
Cancel Culture Quotes

There are 607 quotes

"I feel like people are looking at all kind of the cancel culture stuff a little bit less."
"To say that cancel culture doesn't exist would be dangerous, but also, on the other hand, to blame everything on cancel culture is very dismissive of bigger issues."
"It's almost like because of the cancel culture that came from the mainstream, it's almost pushed the power to the people who are actually creating the content."
"If you hire four pre-pubescent girls and teach them to do graphic adult dancing and then put that movie out for people to watch, you should be canceled."
"Canceling is not criticism. It is not holding someone accountable. It is an attack on a human being."
"The goal of cancel culture isn't necessarily to eliminate one person from society but to make certain ideas untenable."
"The promise of canceling was that it was going to give power back to people who had none, and bring justice to prominent abusers."
"Canceling is a form of vigilante mob justice."
"Trust me, usually when people talk about cancel culture, it's because they did some dumb stuff and they're getting dragged for it, and that's life."
"I think that carceral logic is deeply invested in cancel culture, and it's that punitive response of wanting to punish someone for doing something wrong and thinking that that is the same thing as accountability, which I think it is not."
"Cancel culture is the immune system of the internet."
"The essence and the base of what cancel culture is, is good. The problem is its usage and the weaponization of it."
"Cancel culture... We've normalized bullying a little too much."
"The only people that are nervous about cancel culture are the people that it could directly affect. The average everyday person isn't getting canceled."
"The threat of cancel culture has improved how people interact online."
"What can people do in the face of cancel culture? There is only one thing you can do, and it is say what you believe."
"I've been canceled so many times, and I can't be canceled anymore."
"Social scores can result in public shaming, social media shaming, and allow a cancel culture."
"Cancel culture runs the world now, the planet went crazy."
"Cancel culture... is a replacement for knives. It's... a replacement for wiping the other side out."
"The problem with cancel culture is that it removes any possibility of growth."
"I defended James Gunn. I said he should not be canceled for bad old tweets because we don't want to live in a society where people are cancelled for bad old joke tweets."
"I hate cancel culture...it's particularly terrible."
"This new practice where we wait till someone has a moment of success and then we go back in their history, dig something up, and try to destroy them with it is really quite disgusting."
"When it comes to cancel culture, one of my main concerns is that social media can be so merciless that it makes people less inclined to own up to stupid comments or actions because forgiveness is seemingly rare."
"Cancel culture is a dangerous phenomenon, the total silencing and erasing of people and truths the progressives dislike."
"The best way to deal with it is fearlessly. If you fear that you're being canceled, don't worry about it."
"Everybody's so afraid of getting cancelled that they join in on the hate mobs to put fear into somebody else."
"The great comedian Ricky Gervais has claimed that comedy is now dead because of cancel culture."
"Cancel culture is the practice of publicly rejecting, boycotting, or ending support for people because of their morally unacceptable views or actions."
"The difference between cancel culture and regular court is not just we are going to criticize what you said; it is we're going to go to all of the ways that you make your money and make your living and earn your bread, and we are going to attempt to deprive you of those things because we disagree with the thing that you just said."
"I'm not scared of these extremists, these ideologues. You think I'm scared of being canceled? Never gonna happen."
"These cancelings you notice these are deaths they are permanent okay they're social deaths."
"You can't legislate away cancel culture. Let's be clear, right?"
"The fruit of cancel culture started to grab legs and just wobble."
"It's not just cancel culture, it's actually kind of cool to see that people can hold other people accountable."
"Cancel culture is crazy." - Cancel culture is crazy.
"The whole world is trying to cancel [] Joe Rogan. They're trying to get Spotify to even cancel them. What the [] are they doing?"
"We need to disagree with him publicly not de-platform not uh move them uh cancel the bank accounts not suspend them."
"What happens every single time conservatives say anything bothers them, they go, 'I thought you were against cancel culture?'"
"Those who engage in cancel culture generally live to regret it."
"Cancel culture, free speech is under attack."
"Cancel culture is definitely good in the means of deplatforming people who are spreading very hateful messages."
"Because what else is there to do but just keep living in the moment in today that's the point and that's also why the outrage mob is today once again canceled."
"Cancel culture drives me crazy. It's really really scary."
"This could be a major blow to the ideological hold that cancel culture has over the U.S."
"Cancel culture has every right to hold people accountable."
"Cancel culture used to be positive, now it's toxic."
