
Donald Trump Quotes

There are 781 quotes

"On the right, their party is about to jump off a cliff following Donald Trump. Something like 80% of Republicans would literally follow Donald Trump to the end of the Earth, which is a big problem for the Republican party."
"America is leading in space once again, thanks to the vision and the leadership of President Donald Trump."
"I do believe Trump poses a direct threat to this democracy and we should be doing everything within our power to keep him from returning to office."
"Tonight's results leave the American people with a clear choice: are we going to keep moving forward, or will we allow Donald Trump to drag us backwards into the chaos, division, and darkness that defined his time in office?"
"By doing this, what they end up doing is essentially showing the American public that they are willing to say or do anything about Donald Trump."
"The Simpsons apparently predicted Donald Trump's presidential victory back in 2000."
"Donald Trump ended up getting more votes than any sitting president ever."
"It's all Donald Trump's fault. You know who says that? Donald Trump."
"If Donald Trump is elected president of the United States, we do not know if there will be a verifiable next election that has integrity. He already tried to overturn the results of a presidential election by force, by inciting a riot. We need to be very realistic about the grave impacts of a Donald Trump election. It is not a joke, it is not a game. We need to protect our democracy." - AOC
"This is like the Titanic... Donald Trump's real estate empire is like the Titanic. He's already hit the iceberg, and we're just watching the slow motion sinking of this, of his life, into the abyss."
"Did Donald Trump incite an insurrection on January 6th, 2021? Absolutely."
"Donald Trump is the first president in American history to support gay marriage before becoming president."
"How dare he say that. How dare you talk about my son and all us rest like that. I call them patriots and heroes. The only loser I see is Donald Trump."
"Trump has broken a 39-year-old streak of American presidents either starting a war or bringing the United States into an international armed conflict."
"I thought it'd be very interesting that I used the title 'I Was Wrong About Trump.'"
"Even though yesterday he claimed that he has almost $500 million in cash, Trump's lawyers have still attempted to secure a bond from at least 30 insurance companies, all of them have said no."
"Trump is undermining his own lawyers; this is why Trump has trouble finding counsel."
"If you were willing to go to jail for Donald Trump, then you are loyal. He's a mobster; he's a mob boss."
"We are here today on the house floor wasting time and taxpayer dollars on an illegitimate impeachment inquiry because Donald Trump, the puppet master, has directed extreme MAGA Republicans to launch a political hit job against President Joe Biden."
"Trump's net worth hit $6.5 billion, making him one of the world's 500 richest people."
"Year after year, Trump appears to have lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer."
"Trump lost so much money that he was able to avoid paying income taxes for eight of the ten years."
"If it had not been for 'The Apprentice,' Donald Trump is probably not president right now."
"This is the first ever criminal conviction of anything remotely close to former President Donald Trump...this is huge."
"Donald Trump inflates and deflates the values of his assets...for his personal reasons or for tax purposes."
"What does this mean for Trump, for New York, what does this mean for the rest of the world that's watching this whole soap opera unfold?"
"Leticia James is basically sacrificing the fair rule of law just to get Trump."
"This could turn into a huge lawsuit against New York City if Trump ends up winning this thing."
"This is not a good sign for Donald Trump and it actually does show some signs of hope."
"Trump says he'd have to hold a fire sale of properties to meet the $464 million Bond."
"Prosecutors probed yesterday about Trump's state of mind during and after the election."
"That is not a great position to be in, but if you are a Republican candidate running for president and your strategy to be the nominee is still predicated on the Justice Department taking down Donald Trump, I don't know what to tell you."
"For all his absurdities, Donald Trump was successful when he was absurd but he was authentic. He spoke to something; he spoke to anger that people felt."
"A federal appeals court has ruled Donald Trump does not have broad immunity from prosecution for the actions he took while he was president."
"Former president Trump has become citizen Trump, with all the defenses of any other criminal defendant."
"Tonight, the Select Committee investigating the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol by Trump supporters who believed the lies about the election and sought to block the certification of the presidential election results... sought through violence to keep Donald Trump in power."
"We believe that no one is above the law, including Donald Trump."
"Ron Romney McDaniel literally changed her name to take out the Romney because it was offensive to Donald Trump."
"Trump plays the media up. He does it on purpose because it distracts from bigger issues."
"It's ironic that Trump is ending up in his own swamp."
"Special Counsel Jack Smith may be on the verge of bringing a superseding indictment against Donald Trump in connection with Trump's theft of government records."
"The superseding indictment could contain, get this, 35 to 40 more criminal counts."
