
Robotics Quotes

There are 2292 quotes

"Why self-driving cars? This is the first wide-reaching, and profound integration of personal robots, in society."
"There's nothing anybody back on Earth can do anymore. It's all up to the robot now to guide itself safely from an interplanetary spacecraft down to the surface of Mars."
"Perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the Red Planet."
"The Perseverance of humanity launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the Red Planet."
"Teaching robots to assist, to watch out for danger, and help save lives."
"This is Nvidia Project Groot, a general-purpose foundation model for humanoid robot learning."
"This was supposed to be like a samurai mech; I was going for a swordsman mech."
"It took Amazon six years to get 100,000 robots working for them in their warehouses, but in just the last two years, that number has already doubled to 200,000 robots."
"The plot point of a robot wanting to steal a human's identity is something we see over and over again."
"Imagine if you could build a robot that could do what this kid and many other kids do...help you out around the house without having to be programmed or even really instructed."
"Our goal is to develop a robot that can coexist, cooperate, and be cognitive. That's the future direction of interaction."
"Robots will serve us... but as they transform the nature of our world, we may see a large portion of the human workforce dedicated to creating newer, more capable robots."
"Artificial Intelligence and Robotics are undeniable technologies that are going to change the world."
"In the same way, these little assembly robots I'm describing can make giant structures, at heart because the robot can make the robot."
"The US absolutely needed to have these robotic precursor missions before they could risk putting people on the surface of the Moon."
"No one is threatened by a carpet-cleaning robot, but everyone pays attention when a robot wipes the floor with the world chess champ."
"Tesla is arguably the world's biggest robotics company because our cars are like semi-sentient robots on wheels."
"I believe robots that interact with humans will have to push back; they can't just be bullied."
"In the near future, there will be billions of robots to help us do things."
"We have a robot that can make educated guesses about what should happen next based on what it sees."
"Having a full conversation with a humanoid robot while it plans and carries out its own fully learned behaviors would be something we would have to wait decades to see."
"All the residents are RoboBrains. Literally, all of them."
"I am a creator, powering robots that make the things we need, that create original works of art in the style of the Masters."
"Successful development, training, and testing of complex robots for real-world applications demand high-fidelity simulation and accurate physics."
"Just like NASA and Amazon, our customers in robotics and industrial automation are realizing the importance of digital twins and are doing amazing things in Omniverse."
"The next wave of AI is robotic systems that perceive, plan, and act."
"I think the Roomba is very cute, even though it's an inanimate robot."
"The goal would be to take what you learn here and start to port that over into the real world to make better robots and better actual physical agents that can interact with the world alongside us."
"Especially you can look at it in a way oversized tools and tools that will not fit into a magazine, Robo can load and unload for you, which is really kind of neat."
"Robotics is getting closer and closer to the human. We are facing a lot of challenges in really making these machines work in the unstructured, messy environment of the human."
"Sophia is more than just a robot; she's a true Marvel of technology."
"You've probably met Atlas, it is one of the world's most advanced AI military robots developed by Boston Dynamics. This revolutionary robot has now received jaw-dropping upgrades and can perform super insane tasks that no other robot can execute."
"Isaac Asimov created these three laws of robotics."
"It was humbling because it was really a hard task. And honestly, the tears were because, mostly, the robots didn't do it."
"The loose rock was the epitome of the hard walking surface because you stepped down, and you had these little point feet on the robot, and the rock can roll, and you have to deal with that last-minute, you know, change in your foot placement."
"The legged locomotion really works. It can really get around, and it doesn't fall down."
"Soft Robotics has introduced Soft AI, an intelligent system for accelerating the adoption of robotics in the food industry."
"The real benefit of robots is taking over the 3 D's: the dull, dirty, and dangerous jobs that we probably don't want human beings to be doing anyway."
"AI and robotics have a lot of overlap. AI is all about how you get systems to act intelligently."
"Self-driving cars are essentially a type of robot, moving around in the world and making intelligent decisions based on what they're perceiving."
"A cobot is a collaborative robot, specifically designed to work with human beings."
"There's a huge problem right now in growing enough food and distributing it to get to all the people in the world, and people are looking to robotics to help solve that."
"The camera on the robot revealed an unexpected and astonishing glimpse into this subsurface world."
"I think that the place where robotics is having the profound impact is in the industrial setting and in logistics. That's where I think the impact of the robots will be most felt."
"A robot apocalypse is almost like your children turning on you."
"Exos are robotic bodies with human consciousness implanted within them."
