
Game Quotes

There are 2457 quotes

"This game takes place where we have to investigate the mysterious disappearances of people within a village."
"I love watching Martinez defend. He reminds me of Vidic."
"Becoming an entrepreneur is the greatest board game you'll ever play."
"Imagine this: you're playing a game of chess, you get up to go and get a glass of water, and return to find that the game has continued without you."
"There's just an energy that I'm seeing surrounding this game that I haven't seen in a very long time."
"Season 4 is the last chance for Diablo I; it's make or break."
"The quiz viewers participate in a heavily advertised new quiz show where the winner earns 100 million yen, but waiting there is a cruel game of death and competition."
"This game has an extremely large and dedicated fanbase."
"That's disgusting. You guys got to drink your drinks."
"I owe you. You're off to a great start with a solid turn one."
"At the end of the game, all the pieces go back in the same box."
"Like in Monopoly, as long as you don't lose it, if you can keep the real estate, put a house on it, and then put a hotel on it one day, you're probably gonna win the game."
"Welcome runs, wide and four. Five welcome runs for Fortune Bor."
"The only way you can beat this game is if you work as a team."
"Every 10 minutes the train is going to come to a stop and one of us is going to have to get off and go steal a car."
"Let's say goodbye to this Academy and this killing game."
"Guys, this is a crazy game where you have 60 seconds to grab all those items."
"I cannot express enough just how fascinating, unusual, and wonderful this game is."
"I won $5500. It was a huge win in a massive game."
"Chess is a mix of tactics, strategy, and harmony."
"Don't die is the most played game in the world."
"We just knocked out an alpha, we just got an alpha!"
"The real Squid Game was inside us the whole time."
"An absolutely brilliant move by Magnus: E5. It cuts circulation, isolates pawns, takes away getaway squares, and frees up other pieces."
"Just a beautiful beautiful ending to that, that was crazy."
"It's a game of life or death which can have only one winner, that's all there is to it."
"Ladies' choice: a light bluffing game about the ugly side of romance."
"Good game everybody, we will be back very soon."
"If I love this game more than this game loved me, I don't deserve to be here."
"Some of the eggs are gonna have candy in them some of the eggs are gonna have a white egg inside on the white egg is either going to be printed Prize or game."
"Name a fruit: insert Apple you would get five points but if you answered strawberry you would get 10 points."
"Life is like a game, just don't expect to be finished anytime soon."
"If all investigators are eliminated, it's an end game trigger."
"Do you want to play a game? Let's play hide and seek with my Chucky haunted doll."
"Little romantic games where it's like they're vampires and I have to woo them like dating Sims."
"24 questions, 12 rounds of trivia. Niche category route moved to round 10 this year."
"Be the change that you wish to see in the game."
"I want to play a game. If you answer the door, I'm going to hurt you. But if you don't, you live."
"I know how to play the game. Maybe I don't know every answer, but I know how to win, and there's a difference between those things."
"They are literally the pawns in a terrible game of dog chess."
"You can checkmate with a knight and a bishop."
"Kind of makes you appreciate the beauty of the game around you a little bit more."
"Chess is a war game played between two people."
"It rewards learning how to play and developing your skills."
"Oh no guys, you have all been devoured by the house."
"I'm gonna go for some intelligence, I suppose that would give me a point in engineering."
"I think Sisters are a strong book, if you get into medium range with Sisters, you're in trouble."
"In the spirit of all things cozy, we want to play a little game we're calling better in sweaters brought to you by Walmart."
"This is—without a doubt—the greatest match of Magic: the Gathering ever played."
"Forest, we might end the nightmare right here, dude that's huge."
"You cringe, you lose, and you are in trouble."
"I've learned a lot of good lessons about the base game. This is a very harsh lesson."
"Literally, someone passed. It's that one face down, pass."
"It's tie game guys, although I didn't lose yet."
"Oxygen Not Included: judging by the insanely positive reviews."
"Human Fall Flat: physics-based unpredictable nature."
"The twist is that this is actually a game in the mind of a little boy."
"You want to view this thing as just a game because...it literally is"
"And now, it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality."
"Taking care of yourself is more important than the game." - Taylor
"Come on, oh man, there we go! Death is dead!"
"Failure and adversity... this game has a wonderful ability to make or break people."
"You wanted this killing game, so you have to win."
"I still think this overall was a brilliant adaptation for what's a truly stellar game."
"This game is very good and it's very compelling. I want to know what happens next."
"Survive, explore, and uncover the secrets of Nightingale."
"Ever since Inner Agent Three, I have a little distaste for Splatoon."
"The dodgeball game was one of my highlights of this arc."
"At the end of the game some people actually had minus 1.7 million. That's honestly quite an achievement."
"The introduction of survival mode brings new challenges and adversaries."
"He Checkmate, he's got it, he's got checkmate."