"This weekend bombshell: The Washington Post is reporting that Donald Trump had called former Arizona governor Doug Ducey in late 2020 to overturn the state's presidential election results."
"Donald Trump is banned from the ballot... in Colorado subject to a Supreme Court appeal."
"Those who worked with Donald Trump at the most senior levels of his administration believe he's too dangerous, too selfish, and too extreme to lead our country again."
"I think that he [Trump] wanted to be a fascist, but the American institutions wouldn't really allow him to do that."
"Donald Trump during the 2020 and 2022 elections, he raised money for organizations that either didn't use the money for what they were for, or he raised money for himself."
"Donald Trump did what no president before him has publicly done on health care reform: he quit, he gave up."
"Donald Trump, a very Shakespearean character, is a person who's enjoyed incredible wealth and privilege their entire life with no actual talent."
"The tragedy of Donald Trump's presidency is that people are having to live with the consequences of his government."
"The horror of Donald Trump is that he set an example not just for America but for the rest of the world."
"If Trump went beyond Clinton in his efforts to conceal and cover up his misdeeds, including defying a subpoena and falsely asserting he turned over all of the classified information in his possession, then he may face criminal consequences."
"And then showed up in New Hampshire, banging a tambourine and talking to all sorts of Trump supporters without a mask, of course."
"Donald Trump just got a billion dollars richer, maybe a little bit more."
"Trump can slowly offload these shares and finance anything he wants to do through his supporters."
"Trump has effectively created shares of himself."
"Trump's shares in DJT, it's really a share in Donald Trump himself as a person; the company doesn't matter."
"President Donald Trump declared that the coronavirus pandemic was a national emergency and his administration invoked the heroes act to pause student loan repayment requirements and to suspend the accrual of Interest."
"Donald Trump and everyone in the Trump White House know that most Americans know that Donald Trump is an uncontrollable liar."
"Donald Trump acts as if these rules of law just don't apply to him."
"This means that Donald Trump will be held liable for defamation again when this goes to trial in January of 2024 and the only question now for the jury to decide is how much money, how many millions, how many zeros—seven figures, eight figures, nine figures—to award E. Jean Carroll for Donald Trump's devastating and disgusting behavior."
"Presidents are not Kings and Donald Trump is not the president."
"The media have treated Trump with absolute disdain from the time he declared for the presidency."
"The most sensitive, the most snowflakey, the most weak person, proved by the fact that Donald Trump, because he couldn't just be a man and accept that he lost the 2020 election...instead, he created an anti-democratic lie then tried to overthrow the Democratic results of this election."
"That's amazing. So, Trump is one bad guy away from being, 'Remember that funny guy who used to tweet the crazy [expletive]?'"
"Donald Trump had contempt for every Republican candidate who ran against him for the Republican nomination in 2016."
"Cracking a bottle of Trump champagne is probably the single best possible way to celebrate."
"Donald Trump crossed into North Korean territory with no security... profound plus like anti-war moments of my life."
"Donald Trump risked his life for what point? It would be a profound moment for me to hear that the Korean peninsula had been reunited, and Donald Trump made tremendous steps in that direction."
"Donald Trump has taken the truth and totally bastardized it so there is no more truth."
"I do have a strong appreciation and respect for Donald Trump."
"If Trump actually does break away from the Republican party, because if he does, it's a good thing for a number of reasons."
"Democracy is sacred, and the highest court of this state has repeatedly recognized that no right is more precious in a free country than that of having a voice in the election of those who make the laws under which as good citizens we must live."
"Happy Criminal Referral Day! The January 6 committee met one last time, and referred Donald Trump to the Department of Justice for criminal prosecution on at least four felony counts."
"The committee recapped many of its findings and emphasized that all roads lead back to Donald Trump, setting the foundation for criminal indictments."
"President Donald Trump is choosing to put the forgotten men and women of America first."
"The thugs and criminals who are corrupting our justice system will be defeated, discredited and totally disgraced." - Donald Trump
"I wonder lately if people have become a little desensitized in this area with Donald Trump because they're so used to it."
"Trump still sharp and going strong; he will be president again in the year 2024."
"People focus too much on Trump rather than the causes of Trump. What facilitated Trump's rise? A total lack of trust in political figures, a political landscape that was devoid of integrity."
"Not a single major institution in American life stood with Donald Trump."
"What Donald Trump is doing is like gnawing at the roots of the very foundations that our country is built on."
"This is now a multi-decade, multi-generational struggle, and Donald Trump just happens to be the fulcrum point of all of it."
"Trump was in the driver's seat in a way that, I mean, he's a sitting president of the United States, he could have won this thing clean."
