
Upbringing Quotes

There are 4712 quotes

"Growing up in an immigrant family, you learn certain values about money. Some are good. Some are not good."
"Life is one big game of perspective, and if you've been raised by parents in an environment and have natural DNA that makes you look at something upside down, I've got to flip it."
"My mother and father raised me such a beautiful way; they always taught me love, respect, God, God first, and work hard."
"I grew up in a place where greatness was expected of you."
"A man or a woman's future is started at home, and most of the time, it starts from the raising of the mother."
"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."
"What's your guys' like biggest passion? I grew up at a Russian Ballet Academy."
"Them kids have morals instilled in right, and that was beautiful."
"We're born limitless; we have limiting beliefs put on us by our parents."
"It doesn't matter how your parents raised you and brought you up. You can have the discipline. You need to decide to do it."
"The sense of independence that I got growing up is my most valuable asset."
"I grew up in the South Side of Chicago. I'm obviously a person of color. I was bullied in school to a degree, and my father always taught me to stick up for myself."
"Being babied all your life, you're not going to have a mentality above a toddler by the time you're ten. That's just common logic."
"Emotional strength and vitality are built through understanding and living the right principles from an early age."
"I grew up very much bought in, a lot of love. My father always told me he was proud of me."
"I always say that my mom raised me to the best of her ability, like she did the best that she was capable of doing."
"I was extremely fortunate with my upbringing. My parents could not have been better role models."
"My parents always...instilled in us as young men to be hard workers."
"It's a big advantage to grow up in a family that doesn't have a lot of money because if you have the unconditional love of two parents and you know you have to do something with your life by yourself, it's a big advantage."
"If the streets raise you, then the judge becomes your mother, and prison becomes your home."
"Most Christians were brought up as Christians from a young age, engaging in rituals like prayer and worship as well as feeling a sense of belonging in a Christian group and household well before reaching an age where they could comprehend the doctrine Christians believe."
"We're all responsible for the babies, and that's how we raise the world, raise the vibe, raise everything."
"It's incredibly easy to manipulate people's emotions, which is why in the past, our culture took very seriously the project of bringing up children who could make decisions on the basis of what would be best for themselves and those around them."
"Everyone's perspective as far as what love is to them is different, you know, I feel like it has a lot to do with how you were raised."
"Grit was part of my upbringing, and I'm actually really grateful for that."
"I remember syrup sandwiches and crime allowances."
"Your parents are the people who love you and raise you and care about you."
"We’re all products of our environment, our upbringing, and the concentric circles of our confirmed biases."
"It's about truly embracing who you are because I think who you are is probably pretty different than how you were raised to be."
"A new generation does not fall out of the sky... They don't materialize out of thin air... Generations are raised by the generation before them."
"I've always been willing to bet on myself. Growing up in Baltimore, that's one thing I learned."
"Being raised to believe something can deeply impact one's beliefs and actions."
"You do see psychopaths who will lead a normal life because their upbringing, all they see is normal behavior. They see loving behavior, and all that, so they try to blend in."
"By your imagination, that which was a mere mental image is changed into seemingly solid reality."
"Parents are the governing authority in how their child is educated," said Senator Amy Sinclair. "Parents are responsible for their child's upbringing."
"Gilman on the other hand probably had one of the best and cleanest upbringings out of everyone."
"I've had a good tough upbringing. Learn to respect people, no matter who they are."
"The point is a good upbringing is the greatest shield against the machinations of chaos."
"A child that has been concertedly cultivated will often express greater social prowess in social situations involving formality or structure."
"Reflecting on my own life, I can see how some parts of my upbringing falls into that middle class parenting style and therefore has influenced my achievements later on in life."
"Our culture, our parents, and mothers are not savages... We as black people in this country literally come from good teachings."
"Fundamentally, you're taught to not trust yourself at all from a very young age. Not trust your emotions, your feelings, your natural inclinations, your fears. Like all of that is considered sin."
"These kids are surviving their home, and that's what I feel like I did, I survived my upbringing."
"Despite all the problems and the misguided ways that we bring up boys and girls, they'll probably still manage to find each other, and there'll be plenty of decent people who will be glad to have a long-term relationship."