"Let's begin, shall we? The final death game."
"Congratulations, we finally get a six on the board"
"That battle right there might have just made this the best DLC in terms of cut scenes and story, pretty dang epic."
"Time to face the music, face leshy for the final time."
"This game is evolving so quickly right now."
"This is a classic example of the operator game that we played in first grade and how the message gets altered for each person that hears it and repeats it."
"This is gonna be the most insane Amusement Park Hide and Seek."
"The hustle became fun and exciting; my real edge, I knew it was all a game."
"Understanding the flow of the game is really, really important."
"The best games are the ones where, when it's done, you don't know the right time to leave the field."
"Michelle's best move was realizing she was on a sinking ship and abandoning it to further her game."
"Well, the butler did it, made the best game that's ever been played on house rules, am I right? Congratulations to Tilly who won it for the good team, commiserations to Sullivan who lost, man of house rules, we will see you next time."
"The tables of turn, the game is different now."
"The game is simple: these are incorrect statements about the things that you know and love."
"A game for those who seek to find, a way to leave their world behind."
"This game changed a lot of people's lives."
"You said this was all a game to you. We've chosen to continue."
"It's real, the staircase game is real."
"We made a terrible mistake in starting a game we couldn't quit."
"Dragon's Dogma D Arisen is a 10 out of 10, favorite game of all time."
"Every argument would be solved with a rousing game of Yu-Gi-Oh."
"The game Monopoly has come to life at McDonald's."
"I'm really excited, I would love to get into Arena Rex because it's such a gorgeous game."
"It goes into the course for Quidditch rules, gives you 150 points, and ends the game."
"Welcome to Masterminds, a game of trivia, smarts, and strategy."
"The game of chess is also all about strategy."
"If you like cool lizards, dragons that can walk on water, you're gonna love the game Call Aventia."
"Make this the best celebrity game they've ever had and just do your thing."
"It's a social deduction game where some people will be playing Patriots trying to make patriotic movies and some will be Communists trying to instill propaganda into the films that we are making."
"Tell me your first move when you're playing rock-paper-scissors."
"I am the master of hide and go seek."
"Part of the joy of starting a new Pokemon game is meeting the professor for them to give you a choice of which starter Pokemon you'd like to pick."
"...a game in which a farmer named Puro fights to kill Jesus Christ in a battle against Christianity..."
"It's like a long-lost game of Where's Waldo."
"You may pass one punishment off to another player."
"Witness my true power. Dragon's got game."
"Congratulations on the first example of the tic-tac-toe game!"
"It's a wonderful game isn't it? One day it belongs to the hitters and the next day it belongs to the pitchers."
"If we win this game, you get half of the prize money. Oh yeah, there's no prize money."
"Play the game of life and play the game of self-improvement."
"Play rock paper scissors, loser gets pied in the face."
"This is a great start to our game."
"Golf is a game of patience. Period."
"What are you doing?" "I'm playing Monopoly." "Why?" "I'm trying to get the 'get out of jail free' card."
"Here's how it works: we're gonna do two rounds, each round we have prepared ahead of time two truths about ourselves, things we've done, things we've experienced, and one lie, something we haven't done."
"As long as you keep playing the game, there is a chance to win."
"Life is a game, yeah, we are all just players."
"Every game comes down to a play or two at that level."
"It's my turn to play Eenie Meenie miny mo."
"I married the game, ain't nobody hotter than me."
"I don't know if a point moves the dial enough in our favor, but I think we have to win the game."
"This is called 'Werewolves.' Let's go back to the dining room."
"This game is the ultimate fan service and, as I've hopefully made clear, this is a real ass game."
"Squishmallows do count today, however it's not just gonna be like a free-frow where we grab a bunch because we only have 10 seconds to grab whatever we can find in our colors."
"If it is football season, I highly recommend that you catch a game at one of these two teams."
"Now I'm going to call him back here. I think we've won 18 Dawson total, we got 13 watt Dice and five gold dice."
"If you taught them language in terms of a game, their communication is going to be everything that consists of a game. Challenge, winning, losing, turns, penalties, all that in the third defeat."
"My hustle game sicker than easy geeze on the first of the month."
"You die. Death himself, however, says if you can beat him at a fair game of your choice, you get a second chance at life. What game do you challenge him to? Russian roulette."
"This life is quite a gift but in the end it is just a game. It's a play, it's momentary, it doesn't, it's not forever, and the suffering that we experience is necessary for our spiritual growth."
"You wanna play a [ __ ], let's play."
"There's no way. They should make a game of operation but with this setting."
"Oh, the game's rigged from the beginning. If you win, you're dying."
"Honestly, there's not much I really want to change about this game. It's a pretty solid entry in the Luigi's Mansion series."
"What I liked about it was the actual game. I found the game very easy to understand, the rules very simple."