"Cancel culture threatens to make our public discourse coarser, falser, and crueler."
"Cancel culture is very much about the idea that we are going to destroy your career if we don't like what you say... It's about intimidating people who can't defend themselves."
"It's like cancel culture, you know? Jimmy Fallon apologizes, you see that Twitter thread? He apologizes for that joke 20 years ago, they don't care."
"The catch 22 with cancel culture is what is the solution to cancel it."
"Ending cancel culture would be extraordinarily authoritarian."
"You're allowed to offend people, you're allowed to hurt people. Don't cancel people over that."
"Good for him for standing up against cancel culture."
"We're messing with a slippery slope if we start saying we don't like what he has to say, cancel him."
"I don't think he should be canceled. I don't think any of them should be canceled."
"Who Among Us has never done anything that could get you canceled."
"Cancel culture isn't about canceling the right, to a great degree a lot of people on the right, it's the left is trying to censor us."
"There's almost nothing Chappelle could say to make me want to cancel him."
"I think the people who are always railing against cancel culture as a concept are often, it's mostly just an issue of they're not used to being held accountable for saying and doing really harmful shit like that."
"Never apologize to the cancel mob, especially when you've done nothing wrong."
"I think it's great, cancel people... there has to be consequences."
"So maybe in 50 to 100 years they'll talk about the cancel culture trials and how absurd and crazy everybody was."
"I cannot be canceled because unlike you guys, I am the machine."
"The left likes canceled culture because it can be applied to people it disagrees with."
"We are all against cancel culture, but to be honest with you, I feel like we are all a little bit of a hypocrite when it comes to the conversation of cancel culture."
"Contempt for canceled culture is little more than contempt for democracy."
"Protest as much as you want, but going after someone to ruin their career is a different thing. That's cancel culture."
"The way I see cancel culture isn't let's take away this person's pay it's like in society are we gonna write this person off or not even if they're still working."
"The next time you see someone being cancelled with the mob attacking them, ask, 'What's the other side story?'"
"Nobody likes cancel culture until they get an opportunity to cancel someone."
"This is cancel culture writ large, isn't it? This is censorship."
"The left is shrinking because of this circular firing squad of cancel culture, they're pushing everybody out."
"Does the punishment fit the crime or is this another example of cancel culture getting out of control?" - Douglas Murray
"Cancel culture is actually limiting actual change within our society."
"I hate cancel culture. It's been taken to the extreme, the judgmentalism of people. It has become quite hysterical and there's a kind of a Witch Hunt and a lack of understanding."
"As the leader of a country, it's not really possible to be a victim of cancel culture... being criticized is part of the deal... it's necessary and healthy that you be criticized and scrutinized all the time."
"The willingness to be able to talk to people who think differently than you, the willingness to not play the cancel culture game, that is important too."
"Nick Di Paolo has always reviled the left, political correctness, or what we know today as cancel culture."
"And anyone who stands against truth or insists that the truth be muffled or silenced or withheld is today, I'm afraid to say, maj canceled."
"I think that canceled culture has really become sort of the source of fear for many Americans."
"I really don't like that I can't disagree... without being called something and canceled."
"We're here today to discuss protecting Americans from censorship, cancel culture, and consumer abuses."
"Cancel culture is a direct attack on regular people."
"I'm not afraid. Cancel me, go ahead. I'm okay with it."
"In today's world of canceled culture, you have to be careful."
"That ultimately is why he is today canceled."
"The canceled culture that we're in right now. Outrage culture, canceled culture, extremes."
"Cancel culture is a real thing and it's not even the same as a boycott or a boycott because it's not society at large."
"I feel like every video I've been making recently has been about someone getting canceled for something."
"Cancel culture is doing exactly this... strangely indifferent to the fact that what it claims is factually true is so deeply in conflict with what is well understood already."
"Cancelling somebody because they s***ed up once a few years ago is absolutely mad to me."
"Cancel culture is a load of waffle. We need to cancel cancel culture."
"Honestly, I think cancel culture is dying down. People are realizing it was a fun hobby rather than improving society."
"What they did to him is so wrong... there's a real human behind these canceled culture mobs."
"Cancel culture is [expletive] and you need to fight back."
"The problem with canceled culture is that it's completely disproportionate; people make mistakes, that's normal."
"People just live in fear of this cancelled culture."
"Cancel culture is vicious and incredibly painful."
"We proved that the left cannot cancel people if we do not let them."
