
Party Dynamics Quotes

There are 210 quotes

"On the right, their party is about to jump off a cliff following Donald Trump. Something like 80% of Republicans would literally follow Donald Trump to the end of the Earth, which is a big problem for the Republican party."
"Democrats should operate like the way Republicans do in the sense that Republicans will whip votes no matter what. They will get things done no matter how unpopular it is."
"The way I'm becoming the life of the party is ironically by putting the spotlight on other people."
"The establishment parties are shrinking and becoming weaker and the parties on the fringes are growing and becoming stronger."
"If the Republican Party knew what it was doing and actually wanted to win as opposed to being terrified of the elites they would force the Democrats to run on these radical propositions."
"Trump has unity in the Republican Party, the Democrats are not unified."
"There will be a backlash if Republicans cannot take advantage of the fact that Democrats have completely misread their mandate."
"If the PNP loses this election, he will be stepping down as party leader and president."
"Republicans are somehow going to blow it, which is incredible because Democrats have blown it."
"Republicans need to stop playing the game the Democrats are requiring, demanding they play."
"It's a bid by Republican Elites to kneecap the Republican voters that exist throughout the whole country."
"With non-stop scandals and growing concerns over his cognitive capabilities and his age are Democrats starting to turn on Biden?"
"This party now houses far-right members who have extremist views."
"The liberal party is still grappling with the lessons of the election loss... we need to address the issues on fairness... fight for them, not fight each other."
"It's just it's it's a Preposterous place to be in it is party is is it's Trump's party and it's party that wants to use immigration as a budgeon..."
"One of our political parties is out of its mind."
"The Republican party had no air brakes anymore."
"Democratic Party lost its way due to a hostile corporate takeover."
"I've been saying for years that successful politics is about addition and multiplication not subtraction and Division."
"Many of the potential candidates and many other people in the party are starting to have the courage to stand up."
"It really just shows you that this party right now is completely flailing."
"libs were the party of the 99 now they're run by the one percent"
"Nancy Pelosi really wants to keep being super shitty but some of her colleagues are like, hey if we keep being this shitty we're gonna lose our jobs." - Jimmy Dore
"So which tells me what that implies to me at least is that it has ended and they don't want it to, or it's on the verge of ending and they refuse to let this end."
"There's a vacuum of leadership inside the Republican Party right now."
"There's an argument that Democrats don't want to win, that they're satisfied by either corporate party being in charge."
"The Democratic Party is not reforming, in fact, they're going the other way."
"He is without question the most powerful voice in our party."
"The Republican party has become a very sick and disgusting cult."
"He's the king of this party. He right now remains the cult leader. My former party is a cult."
"That's the party that will win elections going forward, it's also, by the way, the party that will do the right friggin thing."
"Trump's coalition is the future of the Republican Party. Trump's coalition is fascinating. It's fascinating because what we are watching is a rebuke to the woke mentality."
"How far are we from a one-party country? I don't think that's happening anytime soon."
"The Republican Party has normalized violence as a legitimate political solution."
"I believe with the failure of the Bernie Sanders campaign with even AOC starting to back away from far left progressive politicians we might be seeing the end the far left in this country as we know it."
"Something changed when people like AOC started winning when this wave of weird authoritarian leftism and wokeness started emerging and the Democrats started embracing it."
"The Republican Party has crumbled and is so desperate to be loved by that minority of the population that is all in on MAGA."
"This demonstrates that political expression is an issue that divides the Democratic coalition between centrist Democrats and their left flank."
"The Republican and Democratic Party both move to the left but drift apart from each other dramatically."
"The Democratic party's tent is larger than the Republican party's tent."
"The reason that Trump is now leading in the polling is because the what used to form the core of the Democratic Coalition is starting to fall apart."
"I think Brian did it. There were needles, alcohol, and roofies. Someone spiked a drink at the party, and then Brian... I don't trust this Brian. Gonna keep my eye on you."
"The Democrat Party certainly is on its way out."
"There can be no agreement... the radicals in the Democratic Party are now trying to eat their own."
"The Democratic Party has become increasingly desperate to hold their party together."
"He's taught the Republican Party how to fight."