"The honeycomb challenge: in this game, impatience and steadiness are more important than anything."
"It was an epic game of malicious compliance."
"This game is called Diamond Jewel 234 5x, has a lot of multipliers in it, so I'm sure this is going to be a little higher in volatility."
"Why so elaborate? Because of you, the game."
"The last person to be found wins a mystery prize."
"The game is a badass love letter to a classic comic character."
"Mona wanted to have her revenge and lock up Mary Drake and Alex Drake in uh bunker and kind of detain them to be the ultimate winner of the game in her own little dollhouse."
"They wanted to seem like the winner. They wanted to seem like they were the winner, but when love is a game, no one wins."
"I love that game, like would you rather, I think it's one of the most brilliant games."
"RG3 was back and they were set to face off against the new head coach this time in Bill O'Brien and as the game started it just didn't go well whatsoever."
"The game is 1000 to one. How does this work, you guys?"
"It's not about the game, it's knowing the rules of the game, right? Once you know the rules, I can't trick you, you know. But if you don't know the rules, everything you do is a foul."
"Uh, well, you know, the best thing that happened. Immediately, it has to be The Last of Us 2. What an incredible game."
"Playing their most significant football game in almost a quarter century."
"It's charades. We're gonna act things out. We're gonna guess those things and only one team will be the best at it and they'll be winners."
"Spoiler alert: push it right when they say. The first person that pushes it in the cart gets a ton of bonus points."
"My prize isn't even the million dollars. My prize was that I fell in love in this game."
"There are two imposters among us. Let the games begin!"
"Every time you hit one of the balls it changes the color of all the ones around it."
"...to have their song featured so prominently in such a gigantic game was absolutely massive for the band..."
"Wassup with you? Nothing. Wassup? Wanna play a game? Yeah, sure. I love games. I can give you all this if you can make the water touch the stage. Really? Yeah, I got you. I'll take that."
"Honestly, that's just the epitome of Death Note: a game between two people with many victims getting caught in the crossfire."
"Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard."
"Throughout this game win or lose they will evolve to an extent unimaginable."
"That's a lot of money, but you only have to open two cases."
"How would you approach your life if you knew it was a game?"
"This game was a dream come true for everyone."
"Janu left the game on day 27 so that Stephanie could continue."
"It's a turn-based action strategy game where you battle hordes of walkers with all your favorite TWD heroes."
"Key Quest was a really cool game that basically deserves its own video."
"So, let's play a game, Truth or Dare."
"...whoever pops the opponent's balloon wins. We're getting aquatic."
"This is the most horrifying game of the floor's lava that I've ever seen."
"I have six more chances, six more $1 million cases."
"If you make the bottle flip, you get to cut a string on the other person's phone."
"You really played a great game. And what a great Thanksgiving."
"This Fruit Ninja is Miss ASA, a fruit counter Samurai."
"There's also no time limit guys. Cedric can literally have the entire day to try and find us. It's just the last person hiding wins."
"This is the show where one contestant takes on 100 opponents."
"This person is playing more of a game."
"I think they do genuinely. I think they care it's a good game and good writing."
"Maybe I shouldn't buy this game or I'll consider it if it's a good game."
"...it's like we don't have a lot of voices that are that are trying to change the game like, you know?"
"Hello, Xavier. I want to play a game."
"I like my game today, I don't think I played my best game, but my opponent is a really good player also."
"It's now time for a bonus round we're going to play The Who Are You game someone from Channel 4's illustrious past is going to walk out here and all you've got to do is tell me who they are."
"Duel monsters is a fictional Trading Card Game within the Yu-Gi-Oh series and serves as a central element in the storyline."
"The first game they got us playing is this first impression game, and I feel like it's real soon, but people are giving their genuine feelings about people."
"Lurking Luffy, a very simple minigame."
"It's nothing personal. It's part of the game."
"But if they don't guess the word, they will not get that item."
"The entire game changes when he's on the floor."
"Direct face to face combat: a head-to-head face-to-face battle where each player's goal is to hit the barrel of the opponent, blocking their barrel and winning you the match."
"I've always played the game kind but now I'm like H maybe I want to be the villain that would be so fun."
"Cutie Suzuki had her own game on the Mega Drive and we didn't know anything about it."
"The whole point of the game is try to hypnotize the other person so they can visualize different sets of doors."
"Wordle. Have you played Wordle? If you haven't, you've got to play Wordle."
"He's so incredibly talented. He's got so much game."
"The game hasn't changed, it's got better."
"I've learned to play the game now. I know the rules. Try and check anything at me now; I dare you. I'm really good at this."
"Alright guys, well that's it, my fort's the only one standing still and that's what the game was, so yeah."
"now the only way to not be limited by money is to win the money game for yourself"
"You ever see them hide and go seek titties?"
"'It's like a game. It's like World of Warcraft or The Sims. It's a virtual reality game.'"