
Cultural Values Quotes

There are 499 quotes

"Growing up in an immigrant family, you learn certain values about money. Some are good. Some are not good."
"As long as face culture exists, as long as strong social hierarchies and competition, and as long as our definitions of success are tied to wealth, luxury will always be an object of desire in East Asia."
"I'm Japanese. I was raised in a culture where manners matter a lot."
"Growing up, especially in the Asian culture, they tell us to put our parents first, or put our siblings first, or like put family first. But if you're not okay yourself and if you don't take care of yourself first, you can't take care of people around you."
"Taking initiative and taking responsibility is one of our core values in our culture."
"We all should be willing to have a conversation; otherwise, what are we ultimately going to get? Conflict and fracture and the breakdown of cultural values."
"The entrepreneur is valued more than the worker in our culture, which is why people are drawn to MLMs."
"On this island, we have a desire to protect our values and traditions, as we should, but that shouldn't come at the expense of introspection and progress."
"Sacrifice is the highest good and the only reason that our culture has survived... because they understood that the free sacrifice of self for something greater is the greatest good that we can have."
"We have been culturally raised with the collective philosophy that encourages and practices to help one another."
"An Amish woman is expected to serve as a living example of Amish principles."
"The highest value that our culture now has is authenticity, which means doing what you want to do. That's the only value we have. It's not discipline; it's not honoring God."
"A handshake is as good as a contract, your word is your bond... It's followed me through life because it's an East London way of life."
"The fundamental assumptions of Western civilization are valid. It's not you think it's an accident. Which countries do people want to move away from? Not ours. Which countries do people want to move to? Ours."
"There's a sacredness. Even if you don't share these values of sacredness and respecting this object that has some historical significance, I think it is okay to respect people who do."
"People love traditional family values expressed by black people, laced with humor."
"The Cossacks are seen as the guardian of the eternal Russian values of patriotism, God, and family."
"Most of the values that people hold today are doctrines of the Church of Satan more than they do with what we call Christianity."
"You have families that are sticking together, people are taught to work hard in school not get into trouble. I think that translates to why Asians on average are successful."
"Our culture, our parents, and mothers are not savages... We as black people in this country literally come from good teachings."
"Money alone is not the solution, it has to be, obviously, resources, money that is, I think, earned, and then also that is in the context of a culture that has a set of values that can hold it together."
"If you want to protect people, you think that you're going to set what in Judaism you call a fence around the law."
"Americans have a love affair with change, they have a love affair with youth."
"You don't have to understand it; you just have to respect it."
"Filipinos are happy because we love to do our passion, our purpose in life, and that is the greatest reason why we are happy."
"And in literature like the epic of Sinxay, we see the values that define the people of Laos, which is modesty and compassion, and resilience and hope."
"Cleanliness in Japan is something that's taught since childhood."
"Racism is not just conscious hate... it's a set of socio-economic traps and cultural values that are fired up every time we interact with the world."
"Cooking brings family together. That's real. That's real as hell."
"Modern thinkers often failed to realize how indebted Western values of equality, democracy, and science are to Christianity."
"Both cultures scorned luxury and reveled in manly toughness in their early years."
"There's no better way to close, open and close a conversation than Aloha."
"Why is it our culture devalues the people who actually gives us tools to build?"
"The African is really not worried about the European. The Europeans have great armies, great air force... but the material aspect of life is not the only aspect."
"Any educated society will outlaw child marriages."
"Having now to define what we value as essential in a culture, I think, is an existential question that we're going to be grappling with for quite a while."
"Family is the basis for a strong nation, a strong community, and a strong culture."
"Japanese culture often teaches its people to always be doing their best and always be giving it their all."
"We as a people have allowed public school culture and black community culture to overvalue athletes and entertainers and undervalue our children who are academically excellent."
"In Okinawa, there's not even a word for retirement; instead, there's one word that imbues your entire life, and that word is Ikigai."
"Each and every single one of the three Imperial regalia of Japan represents one of the Three core values of the Japanese people."
"He feeds them and has them wash their feet...he treats them hospitably, and there's a blessing as a consequence of that."