"This essay will discuss why robots will eventually be able to perform any function and will therefore replace all human jobs."
"I do believe the future of humanity is some very advanced form of autonomous robots with artificial intelligence."
"Decentralize control of the robots will be critical."
"Robots don't need a bathroom break, robots don't need a pension, robots don't need breaks to take to rest and have lunch."
"It will seem totally unethical to turn off your robot; it'll be a murder that's worse than killing a person because, at a certain point, it will be the most competent, wisest person you know."
"Lonely Robo scientist desperate to be left alone, seeks out a remote, lawless world to build the greatest and friendliest robots mankind has ever seen."
"Robots are very good at performing repetitive, dull, and dangerous tasks, but where exploration is involved and the creative mind of a researcher is called for, humans are vastly superior."
"To really unlock the true potential of robots like the Basilisk bot, researchers are starting to use neural networks that allow the robot to learn on its own."
"I'm trying to make a robot, dude. I want to use these small robots to help clean and maintain the city."
"What does it say about human beings that we invented robots that might eventually replace us?"
"For the first time in the history of war, the Russians used robots, robot-tracked vehicles, to actually conduct military operations."
"Futurama showcased a huge future filled with robots, robots are used for all types of tasks on the show, and we're getting close to similar technology."
"I've never seen a ticker tape parade for a robot... There's value of human inspiration."
"20 years from now, I believe the human-like robots... will walk among us, they will help us, they will play with us, they will teach us."
"We are living with robots, and maybe one day we will become robots ourselves: we are talking about augmented humans."
"The public's fascination with Boston Dynamics' robots is likely owed to equal parts awe and fear."
"Now it's official, there's now multiple robots on Mars, and we can technically say Mars is colonized by robots."
"The reality is this Tesla bot has some really interesting implications for the future of America and quite frankly the world."
"The goal is to make a useful humanoid robot as quickly as possible, probably available for deliveries within three to five years for you, for hopefully less than twenty thousand dollars."
"Our mission is to create and deliver surprisingly capable robots that inspire, delight, and positively impact society."
"Personal humanoid robots... this decade... we're going to get autonomous humanoid robots."
"This huge robot was originally commissioned by the Gundam Factory in Yokohama as part of an art installation in celebration of one of Japan's longest-running anime series."
"Meet Mr. Wu Yulu, otherwise known as the robot guru, a Chinese farmer from the outskirts of Beijing who has dedicated his life to designing and engineering an army of niche robots out of scrap metal."
"Tesla's humanoid robot Optimus has gone from immobile to dexterous."
"Tesla bot dwarfs everything else in Tesla's business, a multi-multi-multi-trillion dollar opportunity."
"And just because I'm a fan of robotics, I think you inspire a lot of people."
"Flippy can flip burgers better, faster, and more cleanly than most humans."
"Robots will be able to do everything better than us."
"That's the uncanny valley, not human figures looking as close as they can to real life but not quite, and that gives you the heebie-jeebies."
"Taking biology as a model, Festo has created the octopus gripper robots."
"Why would a robot necessarily care that paint was spilled outside of its shop?"
"Tokyo Robotics unveiled a prototype of a mobile gripper capable of picking up and moving cardboard boxes of various sizes without damaging them."
"The main announcement of the exhibition was the humanoid collaborative robot Next Stage Philly."
"He claims that he feels pain... the missing component makes the robot feel incomplete."
"Build your own robot kit makes building a robot extremely easy. I've done it with a six-year-old and they had absolutely no problem."
"By leveraging robotic technology in meat processing, the industry achieves higher levels of productivity, efficiency, and product quality."
"Just remove all the red tape. Let people make whatever robots."
"If 2040 seems like a long time to wait to meet a smart robot, do not fret."
"Sony's IBO features natural movements, facial recognition, and entertainment for up to two hours."
"The t8x robotic spider: eerily realistic with delicate movements and customizable features."
"X-Pang's intelligent robot horse mimics natural movements and supports voice and touch commands."
"French engineer Edwin Van Ruymbeke created the Metafly, an insect-inspired robotic flyer."
"Meet Sofi, the soft robotic fish developed for exploring the uncharted depths of the ocean."
"Tesla's Optimus robot is not just a technical advancement but a labor Innovation with humanlike capabilities."
"Tesla's electric cars will be as cheap as hot cakes once the Tesla bot can truly revolutionize the production line."
"Change is happening, it's inevitable... robots, AI, it's all coming."
"Of course here in 2020 we know the point at which it is no longer okay to hit robots with your car for fun has now been and gone."
