did I spend my time doing something that I felt was meaningful?"
"That resulted in a life of searching, originating in a deep desire to want to know more, to connect to something more meaningful."
"It's not my works for God that count... it's God's work for me that is truly meaningful."
"You need to make sure that the stuff you're doing is worthwhile."
"You don't just say 'I love you' for no reason."
"Stoicism tells us that life is too short to spend in relationships that lack authenticity and meaning."
"Rules are only meaningful if they're done in full view and they should only be done when they add something to the experience."
"I have never felt since Schindler's List the kind of pride and satisfaction and sense of real meaningful accomplishment."
"You don't have to know how things will play out when you're starting something meaningful."
"No matter where you go, there is not a single kingdom effort that can happen without some simple task that the world would call meaningless. But nothing is small in the hands of a big God."
"And everyone is so taken by that, that it just lifts them out of the normality of their existence, you know? They see this joy just transfuse them, and that's because they got an intimation of genuine meaning."
"You're not here just to get by, to check a box. No, you're here for something different."
"You are about to create something meaningful."
"The key to meaningfulness is the ability to be able to say, were it not for the choices I made, that would not have been there."
"What I really care about is doing something meaningful that will promote the better good of humanity."
"I wanted to find something to do for work that felt a bit more meaningful to me."
"Let it hurt, because when you are on good terms with somebody and you build a strong relationship and a strong friendship and you feel the pain as distance, that tells you that's because it's meaningful."
"Lately, I'm happy to say a lot of my time has been spent in meaningful ways."
"If your journaling is working, it's meaningful."
"They feel like you have very deep conversations that mean something to people."
"I knew my calling and the path was to make my life truly meaningful."
"I genuinely love what I do. I saw those years every day getting up to dive into this as a chance to do something truly meaningful."
"I'm just trying to avoid buying gifts from the store and instead doing more meaningful gifts that way."
"Visible activity doesn't always equal meaningful progress."
"Success isn't measured by busyness, but by meaningful output."
"Less busyness, more meaningful work."
"It's important work that we're all doing."
"Soft goals are things that aren't necessarily productive by standard definitions, but are intentional and meaningful to us."
"God is not necessary to be a good person or to live a full and meaningful life."
"Don't put unrealistic expectation or pressure on yourself that you've got to take some giant deer to have it be some meaningful hunt."
"As we talked about in this video, toxic positivity can really get you down. That’s why it’s so important to make time for deeper, meaningful activities in life that aren’t all surface."
"The secret to productivity that feels enjoyable and meaningful is to find a way to make your work feel energizing and enjoyable."
"Things aren't always what they seem, but sometimes we don't find that out until a lot later. But it doesn't make them any less meaningful."
"Your faith is only meaningful if the object of your faith is meaningful."
"Handwritten notes and cards are so meaningful."
"There's nothing more moving than being able to bring impact to these situations that are the most important."
"It's time for you to go your own way. Do something that is meaningful to you. Don't feel restricted by living up to others' expectations."
"Crafting a tapestry that is not only simple and wise but deeply profoundly meaningful."
"Cowboy Bebop could exist as a story conceived solely in each setting it borrows from, yet the way it blends them together is what makes its story so meaningful."
"I couldn't think of anything that was more meaningful than being able to change what people go through when they say goodbye too soon to people they love."
"We don't have to get it right; we just have to step out the door, trusting that we will pick up enough pieces to put together something meaningful."
"We're entering into a new age where people are finding time to put value into things that are more meaningful."
"I want every kiss to mean something."
"When you're able to touch lives like that, that's real. That's real. And that's my newest endeavor."
"If you're having emptiness like sex that's meaningless then you're attracting that."
"You commit yourself and it's through your commitment that all of a sudden the world is organized in terms of things that are meaningful to do and things that are irrelevant to do. I don't stop, you know."
"This is not just cheesy scary ghosts, this is a real meaningful story embedded in this film."
"What it means to live a meaningful life with less, less stuff, less stress, less discontent, less anxiety, but a whole lot more meaning."
"Having then gotten a taste of how meaningful it is to be able to empower people when they're hurting."
"If your ambition is not to become rich and famous with filmmaking but to make the work that's really meaningful to you and get it to an audience to whom it is also really meaningful."
"That's the best gift you give anyone."
"I do get butterflies when it actually means something meaningful."
"...he said, 'My best advice to you is to write something that is meaningful to you. Then the audience will come. The meaningfulness, if you imbue that into your book, you will succeed.'"
"This is the actual probably most meaningful gift I've ever given another content creator."
"We have a responsibility to the world to use our wealth in a way that's meaningful."
"It has more than just thrilling, it has meaning."
"We value the least those things which are the most meaningful to us." - Martin Scorsese
"Dude that's inspirational even for me."
"It's a stack of things that have meaning and quality."
"Custom, meaningful customization is really important but it doesn't have to be overwhelming."
"In terms of consuming less physical items in terms of buying things I don't need I am also making a conscious effort to consume less content that isn't meaningful."
"The last thing you wanted to see were empty words filled with no meaning."
"That's the most meaningful thing I've ever done in my life."
"It's very fast, it's very immediate, and in the end it will also be very meaningful."
"What keeps me hopeful is just trying to seize the day, trying to create stuff that is meaningful."
"let me try and provide something that's long lasting and important to you and that to me is a very a very deeply like soulfully fulfilling experience"
"I want to make meaningful music. There's enough slackness imitators out there banging out noises anyway. Music, real music."
