
Barriers Quotes

There are 726 quotes

"Limiting beliefs oftentimes are so strong that they keep people from even trying."
"The need for the W-GDP is clear, and it's urgent. Too many barriers have kept women from opportunities in far too many parts of the world."
"Your greatest obstacles to prosperity are your thoughts, your beliefs, and most importantly, your expectations."
"The only thing standing in the way between education and thousands of kids in Africa is a simple pair of shoes."
"The world is more interconnected than ever before and it's becoming more connected every day. Building walls won't change that."
"The moment there's a physical barrier, whether it's a wall, a fence, or a river, it doesn't just keep people out, it also entices them in."
"You create your own barriers. It's only you that's doing that because we've all got the freedom to be more authentic."
"There's something holding you back, okay. Yeah, and so this is where I think that like there's that general principle, but I think there's one big thing getting in the way, which is your fear of death."
"I'm Awakening right now. You're done. You can't even trap me with your barrier."
"There are still a ton of barriers when it comes to doing business internationally: language and distance are probably the first two most obvious ones, but there's a ton of other barriers as well."
"Once you're born as a human being, it is natural wanting to break barriers."
"This life sounds so wonderful, there must be some reason it’s out of reach."
"It's the obligation of people like me to say we have to circumvent, we have to move around this wall."
"She will tear down the walls that divide us."
"According to surveys conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, many people don't vote because they are either too busy or have conflicting work or school schedules."
"Women like me aren't supposed to run for office."
"Every time something happens in a relationship that doesn't get talked about or communicated, a brick goes down...slowly you have this whole brick wall and then the bedrooms like you've got a brick wall between you."
"It's a movie that I feel like is about walls between people, between perception, between understanding."
"The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."
"Language is not the barrier that perhaps it used to be, or it's never been quite as much of a barrier as some people may think."
"The feminism of the 70s and 80s chipped away a lot of the institutional barriers that thwarted women in the past."
"What privilege is, is that you may not have to think that being a woman and being a black woman and being a black woman who has a disability, for example, impacts you further. You have more barriers, you have more friction."
"The wall was never intended to keep everyone in. It was to keep the invading humans from coming in."
"People come and they say, listen, I just don't get it. Like, I look around I just see all this opportunity people are not taking advantage of it, and it's because the same barriers, and I'm being so kind with the word barriers."
"Aim for being in control, aim for just breaking the barriers, just doing the same things that men do."
"We innovate to defy barriers and make lives better."
"When people hang out with each other, you break down barriers."
"There's always a solution to a barrier; if there's a barrier, that literally means a solution to it."
"Unchaining an entrepreneur is figuring out the reasons they give for why they can't do something."
"Three things that really hold young black men and women back in America but particularly men for these three things in America today remain education incarceration and discrimination."
"People don't believe in themselves enough for the next level."
"Walls up to protect you are the same walls blocking your blessings."
"We gotta get over this building walls thing... in the long run for Humanity it's not gonna work."
"We can't exist if we continue to build walls, we have to break those walls."
"There's nothing worse than wanting to tell a story or sing a song and not knowing how to do it."
"One of the greatest barriers between people's miracle and their life is the sense of guilt and shame and condemnation."
"Never let a man c***block you from what really makes you happy."
"There's no buying a ticket, you gotta have a creative solution."
"I always yearned for a way to be closer to my pet lobsters. They would always scurry away from my freakish human hands."
"For someone who's a worshipper of Durga, there are far lesser cultural and conceptual barriers for them to understand the highest dharma."
"The barrier that manages to block the strongest creatures of this world from entering is a miracle of magic."
"I believe you are so close to earning money but you just haven't pushed through your own barrier around what it's worth."
"The biggest barrier for companies to move forward is their past success."
"It's important to realize that we were still able to enter the area even though the force field was active during the day."
"Being gay hasn't been an obstacle to pursue great political ambitions."
"Investing is really easy, man. It's all the people who don't want you to win who make it complicated."