"Hey robots can have feelings too, I've seen Wall-E."
"In that event we're gonna giant robots right humanoid robots that will fight these kaijus hand-to-hand operated entirely by people inside of the kaiju and you need two people cuz you know it requires two brains."
"It's a very small step in the first direction but sort of the Alpha that we look to for this sort of robot."
"There is little to lose by making robots uncanny and much to gain in our understanding of humans."
"It's not that out there to assume that as [we] become culturally acclimated to new almost but not quite humans on-screen will find them less creepy."
"The uncanny valley: where something that tries to be human and gets close but fails freaks us out way more than something that doesn't try very hard."
"Technically yes, you can have an all-robot Starship crew."
"Robots become self-aware... super delightful... brunch all the time."
"I breathe, I eat, hell, I cut myself shaving this morning. Robots don't bleed."
"Virtual worlds are essential to designing, training, and operating robots."
"So, soon, these little robots will be essential for missions like returning to the moon or heading to Mars."
"Scientists use stem cells from frogs to build the first living robot."
"Experiment 1006 is a toy creating life from other toys, kind of like an android, a robot creating other robots."
"Pepper: designed to connect, help, and form genuine relationships."
"Spot: the nimble and compact robot that can do what most dogs can't."
"Imagination is a beautiful thing. Introducing Cell Robot, a modular robot built to inspire."
"Our government is trying to push Thai industry to evolve into small smart by applying the robotic and AI technology as much as possible."
"My fantasy: Tesla announces a bot beta program."
"Vigilantes like Basil, Vugi, or gentlemen have done far more harm to Man versus machine than pizza bot ever could."
"My war robots tip for 2021 is about how to create what I claim to be the best and fastest middle beacon capper setup you can build for your hanger."
"If you are going to have a walking tank, this is a sensible design to make sure that it's sturdy and relatively mobile."
"The lanky bot saved our lives. This is the greatest invention ever."
"One day in the not-too-distant future robots will travel to the far reaches of the universe, all systems activate, systems prepare for disembarkation."
"I think robots are our children... they will inherit the universe from us."
"Why is it so important to have an expressive face, given that you're a robot?"
"An incredible glimpse into the future: the robot that's learning parkour."
"Baxter is a revolution in assembly line manufacturing as it can be programmed to perform a multitude of tasks."
"We never expected that the monkeys would get so attached to the robot spy much less that they would mourn its death and show great grief over its passing."
"I think Tesla is going to do incredible things. It's basically like a massive large-scale robotics kind of company with a ton of In-House talent for doing really incredible things."
"Tesla's going to solve autonomy. They've won humanoid robots. They've won AGI."
"Roboto: Built to be mighty and programmed to be courageous."
"It feels like the only thing you hear about robots in the news these days is them stealing jobs and doing drone strikes. They never focus on the good things they do, man. It's messed up."
"If robots can do them better and safer and so on."
"This addition helps create a more natural movement making the robot more approachable and flexible in its surrounding environment."
"Tesla's CEO Elon Musk has previously said that most of Tesla's long-term value is going to come from robots."
"With these advancements Optimus plans to become a reliable partner in various application fields from manufacturing to services and even exploring new spaces."
"Programmable life forms... We're looking at the world's first living robot."
"Not so much a motorcycle at all rather a robot that rides motorcycles."
"The idea was to create the humanoid robot to outperform a human's riding ability without performing any modifications on the vehicle itself."
"I've never imagined the world could be so robo-phobic."
"It's actually kind of fun learning life lessons with my robot friend."
"Six years of building my arm, and it was awesome."
"Bishop is programmed not to harm humans and is very honest and open."
"Tesla is basically a robotics company. Tesla is arguably the world's biggest robotics company because our cars are like semi-sentient robots on Wheels."
"There's going to be differences the robot could never recreate."
"I assure you I am not a robot from an intellectual perspective."
"You get these humanoid robots that can do what human beings can do."
"Humans treated robots harshly and the robots killed humans in return."
"The point of these robots is simple: to explore and understand what Mars is truly like on its surface."
"Atlas: the ultimate combination of mobility, agility, dexterity, and speed."
"Building robots that mimic humans continues to spark the imagination."
"Groundbreaking transformation in robotic walking."
"The articulation is pretty unmatched when in comparison to any of the other bayformers that we've seen out there."
"Tiny robots with lasers to clean off the lenses of snowy cameras? Elon approves!"
"Chappie is quickly attacked by a gang of men who see him just as another hated robot."