"We're seeing a civil war in the Democratic Party, moderate Democrats feuding with progressive Democrats."
"It's not having the effect of balkanizing the Republican party so far, it's actually uniting the Republican Party more."
"Football is about respect. Appreciate what they did with their feet, not what they say with their mouth."
"This infighting over the future of the republican party... all eyes are on the Fulton County courthouse in Atlanta today."
"When they lose enough elections they will moderate and then we will have two normal political parties again."
"I don't know that [Mike Pence is] a hero... but if he somehow decides that he wants to try to bring the Republican party to a place that it hasn't been for the last four years..."
"Your new Democratic Party is, in fact, the AOC Democratic Party." - Ben Shapiro
"He actually could destroy the Tory party, that's the only benefit to it."
"A real reckoning moment for the Republican party."
"The Republican party adapts. But first, let's talk about Donald Trump endorsing Democrats and then getting to add that to his number of successful endorsements."
"It's hard and it's challenging... but it's a healthy thing for the Democratic Party to go through some reflection."
"This is his party. This is what animates him."
"Pierre player's win the conservative leader was sweeping and massive a huge majority across the country in a way that left him being beholden to no section of the party."
"Many Senate Republicans who've been working hard to get an agreement are displeased with Trump's pressure campaign."
"The evidence is mounting that with just under three months left until the midterms, the political environment is shifting in favor of the Democrats."
"I think they're acknowledging the reality... this whole party has been transformed by Donald Trump."
"They ruin everything. We were having fun till you arrived."
"Trump is basically declaring war on the Republican establishment."
"I think the Tory party is the biggest machine in politics." - Steve
"Bernie Sanders changed the energy in the party."
"Is this the beginning of the end for the GOP?"
"So what are the consequences for Nancy Pelosi having handed over control of her party to AOC and Ilhan Omar and Rasheeda Talib and the anti-semites and enablers?"
"In order to purge a political party you first have to get rid of all opposition from within."
"You brought another woman to a party which your girlfriend was gonna be at."
"That would have been a great response if Marquis hadn't left the party."
"The Labour Party would have a brilliant chance, okay, you know, a coherent chance of winning an election if the parliamentary Labour Party was connected to the roots and the movement of the wider body of the party."
"The Republican Party is not in the image of Trump."
"The Republicans in reality have the weakest hand I have ever seen."
"Anybody who's against the Make America Great Again agenda, anybody who publicly criticizes Trump within the party itself, they are pushing those individuals out."
"The Democrats are now panicking because the Republicans are turning the table on them."
"If you have a Warlock in your party, they probably are going to be asking you like please make me this."
"The heart and soul of the party are people of color, not pain-ass white liberals on Twitter."
"A Trump-DeSantis ticket would be so interesting for Republicans."
"Republicans are actually seen as the party of change, which is very unusual."
"The blue wave is now running into a riptide of uncertainty."
"How little appetite there is in the Republican party for defending people like this."
"Every new party member acquired didn't just mean one more list of abilities to choose from every new party member meant more pet powers more equipment to forge more synergies to uncover and more skill points to spend."
"There's clearly a coordinated effort among Republicans to get him out."
"I just can't state enough how important it is to have strong Republicans that aren't just letting Democrats run over them."
"These midterms are predicted to be apocalyptic for the Democratic party."
"There's Clearly Now a space beyond the center right in the conservative party for different kind of politics."
"This is where things are going personally i think the democratic party is in shambles which means victory is looming for republicans to a degree we've not seen in a long time the silent majority as it were."
"What's happening with the Republican Party makes somehow the right wing of the Republican Party look bad... it's the exact opposite."
"The rise of Reform UK recently and the fall of the Tories."
"If we don't open up the party, it will be a finished party."
"You can't have a party without somebody making a scene."
"I just to me it's just mind-numbing that somebody who's been so soundly defeated could uh you know help help the party regain its uh its majorities in the presidency this makes absolutely no sense."
"This has been a long-serving battle among a lot of Republicans who felt that the establishment never took into account how frustrated the rank and file were."
"The party apparatus has done everything it can through the media to try to [defeat Bernie Sanders]."