"He gets excited about this and starts to think carefully to choose something meaningful."
"Visits have to be meaningful and then it's not as where you feel like you have to stay away because you're gonna create more distress."
"For those of you watching, like, I'm just so grateful that what we have feels more meaningful."
"...meaningfulness arguably is a matter of making connections with truth and reality."
"Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem improbably purposeful in some way."
"You want a person who comes in your life by accident but stays on purpose."
"Something does not have to be big to be meaningful. I think in worshiping bigness, we lose a lot of what makes us human. It's the small things of life, the gentle things. 'The Waltons.'"
"Nobody normal ever accomplished anything meaningful in this world."
"Your whole life is purposeful, so nothing in your life ever happens for no reason."
"Life should be lived joyfully. Without that, survival would be hardly meaningful."
"...the purpose of life is to find something that makes the suffering worthwhile and meaningful."
"You want to spend your singleness with meaningfulness. If you're playing video games in your singleness, you're spending time flying right out of your clock."
"If it were easy, everyone would do it. It wouldn't be as meaningful."
"I think I have something worthwhile to share today."
"If you have a pursuit and you find it easy and natural and fun, it probably isn't a meaningful one."
"People's opinions of what they think someone else's relationship is meaningless. It's all about the actual couple in it and the actual people in it at the end of the day."
"When you help somebody else, you forge a connection with them that feels very meaningful."
"Make every moment count, make it meaningful, and most importantly, make it yours."
"The whole movie was fighting, but it was like they made the fighting more impactful because it had meaning."
"I want to do something meaningful."
"I think engagement means so much more to me than a video going viral."
"I love doing this kind of stuff because yeah, I'm just using what I already have and I think it's really meaningful for people who get presents that are either handmade or the wrapping paper is handmade."
"These motions, these tasks, these things that we're doing, they are meaningful tasks and they're oriented toward a worthy goal."
"The most beautiful, the strongest, the most stable, the most meaningful thing you can construct in anybody's life is a home that is solid, its foundation is whole."
"Maybe replacing them with something that is more meaningful. Experiences are inherently meaningful."
"I felt it was so meaningful to me."
"There's nothing wrong with doing dumb stuff to a certain degree, building up your risk tolerance is very important for doing something meaningful with your life."
"Experiences are most meaningful when they are shared. Love is helping others enjoy the full richness of life."
"My goal here is to talk about things that matter to people who care and I think that's you."
"I feel like on the list of what this channel changed in me, I feel like the recognition that kids movies are not just for kids and that they have so much meaning and message towards them."
"In therapy, we can talk about those feelings even more, but when we introduce logotherapy, the other half, we're now talking about them choosing, evaluating, and choosing their values. It's an extremely redemptive and meaningful experience as well."
"Makes us feel like what we do is meaningful to people and impactful"
"One of my favorite things to do is to have meaningful conversations with people."
"You are the source of all happiness, bliss, meaningfulness in this universe."
"But is this stuff actually subversive? Is it really changing the core messages of its genre or commenting on those in any meaningful way?"
"Try to think of ways to make it extremely meaningful."
"I just want my breath to mean something."
"It's about the meaningful exploration that you have and the meaningful moments you have within it."
"It's the simple things that mean the most to her."
"Work freely undertaken can be useful, meaningful work done well."
"If I'm gonna say something at the end of the verse, it should mean something."
"Well, my goal is to show everybody what I do fostering and how much it is meaningful for other families to start doing the same thing."
"Contribution and impact... doing something that feels meaningful."
"I'm part of figuring it out... I just want to make sure every day I'm doing things that are meaningful."
"If a purported concept could not be shown to be derived from the materials of experience, then the purported concept was held to be meaningless."
"Everything has a greater meaning when you are in the presence of your soulmate."
"Why not make it thoughtful, why not make it something that has meaning and purpose, and something that you actually love?"
"It's more than that what we're looking at is also about people having a good life and a meaningful life."
"Everything that gives life meaning was factored into this house."
"We have to talk about work, meaningful work that people can do, not wage slavery, not jobs, but work."
"This holiday season, you can give the most meaningful gift you've ever given."
"I think I can do everything and anything but if I do it from a place of consciousness, from a place of knowledge, it makes everything much more meaningful."
"It's meaningful, intentional, and serendipitous."
"Poor Things is an incredible, challenging but satisfying, and meaningful experience."
"I would rather everything matters. I wouldn't be happy if I was doing stuff that I didn't think mattered."
"Music that I won't be ashamed to leave behind - meaningful work."
"I had a lot of deep and meaningful conversations."
"I think Maddie has a nice style that I mess with; it's kind of photo-type and image layout type stuff, nothing too complex but it still has a nice meaning to it."
"I assume that if Anna's talking about friendship, it's something worthwhile, something meaningful."
"Meaning in life is about doing things meaningful to you in a way that makes yourself meaningful to other people."
"Gratitude to your yoga practice for realigning you to what's important and meaningful in your life."
"The main attribute of a content comes from the source; if the source is authority, if the source is quality, the words from the source will be more actually meaningful."
"Do one meaningful thing every single day after work."
"If you can find the thing that's meaningful to you and create art around it, you can have a profound impact on the world."
"Everything now I'm trying to collect has to have meaning."
"It's more meaningful and like you could see his true impact."
"Our lives are not incidental, accidental, coincidental; it says that our lives are purposeful."