"Voter suppression: You want to vote but there are systems in place to keep you from voting."
"Don't let the language be a barrier or a gatekeeper here."
"Your fear of failure is what's going to hold you back."
"The only thing that's ever said in between myself or anyone else and their ultimate dream is themselves." - Dr. Joe Dispenza
"You remove the harm that's been done and the barrier that's between you at this point."
"If you want to do this stuff and if you want it to work, don't set up false obstacles for yourself."
"You are stronger now. You are different. You are the only thing holding you back."
"God's trying to show him I'm a barrier breaker."
"Every barrier I've ever had around exercise..."
"If y'all can have this together like this and y'all can plan and arrange that nobody can get beyond these barriers, y'all had everything it took to organize this a lot better."
"Technological innovation gives us the tools to break down barriers and do what we never thought possible."
"Taking down the barriers to Authentic Living."
"Start before you're ready and if you start before you're ready there's gonna be no, there's gonna be no roadblock in front of you."
"This is how you break down barriers this is how you kick down walls this is how you sneak in the game when they not even knowing that it's happening right you doing it when no one's looking."
"It's obvious you raise trade barriers, therefore you make it harder to trade."
"There's a difference between a wall and a gate: a wall shuts people out, but a gate lets people in."
"Hey, there might be some barriers but if you believe in yourself enough you can achieve in this country."
"Animal Crossing has this nasty habit of everything being hidden behind a paywall... literally everything in the game at some point passes through the bottleneck of bells."
"We broke that barrier because there's no record company that was going to sit down at the table on Tuesday and be like okay what are we going to spend on the dancehall guy."
"I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but some day someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now."
"Heal this because this could be hindering you from getting what you really deserve."
"I've been breaking barriers and I didn't even know it, just by being myself."
"There's more to experience, let's break down and take down some of these barriers."
"It's extraordinary how much this show has broken through some of the barriers."
"We don't need barriers, we don't need to gatekeep anyone."
"This person wants to be there for you authentically, but there's constantly something keeping you from coming together."
"Being a perfectionist is what's blocking you from just beginning the process."
"The only thing stopping you from becoming unstoppable is yourself."
"Evolving is an inside job... it is identifying the barriers that place limitations on who we can be."
"Love somehow goes right through all the barriers and speaks to the essence."
"At some point, you have to overcome that psychological barrier. You've gotta make your experience by winning it."
"When we engage in evil or sin, we build walls between us and our blessings."
"The only thing that's kind of standing in my way... is me."
"Punk's success in spite of everything changed the perception of who could and couldn't be a star."
"Jesus looked around and said to His disciples, 'How hard it is for those who have riches to enter the kingdom of God.'"
"If someone said to me does RFK Jr have a chance I would have to say in the Democratic party nobody has a chance that door is slammed."
"If the only Gatekeepers to movie stardom came from Tarantino and Scorsese, I would never have had the opportunity to lead a 400 million dollar plus movie."
"It's the only thing holding me back from going to therapy."
"The barrier to entry for new players might be a smidgen high."
"This month I'm gonna try to help you get past any barriers that are holding you back from love and this is love with the capital L as I've been saying which is really unconditional love love of the soul love of others love of the planet."
"There's just incredibly negative experience when you come back and you're excited to do stuff and the game prevents you from doing those things."
"You want to make a four-letter word 'wall' when the president said you can call it whatever you want."
"Shirley Chisholm survived three assassination attempts during her run for the United States presidency in 1972."
"Chisholm challenged countless norms and shattered innumerable barriers."
"He's torn down the wall of partition that existed between us."
"Barriers to equal opportunity are bad and should come down."
"Sometimes we create barriers where barriers don't need to be."
"When you learn to get out of your own way, there's no stopping you."
"These power poses can actually create waves around you that allow you to move through different barriers."
"If you have a passion for something nothing should get in your way."
"The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christians and Muslims and Jews cannot stand - these now are the walls we must tear down."