"Desantis has a strategy that the GOP can't seem to grasp."
"House Republicans are in disarray and once again they may be on the verge of kicking a Republican speaker out of that position."
"There's two types of Republican party voters: people that vote for the Democratic party, the moderate Republicans, and Trump voters."
"The dominant figure in the Republican party... who's gonna come in second place... the closest loser to Donald Trump."
"Punish these political enemies because you will galvanize people."
"All the Democrats have at this point is the negative partisanship."
"To end your party, I will always be your adversary. You should be very worried. You know these titles start to stack."
"For the Republican Party I don't think so for all their love of the founders the GOP leadership has so far failed to grasp the importance of this virtue of Faith loyalty and unity it's time we get it back if we want to win."
"Cheney's removal is a warning sign to those trying to normalize the party."
"It's about the authoritarian direction of the Republican Party."
"Republican leaders want to replace Cheney with Stefanik."
"We need someone whose first instinct is to back Liz Cheney, attack America First Republicans on the campaign Trail, and suggest that Donald Trump's path is one of resignation rather than resurgence." - Matt Gates
"I'm glad they're getting rid of Lynn Cheney. I wish they would get rid of all of the Republicans... have just one left."
"And I think the extent to which he's brought the Republican party around his way of thinking is amazing."
"Many will conclude on the basis of the midterm results the Republican party is ready to move on without Donald Trump as its leader."
"The Paper Mario series has always been beloved for turn-based combat that features perfectly timed button presses, unique party members, and humorous storytelling."
"But I don't think that's most Trump supporters. I think most Trump supporters have hated the Republican establishment as much as the Democrat establishment for some time."
"Trump brought in new voters but he also converted Republicans to the Trump party."
"Republican leaders in the house and in many states have now turned belief into conspiracy theories and lies about stolen elections into a litmus test for membership and running for office."
"A Joe Biden loss would signal to the Democratic establishment that they have to change if they want to win."
"Donald Trump is single-handedly bringing down the GOP."
"Normal Republicans are being pushed out of the GOP in droves. They are being labeled rhinos and traitors by a fascist Maga movement."
"His success shows that we are not moving away at all from the extremist contingent and in fact the Republican Party appears to be doubling down on it going forward."
"If Vice President Pence requires both chambers to overturn, then it's going to be more difficult because clearly the Democrats have a majority in the House."
"There will be other parties that rise up and die. Democrats are pretty close to dying if they don't bother to reform themselves."
"A return to a more normal Republican party may be good for America but could pose a problem for some Democrats who need to build a stronger rationale for their party than we're not Trump."
"If you're claiming to be a full transparent People's Party that is going to do things so different from the way the DNC and the Republicans do things then don't do them the same way."
"Republicans have essentially taken over the Republican Party and made decency a marginal value."
"Good luck progressives trying to take over the Democratic Party... my heart is with you."
"My greatest hope is that because there's so many Republicans... they're going to fissure sooner or later."
"Tamil Nadu politics is reaching a decisive phase. This is the rise of BJP, the end of ADMK, and the start of alternative politics."
"The age of Republicans is over right now, internal fights are brewing, erupting as the McConnell-led faction of the Republican Party is freaking out at the Trump-led faction of the Republican Party."
"When she walked into a dull party, you know the evening was gonna become more interesting."
"Big tent party is the future, not a huge tent. You don't have to compromise on everything but you do have to acknowledge the anomalies in people."
"The Democratic Party is a machine with a direction of its own."
"In the end of the day, it's about actions, votes and the record. Right now when it comes to actions, votes and the record, Donald Trump has firm, firm control of the GOP."
"There is some rot that's taking place I think in a Republican party with it being hijacked by a certain wing of Republicans."
"It was just a regular old house party, this thing was not normal actually."
"We're seeing Trump's influence in the Republican Party begin to wane ever so slightly."
"We're going to be ranking the skills based on which skills it's most useful to have multiple characters in the party proficient in."
"The Democratic party has numerous pathways to retain to getting the majority from the Republicans."
"That really cracks the spine of the Republican Party under Trump and Trumpism."
"And listen to the fact that people in this party are very worried that Biden's not the right person."