"Young Americans for Freedom is dedicated to fostering a culture of decency, civility, respect, and finding common ground and understanding with those who may have a disagreement or difference of opinion."
"And we need to re-inject that into our culture and society."
"Western values are an extension of the Judeo-Christian construct, specifically of Christian New Testament teaching."
"In the absence of Judeo-Christian values, people will fall for anything."
"The hijab is to dignify, to honor, to make a woman known as free, as honorable."
"In Islam, we condemn the objectification of women."
"We've got to say these are the values and the laws of this country."
"It's more about those cultural interests than it is about those class or economic interests."
"Equality must be strived at, and that was our tradition also."
"Convincing five-year-olds to chop off their genitals does not rank among our nation's cherished values."
"The real issue that I wanted to bring up is, is that pioneer spirit still within our hearts?"
"I think even secular liberals don't realize they were raised in a sort of a Judeo-Christian framework, whether it's good or bad is not the point. I'm just saying we shared a lot of these same values."
"Love of country is an extension of filial piety, of the love of your own family."
"Handshakes, hugs, physical interaction like that, I think is a nice thing that's to be respected."
"The Western world needs to hold two concepts strong in order to forestall decadence: personal honor and faith."
"Marriage used to mean something... there is still something special to marriage."
"Personal responsibility is considered a god-given gift in South Dakota."
"Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life."
"Gold, silver, and the like are non-renewable resources to dwarves. Every coin that is minted and traded away, and every gem that is surrendered to the surface world, is one more bit of dwarven prosperity that is unlikely to return."
"I think we have a window right now to reinstill the values of the American Revolution."
"Hip-hop embodies the idea that material success doesn't define your worth."
"I don't care that she does it, she's allowed to do it. It's America."
"Our culture is fighting Injustice. That's our culture."
"We got lucky with Superman who shared our values."
"France says it regards cartoons as a symbol of liberty and vows to keep allowing people to make them." - NTD UK's Neil Woodrow
"Traditionalism has enduring relevance because it's not based on the ideals of one people at one time in one place."
"The people here are the definition of hospitable."
"Wouldn't it be fascinating if we started to value wisdom like we do genius?"
"If there's one thing I do as your next president, when it's ugly, we'll give you the truth. We the people deserve the truth."
"The Second Amendment gives our entire culture teeth. It gives us the ability to protect each other, it gives us the ability to defend ourselves against domestic and foreign enemies."
"Heroic sacrifice is not sad, it is the glory of the warrior."
"If you grow up with cultural values that are British, well these are cultural values that have been inherited and developed."
"There's a lot of documents that are floating around public schools that say things like timeliness showing up on time is a white supremacist value."
"Our cultural heritage as Americans is this DIY belief. We can fix our own things." - Congresswoman Marie Guzenkamp Perez
"It seemed to extend immediately to all that I grew up with believing was America."
"Ram embodies three important values: the value of ethics, the value of sacrifice, and the value of valor."
"The Splendor of the bronze chariots is not merely Skin Deep; they offer a gateway to understanding the technological prowess, cultural beliefs, and societal values of the chin era."
"So long as you're American and abide by the values we have in this country as a culture."
"Why can't we all get along you know what I mean it's the spirit of the Nepalese people which is like a never give up attitude."
"That's all we have at this point, God and our guns."
"Culturally, this matters because Asian Americans... value hard work and family."
"There's nothing wrong with being proud of where you're from."
"No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes."
"Filipinos give and give, and what they want in return is happiness."
"Black men's success is rooted in our ability to respect traditional values."
"Black men's success is a testament to embracing cultural values in relationships."
"What we really want is to restore what Canada always was and always promised to be."
"Our Western values of free speech require that someone like Salman Rushdie can write a book and not fear for his life."
"Guns were tools in our family. They were there for protection from wild animals, or to hunt game. Guns were there for a purpose."
"Driving people from their jobs, shaming dissenters, and demanding total submission from anyone who disagrees. This is the very definition of totalitarianism and it is completely alien to our culture and to our values."
"It seems that this ethos was particularly strong amongst the Roman aristocracy."
"The dwarves have a very powerful sense of duty and loyalty."
"People think that economy is the best, but culture and values are the most important."