"The greatest impediment is our thinking, how we've been brought up."
"Your 'I can't' was the iron bolt locking that door against you."
"The universe will open doors where there were only walls."
"The wise built bridges, while the foolish built barriers."
"Mental prosperity will bring you to a place where no gender barrier, no religious barrier will stop you."
"Very often speech is just the thing that gets in the way of the thing that's in our brains reaching the person that we're trying to communicate it to."
"It creates barriers for the very people that many of us are trying to help."
"I actually think there's hope. It's very difficult though, and it's very difficult for people to get beyond the barrier to entry in journalism."
"We are getting rid of long-standing barriers to telehealth."
"At a certain point, you gotta lower that barrier of entry to like nothing."
"Understanding longer term principles and healing your brain... you're looking at pretty much nothing blocking you."
"Compliance is the science; one of the biggest impediments is the friction around doing the thing."
"They're feeling frustrated, it's almost like they want to communicate with you, they want that closeness again, but it feels like the divine is kind of blocking that in a way."
"This is a situation of glass ceiling being broken."
"You have to be wise enough to see that what you really want in your life is always going to be walled off from you."
"This version made it so that Beacon beams can go through bedrock."
"Stop blocking yourself, have faith and belief."
"Unlock them from everything that is keeping them down."
"All the obstacles are being broken to open the doors... be integrated within the global system."
"If you refuse to listen to others or meet their reasoning where they say it is, you're not just a useless evangelist, you're an obstacle to progress on the issues that you yourself care about."
"You can't put me in the cage if there's no stairs up."
"They even decide that the wall itself should be taken down."
"Healing the hurts that dim your light starts with a loving and honest self-assessment around where you might be putting up a barrier between where you are and what you want."
"You want to get to a place where you are removing that fear because if I waited till I got to 99 or 100, I'd never release anything."
"The wise built bridges while the foolish build barriers."
"It makes it socially exclusive; it's just another massive filter."
"Music bypasses all of the intellectual barriers."
"Religion can be a barrier to someone's progress in life."
"Usually what holds kids back is the parents."
"Be mindful if you created some barriers to protect your heart which is natural we all do it, just make sure that those boundaries are not preventing love from coming on in as well."
"The misconception people think is preventing them from getting to the next level is often not knowing how to apply knowledge."
"Your task is not to seek for love but to seek and find all the barriers within yourself."
"We're done with that... we're going into the knowledge barrier."
"I want every person to never allow race to be a barrier to you finding love."
"You're no longer letting yourself or other people hold you back from your growth, from your potential."
"Mary Jackson's journey and work has inspired countless women across the country and the world who fight every day to defy odds and break barriers."
"When you put armor on and you keep it on long enough, it's true that can keep a lot of scary things outside but it also can keep a lot of scary things inside and it's a barrier."
"I really like the idea that just like all of us can tear those walls down and allow ourselves to be as expansive as we are as humans."
"A significant barrier to NFT adoption is Ethereum's high fees."
"There is absolutely nothing fundamental that should block us."
"The doors of your blessing will be closed if you are too angry and bitter."
"Your task is not to seek for love but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it."
"There's never a reason good enough for you to just kind of stop yourself or block yourself from working in the right direction."
"That's the number one barrier, fear of failure."
"You can choose to let someone stop you from writing it yourself."
"Clarifying this person's behavior: 'You've got mutual feelings and interests, but something else is holding this from moving forward.'"
"It's important for us to recognize that when we have built walls... they don't come down very easily."
"The reason that people do not pursue their dreams with blacksmithing is always the same."
"China was a trailblazer, she broke all kinds of barriers."
"Your church is not growing. Territorial spirits preventing people from being saved or coming to the church."
"We can't build a bridge with the wall between us."
"Raising capital is way harder and there's barriers that you can't even imagine or wouldn't even think apply to you that they probably do."
"It really does release the barriers to love and release the barriers to actualizing potential."
"So the first of all the barrier to entry is just knowledge it's educating yourself."