"It's crazy how could he, that's the Republican Party you guys."
"The enabling of Trump, the capitulation to Trump, the letting him and helping him take over the party... which we're now still seeing the effects of."
"That brings value to the party that you can't really quantify in a spreadsheet."
"We're recovering from these individuals who have been the gatekeepers of the party."
"The biggest battle in politics is often within your own party."
"The democratic party would do everything that they could to destroy Bernie Sanders in this election."
"I woke up that morning, I thought we were going to have like this interesting debate and it devolved into craziness."
"Do you want to destroy the Democratic Party? Well, I believe that we will destroy the Democratic Party as a national political institution."
"We're in a severe political crisis because Donald Trump has basically hijacked the entire Republican Party."
"The establishment Republican Party better learn to move to the right and accommodate the views of conservatives much more than what they do now which is to mirror the Washington Consensus."
"You're kind of like a party crasher no you're invited maybe you're like oh yeah yeah wonderful two drinks and right yeah commit yeah baby yeah my boy deck."
"It's stopping you from doing all these things because we think we're introverted but actually if you just assume that everyone is kind of like no one wants to be a fish out of the pool everyone is essentially feeling the same way at a party."
"There is a lot to talk about with regard to this debate...this debate may actually change the dynamics of the Democratic Party primary."
"Mitch McConnell is reportedly pleased about Donald Trump being impeached a second time."
"It's commonly said that moderate Republicans have disappeared."
"That's the kind of connection the Democratic Party continued to have after Trump was elected."
"I think it's important to have this basically have an all the above strategy when it comes to primary Democratic politicians in attempting to turn the party into a more left-wing party."
"The Republican party got to grow some balls."
"There is a genuine base for that definitely within the Republican party."
"Democrats are doing everything they can to snatch defeat from the jaws of Victory."
"The voter registration for Republicans is up across the board."
"The left rewards their fringes and the right punishes ours."
"Democratic strategists fear that the dynamic of mischief-makers on the right exacerbating minor divisions on the left could not only damage particular candidates but also dampen overall Democratic turnout in 2020."
"Trump took over and hijacked the Republican party."
"This is why the party keeps losing Adrian they don't have ideas now they have a personality cult."
"Is the pilot flying out of Rajasthan Congress or staying in the cockpit?"
"The Republican party is shrinking and becoming more radical and extreme."
"Does that way of thinking contribute to the rightward shift of the Democratic Party over years and what mechanism will ever stop that shift if we're not willing to ever under any circumstances leverage our votes?"
"Nothing ruins a party like the end of the world."
"In Senator Ted Cruz's comments on Fox and Friends about the potential for Michelle Obama to be the Democrat nominee were more than just political conjecture; they were indicative of the ongoing strategic discussions within the GOP."
"Overwhelmingly the party has left the corporate Pockets to stand for the individual freedoms and sovereignty."
"After the main course was finished, it was so much fun to just move around the party."
"I remember at one point scanning the party and it's, you know, you see pockets of conversations, and it's just him having a very earnest convo with two of my buddies."
"We either need new and different political parties... or we need a different kind of politics."
"The Republican civil war can actually be a good thing."
"We do have a new crop of Republicans who know what's at stake... and who aren't just going to vote no on these bills."
"There is a break from the norm from just one political party."
"Creativity is the way that you kill parties' motivation to do things."
"The most terrifying phenomenon I think going on in the world right now is what's happening in the Republican party."
"Enough with corporate Democrats, they've ruined any chance of progressives winning in this country."
"The Democratic base has been emotionally incontinent for quite some time."
"Depending on what magic items, armor, and abilities we've gotten along the way with our adventuring and subclass choice...the artificer is amazingly unique in terms of what it can do and how it can fit into the context of a party."
"This is a full-scale takeover of one of the two major parties of the United States by MAGA crazies and by religious crazies."
"If that party implodes and splits, that's going to help the Dems."
"We were asking to begin this is exactly what we didn't want: a beast Tamer in the party."
"It's less like surface level just like partying and it's more like oh we're connecting."
"The idea that there's some solemnity to incumbency is out the window at this point."