"I think helping people's upbringing in their sort of formative years as humans is probably like the biggest thing that you can do."
"I'm not going to come off phony because I'm trying to get you to like me. This is who I am. This is how I was brought up."
"It's a big world out there, and I was really fortunate that my parents always instilled in me this sense of adventure, this sense of inquisitiveness."
"Growing up, my parents provided pretty much everything... I am eternally grateful and thankful for that."
"My mom always taught me to be very proper, private, and to always portray that everything was perfect."
"I think confidence is big... a woman with confidence, good respect, good morals, good upbringing, I think those things are very important."
"I'm the son of a coal miner...no one in my life was ever trying to teach me what to do with money."
"What more of an honor can I do outside of raising my boys up with everything that my grandpa taught me?"
"Many will not understand it, but you have to raise warriors, not parasites."
"Growing up, my mother did teach me to be a wife, but she also taught me to have an education, be able to take care of yourself."
"Traditional nuclear family is the best vehicle we have to raise solid citizens."
"When you have someone who grows up in this sort of situation, it shapes and informs the way that they view relationships."
"So much of what I do is out of guilt and gratitude for how my parents raised me."
"Our childhood is extremely important in our psychological development."
"I wasn't always into personal finance... I didn't grow up in a financially literate household. My parents were immigrants."
"My brother and I were lucky enough to grow up supported by the love and nurturing of our family."
"Human beings are largely a product of their environment and the circumstances inflicted upon them, such as upbringing, education, physical or mental exercise, and many more categories as well, that are all combined to create a sum total of who we are and how we act."
"Children are not born racist... They pick up a pattern of discrimination or prejudice of racism from their parents."
"Don't blame mother and father for what you do... Mother and father may have transferred it, illustrated it, demonstrated it, amplified it, but you took it on by choice."
"A religious, traditionally religious upbringing is a great protector against radicalization."
"I was raised like a lot of people. My mother particularly was a great example of how to listen well."
"I was raised in a Christian home... my mom, she mainly pushed us... I had a drug problem growing up, I was drugged to church... it was a good foundation for me later on in life."
"I will forever and always be that type of girl, that's how my mama raised me."
"What I really love about today's talk is it's an exploration of where anxiety starts, how your upbringing brings you to anxiety, how substances can actually exacerbate things or make things worse, and then also how a lot of things that look like anxiety may be a little bit more diagnostically nuanced."
"We have built a life on the public lands, and my children are healthier, and stronger, and smarter for that."
"It's just something where my wife and I have said this is something that's important to us, we want to instill this in our children."
"Your job as a parent is to prepare your child for society, to be a functioning and productive contributing member of society."
"I grew up with no one but my father... he taught me that nothing mattered more than raw power."
"The most important thing is going to be the kind of household that you have created."
"I was raised by good ass people... but at the same time, like, okay, my mom's side of the family, Mexican, Catholic... and my dad's side of the family, also decent, well-mannered good people, but they're all gang members."
"What an influence a parent has; to a great extent, you mold your children’s lives."
"It takes a village to raise a child. We gotta figure out how we can all work together to make things work."
"You're my son. You're going to do it the right way. That's how it started for me."
"You're right, even if you have a shitty upbringing, it's not an excuse."
"I was never told what I could and couldn't do."
"I grew up in the projects, around messed up stuff every day."
"I prefer to be successful, that's what I grew up with."
"Time on the land, seeing food come from the land, and deep nature connection was just a part of how I was raised."
"I was raised by all girls, so my homies from the block had to raise me."
"Teach my kids confidence to go out into the world."
"It's in my nature. Okay, you taught me well."
"My parents loved me enough to allow me to think."
"Harry and Meghan's children will be brought up under the scrutiny that comes with being born a royal."
"Kids aren't born with hate. It's taught by people like you." - Chris Tyson
"My children have been able to grow up with a deep sense of identity."
"My parents were just big on making sure that I was proud, that I was giving my all to whatever it is."
"Growing up I was a good child, I was a good kid, I wasn't disrespectful, I followed the rules, you know I had fun, but I was a good kid, I listened to my parents."
"He raised men in that and I don't think as kids we're appreciated enough until we got into the next level of life."