"I think the key to our revolution, Drew, is to be fearless and to not be afraid of being canceled anymore. I'm not. It's impossible not to have some fear about it because it's everywhere, and I keep getting... I keep running afoul of it."
"How is this person not cancelled like Chrissy Teigen, right? John Legend, all that stuff like that." - Trisha Paytas discussing Chrissy Teigen's past behavior.
"I've always said I'm not a fan of cancel culture because they've tried to cancel me... Thank god I own myself, cancel cancel culture bro."
"Cancer culture sucks no matter how it's played."
"Justin represents the very worst element of cancel culture."
"If every single person who opposed canceled culture just went out in the street right now and started yelling 'no cancel culture,' the whole country would change overnight."
"We will puncture the pomposity of our elites in politics, business, media, and academia, and expose their growing promotion of cancel culture to the threat of free speech and democracy that it is."
"People got to understand that you're a comedian. And as far as I'm concerned, I don't think anybody's been canceled for a joke."
"The right needs to be the party of actively uncancelling people."
"You made only you can cancel you in this culture."
"If you become one of the canceled culture mob, they leave you alone."
"Cancel culture is dying and we are not going to give it any pain meds to alleviate the pain."
"If you're sitting there genuinely canceling people, claiming that you've never made a mistake, you're lying."
"I'm surprised George Strait hasn't been canceled at this point."
"The more people that have that attitude, the less the cancel culture people will fade into the background."
"Canceling is different because they're taking like one specific thing and it's like a mob mentality of like thousands if not millions of people coming at you and just really trying to rip you to shreds and it's horrible."
"This sort of cancel culture on steroids is a very dangerous thing."
"Cancel culture is pervasive and Silent. It's behind closed doors where members of The Academy will essentially blackball potential candidates because of their political ideologies."
"Cancel culture works really well when no one stands up for the person who got cancelled."
"Cancel culture is real, ugly, and tied to an ideology."
"We really need to stop with the elements of cancel culture in the skincare community."
"Talking about people's bodies is tiring, okay? Needs to stop. It's canceled."
"This canceled culture of all of this stuff that's going on now, I think this is the most dangerous because it shuts down creative speech."
"Pushing back against cancel culture is crucial; we shouldn't cheer someone silencing themselves."
"This nation has become one of the biggest cancel cultures out there."
"We have to stop trying to cancel people and shouting down our allies."
"Cancel culture is one of the least proactive methods in approaching bigotry."
"Everything that is wrong with America is rooted in two major issues: the intersection of cancel culture and identity politics."
"Cancel culture exists in every aspect of society nowadays, including politics."
"I mean think about how many times we tried to get canceled because they caught Seth smoking a cigarette."
"Cancel culture is a dress rehearsal for mass murder."
"We have to stop this absurd practice of canceling people for things they did on social media as teenagers."
"You can't be canceled if you don't agree to it."
"Council culture at its root is an attack on free speech."
"I think it's unfair to say cancel culture... doesn't work because I think that really minimizes and trivializes the broader issues at play."
"It requires a certain amount of privilege and having won the culture wars to be able to cancel someone."
"Cancer culture is a symptom and a sign that there is some privilege there."
"Cancel culture is worse than ever like worse it's it's worse than the worst I've ever seen it in my life."
"You can't cancel Dave Chappelle because he's already financially sufficient. He don't want a TV show, he walked away. He doesn't value it."
"Canceling achieves nothing and is done just to make people feel morally superior for a few days before they forget. That's a hot take, that's really spicy. But yeah, you're both right and wrong."
"Canceling Dave Chappelle cancels the opportunity to have a conversation."
"I think when they try to cancel you and they're wrong, it makes you stronger."
"If you oppose canceling Dr. Seuss, you're a racist and you agree with racism."
"Does cancel culture work? The answer is unequivocally no."
"You can't just cancel people because they don't agree with you."
"The inability to have a debate without wanting to cancel people, to wreck their lives, to make them lose their jobs, all that kind of thing."
"Sounds like you're just anti-conservative sounds like this cancel culture has finally come for her yep she just supported free market economics too dang much they had to silence her."
"She's seeing that cancel culture is breeding the fake activists, the online activists, the people who want to do glorified Church work through a computer screen."
"Cancel culture at its core is breeding the fake activists, the people who want to do glorified Church work through a computer screen."
"Lizzo is seeing that cancel culture is breeding fake activists who want to do glorified Church work through a computer screen."
