
Political Loyalty Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"On the right, their party is about to jump off a cliff following Donald Trump. Something like 80% of Republicans would literally follow Donald Trump to the end of the Earth, which is a big problem for the Republican party."
"I blame myself for the conduct which has brought me here today, and it was my own weakness and blind loyalty to President Trump that led me to choose a path of darkness over light."
"For most Republicans, to acknowledge what Trump truly is and still stay loyal to him would create enormous cognitive dissonance."
"It is a rather remarkable indictment of those who claim to be followers of Jesus that they would continue to show fidelity to a man whose cruel ethic has always been antithetical to Jesus's."
"If you continue to fall in line and vote for Democrats every single election they will continue to take you for granted."
"But it didn't matter. These voters, these I guess they weren't Maga voters yet in 2016, they obviously evolved that are now supporting Mr. Walker may not care because as long as it's not a democrat in that seat that's good enough."
"If their income continues to fall short of expectations and fails to cover normal living expenses, will they remain willing to serve the CCP?"
"One of the most striking moments of the first GOP primary debate was when the moderators asked if the candidate will continue to support former President Trump even if he is convicted of any of the crimes."
"Donald Trump surrounds himself with the absolute worst people who apparently are there just based on some sycophantic level of personal loyalty to him."
"Not a single major institution in American life stood with Donald Trump."
"Black folks, we've been the most loyal voting bloc for the Democrats."
"Among the base, they're always gonna love Trump."
"Each lawless action by Trump has made the GOP more, not less, faithful to him."
"It's whether Donald Trump is willing to support the party if he's not the person who's in charge."
"His fidelity to the Constitution was more important than his fidelity to President Trump."
"We are here today because Maga Republicans would do anything to protect Donald Trump, their savior." - Hank Johnson
"Democrats have to dance with the one who brung him."
"If you don't do every single thing they say particularly on anything connected to their political goals and Donald Trump then you will be completely tossed aside."
"Bernie had always said that he would support the Democratic nominee."
"How dare you pledge allegiance to one man who knows that he lost an election and spread the big lie versus affirm your oath under the United States Constitution."
"Your base will stay with you if they trust you."
"If you're a Republican, you cannot be loyal to Trump and the Constitution."
"Voting for Trump or supporting Trump is the unforgivable sin. And it's one of those things that they have such a hard time wrapping their minds around."
"Nobody's perfect. I'll stand with Trump because he controls our gas."
"The culture wars are all that matter. Here's why President Trump is going to continue to maintain his base."
"How much loyalty does the Chinese Communist Party demand from its members?"
"They know what Trump likes and they're giving it to him. He likes loyalty and he likes blondes. That's what he likes."
"Nigerian Americans are active in schools, youth athletic programs, and parent-teacher associations due to their emphasis on family activities and education."
"If you believe in your party, you will think that the best thing for your country and your constituency is putting the party's interest."
"He certainly reflects Trump a lot better than Sean Spicer and he is not afraid to kiss a little Trump ass, that is for sure."
"Predictably, the Trump voters we talked to were not put off by that, they were even a bit sympathetic."
"Unwavering loyalty to progressive liberal policies aggravates problems."
"If Donald Trump does not get the nomination... the party doesn't deserve anybody's support."
"Virtually every single person from this point forward that continues to run against President Trump on the Republican side should never ever be taken seriously again."
"Trump has given up everything to fight for the common folks why can't people have the same loyalty?"
"He's the best president of my lifetime though I may not like him the person I would fight for him as my leader though bro that's all I'm asking for man take a step back and realize it and you sir have my respect." - Anonymous
"She was willing to assume the risk of death for her zaddy Joe Biden."
"Maybe for his base, the fact that he's so instantaneously cruel and dismissive towards people that turn on him might actually be a part of why they like him."
"I said Bernie Sanders today because he's still with me, and he's never lost his taste for justice or the people." - Reverend Jesse Jackson
"Our loyalty should not be to one party. Our loyalty should be to the interests that best serve our community."
"They want Trump for life, they're telling you in their own words."
"Trump's cultists display unwavering devotion, even suggesting support if he were in prison."
"If it ever came down to supporting an individual... I will always pick the system. If I had to throw Trump under the bus love him as I do... I would throw him under the bus so fast if the election system indicates that."
"Unlike the Republicans, they put country over party."
"Trump is his daddy so why would anybody vote for this for the guy the copy of trump when you could just vote for the real deal also Trump."
"The Republican Party stands with still Donald Trump."
"The first time I did, I did still vote for him, the first time. Oh yeah, 100 percent I vote, I voted for him both times."
"The first loyalty of a politician is to their citizens and not to international interests."
"He visited us because President Biden wanted him to come, and of course, he owes a great deal to President Biden."
"27 of Americans including 61 percent of Republicans said they would still want Trump to run in 2024 if he was convicted of a crime."
"To my Republican colleagues, can we move forward without President Trump? The answer is no."
"Trump brought in new voters but he also converted Republicans to the Trump party."
"America and the 75 million voters are not done with Donald Trump and all he did for the country."
"Donald Trump definitely has a following that will stick with him through anything."
"One third of nominal Republicans and Republican leaners are more loyal to Donald Trump than the Republican Party."
"He's a smart guy so the first thing that I thought to myself when he came out in support of Trump wasn't how could he do this it was what am I missing what am I missing there's something I'm missing here what am I missing."
"The universe of people who are cowtowing to him and doing his bidding is dwindling."
"CBS poll reveals Trump voters trust Trump more than family and religious leaders."
"Hundreds of thousands gathering from the North Plaza Hotel carrying homemade portraits of Mao in a show of loyalty support."
"Trump voters will walk through hell to vote for him."
"It's not even about partisanship anymore; it's about whether you're loyal to Donald Trump and the big lie." - Tara Setmayer
"Vote blue no matter who, yeah just get out and just keep voting Democrat just keep doing what you've been doing because it's been working out great hasn't it guys?"
"If you're a Republican and you want to remain in office today, you cannot say anything bad about Trump."
"Even if violent behaviors were identical to Trump's, you'd vote for him."
"The man I worked for in 1993 is not the man who lies for Donald Trump."
"Trump just keeps turning back to the people who put him there: the Christians, the pro-lifers, and he asks them to stand with him a little longer."
"It's not just loyalty to the president, it's obsession with the president." - John
"Bernie Sanders won't sell you out. His only special interest is you."
"But now you finally have a government and a president that is loyal to you. Joe Biden's allegiance is to his donors, and my allegiance is to the people of this country."
"Republicans cannot both be loyal to Donald Trump and loyal to the Constitution at this moment."
"Thank you to the MAGA Republicans and conservatives because a lot of my group were conservatives. They didn't bail when I told them I'm voting for Biden."
"Ronald Reagan got it right when he said, 'You know, with you 80% of the time, what are you? A friend and ally, not a 20% traitor.' That's what we've lost."