"You just cannot be raised for the first six to seven years in an English-speaking home and later on not be able to speak English without an accent."
"There's only two kind of kids you raise kids who will ask for help when they need it or kids who won't."
"And I gotta say that they're not, they have a great life I wish I had their life but they're not spoiled, right? They know how to work, they're willing to work and they're just good people."
"A family, someone in that family under that roof has to love those children, has to hold them accountable, has to call them out on their [ __ ]."
"My mother raised me not to lie, not to ruin somebody else's life to save my own."
"Superman just wants to help people because he's a good person with a good upbringing who just so happens to have powers."
"Growing up in Queens, it's like the number one melting pot in the world, right? That's what shaped my childhood and influenced me to become who I am."
"I grew up very Catholic, very conservative Catholic."
"Life on Alcatraz was similar to those who grew up on a military base."
"She had children with them and they raised these children into adults."
"Destroy the family and there's no opportunity for disciplined raising of children."
"I was raised with three sisters. I'm an only son. I learned as a very young boy to respect women."
"You grew up in a household that was very loving."
"Daniel's childhood experience on the farm instilled in him a strong work ethic."
"I'm excited to explore who I am for real because I feel like I am who my parents raised me to be but, and they raised me right, you know, they raised me well."
"We were raised with God and raised that all people are equal, period."
"I think being polite, especially to others... shows how you were brought up."
"If we as a society change the way we've raised young boys, a lot of toxic masculinity would disappear."
"Everyone of every gender should be raised in a healthy environment."
"Taking part is completely and utterly irrelevant. You win, and ultimately, sport is how I was brought up."
"Growing up with that knowledge makes it very hard to see this as anything but new."
"Morty Jr. would have benefitted from being told the truth."
"Let's take this journey into the history of an only child, a mama's boy raised on a farm..."
"There is nothing your neighbors your community your city your country benefits more from than kind wise virtuous loving children who grow up to be kind wise virtuous Brave loving adults who know their Bibles."
"It's not about individuals, it's about individuals coming together and creating a system that's designed right to help this problem."
"Parents helped shape who you become as an adult."
"Values and principles, my dad taught the right values and principles."
"I always tip mama raised me right, always tip."
"We all believe that when we talk about the children of the community they are children of the community"
"It's what they're taught, it is the fruit of an education system."
"The greatest blessing in my life is realizing I grew up in a home that embraced being a Maverick."
"There's absolutely zero evidence that backs up the idea of astrology impacting your personality. You're not an a-hole because of your zodiac sign. You're an a-hole because you weren't raised properly."
"He'll grow up good and strong and we'll be there to prepare him for a world that can be warm and wonderful but also very strange and cold."
"I mean what a responsibility we have because it is up to adults to train your children."
"I gather the idea is that the children raised in the village know no other reality."
"I just think we have to be more honest and let our kids know as we raise them what actually did happen acknowledge our mistakes."
"My grandmother said, 'You make them, you take care of them.'"
"Raise him in such a way that you can trust their decision."
"Me and Terrell did not grow up in the streets."
"Growing up I had to have some kind of financial stability."
"You wonder, like, where did you grow up, because I would love to grow up where you grew up, like, I am equal and that everything I do will come to pass and my blackness will never be challenged in this country."
"Some of y'all didn't have language police at your house like I did."
"It wasn't a role model, it was more of a concept. Exactly, I understand. Yeah, it was a concept because the way I grew up."
"Politics is just an integral part of your life growing up...you realize that this is all part and parcel of us."
"If you pour love into them they know what love really is, what love really looks like, and they'll have love for self in a real way."
"You're grounded. I mean, that's what comes from growing up in South Dakota, on a ranch, a farm, having the parents that you had. Not everybody's that way."
"It also is an economic issue and it crosses all boundaries."
"Someone punches you, you punch him back harder. That's why I grew up."
"My word is my bond. I was raised right, and when I promise something, I will do it."
"You don't need to have two parents together for a child to grow up happy and feeling loved."
"I want him to grow up in a democracy... what defending and preserving democracy really requires from all of us." - Jocelyn Benson
"It's really valuable to have that proper formal training... my parents did it with me."
"I consider myself very privileged to have grown up in a rural environment, and so very early on, the love and appreciation of the natural world around me was part of my natural orientation to life."