"Jesus Christ contradicts cancel culture. Jesus Christ says you're all sinners and now you better learn to love each other, you better learn to forgive each other, you better learn to accept each other."
"It's okay to tell a man he's a fat loser or a bum but if you tell a girl you're you're a fat loser and whatever she's gonna be like you are an [ __ ] that you're gonna get canceled for that."
"Cancel culture, it's becoming more and more common."
"Nobody is truly canceled unless they consent to it."
"Twitter tries to cancel you... they're flaming."
"Joe Rogan and everybody else targeted by the cancel mob, you could take a lesson from Stacey Abrams and really any democrat. They don't apologize."
"You sir are canceled and that'll do it for us today thanks for watching thanks for listening have a great day godspeed."
"Maybe it'll make people think twice about cancel culture."
"Before my final nail gets put in my cancel culture casket, I think I'd like to set the record straight."
"You actually have to support the people who fight against cancel culture and that sometimes means people who you don't necessarily like everything about."
"It is a stake in the heart of the cancel culture mob."
"We've created a society and a culture cancel culture that's about retribution and vengeance."
"Canceled culture and political correctness is dividing people and ultimately conquering them."
"If my show can go somewhere to dismantling that canceled culture, then I think that's a massive thing."
"This is not bullying and this is definitely not cancel culture."
"Do you find yourself concerned with the fact, the quote, 'cancel culture'?"
"If you don't fall in line, you will be canceled."
"Strong men get cancelled, fired, when they speak, you send your lawyers after them. Talk to Sandman about that."
"Cancel culture doesn't escape anybody and like is it a real thing? No, it's not."
"If on the other hand, people are willing to avoid buying a Tesla, to cancel or take their Tesla back because Elon said something that they... disagree with, this is a pathetic form of reverse cancelling."
"Cancel culture is about blurring the line between criticism and harassment."
"We're no longer just going to not hire you but we're going to cancel you now we're going to run you out of town."
"Every single time. People really hate cancel culture until it cancels someone they don't like. Hypocrites."
"No one deserves hate, no one deserves cancel culture."
"If somebody wants to cancel you, are you just gonna let them cancel you? Hell no!"
"Cancel culture is more generational. Grown folks don't really do that."
"All of this complaining about social media, cancel culture, whining."
"The worst excess of cancel culture used to happen back on 4chan. It all gets caused by the same types of behavior." - Vosh
"Cancel culture is bad. It's all Democrats doing this. They believe if they don't like something, it should be banned, censored." - Lecture Fan
"Cancel culture doesn't allow for forgiveness or truth to come out."
"I'm not in favor of canceling people just like that because you don't approve of what they say. I've never been in favor of that."
"The fact that you believe it was a risk is wrong. Cancel culture only has power if you give it power."
"I just hope like come on like there's cancel culture there's people who make mistakes and then there's this kind of [ __ ] you know this is like so unexcusable and not a single excuse for it."
"Welcome to Twitter, where they cancel you if you don't toe the line with all of their opinions and [expletive]."
"Cancel 2020 if we can do anything with cancel culture we must cancel last year."
"They're not even honest about it. They pretend to be anti-cancel culture, pro-free speech, but they're clearly not."
"I'm not in favor of any sort of cancel culture here."
"Our cancel culture today, we could just model a civil, cordial, respectful conversation across a pretty significant worldview divide."
"This just further goes to show that when you stand up for anything in Hollywood that doesn't align with the far-left echo chamber, they will try to cancel you."
"Because it would get me trending hello I mean getting cancelled is basically like a quick way to get publicity but not the good kind of publicity."
"The day and age that we living in, you can get canceled for doing that."
"The only way I think to really stop this crazy cancel culture is for people to start fighting back instead of fading quietly into the night."
"Cancel culture as a term is absolute BS that doesn't actually shed light on anything."
"It's easier to cancel someone than to find forgiveness and compassion in ourselves." - Miley Cyrus
"Rumble prides itself on being immune to cancel culture... Everyone benefits when we have access to more ideas, diverse opinions, and dialogue."
"It's not about the NFL, it's about how cancel culture is affecting people."
"Canceling people usually does not do anything good. It doesn't really leave any room for genuine apologies or growth, and it's just exhausting."
"I feel like there's a very weird feedback loop that I think has been created by cancel culture, to where companies will overreact."
"Public shaming is what cancel culture really is, it's public shaming, and people celebrate and then they rejoice in it."