"Donald Trump isn't president anymore, he might not even run for president again, so why are we still talking about him and why is he still defining contemporary politics?"
"Why does Donald Trump continuously attack the judge? Perhaps it just boils down to that he is trying to intimidate them, intimidate the judge, intimidate the court, and the legal system."
"Trump's resurgent isn't a fantasy, it's a statistical and political reality."
"The seventeenth century was the key moment in history, as England became the world's first bourgeois society."
"That looks pretty much more than an illusion to me. That looks real."
"They're making Donald J Trump sympathetic to America."
"It's not fine that Donald Trump's president."
"Trump taught them we can win and even if we lose, we can have a lot of fun."
"Trump isn't the cause of all this though, you know? Trump didn't start this. Yeah, right. He's just the avatar of that energy, and they don't realize that."
"Donald Trump's team, how can I put this nicely, doesn't know what they're talking about."
"It's terrible for Donald Trump his children and all the co-defendants every day and every way every minute."
"The more Donald Trump acts out and lashes out, the worse the day in court was for him."
"If Donald Trump struck a deal with the prosecutor, he could have avoided what's about to happen to him."
"This is why you have three conservative Supreme Court Justices and not Rand that Donald Trump picked out of a lineup."
"It is all one battle, and that's because Donald Trump has made it one battle."
"Donald Trump speaks in a way that holds people's interests."
"Americans are waking up... Donald Trump asked on the campaign trail... what the hell do you have to lose?"
"Donald Trump has committed crimes against the country."
"Donald Trump is a danger to America, he is a danger to the Free World."
"Donald Trump is a petulant nine-year-old that should be sent to his room, not back to the White House."
"The presumed powerful are not untouchable. Donald J. Trump is not above the law."
"Donald Trump was right way ahead everybody else on China."
"I want them to have an England that is recognizably English."
"This is the Donald Trump that we have always known."
"They like to play this game where they're accusing Donald Trump of being the fraudster who's trying to take over the world, or whatever, and the problems are coming from their demands."
"In our lifetimes, we will never see a president like Donald J. Trump again."
"I love this president, I love his agenda, and I love the fact that on November 3rd, we're going to put him back in the White House."
"Predicting the presidency of Donald Trump years before."
"Donald Trump will never ever make the list of the most respected American. Not gonna happen. Ever."
"There's always room to criticize Trump, but when I see Trump he's like here's the things I want to do and I'm like I believe he wants to do those things."
"Never say never, they laughed at Trump and they said he'd never win, and they mocked him."
"President Trump is the person meant for this moment."
"If he is convicted... Donald Trump will be in a category of his own."
"Donald Trump is the single greatest threat to America's democracy that has ever existed."
"The longevity of Donald Trump is actually critical anti-fascist action... what a time it'll be what a Time content homie that's how I'm feeling."
"Win or lose, Donald Trump didn't have the numbers. He betrayed the trust of the American people."
"President Trump decided even before the election that regardless of the facts and the truth, if he lost the election, he would claim it was rigged."
"Donald Trump didn't have the numbers. He betrayed the trust of the American people."
"Donald Trump lost an election, knew he lost an election, and decided to wage an attack on our democracy."
"Mr. Trump clings to more fantastical theories even though he has offered no proof that is true."
"The American dream was to be Donald Trump... be like Trump, see his lifestyle and they want that."
"All this evidence of Donald Trump's past alleged sexual assault is going to come in to this trial the judge has ruled."
"There's nothing ordinary about Donald Trump."
"That is the life, that is the country, that is the world that Donald Trump and the Republican Party are after."
"America's reckoning of Donald Trump will come in just a few weeks' time."
"Trump puts country before party because party doesn't matter and only serves to divide."
"Trump is good at symbols; the wall represents a reaffirmation of the American identity."
"President Trump is the first president in the last 39 years to not start a war or to enter a war that's already been in existence."
"Trump is a collection of all the worst stereotypes that Americans have."
"President Trump is killing it, absolutely killing it out on the campaign trail."
"Among the base, they're always gonna love Trump."
"Donald Trump has a constitutional right to challenge these states and the votes."
"In one masterstroke, Trump has eliminated a truly toxic and dangerous enemy to his administration."
"Donald Trump represents the kind of irrational id of America."
"Donald Trump played into primitive feelings and stormed to victory."
"Donald Trump came closer than anyone thought he could to toppling a free election a year ago. He is preparing in plain view to do it again."
"Donald Trump is still trying to steal the election and he is still failing and still losing."
"Trump learned early on about how to game the media... he knew how to generate free press."
"This is a win for Donald Trump... what was his toughest case." - Acknowledging the impact of a favorable ruling on Trump's legal battles.