"My parents were always incredibly supportive."
"Anything is possible no matter where you're from, no matter the upbringing and whatnot is possible." - Q Banks
"Katara was raised with love, and allowed to be who she wanted to be."
"I'm a giving loving caring person that's me I've always been that way because I was raised by my great grandma and my grandma and they weren't Rich they didn't have money but they definitely instilled love in me."
"People do have control over maintaining or rejecting moral and religious beliefs they learned as a child."
"Growing up in South Central was tough by many standards."
"I was raised in a legalistic Catholic home. Church on Sunday was mandatory, and all the rules and regulations that go with it."
"Every Nigerian I know is successful here, thanks. Everyone. They move to places where they can be successful. They come from a proud place where they know this is me."
"Values are not just taught, they are caught."
"These kids are going to grow up as dogmatic tribalists."
"When I was raised, it was instilled in me by my mom to do the right thing and to help people in a time of distress."
"Being a disrupter is allowing your kids to be disrupters."
"Find the good and leave the bad, that's just how I was taught."
"I grew up on the east side of Long Beach... a pretty rough part... I fuckin' grew up with a lot of gang activity and stuff."
"What you need to do is not to be no matter about your upbringing or your conditioning..."
"If he has money and doesn't give because you don't ask, that's upbringing."
"Your upbringing and where you come from should not be able to buy you out of the consequences of your actions."
"That's a really smart question, and I think because of my upbringing, I never quite fell prey to lifestyle inflation."
"I grew up in hostels, my friends were my family."
"The child is not born hateful to no group of people on the planet until somebody that's grown tell them they need to hate."
"Confidence, hard work, and humility were instilled in us."
"You're gonna instill these good qualities in your child and it's gonna keep going on and on and on because you guys come from such a good family with a good history."
"The greatest impediment is our thinking, how we've been brought up."
"My mom was a gangster, she taught me and my brothers don't be a punk [__], I'm competing with myself, that's what the G is out."
"Mom raised Shannon and me in the right direction, since childhood she played Kiss and Deep Purple records for us. It was that moment when our formation as musicians began, and in the future it would bear fruit."
"Parents have a right to guide and direct the upbringing of their children, and courts have honored and upheld this right."
"If you've got a culture that refuses criminality and actively raises children to be decent and honest, then you get much lower criminality."
"My dad... he instilled in me the belief that I have to give back... philanthropy has been a huge part of my life."
"If you knew the dad I knew, you'd know he raised me well."
"Make sure he never forgets where he came from and he never doubts that he is loved."
"I feel like your upbringing and who you're surrounded with early on can actually shape you quite big."
"I grew up in a multi-racial, multiethnic town... I didn't think of them as belonging to a race."
"Westmoreland was born and raised in semi-rural South Carolina."
"When I was born my mother told me that I was a winner."
"Being gangster for me ain't something you get put on, it's something that was born in you."
"Tiana's parents did an excellent job imparting their passions on their daughter."
"Beautiful, beautiful, I grew up with just my mother in a housing project."
"Men have literally been trained since birth to do more than enough."
"Mama didn't raise no quitter, not a punk, not a quitter."
"Anything to shock and challenge the squares who brought you up."
"Raised by Pharaoh's daughter in Pharaoh's court."
"This video sharpens the lens of connecting the dots between your present stuck places and how you were raised."
"Parents have a fundamental role in the education and upbringing of their children."
"Everyone expects a 17 year old to know better but if you were born into this situation where your father had some weird obsession with some kid you've never even matched it would shape how you grew up."
"My mom raised me right, she's loved everyone."
"Socializing the child to accepting something that to the child is actually demonic."
"I just want to raise my child to be a decent, honorable, kind upstanding human being."
"Family to me means everything. I attribute that to my parents."
"If people are raised right, they typically do right."
"Grandmothers raised most of the kids in the 90s."
"Any dog can be a bad dog, it just depends on how you bring them up."
"You gotta like nice things when you grow up."
"I am raising my own children now in the best way possible."
"Children are blank slates... raise a boy to believe it's okay for boys to wear dresses, then he's going to be comfortable wearing a dress at home."
"Stalin grew up an only child and son of a poor peasant family."