"Safety is a massive issue and it's one of the main barriers to entry of taking up cycling."
"I think for a lot of us you feel like my purpose is to be a performer my purpose is to inform people how do I do that if these places that are The Gatekeepers to that won't let me you know"
"Nothing stops him, not doors, lights, or being monitored on the camera."
"I want to go on a journey to kind of beat down the barriers a little bit." - Kieran Richardson
"The fleecing of people at the bottom prevents them from succeeding."
"You gotta find ways to break down these walls with integrity."
"There is no obstacle that can stand in the way of two people who really want each other, aside from probably prison."
"Stop doubting in life because the more you doubt you're putting up these walls and blocks to manifest whatever it is that you're seeking to benefit."
"What walls have you built that actually keep people away?"
"We fear what we don't know, and we're more likely to put barriers when we're unfamiliar with something."
"The mental part holds you more than the physical part."
"To identify the obstacles to execution cannot obey God until you identify your obstacles to obedience you hear what I just said."
"The block is not trusting yourself, it's not trusting the intuition."
"Nothing can actually stop you unless you let it."
"Serena made history being the first African-American woman to win a major in the Open Era."
"You can't get into the building and function in the right way."
"We right up to the door but don't have enough to actually go all the way into the building."
"Anyone can have any excuse, okay? Think about everything that could get in your way."
"It's not about the slip-ups... it's about the steps to getting there and the barriers you might face and how to overcome those."
"That's when we will be a new humanity, when we learn how to let down all of the barriers and boundaries and shields so that we can connect like that."
"This idea of using love to get rid of ego and to go through the barriers I think is real important."
"Breaking down barriers within yourself, barriers to receiving and giving love above all else."
"Every bottleneck and excuse that people have to create content, I want to walk through and show you an AI tool or two that can help you get over that bottleneck."
"The barriers are kind of gone, the walls are gone, the shame, the guilt gone."
"If you communicate what's inside of you in a way where someone can't hear it, you're not going to experience that intimacy. It's like trying to walk through a wall; you're not going to make it through."
"We need to match the support people need to the actual conditions they have and help people live independently and remove the barriers they face."
"Some people are their own barriers to success."
"Defendedness makes us lonely... putting up walls only puts you in prison."
"There are just few too many things that remain public, few places that don't have a ton of barriers."
"They feel that as soon as they can maybe break down some of your walls or barriers, that's when they feel like they're going to be safe to fall in love."
"I think early in life you put up walls and barriers in order to be efficient, in order to achieve success."
"The trouble with trying to find an accessible standard is that a solution for one reader can be a barrier to another."
"The conditions to achieve success exist naturally. All the government can do is diminish those conditions by imposing barriers."
"Breaking down all those walls that Capricorn has up, you know, is well worth it if you are worthy. You know, if you're not worthy, you're never gonna break through those walls, you're just not."
"Bette Davis: a woman who defied conventions and broke barriers."
"There's this strange thing where there are these barriers and these thresholds that are crossed that don't make logical sense."
"The world beyond the walls is the ocean, but the ocean is just another wall."
"It's an important thing to continue to break down these barriers and try to push against."
"I understand why the recidivism rate is as high as it is because of the barriers and the challenges that are associated for those who are coming out of incarceration."
"Something has quite literally been blocking this person from expanding their mind."
"You can't get past this filter like you cannot get past sort of like these safeguards almost that you have put up energetically."
"As much as I want to see the long-term rates come down and fall like a rock, the truth is that there are a lot of barriers to these yields coming down."
"Cultural barrier is a barrier to be overcome."
"The walls we put up block the love we want to receive."
"People often face emotional barriers that keep them from moving forward."
"I believe that we should... move to remove every barrier to international trade."
"So many times we set these barriers up for ourselves to prevent us from actually taking responsibility and stepping up to the plate because that then requires our work our focus."
"The frontier symbolized most dramatically by walls."
"This is by far the easiest learning curve. They've removed so many barriers to get into it."