"Donald Trump I believe was the best president of the 21st century it's a fact."
"A courtroom showdown between federal prosecutors and former President Donald Trump's legal team. They're in a legal battle over Trump's request for a special master to review the documents seized during an FBI search of his Florida estate."
"This is huge. I want to give credit to Donald Trump."
"Can't you say that Trump can be a slimy bad person who does bad things domestically, but his foreign policy in this regard is a good thing?"
"If Donald Trump wants to go in there and actually make cuts, go get him."
"I think we're gonna see Trump's emergence as the most significant thing to happen in American politics in 100 years."
"Each lawless action by Trump has made the GOP more, not less, faithful to him."
"Trump hammered Democrats on trade, and it mattered."
"I feel like Bernie Sanders was made in a lab to go up against Donald Trump."
"Trump in his element... unless someone can match Trump on this sort of stuff, he has a very good shot at running away with the 2024 nomination."
"Trump just made history. I think this is historic."
"What has Donald Trump done to you personally?"
"As long as Trump acts like Trump, he's their superhero."
"Trump reportedly on board with the idea of giving every American $1,000 a month."
"DeSantis saying 'yeah Trump lost' the first time he's asked."
"This election was rigged, and we can't let it happen again." - Donald J. Trump
"Right now, if I had to predict, I think we are looking at an indictment of Donald Trump for the Mar-a-Lago classified and national security documents."
"I mean that's a pretty bold stat which is also backed up by evidence for the prosecution to make that the jury needs to be protected from Donald Trump."
"It's hilarious that people would actually try and bet against Donald Trump at this point."
"Donald Trump is not a president, he's a celebrity."
"She's doing more damage to Trump than I would have expected."
"Donald Trump saying a stronger time these people would be dead, death penalty."
"Former president Donald Trump is getting harshly criticized by legal experts and even his own fellow Republicans."
"If Trump runs there will be no primary; he'll just be the nominee."
"Donald Trump is a one-term president officially."
"America first does not belong to Donald Trump."
"Justice prevailed: Donald Trump was defeated."
"Trump is going to have to pay that money. He's not going to be able to wiggle out of this one."
"President Trump cares about America's interests."
"It's perfect because now this will follow Donald Trump well into the 2024 campaign."
"When Trump visited the United Kingdom in 2018, he was accompanied by 1,000 members of staff."
"Trump's most powerful weapon was the media who gave him billions of dollars worth of free air time."
"Joe Biden is the reasonable alternative to Donald Trump instead of the way more dangerous with way more blood on his hands."
"Donald Trump has joined the free speech cause. He's joined the Free Speech Movement online."
"People have their opinions. Now President Trump came and did some racist things, specifically."
"Donald Trump has a case to make to the American people: things were better when I was president and it will go back to being better when I am president again."
"President Trump fought for us, we are now going to fight for him."
"Donald Trump has built a fundamentally oppositional grievance movement."
"Page after page of Donald Trump trying to break the law, basically."
"It's not irrelevant to their issue of just how big of a set of Damages punitive included they're going to hit Donald Trump with."
"There ain't a bigger Crook in this nation than Donald Trump in America anyway."
"Donald Trump is a prolific and sophisticated litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversaries."
"Trump is not a saint, but Trump is at the very least someone who's our only chance."
"At the end of the day, President Trump knows that these cases are going to be decided by the American people on November 5th, 2024, regardless of what happens in the courts."
"I think that Trump is the person who brought that to light and drained the swamp and he expo he did expose a lot of people and I think people were really happy about that."
"On November 5th 2024 Justice will be done we will take back our country and we will make America great again thank you God bless you all thank you thank you very much great job thank you."
"There's now indisputable proof that Trump presided over a massive criminal conspiracy."
"The person who's divisive right now is Donald Trump."
"Warnock's Victory marked a major defeat for former president Donald Trump."
"Donald Trump at that point has probably done 18 rallies, he's exhausted, he's running on Aderall at that point and fish filets, he's really tired."
"I think Donald Trump is even more polarizing. He's pitting people against each other, minorities against each other and against the establishment, everybody against everybody basically."
"Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race." - Donald Trump
"If you don't hold Donald Trump accountable... the next president who happens to be an aspiring dictator will get to do everything Donald Trump just did with impunity."
"Impeachment is now a completely political tool as we know from the multiple impeachments of Donald Trump without an actual criminal charge attached to any of them."
"The reality is the only reason we have Donald Trump as our president...is because of the unadulterated failure and corruption in the Democratic Party."
"Trump has obviously had a massively positive effect, and even CNN said this."