"We should make laws that are in line with our traditional religious and philosophical aspirations as a people."
"What can we do differently? Returning to traditional values but in a new way."
"Understanding cultural values and belief in democracy is crucial for resilience against disinformation and propaganda."
"The Free Folk’s value system is right there in their name – they believe in freedom above all."
"Cultural enforcement is more important than anything."
"Tolerance has become maybe the most celebrated virtue of our time, but you've written and spoken several times in the past about the need for a healthy sense of intolerance."
"Every day Kwanzaa. It's not about the 26th through the next seven days. It's about every day."
"We must put pressure on our billionaires to stop funding things that go against our culture."
"Bushido formed a moral code of conduct encompassing frugality, loyalty, and honor until death."
"America is a place that forgives, right? That's why this is such a beautiful place."
"I like a country where people have a sense of humor."
"Everybody gets to define their own success in the way that they would desire. That's what's so special about this nation."
"Fundamentally change the demographics, and you fundamentally change the values."
"We need a spiritual revival in this country. We need to get back to the basics."
"We live in a society where we raise our adulation towards entertainers."
"Bushido could be summarized by eight major virtues: righteousness, courage, compassion, respect, honesty, honor, loyalty, and self-control."
"Maintaining a strong legal and cultural environment that supports free speech is not only essential to the expression of ideas and values we all think are good."
"Hispanics and Latinos are more conservative than they are liberal, especially on issues of values, morals, pro-life, pro-marriage, anti-rioting."
"They once were moral and I don't know about Godly, but they were moral people who upheld the moral beliefs judeo-christian moral values in America."
"Why are we so against someone saying 'Make America Great Again'? Because it insinuates pro-American values."
"This isn't about efficiency or convenience, it's about connection, it's about meaning and tradition."
"Aloha looks like how we treat other people, how we welcome other people, how we love other people."
"The African concept of success is collective."
"Our country allows free speech, our country allows blasphemy, it allows the exchange of ideas."
"That's the core idea of Western civilization and it's the greatest idea that humanity has ever produced, and we can't lose sight of it because if we lose sight of it, we're going to lose everything."
"That is a country that appreciates its heroes. We need more of that."
"Politeness does mean something in Britain today."
"Its ideas of infinite diversity and infinite combinations still matter and need to be heard."
"He's one of the most articulate exponents for the fight and the necessity for distinctive American culture rooted in faith, family, and freedom."
"Certain cultures produce gratitude that builds and achieves versus others that produce resentment and disdain."
"I want values of hard work, personal responsibility, and individual liberty to reign in this country."
"Tradition is something to be embraced in certain areas of life."
"Success has to be redefined in our culture. Success needs to be happiness."
"Liberal democracies have a culture that is worth fighting for and that is good."
"I think married at-home mothers are not just the core of a successful free society, I think in some sense married at-home mothers are the guarantors and creators of a truly human life."
"The honour and ideals that shape the way of the samurai is fascinating."
"In many ways it may be their most important cultural value: Working hard and muddling through to get by is seen as extremely important."
"Our salvation is through Christ. I'm not telling you what church to go to, I'm not telling you even got to go to church, but we must restore Christian values to our culture."
"That civilization of grace is what defined our own."
"India's tradition emphasizes ahimsa and karuna, relevant to the world's problems."
"Entertainment always has to be there. That's the culture that I think we should protect."
"Balance between collectivism and individualism is crucial."
"Tradition is the sum of successful innovations."
"Vulgar information which leads to the worship of money." - This is in stark contrast to what China's president wants his country to represent. President Xi Jinping and the ruling Chinese Communist Party have been running an anti-corruption campaign.
"Forests do tend to have a particular value in the profile of that particular culture."
"There are things in the West that are still sacred, and that is one of them."
"There's nothing more Western than robust debate and free thinking."
"One Country Two Systems, and that was the dividing line between maintaining western values."
"Brazilians tend to focus on happiness as your goal of life, and British people tend to focus more on achievements and accomplishments."
"We've got to get back to standing on God's word and not man's word in this culture."
"Free speech is a principle. It is a social and ethical principle that applies to Western cultures."
"Boris Johnson was a token right wing around cultural values."