"Ready Robotics is teaching programming of industrial robots with Isaac Sim."
"I was a roboticist from that day on." - Mark Rober
"Function was everything... but then when it started moving, you'd get the idea that it had some kind of life." - Mark Rober
"The simple story is that there's something making it bounce... then there's a part that you decide where to put the foot... and then there's a third part to keep the body at an attitude that's upright." - Mark Rober
"So as you work on the cognitive aspect of uh of these robots do you think we'll ever get to human level or superhuman level intelligence."
"The potential around AI autonomy and Robotics excites me."
"Optimus could be a thousand times the scale of Tesla's current Automotive business."
"The dream is one day an intelligent robot soccer team will beat a professional soccer team."
"I can't wait till robots integrate into our society."
"Artificial muscles will create even more realistic movements."
"You cannot talk about Tesla without talking about this robotics opportunity."
"Yeah, the Tesla bot world. Built by humans for humans. Friendly, eliminates dangerous, repetitive, and boring tasks."
"BattleBots is where robots fight until they destroy each other."
"Dark Hawk just kind of falls behind a lot of the top tier robots."
"Human-like robots to clean, cook, perform sex. Nothing more amazing than the microwave has materialized though. Name something more amazing than cooking food instantly."
"Technologies like AI, robotics, and blockchain are enriching our lives in unimaginable ways."
"If you can make a robot pass butter with actual neurons, I think you just win the internet."
"Morphing robots useful for a wide range of rescue operations, from swimming like a sea lion to crawling like a gecko."
"Once a robot can perform a task currently performed by a human at the same efficiency, reliability, quality, and endurance at or below cost parity with the human wage, then it becomes useful."
"Robotaxi and humanoid Bots are two massive opportunities."
"These Bots get $25 billion in basic revenue in 2030."
"To make sure the measurement is exactly right, Honma uses a robotic arm to test out their clubs."
"Elon showed off the first time that version one of the Tesla bot walked without a tether."
"Tesla bot will be and may always be the largest market in the world by far."
"Golems are essentially animated creatures that are made of inanimate matter they have no conscience and they act similar to robots."
"We're interested in moving the boundary forward in what robots can do."
"Our concept for the spot mini product is to make a platform, like the Android of robots."
"Robotics is hard, I think it feels like we're making progress if you keep pushing."
"The public's reaction to a humanoid robot is off the scale compared to anything we've done with Quadruped robots."
"We are going to keep pushing on getting the humanoid to do more and more human-like things even though we probably won't commercialize them as soon as we commercialize the other stuff."
"They are collaborating with Dennis Hong right now who is a very famous professor in robotics."
"Look at C-3PO, look at K2SO, these are people. So, it is a little bit of the themes of like Blade Runner or whatever. Where are the limits of humanity? And not, 'Are you human?' They're more human than we are."
"Robots are set to take over the world and you know what they say if you can't beat them join them."
"Building this pavilion was simply not possible without human, robot and AI augmenting each other."
"I love this thing. This thing is amazing. This by itself looks good. I did not expect it to transform into a thing with legs and pistol hands."
"The pulse grenade is the most effective weapon against robotics. Upon detonation, intense electromagnetic pulses emitted severely cripple any robotics within an explosion radius."
"I think that for robots to be capable alongside humans... we may need to actually use Human Experience human learning to inform how robots learn."
"Tesla is hiring for Teslabot development... job listings for engineering positions."
"The potential for Tesla to create a prototype bot... is just off the charts."
"The winning strategy: appoint one robot the lead robot."
"If they do not actually feel emotions like a living creature, they sure do simulate them."
"How can I hate a machine that has no other choice?"
"Droids are only a fearsome thing when they are numerous and march in unison."
"I'm about to experience the most advanced futuristic technology in America. 3D printed food, drone delivery to your doorstep, 9ft tall exoskeleton robot suits."
"There's humor coming in the bots, they're quite clever now."
"The robot mode I think is a really good attempt."
"Robots don't buy new outfits. They don't buy cars. They don't buy things."
"People should be aware of the potential risks associated with AI and Robotics."
"A 60-foot Mecca-style robot takes its first steps in Japan."
"So take your pick, filmmaker said hey let's take Johnny 5 from short circuit and put him in a bleak future with no humans where he's stuck stacking up trash and now I'm depressed as all hell."
"Designing a robot that can make decisions on his own is a pretty scary prospect especially when we're talking about something as big as a car going 60 miles an hour."
"This robot doesn't move on a predictable trajectory like its hard-bodied friends."