"Christmas isn't about goods and toys and all that, it's about the spirit of coming together and celebrating something that America [ __ ] hates."
"This aversion to debt is a cultural trait, with the German word for debt being the same as that for guilt."
"I'm famous for promoting classic liberal British values."
"We don't want to lose the... things that are cool right?"
"What a religion most prizes is the key to unlocking what is the soul of that civilization."
"In the West, there's respect for individuals and recognition that the state has limits."
"This is about a service to the people, to the country, to our culture, our customs, our longevity here."
"Culturally, embrace ascension... minds, bodies, spirits."
"The left cares about the culture, even if you don't."
"A return to righteousness returning to the land."
"Their values correspondingly revolve mainly around strength, determination, and loyalty."
"In Asia, it's all about keeping your word. Handshake is the contract."
"Notre Dom stands for so many qualities that we now lack: patience and staying power, the cultivation of beauty, a deep religious faith..."
"Takeo is super loyal to the Emperor and he writes that it's been several months since he's last received orders from the Emperor."
"Be peaceful, be courteous, obey the law, respect everyone, but if someone puts his hand on you, send him to the cemetery. That is Americanism."
"Elephant as a symbol of wisdom and compassion."
"Japanese soy sauce maker finds a way forward through optimism and generosity."
"A society of Muslims is better than non-Muslims that are kind of just looking for the right path."
"All life is sacred in India, especially holy is the cow."
"It's so sad to watch victim actually be the highest status one can achieve. Our culture now values victimhood above all else."
"Apart from an education in Christianity rooted in the Bible, the only other thing that can give you a good Western moral core is Western literature."
"Moving back toward values, ideals, and knowledge as the first tenant."
"Culture should encourage making sacrifices for long-term gain."
"Why do they see our own traditions, our value systems, the principles which are embodied in our great philosophy, as vital?"
"I still feel like I have more to offer this world, and it's um, you know, it's a challenge to go out there and say, 'Oh, you know, I want to make the world a better place.' It's actually kind of a very Jewish thing."
"Bringing back the aloha, and especially bringing back that mindset of caring about others."
"The judeo-christian ethos doesn't belong necessarily to jews or christians it belongs it's a it's a value system it belongs to anybody who wants to imbibe in it and live by it and have a good successful life."
"Aloha spirit is what has the power to defeat that darkness with that love and care for each other and that love for our country."
"For our children and for their schools, we must win this culture war."
"A healthy love for our faith, our family, and our country is essential for preserving our freedoms and values."
"They had a unique attitude to death, considering it a badge of honour to be killed in battle, while survival in defeat was a humiliation."
"Loving the Canadian values is all it means to be Canadian."
"American values essentially are tolerant. The left values are not as tolerant."
"Nobody feels coerced. That's the magic of the hunter-gatherer culture."
"I want to lean into the very root that our Founders and our forefathers and mothers said was indispensable."
"It is in the stories we cherish, in the legends we believe, and in the myths we retell that those contradictions are debated and our values are tested."
"Everybody is Newton, Darwin, and Einstein and so there is no modulation of any epistemic humility and that to me is a personal affront, it really angers me."
"The magic of the Western experience has been that we created a set of foundational values, including elevating the individual above the collectivist tribe."
"Trickery was a well respected heroic trait when used in moderation."
"Chancey Williams said it best, the world needs more Cowboys."
"We always focus on the positive, the positive spirit, the positive American tradition."
"There are cultures out there that legitimately think that women are half the value of a man. These are things that no matter where you go in the Western world, we should be upholding." - Elijah
"Smart men marry smarter women. Highly cultivated people marry other highly cultivated people."
"So I would go ahead and do your 15% all in the Roth 401k now."
"We are creating a lot of regulations but we are not having the values inside the people."
"The Masai relationship with their cattle is not merely economic but also spiritual."
"Eastern cultures idolize feminine features more than just masculinity."
"I love how individualism is valued in the US."
"There's something very powerful about long hair, I think it needs to come back."
"Destination Africa encompasses patience, unity, and respect."
"I was determined, we fought for that wholesomeness."
"Athletes are not woke... it is through traditional values that most athletes end up dominating."
"Bloodlines and genetic ties meant something very real and important."